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1、第 1313 讲 状语从句的 5 5 个高频考点及 2 2 种解题方法 备考指导 状语从句是历年高考中考查的最多的一个考点,通常是以单项填空、完形填空的 选项、语法填空、短文改错和书面表达的形式进行考查。解决状语从句类题目通常使用的方法 有:看是否是考查固定句型中固定用法,是否可以运用分析句式结构与句子成分来判断,是否 可以运用句子的语境和语义来判断,是否可以通过主从句的谓语动词发生的逻辑关系来判断, 是否可以通过运用还原法来做出正确的判断。 一、状语从句中的 5 5 个高考热点 1 1whenwhen 的用法 (1)“”表示突然发生某事,意为 正在突然。 I was just coming

2、along to see you when I ran into Mr.White. 我正准备来看你,突然遇到了怀特先生。 (2)“表示过早发生某事,意为 还没(刚刚)”就。 I had not been reading for half an hour when I heard steps outside. 我刚刚读了还不到半小时就听到外边的脚步声。 (3)“表示对比,意为 本该;而(却)”。 He walks when he might take a taxi. 他可以打的,可他还是步行。 He removed the tree when it was the best in the gr

3、ound. 这棵树本来在地里长的是最好的时候,他却把它移走了。 (4)“表示条件,意为 在的情况下”。 Why do you walk when you have a car? 你有车怎么还步行呢? How can we explain it to you when you wont listen? 在你不听的情况下,我们怎么跟你解释? 2 2whilewhile的用法 (1)“”表示转折、对比,意为 而;当却。 Some people waste food while others havent enough. 有些人浪费食物,而有些人却不够吃的。 (2)“”表示 尽管;虽然 (多放在句首)

4、。 1 While I admit its good points,I can see its disadvantages. 尽管我承认它的优点,但是我能看到它的缺点。 (3)“表示 只要”。 Where there is life,there is hope. 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧。 (4)“表示 既然”。 Id like to get it settled today while we are at it. 既然我们做,我就希望今天把它做完。 3 3beforebefore 的用法 (1)“表达 还未就;不到就;才;还没来得及”就等含义。 We walked four days befo

5、re we reached our destination. 我们走了四天才到目的地。 Before I could say a word,he had measured me. 我还没来得及插话,他就给我量好了尺寸。 Before they reached the station,the train had gone. 他们还没到火车站,火车就开走了。 (注意 before 从句的谓语动词不用否定式) (2)It will be一段时间before.“”,表示 还要多久才。 It wont be long before he comes back. 不久他就会回来的。 4 4引导时间状语从句

6、的名词短语 every time,each time,next time,the last time,any time“等,表示 每当;每 ”次;下一次。 Next time you come,do remember to bring your son here. 下一次来时,一定把你儿子带来。 5 5“一就”的几种表达法 as soon as,immediately,directly,instantly,the moment,the minute,the instant, once,on (doing) sth.,at the sight/thought/mention of,no soon

7、er.than.,hardly (scarcely)when“”表示 一就。 We had no sooner arrived at the station than the train left. 2 No sooner had we arrived at the station than the train left. On our arrival at the station,the train left. 我们一到车站,火车就开了。 At the sight of her mother,the girl ran to her at once. The girl ran to her m

8、other as soon as she saw her. 女孩一看到她妈妈,就向她跑去。 二、解决状语从句的 2 2 个方法 方法 1 1 句意翻译法 对于状语从句的解答来说,最重要的一点是能够正确地翻译句子的意思,这样就能够判断出该 从句是状语从句中的哪一种,选择也就很容易了。 典例展示 1 (2016全国卷)Over time, _ the population grew, people began cutting food into small pieces so it would cook more quickly. 答案 when/as “解析 此处空格处引导时间状语从句,表示 当

9、时候,随着”,应用 when/as。 典例展示 2 (2015陕西高考)My only mistake was that I dropped some on the floor after I was packing them up._ 答案 afterwhen/while 解析 句意:我唯一的错误是在我打包的时候,把一些(饼干)“掉在了地上。表示 当的时 ”候 应用 when 或 while。故 after改为 when/while。 方法 2 2 分清句子类型法 对于有些试题来说,掌握和分清一些固定的句型结构是很重要的,同时也要注意该从句与别的 一些从句的区别,如地点状语从句和定语从句,结

10、果状语从句和定语从句等。 典例展示 1 He was told that it would be at least three more months _ he could recover and return to work. 答案 before 解析 句意:他被告知至少还要三个月他才能恢复健康,回去上班。这里使用了固定句型:It will be一段时间before.“”的句型, 要多久才, since也可以和一段时间连用,但 是句型是:It is/has been一段时间since.”,故填 before。 典例展示 2 It will be 5 or 10 years _ it is p

11、ossible for people to found a space station on the moon. 3 答案 before 解析 句意:大约 5 年或 10年后,人们才有可能在月球上建立太空站。before“意为 在 之前”,常用句式:It will be some time before.。 跟踪训练 考点突破 . .用适当的连接词填空 1One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away _ my daughter heard cries for help. 2It was April 29,2011 _ Prince

12、 William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony. 3Frank insisted that he was not asleep _ I had great difficulty in waking him up. 4As is reported,it is 100 years _ Qinghua University was founded. 5_ dry a desert may be,it is not necessarily lifeless. 6He had no soone

13、r finished his speech _ the students started cheering. 7_ regular exercise is very important,its never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime. 8_ all of them are strong candidates,only one will be chosen for the post. 9He had his camera ready _ he saw something that would make a good picture.

14、10Jack wasnt saying anything,but the teacher smiled at him _ he had done something very clever. . .单句改错 1Last summer I went to Xian with my parents.We visited many places of interest as the temperature was over 38 ._ 2 He is so busy.He cannot afford enough time with his son as if he wants to._ 3Unti

15、l we have enough evidence,we cant win the case._ 4She was such a proud person that she would die after she would admit she was wrong._ 5Amazing although it is,an astronauts superior position is filled with potential 4 danger._ 6It is reported that it may be two or three months until it is possible t

16、o test this medicine on animals._ 7 It was about midnight since we found the lost child , crying under a tree._ 8I did finish my homework until ten last night._ 9What he does, his mother will always think hes right._ 10. I was about to go out suddenly the telephone rang._ 能力提升 . .阅读理解 Last week I vi

17、sited my friend Pete in the new home where he lives with his wife and daughter.Pete used to spend his holidays travelling the world,visiting the pyramids in Egypt or scuba diving(潜水) in the Caribbean.Nowadays he prefers to spend his holidays and weekends making his house look more beautiful.Like hun

18、dreds of thousands of other British people,he has discovered the joy of DIY (Do It Yourself),which means if there are any things that need fixing around the house,he will try to do the job himself. As he showed me the new kitchen he put together by himself and the newly painted walls,I asked Pete wh

19、ere he got his inspiration(灵感) from.He told me that his favorite source of ideas was a DIY program on TV. This got me thinking about the great popularity of DIY programs in the UK.Each major channel has at least one home or garden improving show and theres even a satellite channel completely about t

20、he subject. I guess it is not really surprising that DIY programs are so popular.Two common sayings in Britain“an Englishmans home is his castle” and “theres no place like home”show how important our houses are to us.With the present economic downturn,many people cant afford to buy a bigger house so

21、 they are looking at how they can make their house better without spending a lot of money.DIY is the perfect choice. But be careful! I read a report that said over 230,000 people were injured while doing home improvements in the UK in just one year,including 41,000 who fell off ladders(梯子) 5 and 5,8

22、00 who were seriously hurt by hammers.So I wont be going down to the hardware store. 1How did Pete spend his holiday in the past? AVisiting his friends. BDiving. CTravelling around the world. DMaking his house beautiful. 2Which might NOT be shown in a DIY program on TV? AScuba diving. BA garden impr

23、oving feature. CHome improvements. DFixing things in kitchens. 3Which is NOT the reason why DIY is popular among British people? AThey enjoy DIY. BThey want to make their houses better themselves. CThey can improve their houses without spending much money. DThey want to be on TV. 4At the end of the

24、article the writer wants us to remember _ Anot to go to the hardware store Bto be careful not to get hurt while doing DIY Cto keep watching DIY on TV while drinking a nice cup of tea Dnot to climb ladders or use hammers . .完形填空 Twenty years ago,I had two older sisters.When I was five,my two sisters

25、were stolen from our home,and we were_1_I didnt know where they ended up. One day,a dear friend_2_me.He told me hed connected with a girl on a social media site.They had many similar views,and many_3_ likes,and even had dreams about a place called “The Valley”The Valley is a nickname for where we we

26、re_4_We lived in a world that was so colorful and amazing that I can t even_5_it. I dont know what happened to them in their_6_,but I do know one thing: that dear 6 friend_7_ my middle sister,who had been_8_ and had struggled her whole life to remember our_9_When I saw her picture,however,I had a bi

27、t of recognition.I remembered this girl,_10_ I couldnt figure out why.Though Id _11_ started remembering bits of my_12_ life,it was still_13_to recognize this girl who had changed so much.Yet,part of me knew who she was the instant I saw her_14_We started talking,and discovered our sisterly origins.

28、As it turns out,she doesnt remember our oldest _15_ very well,but I do. After over twenty years,I found one sister,and I want to find the other.This is my_16_ to find my oldest sister.I _17_ her,and I want to reunite the “Power of Three” I hope that someone might have a piece of information for me.A

29、nd I hope that even if there is no_18_,my story can inspire others to_19_I was in a dark place,but Ive found a little_20_Now all I need is to find my sun. 1A.cheated Battacked Chidden Dseparated 2A.warned Bleft Cmessaged Dcomforted 3A.similar Bgreat Cstrange Dspecial 4A.employed Bborn Ctrapped Deduc

30、ated 5A.describe Bbelieve Creach Dunderstand 6A.trips Bmeetings Cholidays Dlives 7A.admired Bchose Cfound Dremembered 8A.discovered Brefused Cpunished Dstolen 9A.language Bhome 7 Cschool Dknowledge 10A.though Bbecause Cunless Dif 11A.obviously Bfinally Ceasily Dproudly 12A.peaceful Bpoor Cold Dbusy

31、13A.helpful Bnecessary Cfunny Dhard 14A.clothes Breport Cpicture Daddress 15A.sister Bhabit Cpromise Dgame 16A.way Bwish Crequest Dchance 17A.miss Bnotice Crespect Dtrust 18A.time Bneed Cresponsibility Dinformation 19A.grow up Bhold on Cset off Dgive up 20A.curiosity Bconfidence Clight Ddisappointme

32、nt . .语法填空 Two traveling angels (天使) stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the guest room. Instead the angels were given some space in the cold basement. 1._ they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a h

33、ole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked 2._ , the older angel replied, “Things arent always 3._ they seem.” 8 The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, 4._ very hospitable (好客的) farmer. 5._ sharing a little food they had, the farmer and his wife let the

34、angels sleep in their bed 6._ they could have a good nights rest. 7._ the sun came up the next morning, the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their only income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was very angry and asked the older angel“, How co

35、uld this happen”? “Why didnt you watch out for the cow? The first family had everything, yet you watched over his house”, she accused (谴责). “The second family had little but was willing to share everything, you didnt help.” “Things arent always what they seem”, the angel replied. “8._ we stayed in t

36、he basement, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. 9._ the owner was so greedy and unwilling to share his good fortune, I asked God if I could seal the wall 10._ he wouldnt find it. Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I asked God

37、if the angel could take the cow instead. So things arent always what they seem.” 9 第 13讲 状语从句的 5 个高频考点及 2 种解题方法 考点突破 . .1.when 2.when 3.although/though 4.since 5.No matter how/However 6.than 7.Although/Though 8.While/Though/Although 9.in case 10.as if/as though . .1.asthough 2.aseven 3.UntilUnless 4

38、 afterbefore 5.althoughthough/as 6.untilbefore 7.sincewhen 8.suddenlywhen 9whatwhatever 10.diddidnt 能力提升 . .1.C 细节理解题。由第一段中的“Pete used to spend his holidays travelling the world,visiting the pyramids in Egypt or scuba diving(潜水) in the Caribbean.”可知 C 项 正确。 2A 细节理解题。DIY programs是自己动手整理家园,不包括潜水。故选 A。

39、 3D 细节理解题。由文章第四段用排除法可知:DIY流行的原因不是他们想上电视。故选 D。 4B 写作意图题。由文章最后一段可知:作者告诫我们在自己动手的时候一定要注意安全。 故选 B。 . .1.D “根据上句作者的两个姐姐被偷走可知他们被 分开了”。 2C 从下句 He told me“”可知一个亲密的朋友 发信息 告诉作者。 3A “由本句可知他们有许多类似的观点,有很多兴趣 类似”。 4B 从上下文可知 The Valley“”是作者和两个姐姐 出生 的地方。 5A 从上句 so colorful and amazing that 可知此地美丽动人,简直不能用语言“描述”。 6D “”

40、从上下文可知作者不知道他们 生活 中发生了什么事情。 7C “”从上文提到亲密朋友告诉作者他交到的朋友提到的出生地可推知 找到了 作者的二 姐。 8D “”指上句提到 被偷走 的姐姐。 9B “结合上文出生地可知作者的姐姐努力记起他们的 家”。 10A “”“”由上下文 记起 与 不知道原因 构成转折,可知答案为 A。 11B 从下句 who had changed so much 可知作者记起女孩的难度,并且前后句子意思转折, “”“”虽然 最后 记起了许多 旧时的 事情。 10 12C “此处指以前的事情,故用 旧事”。 13D “此处呼应 变化这么大”“,意为 难以认出”。 14C “”

41、结合上文辨认照片,此处仍然是叙述辨认 照片 的经过。 15A 从上文提到的 my two sisters 及 middle sister结合此处 oldest“可知应为 姐姐”。 16B “”本段叙述找到一个姐姐,然后又 希望 找到另一个姐姐。 17A “作者想着 三人团聚”“”,推知 惦记 着大姐,想要找到她。 18D 从上句 a piece of information“”可知作者希望人们提供信息,即使没有 信息 也希 望自己的经历激励其他人坚持下去。 19B “表示对他人的一种激励, 继续进行”。 20C “作者把找姐姐比作阳光和黑暗。现在找到了一丝 阳光”,与 dark对比。 . .1.As 2.why 3.what 4.but 5.After 6where 7.When 8.When 9.Since 10.So 11


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