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1、Topic 1,A Reservation Call for a Table,Task preparing,Task completing,Further development,Learning objectives,Task presenting,Assignments,Learning objectives,Students are required to 1. learn some important words and phrases: booking, guarantee, appreciate, be assured, have a check, look forward to;

2、 2. learn how to deal with the reservation call for a table in the restaurant.,电话预定 无论在中国还是西方国家,通过电话预定作为已是司空见惯的事。稍具规模的餐厅一般都接受电话订位。有的档次较高的餐厅或生意特别兴隆的餐厅则一定要事先订位。而在西方,比较高级的餐厅都必须事先以电话订位。 电话英语服务礼仪 1)铃响三声之内接起电话。使用标准服务用语, “Good morning/afternoon/evening. This is *Restaurant. * speaking. May I help you?”(早上好

3、/午安/晚上好!*餐厅,我是*。请问有什么可以为您效劳?) 2)超过三声应向客人致歉, “Sorry to have kept you waiting.”(对不起,让您久等了。),Task presenting,3)尽量不要让客人空等电话。需要查询时,询问客人是等候还是在特定时间打回电话 “Please hang on a minute. Ill check it for you.” (我帮您查一下,请稍等。) “Would you like to wait a moment or let me call you back later?”(请问您是稍等,还是待会儿我打回电话给您?) 4)信息记

4、录完成后向客人复述一次, “May I repeat your orders for you?”(我重复您的订单好吗?)然后请客人确认,并再次询问客人还有什么补充的 “Is there anything else?,Task presenting,5) 听不懂或者听不清时,应请客人重复, “I beg your pardon?” (请再说一次。) “Sorry, can you repeat it?” (抱歉,请您再说一次。)或者请经理来听“Could you wait a moment? I will ask our manager to talk with you.” (您稍等好吗?我请经

5、理来和您谈。)千万不要瞎猜,以免误会客人的意思。 6)接打电话时要保持正确的姿势,集中精力回答电话,不能一边吃东西一边讲话;说话的时候要慢而清晰,并始终保持微笑。 7)通话结束,无论是否达成预定都应礼貌地向客人致谢,“Thank you for calling. We look forward to having you with us.” (谢谢您致电本店,希望能够再次为您服务!),Task presenting,1. 预定 a. be closed 2. 靠窗的桌子 b. check 3. 包厢 c. a table by the window 4. 非吸烟区 d. guarantee 5

6、. 核查 e. be open 6. 保证 f. a private room 7. 营业 g. non-smoking area 8. 打烊 h. reserve,Task preparing,Word matching,1. Direction: Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions. 1) When will the guest arrive? 2) How many people in the party? 3) What kind of table does the guest want? 4) What

7、is the name and phone number of the guest? 5) How long will the restaurant keep the table?,Task presenting,G=Guest C=Reservation Clerk C: Good afternoon. Flower Restaurant. (1) ? G: Id like to reserve a table for the dinner on Valentines Day, please. C: Certainly, sir. (2) , please. G: Two, my wife

8、and I. C: (3) , sir? G: Around 8:00 p.m C: I see. Would you like a table in the main restaurant or in a private room, sir? G: A private room, please.,2. Direction: Listen to the dialogue again and supply the missing information.,C: Certainly, sir. Well have Rose Hall reserved for you, will that be f

9、ine? (4) , please? G: Sure, Its Ramsay, and my cell phone number is 13789014598. C: Mr. Ramsay, 13789014598thank you. By the way, we can only (5) your room (6) l9:00 p.m., since that will be the peak season. G: O.K., I see. C: Id like to (7) : Rose Hall for Mr. Ramsay on Valentines Day; arrival time

10、, around 8 p.m.; cell phone number, 13789014598. Is that correct? G: Exactly, thank you. C: We (8) (9) you, Mr. Ramsay. (10) .,Tape script,Tape Script,G=Guest C=Reservation Clerk C: Good afternoon. Flower Restaurant. May I help you? G: Id like to reserve a table for the dinner on Valentines Day, ple

11、ase. C: Certainly, sir. For how many people, please. G: Two, my wife and I. C: At what time can we expect you, sir? G: Around 8:00 p.m. C: I see. Would you like a table in the main restaurant or in a private room, sir? G: A private room, please. C: Certainly, sir. Well have Rose Hall reserved for yo

12、u, will that be fine? May I have your name and telephone number, please? G: Sure, Its Ramsay, and my cell phone number is 13789014598. C: Mr. Ramsay, 13789014598thank you. By the way, we can only reserve your room till 9:00 p.m., since that will be the peak season. G: O.K., I see. C: Id like to conf

13、irm your reservation: Rose Hall for Mr. Ramsay on Valentines Day; arrival time, around 8 p.m.; cell phone number, 13789014598. Is that correct? G: Exactly, thank you. C: We look forward to serving you, Mr. Ramsay. Thanks for calling.,Language points 1. 对话中Id like to reserve a table for the dinner on

14、 Valentines Day, please. Reserve vt. 1). 储备,保存;保留(+for) These seats are reserved for special guests.这些座位是为特别的来宾保留的。 We will reserve the money; we may need it later. 我们将把这笔钱存起来,也许以后用得着。 2). 预约,预订 They have reserved rooms at a hotel.他们已预订了旅馆房间。 I have reserved a table at the restaurant.我已在饭店预订了一桌菜。,2.

15、 对话中At what time can we expect you, sir? Expect vt. 1). 预计.可能发生(或来到);预料;预期+(that)+to-v He expected to finish the work by March.他预期三月份完成这项工作。 We expected that you would succeed.我们预计你会成功的。 2). 期待;等待;盼望 Ill expect you for supper at six oclock.我六点等你吃晚饭。 3). 认为理应得到;指望;要求(+from) Dont expect too much of hi

16、m.别对他期望过高。 The professor expected respect from his students.教授认为学生理应尊敬他。 4). 想;认为WY+(that) I expect you are right.我想你是对的。,3. 在对话中Id like to confirm your reservation confirm vt. 1. 证实;确定+(that)+wh- His letter confirmed everything.他的信证实了一切。 2. 坚定;加强 The latest developments confirmed me in my belief.最新

17、的发展使我坚信我的信仰。,Accepting a reservation,1) How many people are there in your party? / For how many people, please. 2) At what time would you like your table? 3) May I have your name and phone number, please? 4) Is there anything special?,Direction: Recite the following useful expressions.,Giving inform

18、ation about the restaurant hours,1) Were open around the clock. / Were open 24 hours. 2) We shall keep your table for one hour. 3) A 10% discount will be offered to those holding a VIP card issued by our restaurant.,Refusing a reservation,Im sorry, there arent any tables left for (time), but we can

19、give you a table at (time). Im sorry, the restaurants full. Sorry, we do not have reservation service for morning tea.,1. Translation: English to Chinese. 1) Just a moment, please. Ill check the availability for you. 2) Would you like to make a reservation at another time? 3) We hope well have anoth

20、er opportunity to serve you. 4) How much would you like to spend for each table? 5) How would you like us to arrange the tables?,Task completing,role,play,Direction: Work out the dialogues based on the given situations. Situation 1: A call from Mr. Huang for a table for dinner this evening, but this

21、 is the peak season and your restaurant has been fully booked today and you advise him to change the booking time.,role,play,Situation 2: A call from Mr. Baker for two tables for twenty people to celebrate his birthday tomorrow evening, after checking, you tell him you can accept his reservation, an

22、d you also tell him that a deposit of US$20 is required to secure his booking.,Situation 3: A call from the English Department for four tables for forty teachers. The dinner party will be from 8:30 in the evening till 11:30.,role,play,role,play,Further development,Watch the following video, act the

23、waitress part and then practice the whole dialogue in turn with your partner. Make a conversation about a reservation call.,Script,(A=Receptionist B=Guest) A: Hongyun Restaurant. B: Id like to make a reservation. A: Sure. For what day? B: Next Friday, the 15th. A: What time will you be here? B: 7:30

24、. A: Will that be smoking or non-smoking? B: Non-smoking. A: O.K., well reserve a table for you.,Discuss with your classmates after the class: What should be included in the basic information of the guest? What might be the requirements of the guest? What might be the restaurants policy about table reservation? Finish the exercises on line http:/www.,Assignments,


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