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1、20182019学年度第二学期期中考试高一学年 英语试卷考试时间:120分钟 分值:150分本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷(选择题共100分)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中选出最佳选项。 AOnly about one third of American seniors have correct habits, according to the Health Organization. Here are some findings and expert advice.

2、1. How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday? l Finding: A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day. l Step: Remove the 300 types of bacteria(细菌) in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush. Brush gently for 2 minutes, at least twice a day.2. How many times did

3、 you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?Finding: Seniors usually bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30% wash their hands only 4 times a day - half of the number doctors advise.l Step: We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day - often inviting germs (病菌) to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes.

4、Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most importantly, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds.3. How often do you think about fighting germs?l Finding: Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.l Step: Be aware of germs. Do you know it is

5、 not your toilet but your kitchen sponge (海绵) that can carry more germs than anything else? To kill these germs, keep your sponge in the microwave for 10 seconds.1. What is found out about American seniors?A. Most of them have good habits.B. Nearly 30% of them bathe three days a week.C. All of them

6、are fighting germs better than expected.D. About one third of them brush their teeth only once a day.2. Doctors suggest that people should wash their hands _ .A. twice a day B. three times a dayC. four times a day D. eight times a day3. Which of the following is true according to the text?A. We shou

7、ld keep from touching our faces.B. There are less than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth.C. A kitchen sponge can carry more germs than a toilet.D. We should wash our hands before touching a door handle.4. The text probably comes from _.A. a guide book B. a popular magazineC. a book review D. an off

8、icial documentBMy friend Jason and I wanted to do something to help other people who are less lucky and help us grow at the same time. After we decided that we would volunteer in Nepal, I did some surveys on the Internet and I found an organization called Volunteer(志愿者) Nepal and felt strongly that

9、it was the right choice for us.While making our plans, Jason and I realized that others might like the chance to be a part of our experience. So before leaving for Nepal, we asked the people we know whether they would be interested in donating(捐赠) money or goods to Nepal Orphans Home.One friend, who

10、se family owns a shop called Drake Supermarket, told others about it. Many people wanted to donate something. We received donations that filled 29 boxes with sporting goods, toys, coloring books, pencils, childrens books, and more, The boxes were later taken to Drakes warehouse(仓库) where I prepared

11、them for shipment. Drake agreed to ship them to Nepal for free .The boxes had arrived at the Volunteer House when we arrived there. The next day, Jason and I opened the boxes. The children from the orphanages(孤儿院) stood in a line and were able to choose a gift. This took about an hour, but the looks

12、 on their faces and the happiness that we saw in their eyes made it one of the best days of our life.We visited the orphanages there in the following days. Being with the children at the orphanages was both sad and wonderful. Im sure that anyone who has volunteered will understand what I mean by tha

13、t. My experience as a volunteer was very useful. It has changed me as a person and the way I viewed life in the past.5. The writer did some surveys on the Internet probably to_.A. get in touch with some students B. decide country to volunteerC. find some friends to volunteer with him D. find an orga

14、nization for volunteers6. Before leaving for Nepal, the writer_.A. asked his friends to go with himB. filled 29 boxes with the things he boughtC. received many donations from other peopleD. bought many things in Drake Supermarket7. What can we learn from Paragraph 4?A. The writer didnt expect the ki

15、ds would love the gifts.B. The children were very happy to receive the gifts.C. The children had never received gifts from others before.D. The writer and his friend took the gifts to the orphanages.8. The writer thinks that his experience as a volunteer was_.A. useful B. embarrassing C. boring D. d

16、isappointingCThe New York Vegas Hotel has some of the most beautiful and luxurious (豪华的) rooms. Here are four kinds of them.Park AvenueThis kind of room has about 350 square feet of space. It comes with either a king-size or queen-size bed. The room has the following: a 40-inch television and a good

17、 bathroom. The Park Avenue room costs about $65 to $85 per night during weekdays and has a weekend rate of $100 to $110 per night.Marquis This Marquis room is up-grade. It provides guests with 700 square feet of space. This up-grade room has a good bathroom, two separate dining areas, and Internet a

18、ccess. There is also a small refrigerator in the room. Guests can stay in this kind of room for about $125 per night.Players The Players room comes with two queen-size beds. This room is almost 800 square feet and has a sitting area. The Player room has the following: two 40-inch televisions, a good

19、 bathroom, dining and entertainment areas and Internet access. One can stay in the Players room for $155 per night.Penthouses This kind of room has about 1,100 square feet of space with a DVD and CD player, coffee pots, and a separate master bedroom. Penthouses rooms have more up-grade amenities (设施

20、). Guests can stay in this room comfortably for $415 per night, and it has a different price in the busy season.Las Vegas travelers have their choice of one of these hotel rooms. It doesnt matter which room one chooses because all of them are wonderful! 9. The price of some rooms of the New York Veg

21、as Hotel _.A. is a bit higher during weekdays B. depends on what time of year it isC. keeps the same all the year roundD. changes almost every day 10. What will you choose if you want to surf the Internet and also save some money? A. Park Avenue. B. Marquis. C. Players. D. Penthouses. 11. What can w

22、e learn from the passage? A. There are two beds in a Players room.B. The queen once stayed in a Park Avenue room.C. There is a small refrigerator in every room. D. The New York Vegas Hotel provides guests with free meals. DNote-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork every

23、thing from taking tests to researching a paper. But unfortunately, most schools dont have classes that teach you how to take notes. So here are some tips.Write down key facts. If you have a teacher who writes notes on the board, thats good: You can copy them down. If not, write down the most importa

24、nt points from class. Does your history teacher mention the date of a key Civil War battle? Does your English teacher give examples of Shakespeares use of irony (讽刺)? Write it down!Different teachers do things differently. For example, some teachers may mention lots of dates and facts in class but o

25、nly write the key ones on the board. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may repeat a certain date or piece of information. After a while, youll get to know a teachers style.Dont overdo it. Dont go crazy taking notes. Youll be frantic (慌乱的) if you try to write down every word thats

26、said in class. And if you focus too much on getting your notes right, you might miss important points. Some people actually learn better by listening, writing down a few key points, and then going over the material after class.Ask. Dont be afraid to ask the teacher to repeat something you miss. If t

27、he teacher is going too fast, your classmates will also be happy to hear the information again. If you dont want to ask in class, see your teacher afterwards. Its much easier than wondering if you got the notes right as you study.Compare. Keep your notes handy when youre doing your reading homework.

28、 Compare what you wrote with what the readings say you may even want to add to your notes as you read.12. Whats an advantage of note-taking according to the writer? A. It helps you to get good marks in tests. B. Its a basic skill of researching a paper.C. It helps fix your mind on what the teacher s

29、ays. D. It gives you a better understanding of key facts.13.Why is Shakespeare mentioned in the passage?A. To introduce the topic on note-taking. B. To compare writing styles in different times. C. To give an example of forming good habits.D. To explain what a key fact is in a teachers class.14. Its

30、 suggested in the third paragraph that _. A. teachers encourage their students to be active in classB. its helpful for teachers to learn from each other in stylesC. its not always possible to note down all information in class D. a teachers style be taken into consideration when taking notes15. The

31、writer has the opinion that students _. A. must try to take correct and detailed notes in classB. should put down only key points while listening carefullyC. must not interrupt the teacher by asking questions in classD. should put down as much information as possible in class第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据

32、短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Ways to make a great first impressionYouve heard it a million times already, but it really does take but a few seconds to make that all-important first impression. Here are some easy ways for you to impress your classmates or teachers. 16 Before you shake ha

33、nds with somebody, make sure that your hands are clean. The handshake should not be too strong or weak. Most people use their right hands, unless they have a reason to use the left. 17 Be on timeWhen meeting someone for the first time, arriving on time is as important as breathing. You may have an e

34、xcuse, but that will leave the person who hardly knows you with a bad impression. 18 Its better to be hanging around the place than be stuck in traffic.Introduce yourself and ask for names Make sure you properly introduce yourself. Ask for their names in a polite way. 19 This will increase the chanc

35、es of their remembering your name in the future. Always remember to stand up when greeting someone and be sure to introduce them to anyone youre with.Make good conversation To get the most out of your discussion, try to find something common between the two of you. 20 A person will feel more comfort

36、able with someone they can relate to (产生共鸣).A. Use body language.B. Have a proper handshake. C. Repeat the name and use it later in conversation.D. As a general rule, plan to arrive a bit early.E. It could be a similar taste in clothes or a common hobby.F. You will be in serious trouble if you leave

37、 them with a bad impression.G. However, dont have your left hand in your pocket because this appears impolite.第二部分:英语知识运用(共二节,满分75分)第一节:完形填空(共40小题,每小题1.5分,满分60分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 AWhen I was a college student, I did a lot of traveling abroad. That was because a professor

38、_21_me to do so. She said, “Now it is the time for you to travel around the world,_22_your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun?” I_23_her.Since I started to work for a_24_company, however, I have done most of my traveling through the Internet. By using the Internet, I have seen the_25_

39、 of many cities on my computer screen. And I have really made business_26_, too. With the help of the Internet, I have also got_27_about food in different countries.Therefore, I was beginning to feel that actual trips were_28_necessary when I happened to read a famouschefs(厨师) comment on the Interne

40、t. He said, “It is very difficult to have real Italian food in a foreign country, because we enjoy food and the _29_around us at the same time. So why dont you fly over to Italy and enjoy real Italian_30_? “Those words reminded me of my_31_advice. As information technology_32_, you might be able to

41、do without making some real trips. But this also means that you will miss the various_33_you can get from traveling.Today there are people who_34_direct communication with others and spend much of their time on the Internet. It is not surprising to see a group of people_35_not with each other but in

42、to their micro phones. It seems as if such people are_36_by an invisible wall. They seem to be losing out on a good chance to_37_and talk with other people. I do not think that they are taking good advantage of information technology. We should use information technology as a tool to make our daily_

43、38_more fruitful. However, we should never let it_39_our time for face to -face communication. Lets make use of information technology more_40_, and have great fun in experiencing the actual world.21. A. promised B. allowed C. hurried D. encouraged22. A. build up B. use C. practice D. exchange23. A.

44、 agreed with B. learn from C. followed D. obeyed24. A. computer B. food C. clothing D. machine25. A. life B. rivers C. sights D. houses26. A. plans B. bargains C. progress D. trips27. A. information B. taste C. cooks D. feelings28. A. even more B. no longer C. much D. actually29. A. people B. drink

45、C. atmosphere D. environment30. A. shoes B. dishes C. customers D. situations31. A. friends B. parents C. professors D. boss32. A. produces B. advertises C. forms D. advances33. A. news B. pleasures C. troubles D. places34. A. avoid B. keep C. lose D. enjoy35. A. meeting B. talking C. communicating

46、D. traveling36. A. stopped B. met C. surrounded D. hurt37. A. take B. employ C. travel D. meet38. A. communication B. study C. work D. action39. A. spare B. increase C. reduce D. use40. A. wisely B. correctly C. quickly D. slowlyBI made up my mind to drive to South Carolina to meet my friends in my used car. Though I had only


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