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1、高考题型拆分组合练(八)知识运用精准练.完形填空 From a young age,my parents have taught me the importance of giving generously to the less fortunate.Out of 1 ,whenever there is something I can 2 ,I give it to someone on the streets.Last week, 3 I left the house to run a few errands (差事) ,I carried with me some old clothes

2、,some food and a handbag to hand over to someone 4 .As the car 5 at a traffic signal,I saw a girl of five or six asking for money.I 6 her to come to me and quickly 7 all the things I had.As I started handing them over,she seemed 8 .She looked up at me with a sweet smile on her face and asked what wa

3、s in the 9 .I told her there were some clothes and food for her. 10 she looked up at me and asked,“Can you give me some water?” It was then that I noticed her 11 lips.It seemed as if she had not had a drop of water all day.I 12 my bottle of water that I always carried with me and helped her to drink

4、 from it.She finished it quickly and gave me a heartwarming smile of 13 . I was thankful that I could 14 her simple wish! I realized once again that day that you dont necessarily have to make big 15 to help someone.This experience 16 once again my belief in the 17 acts of kindness and how they can m

5、ake someones 18 .The next time you want to do something nice for someone,dont 19 ,waiting for the right chance. 20 and do it !1A.respectBhabitCsympathyDkindness2A.affordBgetCspareDserve3A.asBuntilConceDbefore4A.needyBsickCdisabledDsad5A.parkedBstartedCturnedDpaused6A.phonedBsignaledCadvisedDallowed7

6、A.threwBfetchedCpackedDcollected8A.ashamedBupsetCembarrassedDastonished9A.carBbagCbottleDclothes10A.ThenBNextCAgainDBut11A.dirtyBpaleCthickDdry12A.pointed outBpicked outCgave outDtook out13A.happinessBpleasureCappreciationDwelcome14A.satisfyBattainCpromiseDrealize15A.differencesBambitionsCachievemen

7、tsDdonations16A.foundBdoubtedCshowedDproved17A.uniqueBsimpleCreliableDpolite18A.dayBfortuneCdreamDlife19A.hold onBhold upChold backDhold down20A.Take careBSpeed upCGo aheadDLook out.语法填空(2018东北三省四市教研联合体模拟)The lion is a special animal to Chinese people. A pair of stone lions, a male and a female, are

8、 1. (common) seen in front of the gates of traditional buildings. The lion 2. (regard) as the king in the animal world so it represents power. The stone lions are also used to indicate the ranks of 3. (official)It is interesting to note that China had no lions originally. The earliest stone lions we

9、re sculpted 4. the beginning of Eastern Han Dynasty(25220 AD) with 5. introduction of Buddhism into ancient China. In the Buddhist faith, the lion,6. can protect the truth and keep off evils, is considered a holy animal of nobleness and dignity. In Chinese folk tales, the lion has become a symbol of

10、 7. (brave), power and good luck.It was also popular 8. (decorate) bridges with sculpted stone lions for the same reason. The 9. (well) known of this is the Lugouqiao (also as Marco Polo Bridge),10. (build) from 1189 to 1192.A famous proverb says, “The lions on the Lugouqiao are uncountable.”【语篇解读】本



13、CembarrassedDastonishedD根据语境及下文女孩问包里是什么东西可以推知,女孩很吃惊(astonished)。ashamed“羞耻的”;embarrassed“尴尬的”。9A.carBbagCbottleDclothesB根据上文内容可知,作者出门时带的东西有衣服、食物和手提包。所以作者这里应是把衣服和食物装在包(bag)里送给她。10A.ThenBNextCAgainDButC根据空后的“she looked up at me and asked”以及上文中的“She looked up at me with a sweet smile on her face and as

14、ked”可知,此处应是指女孩再一次(Again)抬起头来看作者并问问题。11A.dirtyBpaleCthickDdryD根据下文中的“It seemed as if she had not had a drop of water all day”可知,女孩由于缺水嘴唇比较干(dry)。12A.pointed outBpicked outCgave outDtook outD作者取出(took out)随身携带的水瓶。point out“指出,指明”;pick out“挑选”;give out“分发,发出”。13A.happinessBpleasureCappreciationDwelcome


16、owedDprovedD这再次证明(proved)了作者的信仰:简单的善举以及这些善举是如何给人们带来幸福的。17A.uniqueBsimpleCreliableDpoliteB参见上题解析。18A.dayBfortuneCdreamDlifeA参见第16题解析。make ones day“给某人带来幸福”。19A.hold onBhold upChold backDhold downC此处作者想要表达的是下次你想帮别人时,不要犹豫。故选hold back“犹豫”。hold on“不挂断电话,等一等”;hold up“举起;阻挡”;hold down“压制,保住”。20A.Take careBSpeed upCGo aheadDLook outC此处是作者鼓励别人去做助人为乐的事。go ahead“开始吧,开始(做某事)”符合语境。take care“提防,注意”;speed up“加速”;look out“注意,当心”。答案:monly2.is regarded3.officials4.at5.the6.which7.bravery8.to decorate9.best10.built6


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