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1、英代托福,2011. 10. 15,Factual Information,閱讀必考題型。每題可考2-3題。 考點在事實、細節、定義及作者提供其他訊息。通常不會考段落主旨。但是,先了解段落主旨在哪是答題關鍵。 提問方式為: According to the passage, which/what/how/why is true? The authors description of S.T. Menas that. According to the paragraph, ST. Occurs because.,Facts and Opinion,Please identify the foll

2、owing sentences as fact or opinion. 1. More and more women are deciding to give birth to their children at home. A hospital, after all, is not the best place for a baby to be born. Fact or opinion? 2. J. Vukovich, author of Claws, the best-written novel of the disaster genre, will speak at tonight ”

3、How I Became An Author”. Fact or opinion?,3. Philip Luttgen, satirical columnist for the Daily Views, will give a rebuttal entitled “Hat Is An Author?” Fact or opinion? . 4. The national coal strike, now into its seventh week, has caused untold hardships on the miners, their families, and the rest o

4、f the winter-weary nation. Fact or opinion? 5. Janet Guthrie, world famous auto racer, was the least nervous driver at the Indy 500. Fact or opinion?,Decide the writing style by topics,Topic Content Settlement patterns Classification The functions of Art Description How important is Economy? Explana

5、tion Causes of Miopia Cause and effect,Writing Style Practice,Types of chemical substances A history of Indians Black Holes Introduction to Geophysics,Keywords to find Facts,Words to show definition .is known as/.is called as/.is/.is refered to as/./means Words to show description and examples .cons

6、ists of/.adjective/.for exmaple/.for instance/.namely/.specifically/ .that is/,Words to show classification .kinds of/.types/.classes of/.groups of/.parts of/.properties of/.characteristics of/ .varieties of/ words to show sequence: chronologies or process firstly, secondly. thirdly/next, then, last

7、/finally/before/at the same time/meanwhile/as soon as subsequently/eventually/steps/stages/phases,Words to show comparison and contrast like/similar to/differ from/compared with/in comparison/similarly/in the same way/whereas/ conversely/in spite of/despite Words to show cause and effect as a conseq

8、uence/as a result/thus/therefore/because/for this reason/since/so,Words to show persuation or evaluation first, second, third/should, must, ought to/therefore/in summary, in conclusion,Lake Baikal,The Postage Stamp,The Clovis Culture,Clovis Culture,Brown Dwarf,Delivery Practice,預先準備第一題之回答 My favoror

9、ite pastime is_. My favorite teacher is_. Why? 1._ 2._. Example_. My favorite city is_. Why? 1._ 2._. Example_. My favorite class is_. Why? 1._ 2._.,My favorite book is_. Why? 1._ 2._. Example_. My favorite sportis_. Why? 1._ 2._. Example_. My favorite holiday is_. Why? 1._ 2._. Example_. My favorit

10、e music is_. Why? 1._ 2._. My favorite person is_. Why? 1._ 2._. Example_.,第二題之回答 1. Do you think family education is important or not? Why?_. 2. Do you think internet communication will influence children? Why?_. 3. Which do you think is more important, study with friends or alone? Why?_. 4. Do you

11、 think environmental protection is important? Why?_.,Delivery practice:Tongue Twisters,1.Theophilus Thistler, the thistle sifter, in sifting a sieve of unsifted thistles, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb. 2.Betty bought a bit of butter, but she found the butter bitter, s

12、o Betty bought a bit of better butter to make the bitter butter better. 3.Four furious friends fought for the phone. 4.Five flippant Frenchmen fly from France for fashions.,And following article: I am the very pattern of a modern Major-General; Ive information vegetable, animal, and mineral; I know

13、the Kings of England, and I quote the fights historical, From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical; Im very well acquainted too with matters mathematical, I understand equations, both simple and quadratical.,Tips to all the speaking questions,1. Speak loudly. 2. Be confident. 3. Practice readi

14、ng 135 words per minute. 4. Answer directly to the points. 5. Time repsonse right. 6. Try not to use too many verbal pauses(well, oh, um, o.k.). Four academic skills are important in speaking section: note-taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, synthesizeing.,Speaking Practice,2008 3/15 1. Describe an a

15、rt such as a song or a painting that gives you long lasting impression. Include details and examples in your response. 2. Some people like to read all the way through to the end of a book after they start reading the book, while other people like to split the reading into several shorter periods. Wh

16、ich one do you prefer and why?,4/27 1. Describe your favorite room and include details and exmaples in your response. 2. Do you like to reach the destination directly or visit the places on the trip when you are out traveling? Include details and examples in your explanation.,5/31 1. Describe your f

17、avorite way to relax and include details and examples in your response. 2. Some people think it is good to attend school while some others prefer to study at home. Which one do you prefer and explain why with reasons and examples.,The Grimms Law,= () 這幾個音發音位置一樣 = () 這幾個音相同 = 這幾個音嘴型一樣 發音位置如果在同一區,語音可以

18、互換: 唇音互換 b=p=m=f=v 齒音互換 d=t=n=l=r 氣音互換 g=k=h=c=s=th=z=x /p/,/b/,/f/,/v/,/m/ 之語意互換,/f/p/,Flat-Plat plate, plateform, plain,plane,platypus,platter Father-Pater;Patr patricide, paternal.patriarchy,patriot,patrimony(世襲財產),expatriate,repatriate. Foot-Ped; Pod biped, pedal,peddle,expedite,pedestrian,pedig

19、ree,centipede,impede,tripod,pedestal Nephew-Nepotism. Fish-Pisc piscatorial, Pisces(雙魚座), pisciculturist養魚者 Fee-pecu peculate侵吞公款, peculator侵吞公款者, pecuniary金錢的,impecunious貧窮的 Fire-Pyr pyre 柴堆, pyromania縱火狂,pyrotechnics製煙火術, pyrophobia恐火症 empyreal 天堂最高層,Food-past, pan pastor, pasture,pantry餐具室, compa

20、nion, company. Few-Pau paucity少數, pauper貧民, pauperize使貧窮,/b/-/v/之間轉換(1),Brain-Fren, Phren frenzy, schizophrenia, phrenology 顱相學, fanatic狂熱的, fantasy幻想 Break-Frag fragile, fragment, fracture, fraction, frangible, Bear-Fer,Pher,Phor confer, conference,infer,transfer,offer,fetility,periphery Blow-Fla,

21、Flu inflate, deflate, flute, flatter Burn-Flag,Phleg, Phlog flagrant, conflagration,phlegmnatic多痰的,遲鈍的, phlogiston燃素 Base, Button-Fund fundamental, fund, profund.,Blossom-Flor; Flos floral, florist, florid鮮紅的, florescent花香的,/b/-/v/之間轉換(2),Move-mob mob, mobile,mobility,automobile, immobility Prove-Pr

22、ob probation試用, provable, probability, approbate許可, /w/-/v/ Will-Vol volition, volunteer, voluntary,benelovent,malevolent,voluptuous過度逸樂的 Wind-Vent vent, ventilation, ventilator, ventiduct通風管 Worm-Verm vermin害蟲, vermivorous吃蟲的, vermifuge驅蟲劑 Wine-Vin vine, vinegar, vineyard, vintage葡萄酒,Wagon-veh vehe

23、cle, vehemence Waste-vast devastate New-nov novvelty, renovate, innovate, novice. Word-verb verbal, verbose,verbiage冗詞 Wade-vad invade, pervade, evade.,/th/-/t/ thinten tenous 細的 tender溫柔的 attenuation細小 調整 extenuation減輕罪狀 threetri triangle 三角形 tricycle三輪車 trivial瑣碎的 trio三人組 tribe部落(三人一組) thumbtum 腫脹

24、的 tumid腫脹的 thumb指頭 contumely傲慢的 tumult動亂 thrusttrud intrude入侵 extrude突出 protrude伸出 thunderton detonate引爆 astonish震驚,/d/th/ deaththanat Thantos 死神 thanatology死亡學 thanatophobia死亡恐懼症 dothe syntehtic綜合的 thesis論文(必須論證的邏輯, have to do something) hypothesis 假設 antithesis 反命題 anathema逐出教會, 受詛咒物 /th/s/ deatht

25、hanas euthanasia 安樂死 athlasc ascetic禁欲的; atheletic運動員的 (需苦練, 禁欲),/d/t/ murdmort mortal immortal mortician殯葬業者 mortuary停屍處 mortgage抵押 post-mortem死後的 /t/d/ sitsed/sid sedan轎車 sedentary坐者的 sedimentary沉澱物 sedative鎮靜劑 assiduous勤勉的 dissdient異議的 resident居民 subsidy補助金 residue廢墟 heartcard/cord cardiac心臟的 car

26、diology心臟學 accord一致 concord和諧 discord 不和諧,tendec decade十年 decagon十角形 decimal十進位法 decathlon十項全能 twodu dual二個的 duet二重唱 dubious令人懷疑的 duplicity欺騙 dupe欺騙 duplicate複製 indubitable不容置疑的 toothdent/dont dental牙齒的 denture假牙 orthodotics齒列矯正 periodontal牙周的 eated edible可食的 etch蝕刻 tamedom domesticate馴服 dominante統治 adamant堅強的 towduc duct水道 abduction綁架 conduct引導 指揮 ductility延展性 intrioduce介紹 seduce誘惑 aqueduct下水道,


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