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1、第 1 1 讲 掌握名词的相关知识以及名词在语法填空和短文改错中的考查 备考指导 名词是历年高考中的必考点之一,其在高考中的考查主要涉及名词的数、所有格 及词类转换等。 一、5 5 种方法牢固掌握名词及其相关知识 方法 1 1 构词法、联想记忆、发散思维在知识整合中的应用 下面以act 为例介绍在英语学习中,尤其是在一轮复习中如何掌握词汇知识 1运用构词法记忆与之相关的课标要求词汇 actactionactive (反义词 inactive;passive)activelyactivityactoractress actualactually 2运用联想记忆法将课标要求的相关搭配牢固记忆 (1

2、)act as 担任(译员、调解员等) (2)act for 代理 (3)act on对起作用;按照(建议、忠告、命令等)行事 (4)put/set sth.in action 实行,开始 (5)take action 开始行动 (6)be active in在方面积极的 (7)take an active part in 积极参加 3运用发散思维记忆多词一义 “”事实上 的几种表达法: actually;as a matter of fact;in (actual) fact;in reality 方法 2 2 学会在写作中应用词汇知识 1. Old as he is,he is still

3、 active in (still takes an active part in) social activities. 尽管年长了,但是他仍然积极参加社会活动。 2. It is an act of kindness to help whoever needs help badly. 帮助那些急需要帮助的人是一种善举。 3. Immediate actions must be taken to reduce haze weather and better the environment by stopping polluting. 应该立即采取行动通过停止污染的方式减少雾霾天气,优化生活环

4、境。 4. In some peoples opinion,the more they possess,the wealthier and happier they 1 are,but actually the reality is not what they expect. 有些人认为,拥有的东西越多,他们就越富有越幸福,但事实上现实并非像他们期待的那样。 方法 3 3 运用语境理解法解决名词辨析题 在平时的词汇学习中,尤其要注意名词的一词多义、多词一义问题,创设语境,在语境中记忆 是最有效的。 你知道 act与 action的区别吗? He was caught in the act of

5、 stealing. 他在偷东西时被抓住。 Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于言辞。 act (n.)与 action在大多数情况下可以互相替换,但是若指具体的动作时要用 act,指抽象的 行为时则要用 action。 方法 4 4 利用名词的固定搭配法记忆名词短语 1名词与介词的搭配 above praise 赞美不尽 above average 超过平均水平 at a loss 不知所措 at full speed 以全速 at sbs service 随时可供使用;随时提供帮助/服务 at present 目前 at risk 冒险 beyond

6、compare 无与伦比 beyond expression 不可名状 beyond ones reach够不着 beyond belief 难以置信 beyond doubt 无疑,确实 by chance/accident 偶然 by no means 绝不 2 by nature 天生地 by mistake 错误地 by heart 熟记 for sale 供出售,待售 for example 例如 for an instant 一瞬间 in ruins 成为废墟 in doubt 怀疑 in advance 提前 in all aspects 在各个方面 in public 公开地

7、in detail 详细地 in conclusion 总之 on purpose 故意地 on the whole 总的来说 on average 平均 on this occasion 在这种情况下 on the contrary(与此)相反 out of date 过时 out of order 出故障 out of pity 出于同情 out of curiosity 出于好奇 out of breath 上气不接下气 out of the question 不可能 out of question 没问题 out of danger 脱离危险 out of control 失控 out

8、 of sight 不在视野内 to ones surprise令某人吃惊的是 to some degree 在某种程度上 3 under repair 在修理之中 under consideration 在考虑中 under discussion 在讨论中 under construction 在建设中 independence of 独立于 interest in对的兴趣 comments on对评论 application for 申请 influence on对的影响 confidence in对的信心 advantage over 优于 contact with与联系 approac

9、h to的方式、方法 2名词与动词的搭配 find fault with 挑剔 keep pace with与同步 pay attention to 注意 put an end to 结束 make a fool of 嘲弄 make fun of 取笑 catch sight of 瞥见 take notice of 注意到 take hold of 抓住 make use of 利用 set foot in 进入;访问 take part in 参加 take advantage of 利用 have the privilege of对拥有特权 make sb.s acquaintance

10、与某人相识 have a knowledge of了解 4 方法 5 5 用多词一义辨析法识记 1sign,signal,mark,symbol 这四个词的区别主要在词义上:sign“标志,迹象”,如:a traffic sign“交通标志”; signal“信号,暗号”;mark“记号,符号”;symbol“象征,符号,代号”。如: He raised his finger to his lips as a sign for silence. 他举起一根手指放在嘴唇上,表示要保持安静。 The signal given,the bus started. 信号发出之后,汽车启动了。 The b

11、oy made a mark on the wall with a chalk. 这个男孩用粉笔在墙上做了一个记号。 Honesty should be the symbol of the highest standard morals. 诚信应当是最高道德标准的标志。 2journey,trip,travel,voyage journey 常指陆地上距离较远的旅行。trip指短距离的旅行,也可以指长途旅行。在非正式用 语中 trip可以与 journey 互换使用,常与其搭配的动词有 make,take 等。travel 泛指旅游, 复数形式 travels多指出国旅行或游记,前面不用 ma

12、ny和数词修饰。通常 journey 和 trip 强 调往返性,而 travel不侧重往返性,可以是单程旅行。voyage指水上旅行或航海,也可以指 空中旅行。如: Have a good journey/trip! 旅行愉快! This post involves a large amount of foreign travel. 这一职务要求经常到国外出差。 The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage. 泰坦尼克号在首航中就沉没了。 3mistake,error,fault “三个词都有 错误,过错”的意思。与 mistake 相比,error更正式,常用

13、于书面语。此外,error 强调道德方面的过失,如:the error of his youth(他年轻时候的过失)。而 fault则强调性格 上的小缺点,如:Your only fault is that you cant concentrate.(你唯一的缺点就是注意力 不集中。) 4power,force,strength 5 power 表示“力”的范围,用途最广,包括各种力(身体上的、精神上的、外显的、隐含的等)。 如: To live happily is an inward power of the soul. 幸福地生活是灵魂的一种内在力量。 force“”主要指暴力,法律、道

14、德或感情的力量等,常作 武力,暴力 讲。 strength 指强度,力气,尤指承受重物的力量,如:a man of strength 力气大的人。 5cause,reason,excuse cause“是造成一种事实或现实的 原因,起因”,后接介词 of;reason 是说明一种看法或行为 “的 理由”;excuse“借口,辩解”。如: Heat is the cause of the expansion of matter. 热是物质膨胀的原因。 You must tell him the reason why you wont accept his offer. 你必须告诉他你将不接受他的

15、帮助的理由。 Late again!Whats your excuse this time? 又迟到了!你这次有什么借口? 6habit,custom,customs habit 指个人在长时间内逐渐养成的、一时不易改变的行为和习惯;custom则强调社会、民族 经过一个较长的过程而形成的“风俗,习惯”;customs 为复数名词,意思是“关税,进口税”。 当首字母大写并与 the“连用时表示 海关”。如: He has formed the habit of saving money. 他已养成了存钱的习惯。 Customs vary greatly from country to coun

16、try. 各国的风俗很不一样。 The officials in the Customs at Beijing Airport are very polite. 北京机场的海关官员很有礼貌。 7affect,effect,influence (1)affect 只能用作及物动词,其含义是“使发生变化”,因此“影响”这一词义还可以引 “申为 感动,感染”。 (2)effect 用作名词,着重指影响的“结果”或“作用”。常用于词组 have an effect on中,意 思相当于 affect。effect也可以用作及物动词,但意思完全不同,作“使发生,产生 6 ”结果 讲。 (3)influe

17、nce 既可用作名词,也可用作动词,通常指通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等 产生不易觉察到的、潜移默化的影响。常用的短语搭配:have an influence on sb./sth.对某 人/某事物有影响。 即时练习 1 用 affectaffect,effecteffect,influenceinfluence 的适当形式填空 (1)All the people present at the meeting were _ to tears. (2)What exactly is the _ of television on children? (3)Modern farming met

18、hods have greatly _ agriculture,_of which will _ the environment. 8affair,matter,event (1)affair“可用于严肃认真的公共或政治 事务”,也可指与个人密切相关的小事。 (2)matter“”所表示的 事情 在含义上比较模糊,通常指客观存在的或有待处理的问题。 (3)event“通常指 重要事件”“, 大事”“, (比赛等的)项目”。 即时练习 2 用 affairaffair,mattermatter,eventevent 的适当形式填空 (1)We had regular seminars to di

19、scuss international _. (2)The election was the main _ of 2013. (3)Youth crime is a(n) _ of great concern. (4)Top leaders often discuss international _,that is,the main _ of every year,while we also have some important _ to do. 9method,way,approach,means (1)method 表示科学的,系统的一套方法,而且强调以效率和准确性为目的。其前常与介词

20、with 搭配。 (2)way 指单一技巧或整套操作过程。普通用语,其前常与介词 in搭配。 (3)approach 是学习或研究问题的方法,其后常与 to 搭配。 (4)means 手段,方法,工具。其前常与介词 by搭配。 即时练习 3 用 methodmethod,wayway,approachapproach,meansmeans 的适当形式填空 (1)His teaching _ presents a new _ to foreign language teaching. 7 (2)By this _ they can increase their sales. (3)Change

21、your _ of thinking,and youll feel better. (4)If he changes his _ of thinking,his teaching _ will present a new _ to foreign language teaching and by this _ the students will make great progress. 10award,reward,prize (1)award vt.授予,颁发;判给。 be awarded for.因而受奖 award sb.sth.颁发给某人某物 award n指给在工作、学习等中表现优异

22、的人的奖金、奖状或其他表彰物。 (2)rewardn&vt.报酬,奖励,可以用于比喻意义。指对某人的工作或服务等的回报,也指因 做好事而得到的奖金和报酬。 reward sb.with sth.用酬谢某人 (3)prize n强调给赢得比赛的人奖金或有价值的东西,be awarded a prize for因而获 奖; win the Noble Prize for peace获诺贝尔和平奖;the first prize in lottery中头彩。 即时练习 4 用 awardaward,rewardreward,prizeprize 的适当形式填空 (1)He received a _

23、of 900 from the police for catching the criminal. (2)The university _ her a scholarship. (3)He won the first _ in the singing contest. (4)He was _ a scholarship as a _ or an _,which was also a _ of his diligence. 11care,anxiety,concern,worry (1)care 因责任感、使命感而产生的担心、操心,指忧虑的事,操劳(烦恼)的事。 (2)anxiety 对前途的不

24、幸、灾难等隐约的担心,指焦虑(的原因),令人担心的事。 (3)concern 对喜欢、关心的人/事的担心,指关心的事,重要的事,挂念,关心。 (4)worry 对某一特定问题的担心、发愁、忧虑、令人担心的事等。 即时练习 5 用 carecare,anxietyanxiety,concernconcern,worryworry 的适当形式填空 (1)I appreciate your _ 8 (2)How I wish I could live a life free from _! (3)I waited for her with _ (4)Life is full of _ and _,s

25、o every one of us should show _ for others and share _ with them. 12custom,habit,hobby “”这三个词都有 习惯 的意思,但含义不同。 (1)custom 通常指大范围、长时间形成的风俗和习惯。 (2)habit 通常指个人短时间的习惯。 (3)hobby“指 爱好”。 即时练习 6 用 customcustom,habithabit,hobbyhobby 填空 (1)He formed a _ of getting up early. (2)The Spring Festival is a _ in East

26、 Asia. (3)Reading is his _ (4)My _ is reading for which I have formed the _ of getting up early that is also our _ on New Years Day. 13damage,destroy,ruin (1)damage 是程度较小的“破坏,损坏”,强调价值、用途降低或外表损坏等。一般指被破坏的 物品可以重新修复。 (2)destroy“常指彻底的、不能或很难修复的 破坏,毁坏”“”,程度较深,强调 毁坏 的力度 和彻底性;也可用于损坏抽象的东西,比如名誉、计划、努力、契约等。 (3)r

27、uin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐 毁掉的意思;强调使某物失去优良的特性或特征。 即时练习 7 汶川地震后,许多建筑物都彻底毁坏了,但是当地居民还是修理了一些损坏不太严重的而且新 建了一些建筑,以避免他们家乡的毁灭。 After the Wenchuan earthquake,many buildings were _,but the local people still repaired the _ ones and rebuilt the new ones to keep their hometown from coming to _ 14d

28、iet,food 9 (1)diet 指的是习惯的食物或规定的食物,特指维持健康的定量或定质的食物,如病人的疗养 饮食。diet 为可数名词,常与不定冠词 a 连用。 (2)food 是一般用法,凡能吃喝的、具有营养的东西都称作 food。food 是不可数名词,但在表 示食品的种类时,可以用复数。 即时练习 8 这个病人不能不吃东西,但要吃不含糖的食物。 The sick man must not go without _,but he must have _ without sugar. 15scene,scenery,sight,view (1)scene 指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指

29、scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。 (2)scenery 指某地总的自然风光或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。 (3)sight“”既可以指场景,眼前看到的景观,也可以指名胜、风景,在表示 名胜、风景 时, 用复数形式。 (4)view“常指从某个位置或角度所看到的景色,指 视野,眼界”“,还可表示 观点”。 即时练习 9 用 scenescene,sceneryscenery,viewview,sightsight 的适当形式填空 (1)As we climbed higher,a wonderful _ opened out before us. (2)The next da

30、y we returned to the _ of the accident. (3)On the way up I was busy taking pictures since the _ was so beautiful. (4)The Great Wall whose _ is beautiful is one of the most breathtaking _ in the world,but twenty years ago,beautiful as the _ was from the distance,a dirty _ appeared in front of us when

31、 we arrived there. 16situation,state,condition (1)situation 指一定时期内总的情况、形势、事态,亦可指国际、国内形势,是可数名词;其 后常用 where/in which 引导定语从句。 (2)state 用单数形式表示人或事物的情况及状况,如外貌、心理、外观等方面,可与不定冠词 连用,常用于 in a state of 或 in astate。 (3)condition 的单数形式表示人或物本身的状况,在这个意思上与 state相近;而复数形式则 指事物之外的环境与情况,与 circumstance 意思相近。 即时练习 10 用 s

32、ituationsituation,statestate,conditioncondition 的适当形式填空 10 (1)His business is in a good _ (2)The _ of the house is so bad that nothing can make it safe to live in. (3)After that I give the students various _ where they make up sentences about them. (4)Although the _ of his shop is very bad,his busin

33、ess is in a good _ because the economic _ is thriving. 17shade,shadow “二者都可表示 阴影”,但含义不同。 (1)shade“表示 阴凉处,树荫”,强调避热作用。 (2)shadow 强调人或物在光照下形成的影像。 即时练习 11 用 shadeshade,shadowshadow 填空 (1)He saw a _ of a man in the window. (2)Its hot,lets sit down in the _ of that tree. (3)In the _ of a big tree she coul

34、d see a _ of a man in the window. 二、名词的 2 2 个应对策略 1 1名词与语法填空 考向:在语法填空中,对于名词的考查主要涉及可数名词的复数、名词的所有格以及词类转换; 策略:首先要弄清数与格,即名词是否该用复数,是否要用所有格;其次,注意有关名词的构 词法,即有关名词的词类转换。这就要求考生要搞清楚名词在句中作什么成分,近几年常考名 词作主语、宾语、表语的情况。 典例展示 1 (2016全国卷 ) But for tourists like me, pandas are its top _ (attract) 答案 attraction 解析 表示最具吸

35、引力的地方,应用名词形式。故答案为 attraction。 典例展示 2 (2016全国卷 )The nursery team switches him every few _ (day) with his sister so that while one is being bottlefed, the other is with mum she never suspects. 答案 days “解析 every few”“”复数名词 意思是 每隔。故应用 days。 11 典例展示 3 (2016四川高考)Any smell might attract natural _ (enemy) t

36、hat would try to eat the little panda. 答案 enemies 解析 天敌不止一个,故用复数形式 enemies。 典例展示 4 (2016全国卷)Recent _ (study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks regularly. 答案 studies 解析 本句的谓语动词是 show,说明空格处的主语是名词复数 studies。 典例展示 5 (2015全国卷 )In addition to their simple beauty,what mak

37、es the adobe dwellings admirable is their _ (able) to “air condition” a house without using electric equipment. 答案 ability 解析 形容词性物主代词 their之后应当用名词,故将 able转化为其名词形式 ability。 典例展示 6 (2015全国卷 )Id skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the

38、 Li River that are pictured by artists in so many Chinese _(painting) 答案 paintings 解析 由于该名词由 so many修饰,故填该名词的复数形式 paintings。 典 例 展 示 7 (2014 全 国 卷 )While there are amazing stories of instant transformation,for most of us the _(change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work,like cleaning up

39、 a polluted river.Just be patient. 答案 changes 解析 前面是定冠词 the,因此后面要用名词,再由谓语动词 are可知此空要用其名词的复数 形式,故填 changes。 典 例 展 示 8 (2014 辽 宁 高 考 )I feel my legs shaking.I cannot do this any longer.Unbelievable!Oh.,if you dont mind,Ill stop and take _ deep breath. 答案 a 解析 根据语境可知,说话者对于现在正在进行的活动感到体力不支,因此需要停下来深吸一 口气。

40、take a deep breath 深吸一口气。 12 2 2名词与短文改错 考向:短文改错中对于名词的考查最可能考查名词的数与格。汉语中的名词在形式上没有复数 变化,而是通过在其前加数词或量词等方式来表示。而英语则不同,除了在名词前加数词外, 如果是可数名词,还须用其名词复数形式,而不可数名词没有复数形式。其次名词的考查还会 涉及词性转换方面的错误; 策略:遇到名词首先注意区分它是可数名词还是不可数名词;其次还可以根据名词前的修饰语 或谓语动词的单复数来判断。此外,还要注意名词的所有格以及名词的句法功能,判断是否存 在词性转换方面的错误。 典例展示 1 (2016全国卷)The teena

41、ge year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me._ 答案 yearyears 解析 13 至 19岁的那几年,year当然要用复数形式。故 year 改为 years。 典例展示 2 (2016四川高考)Mom has a fulltime job, but she has to do most of the houseworks._ 答案 houseworkshousework 解析 housework 为不可数名词,没有复数形式。故 houseworks 改为 housework。 典例展示 3 (2016全国卷 )My

42、uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest._ 答案 honesthonesty 解析 主语是 key,表语与其构成同位关系,并非对主语的描述,应用名词。故 honest改为 honesty。 典例展示 4 (2016全国卷 )If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden our view and gain knowledges we cannot get from books._ 答案 knowledgesknowledge 解析 knowledge 为不可数名词,不能用复数。故 knowle

43、dges 改为 knowledge。 典 例 展 示 5 (2015 全 国 卷 )The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier._ 答案 airsair 解析 由后面的定语从句 we breathe in 可知,此处先行词的意思是“空气”,air 当“空气”讲 时为不可数名词。故 airs改为 air。 13 典例展示 6 (2015全国卷 )One day,little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent.It was.his parents were missing.T

44、ony saw his parents._ 答案 parentparents 解析 从后文可以看出 Tony的父母一起和他去的购物中心,后文两次出现 parents,所以应该 将 parent改为 parents。 典例展示 7 (2015四川高考)As I told you last time,I made three new friend here._ 答案 friendfriends 解析 名词friend 为可数名词,其前有three 修饰,需要用复数形式,故把friend 改成friends。 典例展示 8 (2015浙江高考)My old classroom was interes

45、ting because three side of the classroom were made from glass._ 答案 sidesides 解析 前面有 three修饰,故 side要用复数形式 sides。 跟踪训练 考点突破 . .单句语法填空 1He had witnessed too many_(die) and wounds at the Battle of Solferino in Italy four years earlier,in which 40,000 people were killed,wounded or missing. 2Apples new ma

46、chine,the Lisa,proved to be an expensive_(fail) 3I ran into my neighbor,Dennis,yesterday afternoon.He asked if I wanted two tickets to the theater.He had season tickets but couldnt go to this_(perform) 4Tourism should also advance the wealth and_(happy) of local inhabitants. 5These people have made

47、great_(contribute) to China with their work. 6They get advice from “_(strange)”When they need advice,they dont usually go to people they know. 7My first_(impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man. 8Those who suffer from headache will find they get_(relieve) from this medicine. 9Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency? Well,you know,English is my_ (s


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