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1、商品陈列,2004年9月,接受培训和培训他人都是首要任务 To be trained and train others are priorities,癡絤揭祘挡盢暗,闽,癡絤,癡絤,丁,目的,训练课程结束时,你将有能力做到,参加人员,训练方式,训练者,时间,使我们懂得陈列的原则,熟悉陈列的方法,商品筹划部门,投影仪,30 分钟,商品需要组合陈列的理由 The reason why the items need to group 不同层面的介绍 The different levels of presentation 陈列原则 The principles of implantation 总结

2、Conclusion,内容Content,什么是商品陈列?,商品陈列,规律,商品,货架(及属具),将商品有规律地放置在指定货架上,能有效地放置商品(体积/质量),能有效地展示和存储,整齐/丰满,清晰/易取,销售状态良好,符合国家规定,可以销售,为什么要做商品陈列?,顾客来店的原因,满足顾客的选择性,商品的丰富,根据市场及时更新产品,商品的分类/归属应按顾客的思路来划分,商品的价格应满足多数顾客的需求,了解顾客理想的心理价位/性价比,商品选择,商品陈列原则,引导顾客/方便购买,让顾客了解我们的商品 让顾客了解我们的服务,卖场是自选式的开放式货架,要让商品自己说话,要用包装和价格吸引顾客,要用高价

3、优质挖掘顾客的购买潜力,让顾客买到称心的商品,为什么要组合商品? Group together the items. Why? 因为要是你不这样做的话:顾客将会浪费很多时间,去寻找他们想要购买的商品。 Because if you do not do that : it would take more time for our customers to find what they would like to buy.,如何组合商品 How to group together the items,错 No,错 No,作用 Effect 当商品组合在一起的时候,容易去寻找 It is easie

4、r to find the items when they are grouped.,如何组合商品 How to group together the items,当商品组合在一起的时候,顾客清楚归类的方式,店面容易管理商品(订货和盘点) The linear is clear for the customer, and it is easier for us to manage the goods when the items are grouped (ordering and inventory).,如何组合商品 How to group together the items,用顾客的眼光

5、去考虑。考虑顾客的需求性:大分类、小分类、颜色、价格、品牌、大小、重量、性质 You have to take into account the Customers Eye. : sub-family, color, price, brand, size, weight, nature. 按最重要和次要的依序陈列,将顾客购买频率高,销量大,兴趣度高的商品/品类放在醒目的位置吸引顾客进入部门 Then you have to range those items ( customers eye) from the most important to the less important.,遵循组织

6、表 Follow the structure,如何组合商品 How to group together the items,330 家居用品 (部门代码) 329 家庭整理用品 (子部门) 5 手套/清洁用品 (大类) 1 手套 (子类),3153&3154 Cleaning Accessories & Glove,Cloth and rag,Carrefour Store,SDD Bazaar China,Store Sizes :,A :,B :,3 elements,4 elements,Load bar: 40, Basket: 2, Hanger with price 8mm: 20

7、0, Hanger without price 8mm: 150,31530-31544,Customer flow,Small Size小号,Middle Size中号,Big Size大号,Special Length超长,Sponge clothe 海绵抹布,Cleaning 清洁纱布 clothes(gauze),Sponge 海绵,Scratch 刮器,Wok brush 锅刷,Clothes brush 衣刷,First Price gloves 棒产品手套,First Price Sponge 棒产品海绵,按客流方向陈列顺序为:手套,抹布,海绵,双洗,百洁布,刷子。 手套按从高档

8、到低档从上到下,按客流方向依次为灵巧型,耐久型,多用型(三只装)。 抹布按材质区分,按客流方向依次为:纱布,无纺布,木浆或仿皮材料。刷子按用途区分, 按客流方向依次为:餐具刷,地板刷,衣刷,多用刷,Delicacy style 灵巧型,Durable style 耐久型,Multi-use style 多用型,货架上四种不同层面 The 4 different levels of presentation,不同层面的陈列=不同的销售量 Different levels = Different sales,不同层面的介绍 The different levels of presentation,

9、不同的层面,销量不同 Sales amount is different according to difference level 地板层面以及伸手高度层面容易被忽略,销量不会太大 Items at “floor” or “hand” level will easily to be neglected . 货架的最上端,由于手够不到,拿东西不方便,销售量 最少 It is inconvenient for our customers to get items from “Above 1.70m” level, sales amount is lowest. 与眼睛平视的层面,一般来销售最大

10、Sales amount at “Eyes” level is biggest.,不同层面的介绍 The different levels of presentation,不同的销售数量指数 货架总销售量百分比 The different sales index: Gondola sales in percentage,不同层面的介绍 The different levels of presentation,第一原则:同分类以垂直的方式陈列,单品以横的方式陈列 First principle: Vertical by family and sub-family, Then, horizonta

11、l by item.,陈列的原则 The principles of implantation,纺织处由于尺码、颜色的需要,用圈架陈列时应在一个圈架上陈列一个单品,同一颜色放在一起,按尺码从小到大逆时针区分。,陈列的原则 The principles of implantation,第二原则:以价位区分,任何小分类,原则上由最便宜到最贵陈列于货架上,由最下到最上,但是服饰部门是依据顾客的购物路线. Second principle: by price range, in each sub-family, all the items from the cheapest to the most e

12、xpensive, from the bottom to the top for a gondola and in customers flow for textile.,陈列的原则 The principles of implantation,RMB 4.90/255ml,RMB 12.60/750ml,RMB 14.60/1000ml,陈列的原则 The principles of implantation 纵向分类、横向品牌,同时,水平方向商品的陈列应以顾客的购买路线为依据,价格由低至高排列 In the meantime, the implementation of horizonta

13、l item should respect the flow of customers and price from cheapest to the most expensive.,注意:,陈列的原则 The principles of implantation,总结 Conclusion,好的排面设计 Good implantation,节省时间 Save time 容易找到商品 Easy to find goods,顾客,店,更高的营业额 More turnover 更容易管理商品 Manage merchandise easily 好的形象 Good image,Customer,Store,


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