饭店英中语unit15 In a Beauty Salon.ppt

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1、Hotel English,Unit 15,In a Beauty Salon,I Discovering Language,Im sorry .,Which sound?,/m/, /n/ or / ?,In a Beauty Salon,发音方法,I. Discovering Language Which sound can you hear? 1.,m ,/ n /, ,发音方法,2. young children in the kindergarten run a marathon men and women, old and young a Chinese-born American

2、 scientist 3. 1) Someone is ringing at the door. 2) No sooner said than done. 3) Give a dog an ill name and hang him. 4) I am not alone in this opinion. 5) I am doing nothing now.,m ,/ n /, ,II Introduction,Introduction,In a Beauty Salon,Word Reference:,beauty salon 美容美体沙龙 massage n. 按摩 SPA=Solus Po

3、r Aqua(health by water) 水疗美容与养生 appearance n. 外表,外貌 hot spring 温泉 therapy n. 疗法 fragrant essential balm 芳香精油,Beauty salon, which is also called beauty parlor, also plays an important role in a hotel. And for some hotels, it is an outstanding characteristic and the main attraction to the guests.,Intr

4、oduction,Most hotels could provide hair style designings to their guests. When the guests need to take part in the formal activities, they could go to the barbers in the hotel and get their hair dressed at their request. This service is welcomed by the guests.,In a beauty salon, people could not onl

5、y have their hair dressed, but also enjoy massage. Some hotels such as those in Thailand are very famous for their massage. Lots of guests come to these hotels just for their massage. It is a good way to relax our body.,SPA is more and more popular in recent years, and there are also many hotels whi

6、ch are famous for their SPA. It has been proved that SPA is an effective therapy to relax our body and cure serveral illnesses. So the hotels which have good facilites for SPA are hard to book in holiday seasons.,Less and less people stay in a hotel just for business; they come for pleasures. So a w

7、onderful beauty salon could also attract such kind of guests who are in favor of enjoying their holidays in fascinating hot springs and fragrant essential balm.,III Lead-in Activities,Do you know?,Let me explain it to you,In a Beauty Salon,Can you give the answers to them ?,1. What services do you t

8、hink the hairdressers in the hotels should provide? 2. When introducing the beauty salon of your hotel to the guests, what should you state clearly? 3. As for introducing SPA, is there anything you need to pay attention to? What are they? 4. Do you think a hotel should pay attention to their beauty

9、salons? Why or why not? 5. Can you list some famous SPA hotels around the world?,Class activity,team work,IV Topic extension,Words and Expressions,Listen to the following dialogues.,In a Beauty Salon,Words and expressions:,bronze a. 铜黄色 characteristic n. 特征,特性 procedure n. 过程 tranquil a 宁静的 lavender

10、 n. 薰衣草 efficacy n. 疗效 extract v. 萃取 extraction n. 萃取,浓缩,Dialogue I,H: Good evening, Miss. Please be seated. G: Good evening. Id like to have my hair cut. H: Ok. Which style do you prefer? G: Actually, I have no idea now. Could you give me some advice?,IV Topic Extension,At the Hairdressers,G= Guest

11、 H= Hairdresser,H: Here are the most fashionable hair styles of this year. Is there anyone you like? G: I like this one. Do you think it is fit for me? H: The hair style is OK, but the color is not proper. I think bronze will suit you the most.,IV Topic Extension,G: I like bronze. Please make this s

12、tyle for me. I will have a party tomorrow, and I want to give them a big surprise. H: No problem. Im sure youll be the star at the party tomorrow. G: I cant wait to see my new style.,IV Topic Extension,(1 hour later) H: OK. Its done. Do you like it? G: Er Could you make it a bit shorter here? Its co

13、vering my eyes. H: OK. No problem. Is it OK now? G: Perfect. Thanks.,IV Topic Extension,Dialogue II,IV Topic Extension,Having a Massage,M: Good afternoon. Welcome to the massage room of MGM Grand. G: Good afternoon. It is my first time to have a massage, I feel a little bit nervous. M: Dont be nervo

14、us. Massage is aimed at making you relax. G: I know. OK, I will try to relax first.,G= Guest M= Massagist,IV Topic Extension,M: Thats right. If you feel painful, please let me know, or if you feel nothing, please let me know ,too. G: OK. Could you tell me something about massage? M: Massage is a Fre

15、nch word. Its origin is an Arabic word which means “press”. It is combined with some traditional Asian medical theories and has been proven to make our body relax and keep the balance of the energy.,IV Topic Extension,G: Wonderful. And after your massage, I feel more relaxed and comfortable. M: That

16、s the way it should be. And that is the characteristics of massage.,Dialogue III,IV Topic Extension,Enjoying the SPA,B: Welcome to the SPA Center of MGM Grand. G: Im anxious to see the procedure and enjoy the SPA here. B: This way, please. G: Oh, the whole environment is peaceful and quiet, my heart

17、 feels the tranquil atmosphere too.,G = Guest B= Beautician,IV Topic Extension,B: Thats true. SPA is a system to adjust your body and soul to make you relax and keep the balance of the energy inside, and then keep and improve your health. G: Fascinating! And what does SPA stand for? B: It is the abb

18、reviation of “Solus Por Aqua”, which means “health by water” in English. You can see that all SPA can not be done without water.,IV Topic Extension,G: Yes, indeed. And Im curious about the fragrant essential balm. The efficacy of it is amazing. What is it made from? B: The essential balm is extracte

19、d from pure natural plants, such as lavenders, orange skins and so on. These plants have medical efficacy, so does the essential, and the efficacy is more evident because of the extraction. G: I see. B: Now your SPA is ready, you can enjoy it.,V Oral Time,Translate the following sentences,please.,Ac

20、t it out,Complete the dialogue.,In a Beauty Salon,Situation A: Introduce a famous SPA hotel.,Act it out,Situation B: Act out as a hairdresser and design a hair style for a 20-year-old fashion girl.,Act it out,Complete the dialogue,Check up,A: Good afternoon, _. B: Thank you. Id like to have my hair

21、curved. A: _? B: I have no idea. _? A: You can choose the hair style you like from this book. Theyre _. B: I like this one. A: Im sorry to say, but _. B: Well, what about this one? A: That will be better. B: OK. _,A: Good afternoon, please take a seat. B: Thank you. Id like to have my hair curved. A

22、: Which kind of hair styles do you prefer? B: I have no idea. Could you give me some suggestions? A: You can choose the hair style you like from this book. Theyre of the latest fashion. B: I like this one. A: Im sorry to say, but it doesnt suit you well. B: Well, what about this one? A: That will be

23、 better. B: OK. Please make this one for me.,Translation,1) 这些是今年最流行的发型。 2) 我想把我的头发剪的更短一点。 3) 按摩是一门很古老的技艺。 4) 按摩帮助我们的身体放松下来。 5) SPA是一种能够放松和治病的疗法。 6) SPA帮助我们保持体内能量的平衡。,Check up,1. These are the most fashionable hair styles of this year. 2. I want my hair to be cut shorter. 3. Massage is a very old an

24、d historical craft. 4. Massage help our body relax. 5. SPA is a therapy which can make body relaxed and cure certain illnesses. 6. SPA helped us keep the balance of the energy inside our body.,VI Vocabulary Development,Read,Learn,In a Beauty Salon,Acupressure 针压法 Acupuncture 针灸 Aesclepions 是以创始人的名字命

25、名的一种希腊的滋养、治病的治疗中心。 Aerobics 有氧运动 Algotherapy 用加热的海藻和红外线灯治疗的方法 Anerobics 一种不促进血液循环或不向肌肉组织送氧的运动,Words and expressions:,Aquaerobics/Acquacize 利用水的阻力强化骨头、肌肉、增强体质的运动。 Aromatherapy 芳香疗法。 Asanas 不同的瑜伽姿势。 Aslan Therapy 起源于罗马尼亚,药物疗法。 Ayurveda 东印度的草药疗法 Bad 德语的名词“洗澡”。 Baden 德语的动词“洗澡”。,Balneotherapy 一种用含丰富矿物质的水

26、、盐水或净化过的水进行的水疗法 Basti 一种草药疗法。 Biofeedback 生物反馈疗法或技术 Body Composition Analysis 任何研究脂肪量与肌肉比例的方法 Brush and Tone 用工具刷去皮肤的死皮/坏死细胞,促进血液循环 Cathiodermie 用低电压刺激皮肤的方法 Cell Therapy 细胞疗法,Circuit Training 循环训练法 Clinical Esthetician 临床美学家 Colonic 灌肠 Complementary Medicine 不是传统的治疗各类疾病的医学治疗方法 Craniosacral Therapy 头

27、部和颈部的按摩疗法。 Crenotherapy 任何使用矿泉水、泥浆和蒸汽的疗法。 Dancercize 利用舞蹈进行的有氧运动。 Dead Sea Mud Treatment 死海泥浆疗法 Doshas “Vata”促进血液循环,“Pitta”促进新陈代谢 “Kapha”调解人的精神。 Dulse Scrub 用红藻类擦洗 Duo Massage 双人按摩 Endermologie 按摩疗法 Effleurage 一种快速击打的按摩方法。 Essential Oils 香精油 Exfoliation 除去皮肤的坏死细胞的方法 Fango Therapy 泥浆疗法 Flotation Tank

28、 使人漂浮在一个大容器里的盐水里的疗法,Golden Spoons 金勺子美容法 Gommage 彻底清洁全身并在击打按摩时使用多种乳膏补充身体水分的疗法。 Hamam 土耳其或中东地区的集体浴池。 Herbal Wrap 药草包裹法 Herbalism 用植物和植物精华治病的方法 Holistic Medicine/Health 全面治疗 Hydrotherapy 水疗法 Inhalation Therapy 吸入疗法 Ionization 离子疗法,Japanese Enzyme Bath 日式酶浴 Japanese Facial 日式美容 Loofah Scrub 丝瓜络疗法 Lymph

29、 Drainage 淋巴排放疗法 Marine Hydrotherapy 海水疗法 Medical Esthetician 医疗美学家 Meditation 指任何关于思维、记忆力、呼吸的治疗形式 Moor Peat Bath 沼泽泥煤洗浴 Morphology 形态学。,Naturopathy 自然疗法 NIA - (Non-impact aerobics)轻度有氧运动 Oleation 与芳香疗法相似 Onsen 日本的天然矿物质温泉。 Oxygen Facial 氧气美容 Panchakarma 用香精油按摩、彻底清洁、排毒的一种疗法。 Parafango 用石蜡和泥浆混合的一种疗法 P

30、araffin 石蜡疗法 Physiochineitherapy 用热量、光线、电力和医药手段治疗的一种方法 Radon Therapy 氡气疗法 Reflexology 反射疗法 Roman Bath 罗马洗浴,Salt Glow 一种结合水的、去除死皮的治疗方法 Sauna 桑拿浴。 Scotch Hose/Swiss Shower 苏格兰和瑞士沐浴。 Shiatsu 结合针灸的日式按摩技法。 Siddha Vaidya 用浸过香精油的草药按摩全身的疗法。 Spinning 骑固定脚踏车的一种锻炼形式 Sports Massage 针对肌肉紧张的部位快速击打的按摩方法。 Steam Roo

31、m 蒸汽间 Step Aerobics 台阶有氧运动。 Swedish Massage 瑞典按摩。 Swiss Shower 瑞士沐浴。 Thalassotherapy 海洋疗法。 Trager Massage 通过有节奏的摇摆运动放松身心的按摩方法。 Therapies 疗法,VII English around You,A story?,English is everywhere!,In a Beauty Salon,Not Necessary To Answer Teacher:“I have two questions,it isnt necessary to answer the second question if you know the result of the first questionHow much hair do you have?” Student :“A hundred and twenty millions” Teacher:“How do you know it?” Student:“It is not necessary to answer the second question”,Story,


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