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1、Sports,1035,basketball,Rebound n. 篮板球 Score a basket n.投中得分 Slam duck n. 灌篮 Stop jump shot n. 急停跳投 Tip shot n. 补篮 Time-out n. 暂停 NBA- National Basketball Association n. Finals MVP: 总决赛 最有价值球员 Blocked shots:盖帽 Half-court bullfight: 半场球赛;bullfight:斗牛(三对三),Sentence interpreting,1.篮球在世界上是一种最普及的体育比赛及观赏性的

2、集体运动项目 Basketball is the most widely and watched team game in the world. 2.It has been over one hundred years since basketball was first introduced in China. Now its all over the cities and villages throughout China. 蓝球传入中国已有一百多年的历史,当今篮球运动覆盖中国城乡地区,3. Do you like to play full-court or half-court 你喜欢打

3、全场还是打半场? 4. Did you watch the NBA action last night? 你昨天晚上看NBA比赛吗? Yes, Huston Rocket vs. Los Angeles Lakers. I bet it was the most exciting game I had watched. 是的,休斯顿火箭队对洛杉矶湖人队比赛。我敢打赌那是我看过的最精彩的比赛。,Football,Stadium 体育场 Versus -对- Supporter 支持者 Center field 中场 Corner kick 角球 Foul 犯规 Free kick 任意球 Goa

4、l 球门,进球得分,1.At times, they gain ground. But the defense of the home team is well-organized. 他们经常会逼近对方球门, 但对方的防守组织很好。 2.足球世界杯是足球爱好者最大的体育盛事。 The World Cup football is the biggest sports event for football fans.,3. Both sides fought hard for the winning goal in the second game. 下半场双方争夺非常激烈。 4.中国足球努力实现冲

5、出亚洲,走向世界的梦想。 The Chinese football team realized their dream of dashing out Asia and walking up to the world.,badminton,Return 回击,反击 Serve 发球 Short low serve 发短球;deep high serve 发长球;driven serve 发平球 forehand 正手 touching the net 触网 hard smash 大力扣杀 right to serve 发球权,1. How many games are there in a ma

6、tch? 一场比赛打几局? A match consists of the best of three games. 一场比赛三局两胜。 2. badminton can be played by two people in singles or by four people in doubles or mixed doubles. 羽毛球有两人单打或四人双打和混合双打。,fitness,1. workouts will make you feel young, fresh and energetic. 健身会使你感觉年轻,轻松,精力充沛。 2.你会发现做些运动对你有好处 Youll find

7、 a little exercise would do you good.,Passage two words,1. in relation to sb/sth. 与某人(某事)有关 This spaceship can be regarded first-rate in relation to the technology. 就技术而言,这艘飞船可以说一流的。 2. no wonder 置于句首,译为“难怪”,类似表达还有little wonder, small wonder Small wonder he speaks English so well. 3. stimulate 激发 Ca

8、rtoons may stimulate childrens imagination to some extent. 卡通片在一定程度上可激发儿童的想象力。,Passage two E-C 1506,Welcome to my lecture. My topic today is “Sports in Australia”. 欢迎各位来听我的讲座。今天我的题目是“澳大利亚的体育运动”。 In relation to its population, Australia holds an outstanding position in sport. It owns many and varied

9、world champions. Im sure the wonderful achievements by Australians in Sydney Olympic Games impressed all of you. 按其人口比例来说, 澳大利亚在世界体坛上的成就就是非常出色的。 它在很多体育项目上都拥有相当多的世界冠军。 相信各位对澳大利亚人在悉尼奥运会上创造的辉煌成就记忆犹新。,Many Australian youngster, including boys and girls, begin playing regular competitive sports at the te

10、nder age of eight or under. Thousands of youngsters can be seen each weekend joining in football, cricket, tennis, basketball and particularly, swimming competitions. No wonder Australians have so many swimming geniuses, like Ian Thorpe. 澳洲许多青少年, 不论男女,从8岁甚至8岁不到就开始参加正规的竞技项目。每个周末, 成千上万个孩子进行足球, 板球, 网球,

11、 篮球, 尤其是游泳比赛。难怪澳大利亚 拥有诸多伊万 索普之类的游泳天才。,Sports play an important part in school life, where a half day a week is usually devoted to inter-school competitions. People are fond of watching horse-racing, football, tennis and car-racing. And extensive reports from television, newspaper and radio constantl

12、y stimulate public interest. 体育在学校生活中占有重要地位。学校每周都专门留出半天时间,用于校际比赛。 人们喜欢观看赛马,足球, 网球和赛车。与此同时, 电视,报纸和广播里的大量报道不断激发人们对体育的兴趣。,Popular water sports include swimming, sailing, surfboard riding, water-skiing, diving and fishing. In winter, snow sports have become popular and facilities in the snowfields have

13、developed rapidly in recent years. More and more overseas skiers are coming to Australian snow resorts when the northern hemisphere is in winter. Thats all for my lecture. Thank you for your attention. 游泳, 航海,冲浪, 潜水和钓鱼是广受欢迎的水上运动。冬天 雪上运动也流行起来。近年来,雪场设施迅速发展。当北半球是炎炎夏日时,越来越多的外国滑雪者来到了澳大利亚的雪山胜地。 我的讲座到此为止,谢

14、谢各位。,C-E,福娃是北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物,其色彩与灵感来源于奥林匹克五环,来源于中国辽阔的山川大地,江海湖泊和人们喜欢的动物形象。 福娃向世界各地的孩子们传递友谊,和平,积极进取的精神和人与自然和谐相处的美好愿望。 Bearing the same colors of the Five Olympic Rings and inspired by the images of the landscape and popular animals in China, the five Fuwa will serve as the Official Mascots of Beijing

15、 2008 Olympic Games, carrying a message of friendship and peace-and blessings from China- to children all over the world,福娃是五个可爱的亲密小伙伴,他们的造型融入了鱼,大熊猫,藏羚羊,燕子以及奥林匹克圣火的形象。 Designed to express the playful qualities of five little children who from an intimate circle of friends, the five Fuwa also embody

16、the natural characteristics of four of China s most polular animalsthe Fish, the Panda, the Tibetan antelope, the Swallow- and the Olympic Flame,每个娃娃都有一个琅琅上口的名字:贝贝,晶晶,欢欢,迎迎和妮妮, 在中国,叠音的名字是对孩子表达喜爱的一种传统形式。当把五个娃娃的名字连在一起,你会读出北京对世界的盛情邀请北京欢迎你 Each of the Fuwa has a rhyming two-syllable name a traditional w

17、ay of expressing affection for children in China. When you put their names together- a Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni they say “ Welcome to Beijing”, offering a warm invitation that reflects the mission of the five Fuwa as young ambassadors for the Olympic Games.,福娃代表了梦想以及只能中国人民的渴望。他们的原型和头饰蕴含着其与海洋,森林,火,大地和天空

18、的联系,其形象设计应用了中国传统艺术的表现方式,展现了中国的灿烂文化。 The five Fuwa also embody both landscape and the dreams and aspirations of people from every part of the vast country of China. In their origins and their headpieces, you can see the five elements of nature: the sea, forest, fire, earth and sky. These image have u

19、sed Chinese traditional art to exhibit Chinese splendid cultures.,Useful expressions,NBA MVP blocked shot rebound Slam dunk half-court bullfight hit a strike butterfly-stroke back-stroke freestyle stimulate submit prospect give it a second thought derive abundant advocate immigrant anniversary cultu

20、ral shock cultural difference survival kit,美国职业篮球联赛 最有价值球员 盖帽 篮板球(n.) 灌篮 半场球赛 全打 蝶泳(n.) 仰泳(n.) 自由泳(n.) 刺激,激发(v.) 提交,递交(v.) 前景,前途(n.)) 重新考虑 源于,源自(v.) 丰富的,充裕的(adj.) 提倡,主张(v.) (从外国来的)移民(n.) 周年纪念(n.) 文化冲击 文化差异 救生包,Useful sentences,1. Lets play man-to-man defense, and Ill mark this guy. 2. I scored a poi

21、nt from a jump-shot. 3. Their guards were in front of me every time I tried to shoot . 4. Lets get a few people together for a half-court bullfight. 5. This bowling alley has got 36 lanes and there are always some free. You neednt book. 6. Do you want to wait in line, or find another alley? 7. Thats

22、 the second time Ive struck out this round. 8.You should hold your arm and wrist straight. If you dont have a solid wrist, you will never be able to control the ball.,9. Ill take you to my favorite pool, an indoor and heated one, very clean. 10. I get water in my cars when swimming the back-stroke a

23、nd I havent how to control my breathing. 11. Im very pleased to get the chance here to introduce you the sports in some English-speaking countries 12. workouts will make you feel young, fresh and energetic 13.For schoolboys, they play rugger or soccer in summer and cricket in winter, while girl play

24、 tennis and a sort of baseball in summer and hockey in winter 14. the city which hosts the Games welcomes the whole world with open arms. 15. if no city is successful in gaining a majority in the first vote, the city with the fewest votes is eliminated.,1. Lets play man-to-man defense, and Ill mark

25、this guy. 咱们采取人盯人战术,我盯这个人。 2. I scored a point from a jump-shot. 我跳投得了一分。 3. Their guards were in front of me every time I tried to shoot. 每次我想投球的时候他们的防守都挡在我面前。 4. Lets get a few people together for a half-court bullfight. 咱们组织几个人打场半场球赛吧。 5. This bowling alley has got 36 lanes and there are always s

26、ome free. You neednt book 这个保龄球场有36条球道,一直都有空余的。你不需要预定。 6. Do you want to wait in line, or find another alley? 你想在这排队等等,还是另外找一个球道? 7. Thats the second time Ive struck out this round. 这是我这一轮里第二次不中出局了。 8. You should hold your arm and wrist straight. If you dont have a solid wrist, you will never be abl

27、e to control the ball. 你应该保持胳膊和手腕笔直。如果手腕不稳固,你就没法控制球。 9. Ill take you to my favorite pool, an indoor and heated one, very clean. 我带你去我很喜欢的游泳池,它在室内,有加热系统,而且环境很清洁干净。 10. I get water in my ears when swimming the back-stroke and I havent learnt how to control my breathing. 游仰泳的时候我的耳朵会进水,而且我还没掌握怎么调节呼吸。,11

28、. Im very pleased to get the chance here to introduce you the sports in some English-speaking countries 非常高兴我能有机会在此向各位介绍一些英语国家的运动 12. workouts will make you feel young, fresh and energetic 健身会使你感觉年轻,轻松,精力充沛 13.For schoolboys, they play rugger or soccer in summer and cricket in winter, while girl pla

29、y tennis and a sort of baseball in summer and hockey in winter 对学校的男生而言,夏季他们打橄榄球,踢足球,冬天打板球;女生们在夏天打网球和一种棒球,冬天则是打曲棍球 14. the city which hosts the Games welcomes the whole world with open arms. 主办城市张开双臂迎接整个世界。 15. if no city is successful in gaining a majority in the first vote, the city with the fewest votes is eliminated. 如果第一轮投票中没有一座城市获得多数支持,则得票最少的城市被淘汰。,


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