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1、,Lesson 117 Tommys breakfast,New words and expressions,dining room 饭厅 coin n.硬币 mouth n.嘴 swallow v.吞下 later adv.后来 toilet n. 厕所,盥洗室,dining room 饭厅,餐室 dining table 餐桌 sitting room / living room 客厅 bedroom 卧室 kitchen 厨房 balcony 阳台 garden 花园,Coin 硬币 Note 纸币 Toss a coin 掷硬币(打赌正面或反面) Pay a person back i

2、n his own coin. 以其人之道还治其人之身。,Mouth n. 嘴 Open your mouth. 张开你的嘴。 Shut your mouth. 闭嘴(口) Dont talk with your mouth full. 嘴里塞满食物时不要说话。 眉毛eyebrows,眼睛eyes,鼻子nose,耳朵ears,嘴巴mouth By word of mouth 口头上 From hand to mouth 勉强糊口 From mouth to mouth口口相传的 Have a big mouth大嘴巴,嘴不严,Swallow 1)v. 吞,咽 he swallowed (up)

3、 the madicine with water. 他把药和水一起吞下。 2) n. 一口(一口的量) take a swallow of beer 喝一口啤酒 at one swallow 一饮而尽,Later adv. 后来,较迟地,较后地 three days later 三天后 he came later than usually.他比平常来得晚。 see you later. 回头见,再见。 sooner or later 早晚,总有一天 2)adj. 较迟的,较后的,更近的 in ones later life 在晚年 lets take a later train.我们搭晚一点的

4、火车吧。,Toilet n. 厕所,盥洗室 Bathroom/washroom /Restroom/lavatory Public conveniences 委婉用语(英) Comfort station 委婉用语(美) Water closet (wc) 委婉用语(欧) Toilet paper/ Toilet roll 卫生纸 Toilet water 花露水,Grammar 过去进行时 构成 was/were +现在分词 疑问句式 把 was/were 提前 否定句式 在 was/were 的后面加 not 2. 过去进行时的基本用法 1)表示过去某一时间正进行的动作。这一特定的过去时间

5、通常用时间状语,时间状语从句或由上下文来表示。 they were shaving at seven this morning. 今晨7点钟的时候他们正在刮胡子。,she was telephoning a friend when I came in. 当我进来时,她在给一个朋友打电话。 2)表示过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作。 they were waiting for you yesterday. 他们昨天在等你。 3)表示从过去的某一个时间角度看将要发生的动作,用语某些瞬间动词:go ,come, leave, stay, fly 等。 they were leaving a few da

6、ys later. ther are leaving a few days later. 几天后他们要离开。,4)与always等副词连用,表示感情色彩 my brother was always losing his keys. 我哥哥总是把他的钥匙弄丢。,Text When my husband was going into the dining room this morning,he dropped some coins on the floor. 今天早晨我丈夫走进饭厅时,把一些硬币掉在地上了。,美.mp3,There were coins everywhere.We looked

7、for them, but we could not find them all. While we were having breakfast, our little boy, Tommy, found two small coins on the floor. 到处都是硬币。我们虽然找了,但没能把它们全部找到。 正当我们吃早饭时,我们的小男孩汤米在地上找到了两枚小硬币。,He put them both into his mouth. We both tried to get the coins, but it was too late. Tommy had already swallow

8、ed them! 他把这两枚硬币全都放进了嘴里。我们俩都试图把这两枚硬币拿出来,但太迟了。汤米已经把硬币咽了下去!,Later that morning, when I was doing the housework, my husband phoned me from the office. 那天上午的晚些时候,当我正做家务时,我丈夫从办公室打来电话。,Hows Tommy?he asked. I dont know, I answered, Tommys been to the toilet three times this morning, but I havent had any ch

9、ange yet! “汤米怎么样?”他问。 “我不知道,”我回答说,“今天上午汤米去了3次厕所了,但我还没看到硬币!”,英.mp3,change n.零钱,改变。 在这里,我们既可以理解为零钱(被吞食的硬币)也可以理解为“改变”(起色)。所以change一词,在文章中,是一语双关(pun)。 Why is an empty purse always the same? There is no change in it. (零钱,变化),Translation 1)别把你的秘密告诉她。她说话嘴松。(秘密 secret) 2)昨天,当电话响起时,我正在做饭。 3)当我回到家的时候,他没有在读报纸。 4)昨天下午三点半,你正在卧室里读书吗?,Thank you,


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