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1、,Unit 19 A problem with squirrels,Review,1、I _ (eat) some of those about a year ago.,2、Mum gave _ (I) my lunchbox, and I went for the bus.,3、On the school bus I _ (feel) a bit sick.,4、I ate four Crispy Trolls, one _ (after) another.,5、_ (at) the same time I read the label on the packet.,6、_ (honestl

2、y), Lucy, this stuff isnt food. Its chemistry.,ate,me,felt,after,At,Honestly,2,3,1,6,3,4,Review A和B正在讨论昨天的事,用下面框内动词的过去式完成他们的对话。(个别词需要重复使用),A: _ you have a happy day yesterday? B: No, I _ a very busy day. A: Really? I _ a busy day, too. B: Why? What did you do? A: Well, I _ a mountain yesterday morni

3、ng. And I _ some homework for my school. Then I _ my room and _ to the supermarket with my mother. What did you do? B: I _ a haircut. That _ in the morning. And then yesterday afternoon I _ my dirty bicycle and my fathers dirty car. A: You _ busy, werent you? B: Of course! And then in the evening I

4、_ to the cinema with my family. The name of the film is “Mission Impossible”. A: I _ that, too. It _ very excellent, wasnt it?,see do have climb go be wash clean,Did,had,had,climbed,did,cleaned,went,had,was,washed,were,went,saw,was,Can you fill in the blanks?,Do you know these?,bring get up give lea

5、ve meet run say sleep take tell win write,met gave left said brought slept wrote ran told took won got up,Result,Translate,1、早地上床睡觉,2、晚地起床,3、写一些,4、跑得快,5、来到教室,6、在镇里遇见一个朋友,7、早点离开家,8、带一张CD回家,go to bed early,get up late,write a lot,run fast,come into classroom,meet a friend in town,leave home early,brin

6、g a CD home,1,0,3,2,0,8,3,2,Translate,1、早地上了床睡觉,2、晚地起了床,3、写了一些,4、之前跑得快,5、来到了教室,6、在镇里遇见了一个朋友,7、早点离开了家,8、带了一张CD回家,go to bed early,get up late,write a lot,run fast,come into classroom,meet a friend in town,leave home early,bring a CD home,went to,got up,wrote,ran,came into,met,left,brought,2,1,2,3,3,1,

7、2,5,1,Games,times,did sth.,Sb.,last night,2,3,4,Robert,1,2,Paul,Polly,3,William,4,1,2,3,4,yesterday morning,yesterday afternoon,on Saturday,came into class,wrote a lot,left home early,went to bed early,1,Games,times,did sth.,Sb.,one day last week,2,3,4,The teacher,1,2,Claire,Karen,3,Daisy,4,1,2,3,4,

8、ten days ago,one day last month,last Thursday,ran fast,met a friend in town,got up late,brought a CD home,1,Games,times,did sth.,Sb.,two days last week,2,3,4,The lady,1,2,Monkey Sun,Mother,3,Pig Zhu,4,1,2,3,4,about a month ago,five days last week,last Monday,told a joke,won the race,said hello,did w

9、ell in the exam,1,Games,times,did sth.,Sb.,at dinner yesterday,2,3,4,The Smurf,1,2,You,I,3,Avatar,4,1,2,3,4,last morning,a fortnight ago,yesterday afternoon,took Nina to the studio,went to work late,slept well,gave a CD to Robert,New words and expressions,v.,n.,prep.,adj.,adv.,v.+ ,phrase,quantifer,

10、verbs,悬挂,打破,弄坏,闯入,睡觉,听见,nouns,松树,喂鸟器,坚果,果仁,(非正式)肚子,效用,益处,价格,价钱,头,头部,考试,测验,笑话,工作室,录音室,adjectives,防松鼠的,野生的,天然的,死的,adverbs,早地,快地,迅速地,在外面,quantifiers,更多的,很多,v. + ,闯入,剪下,prep.,因为,在的外面,phrases,上床睡觉,because & because of 均表示“因为” 区别 because是连词,所以后边跟句子 He came to work late because he got up late. because of后边

11、加名词或者动名词短语 He came to work late because of getting up late.,hang 过去分词形式为 hung 意思为 悬挂 The wall of my living room was hung with a tapestry. 我的起居室的墙上挂着一块壁毯。 Big lights hung from the ceiling. 天花板上吊着几盏大吊灯。 The lamp hung over the table. 那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方.,break vt. 打破、打碎、打断 Who broke the window into pieces? He f

12、ell and broke his leg. Try not to break the silence. 违反 He often breaks his promise/his word/ the law/ the rule. 习语 break away突然离开 break away from sb.脱离、离开、背弃 break down 中断、粉碎、发生故障、(身体)跨了、(机器)坏了 break forth迸发、爆发、发泄 break in闯进、打断,break in on sb.打断某人的谈话 break into闯入、侵占 breakinto pieces打碎 break off折断、突

13、然中断 breakopen 撬开 break out爆发 break through突破 breakup开垦、破碎、解散、分解 break with sb.与某人断交 break sbs heart使某人心碎,tummy 表示“(非正式)肚子”,经常用于小孩子,近义词有:stomach、 abdomen、 belly、abdomen abdomen: 它指的是人的腹部 它还可以指昆虫的腹部 belly: 它也可以指人的腹部(意思和abdomen相同) 它可以指动物的肚子 它还可以形象的指物体腹状的部分,也就是说,在英语中说人的腹部abdomen 或belly都可以,而说到动物的腹部(除了昆虫的

14、腹部),就不要用abdomen了, 那样是不合适的,dead adj. 死的,不起作用的,无趣的,筋疲力尽的,麻木的,完全的,无效的,沉闷的,(指球)界外的 The cat is dead without moving. adv. 完全地; 非常; 绝对; 极度 His poems sound dead boring, actually. n. 死人, 最寂静的时候 We try to forget the dead.,cut down 削减 He tried to cut down on smoking but failed. 他试图少抽烟,但没成功。 缩短 Cut down the art

15、icle so as to make it fit the space available on the paper. 把文章缩短一些,这样就能排进报纸有限的版面中。 坎倒 Surplus trees can be cut down and use used to provide wood . 多余的树木还可以砍下来做木材。,use n. 用,使用;利用 He makes good use of his time. 他能充分利用时间。 使用权;使用能力 He gave me the use of his bike. 他让我使用他的自行车。 效用;益处;价值 Whats the use of w

16、orrying? 担心有什么用呢? These dictionaries are of great use. 这些词典十分有用。,use vi. 用,使用 May I use your pen? 我用一下你的笔可以吗? 发挥;行使 He promised to use his influence. 他答应运用他的影响力。 利用(他人、时间、机遇等) They used him to shock the others. 他们利用他来吓唬别人。 对待 He used her worse than ever. 他待她比过去更糟了。 vi. (现仅用于used to do结构)过去惯常,以前习惯于 W

17、e used to grow peanuts. 我们过去是种花生的。,The use of “.的作用”、 “什么的用途” 。后面通常接名字, eg: The use of pen is writing. 钢笔的用途是书写.“,more adj. (many, much的比较级)更多的;更高程度的 + (than) He has more chance than ever. 他从来没有这样的大好机会。 另外的,附加的 If you still feel hungry, there is more food in the kitchen. 如果你还饿,厨房里还有东西。 pron. 更多的数量;更

18、多的人(或事物) + (of/than) Instead of fewer accidents, there were more. 意外事故非但没有减少,反而增多了。 额外的数目;另外的一些,more adv. (用以构成形容词或副词的比较级)更 + than His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病情比医生原先所料的更严重。 (much的比较级)更多;更大程度地 You should sleep more than you do. 你应该有更多的睡眠。 另外;再 They stayed there two

19、days more. 他们在那里又呆了两天。,go to bed 意思为“上床睡觉”,同类短语有 fall asleep、go to sleep fall asleep 强调的是状态,睡着了 go to sleep , get to sleep 强调的是动作,去睡觉 go to bed 也是强调动作,上床睡觉 go to sleep 和go to bed 的区别: 应该就是一个强调去床上睡觉,另一个没有强调睡觉的地方。 1、Mum, can I watch TV? I dont want to _ too early. 2、I get up and _ nearly at the same t

20、ime everyday. 3、He _ when I was still talking to him. 4、He _ as soon as he lay down. 5、We should be quiet when the baby _.,go to bed,go to bed,went to sleep,went to sleep,fall asleep,a lot a lot 是副词(adv.) Thanks a lot. 多谢 。 Ive learned a lot from the Internet. 我从英特网上学到了很多。 Beijing has changed a lot since 1979. 自从1979年以来,北京变化了很多。 a lot of + n. 形容词性短语 There are a lot of people. 这儿有很多人。 Theres a lot of information. 这儿有很多信息。,


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