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1、虚拟语气三大板块含有条件状语从句的复合句名词性从句宾语从句S.+wish(would rather)+宾语从句S.+suggest(demand )+宾语从句主语从句It is + adj./p.p/n.+ that+ S+ (should) +do表语从句S.+ is that +s. + (should) +do同位语从句S.+that +s. +(should) +do定语从句It is high/about time that +s.+ should do sth.(did sth)两种形式1.时态后退型用一般过去表示现在用过去完成表示过去用过去将来表示将来2.should+动词原形型

2、语法专题十三:虚拟语气与情态动词情态动词和虚拟语气是高考重要考点,2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲附录语法项目表中列出了虚拟语气以及情态动词。2015年高考全国卷第79题(短文改错)考查了情态动词must后面接动词原形。2016年高考全国卷没有考查情态动词与虚拟语气。2017年高考全国卷没有考查情态动词与虚拟语气。知 识 框 架77 一. 含有条件状语从句的复合句(以do为例;S=主语) 时间条件状语从句主 句现在If +S+did (were)S+would/should/could/might +do过去If +S+had doneS+would/should/could/mig

3、ht +have done将来 did(were)If+S should do were to doS+would/should/could/might +do例如:If I were you, I would apply for the job. If I had the money, I would buy it.If I were given another chance,I would do it better.If I had taken your advice, I would have made great progress.If it had not been for your

4、 help, I wouldnt have finished the work so easily.If it should rain tomorrow,I would stay at home all day.If you were to come tomorrow,I could wait for you at home.注意:在书面语中,条件从句可以不用连词if,而将谓语中的were,had或 should 等移至主语之前构成倒装句。例如:Were I you, I would apply for the job. Had I taken your advice, I would hav

5、e made great progress.Should it rain tomorrow,I would stay at home all day.二、错综时间的条件句 虚拟条件句中的主句和从句涉及的动作发生的时间不一致,这时主句和从句的谓语形式应按照各自动作发生的实际时间来表达。例如:If you hadnt watched TV yesterday, you wouldnt be so sleepy now. (从句yesterday说明过去,主句now说明现在)If they had left home early this morning, they would arrive in

6、half an hour. (从句说明过去,主句说明将来。)If you hesitated this moment, you might suffer in the future. (从句说明现在,主句说明将来)三、含蓄条件句非真实条件句中的条件从句有时不表达出来,只暗含在上下文中,这种句子叫做含蓄条件句。含蓄条件句有三种情况:1条件暗含在单词短语中:常见介词有with假如有, without假如没有, but for要不是因为; 连词有or/ otherwise(前句用陈述语气,后句用虚拟);but(前句为虚拟,后句陈述)例如:He would not get such a result

7、without your help. (条件暗含在介词短语without your help= if you hadnt helped him中)But for you, I could not be recovered so soon. (条件暗含在But for you= If you hadnt helped me中)He must have been there, or he never could know the place so well.(暗含条件是连词or;后句为虚拟)I would have been to your place, but I was really too

8、busy.=I was really too busy, or/ otherwise I would have been to your place. She was ill, otherwise she would have been present at the meeting. (条件通过连词otherwise/ or表示出来 If she had not been ill.)2条件可根据上下文推理出They could have won.(条件可能是if they had been patient )Such mistakes could have been avoided.(条件可能

9、是if you had been more careful )Why didnt you tell me about it I should have helped you.(条件可能是if you had told me about it)- Did you go to see him yesterday? - I would have, but someone come to visit me.(条件是if no one had come to visit me)3条件用其他形式来表示Suppose you were in my shoes, what would you do? (用su

10、ppose/ supposing/ providing等词表示if)To talk with her, you would know she could not hear well.(不定式有假设的意思,相当于If you should talk with her.)Left to himself, he could not have finished the work.(动词的-ed形式表示条件 If he had been left to himself.)二. 虚拟语气用在宾语从句中 sb. did(were)(表现在) 1. wish+that sb. had done (表过去) s

11、b. would/could do(表将来)例如:I wish I knew his address.I wish he hadnt been rude to his parents.He wishes we would go with him.2.would rather后的从句要用虚拟语气。时 间从 句对现在的虚拟were, did (一般过去时)对过去的虚拟had done (过去完成时)对将来的虚拟were, did (一般过去时)例如:Id rather you posted the letter right away. (现在) Id rather I hadnt said suc

12、h unkind things to you.(过去)Id rather you came here for the answer tomorrow .(将来) 3. 表示“坚持、建议、决定、要求、命令”(“坚决要命”)等主观意向的动词之后的宾语从句,谓语用shoulddo,should可省略(注意:被动语态用should+be+done)。这类词有:insist,suggest,advise,recommend,propose,decide,determine,demand,request,require,desire,order,command等。例如:The expert propose

13、d that TV should be turned off at least one hour every day.Experiments demand that accurate measurements be made.She insisted that we should take up the matter at the meeting.注意: 1. suggest 表示“暗示、表明”时,用陈述语气。 2. insist 表示“坚持说、坚持认为(某个事实)”时,用陈述语气。例如:Your pale face suggests that you are ill.He insisted

14、that he hadnt stolen the money.三. 虚拟语气用在主语从句中It is demanded / necessary / a pity + that等结构的主语从句,谓语动词用should do,should 可省略。(注意:被动语态用should+be+done)。It +be可用的词有三类 thatS+(should) dosuggested,ordered,required,proposed,demanded,requested,insisted等(“坚决要命”)important, necessary, natural, strange等a pity, a s

15、hame, no wonder等例如:It is required that the students should not use mobile phones in their school.Its necessary that college students should master at least one foreign language.四虚拟语气用在同位语从句中。 表示“坚持、建议、决定、要求、命令”(“坚决要命”)等主观意向的名词后同位语从句需用虚拟语气,其表达形式为should do,should可以省略(注意:被动语态用should+be+done)。这类名词常见的有:a

16、dvice,suggestion,proposal,order, demand,desire,request,requirement,recommendation等。例如:He gave orders that the work (should) be started at once.We are all for your proposal that the discussion ( should ) be put off 五 虚拟语气用在表语从句中。表示“坚持、建议、决定、要求、命令”(“坚决要命”)等主观意向的的名词作主语时,表语从句需用虚拟语气,其表达形式为should do,shoul

17、d可省略(注意:被动语态用should+be+done)这类名词主要有:advice, suggestion, order, proposal,demand,desire, request, requirement, recommendation等。例如:My suggestion is that the mayor (should) present the prizes. His plan is that he should pass the exam first.六 虚拟语气用在定语从句中It is(about/high)timethat sb.did sth/should do sth.

18、 (注意:本句型中should不可省略)例如:Its about time that we went home.Its high time that we should go home. 注:在It/This/That +be+ the first timesecond time that句型中,从句中谓语动词用完成时态。例如: This is the first time that I have visited Hongkong.That was the third time that he had made the same mistake. 七. 虚拟语气用在让步、方式、目的、不用if的

19、条件状语从句中 1在带有even if/ even though引导的让步状语从句的主从复合句中,主句和从句都用虚拟语气,动词形式与含有非真实条件句的虚拟语气相同。例如:Even if he had been ill, he would have gone to his office. I wouldnt buy it even though I had money. 2.由as if或as though引导的状语从句表示比较或方式时。从句谓语形式为动词的过去式(be用were)或 “had十过去分词”。例如: He treated me as if I were a stranger. Sh

20、e talked about the film as if she had really seen it. 3虚拟语气用在lest(唯恐、免得),for fear that及in case引导的目的状语从句中。 在由lest等引导的目的状语从句中需用虚拟语气,表示“以防,以免”等意思,其谓语动词多由“should 动词原形”构成,should也可省略。例如: He was punished lest he should make the same mistake againHe handled the instrument with care for fear (that) it should

21、 be damaged.Take some more money with you in case you should need it. He can use the car on condition that he should return it tomorrow. 八虚拟语气用情感语言中 If only sb./sth. +时态后退型的谓语。例如:If only you were here now. If only I had known the result of the examination.九情态动词+have done的其他用法1.must have done :肯定/一定做

22、过(某事)。例如:It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.You must have been mad to speak to such a fool. His i-phone must have been stolen by someone,he couldt find it anywhere.2.cant/couldnt have done:不可能做过(某事);一定没做过(某事)。例如:I didnt see her in the meeting room this morning. She couldnt have at

23、tended the meeting.He cant have gone abroad,I saw him a moment ago.3.may/might /could have done:可能做过(某事)。例如:He may/could have broken up with his girlfriend.He might have given you help, even though he was busy.4.may/might not have done:可能没做过(某事)。例如:He may not have seen that film.They may not have kn

24、own it beforehand.5.should have done/ought to have done:本来应该做某事(而没做)。例如:You should have finished your work on time.I ought to have gone home last Sunday.6.shouldt have done/oughtt to have done:本不应该做某事(而做了)。例如:You shouldnt have put your book on the bed.He oughtt to have blamed you,its not your fault.

25、7.could have done:本来可以做某事(而没做)。例如:You could have passed the exam,you were too careless.He could have worked in Wuhan after graduation,but he decided to work in the remote countryside.8.neednt have done:本来没必要做某事(而做了)。例如:You neednt have come so early.You neednt have taken my umbrella on such a fine da

26、y.9.would have done :本来会做某事;就已经.例如:He would have come to help me ,but he was too busy then.If I had taken your advice, I would have made great progress. 高考短文改错及语法填空分析与训练虚拟语气与情态动词 考点规律分析:短文改错及语法填空对虚拟语气和情态动词的考查主要涉及情态动词的选择、情态动词的否定表达、情态动词后面接动词原形、should+动词原形构成的虚拟语气以及时态后退型的虚拟语气。 虚拟语气短文改错及语法填空真题训练:1(2016全国

27、,阅读A)When Sandra Day OConnor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School in 1952, she _not find work at a law firm because she was a woman.2(2016全国,短文改错)We can chose between staying at home and taking a trip.3(2016全国,短文改错)Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby.4(2016北京

28、,31)I love the weekend, because I_get up early on Saturdays and Sundays.5(2016浙江,17)George _(go) too far .His coffee is still warm.6(2015北京,29)Cant you stay a little longer?Its getting late.I really _ go now.My daughter is home alone.7(2015浙江,4)It was so noisy that we _ not hear ourselves speak.8(20

29、15重庆,12)You _ be Carol.You havent changed a bit after all these years.9(2015陕西,21)You _feel all the training a waste of time,but Im a hundred percent sure later youll be grateful you did it.10(2015四川,2)You _ be careful with the camera.It costs!11(2015福建,27)Sorry, Mum! I failed the job interview agai

30、n.Oh, its too bad.You _ have made full preparations.12(2015天津,7)I _have worried before I came to the new school, for my classmates here are very friendly to me.13(2014北京,27)_ I have a word with you? It wont take long.14(2014湖南,25)Ive prepared all kinds of food for the picnic.Do you mean we_ (not)bri

31、ng anything with us?15(2014江苏,31)It was sad to me that they,so poor themselves,_bring me food.16(2014江西,30)Life is unpredictable;even the poorest _become the richest.虚拟语气短文改错专项训练:1. It is high time that you leave for Shanghai.2. She suggests that her brother not goes to college.3. The judge insisted

32、 that the spy was put in prison.4. How I wish I am as strong as you.5. It is necessary that the patient is sent to hospital right away.6. If he hadnt been caught in the storm yesterday, he will not be ill now. 7. If I am you, I would give him a good beating.学习札记:虚拟语气短文改错及语法填空真题训练:I.1could根据句意:当桑德拉在法

33、律学习毕业之后,因为她是女人,没能在法律公司找到工作。2chosechoose考查动词原形。根据语法知识可知,情态动词can后要用动词原形。3去掉can或canshould考查固定表达。suggest表示“建议”,后面的宾语从句要用should do形式,should可以省略,故答案有两种改法。4neednt考查情态动词。句意:我喜欢周末,因为每逢周六、周日我不需要早起。5cant have gone考查情态动词。句意:乔治不可能已经走得太远。他的咖啡温乎。cant have done表示对过去否定的推测,意为“不可能做了”。6.must句意:你不能再多待一会儿吗?天要黑了,我真的现在必须走了


35、糟糕了,你本应该做好充分准备的。考查情态动词have done的意义。根据上句的面试又失败了,可知是对过去事实的虚拟。should have done本应该做但是没有做。12neednt句意:在来到新学校前我本不必担心,因为在新学校我的同班同学对我很友好。考查情态动词。neednt have done.本不必做的事做了。13Can14.neednt15.should16.might虚拟语气短文改错专项训练:1. leave改为left。It is time后面的从句动词要用虚拟语气。谓语动词用过去式。2. goes改为go。suggest表示“建议”,后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气。谓语动词用原形。3. was改为be。宾语从句要用虚拟语气。4. am改为were。wish后面的宾语从句需用虚拟语气。5. 第二个is改为be。主语从句要用虚拟语气。6. will 改为would。此处要用虚拟语气。7. am 改为were。这是一个与现在情况相反的一个假设,要用虚拟语气。


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