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1、第 9 9 讲 3 3 种思路及 2 2 种方法搞清亦真亦假的虚拟语气 备考指导 虚拟语气是历年高考中考查的较多的一个考点,通常是以单项填空、语法填空、 短文改错和书面表达的形式进行考查。解决虚拟语气类题目通常使用的方法有:看是否是考查 固定句型中的虚拟语气用法,是否可以运用句子中的某些特定的词来判断,是否可以通过上下 语境和时态呼应来找突破口。 一、背诵歌诀记忆相关知识 虚拟语气意虚幻,愿望事实总相反。所列条件是假设,亦表建议和委婉。假设条件在现在,具 体实施没实现。从句使用过去时,主句动前 would添。过去事实已存在,后来假设没实现。would 加上完成时,过去完成凑条件。表示将来可能性

2、,小而又小很可怜。would后面动词立,从句 should 加动原。wish 后接宾从句,主语构思难实现。从句虚拟分三种,现在将来谓语换。as if (though)引从句,情同 wish 宾从连。一个坚持俩命令,三个建议四请愿。所有从句都在数, 虚拟 should放动前。虚拟语气经常用,莫与直陈混一谈。 二、虚拟语气的 3 3 种命题类型与解题思路 要成为解题高手,就要知道试题是怎样命制的,也就是说,要了解命题人在考查某一项知识时 采用什么样的方式来设计题目,有哪些题型,以便有针对性地找出解题思路,快速破解题目。 研究近几年高考中出现的虚拟语气试题,我们会发现如下命题规律(三大类型题): 1

3、 1直接型 直接考查虚拟语气的相关知识,题目设置较为简单。比如对“虚拟语气在 if”条件句中的用法 的考查:(1)主句信息已知,让考生判断从句的动词形式;(2)从句信息已知,让考生判断主句 的动词形式。 解题思路 分别根据主、从句动词的形式,来确定所对应的动词形式。 典例展示 Although they just met for the first time, they talked as if they _ (be) friends for many years. 答案 had been 解析 句意:尽管他们是第一次见面,但是他们谈起话来就好像他们已经是多年的好朋友一样。 as if 后面的

4、从句如果表示的是虚假的事情,要使用虚拟语气;本句表示对过去的虚拟,故填 had been。 警示 有的句子中条件从句的谓语动词表示的动作和主句谓语动词表示的动作发生的时间不 一致,这类句子称为错综时间条件句,这时主从句动词的形式应根据各自所表示的时间进行调 1 整。 2 2含蓄型 有时虚拟条件不是通过 if引导的条件句来表示的,而是用其他方式来表示的: (1)用介词短语 but for(“”意思是 要不是 ),without(如果没有)等来代替条件从句。 解题思路 变换成条件句,便于得出答案。 典例展示 1 But for your timely warning, we _ (get) int

5、o great trouble. Well, you know were friends. 答案 would have got 解析 句意:要不是你及时提醒,我已经陷入大麻烦了。嗯!你知道我们是好朋友的。 本题是一个含蓄条件的虚拟语气,它表示的条件不是通过 if 条件句表示出来,而是通过介词 短语 but for要不是,如果没有;根据句意可知这件事情发生在过去,故主句使用 would have done 表示对过去情况的虚拟。 典例展示 2 I was ill that day, otherwise I _ (take) part in the sports meet. 答案 would ha

6、ve taken 解析 对过去已经发生事情的虚拟,主句用 would have done形式。句意:那天我生病了,不 然我会参加运动会的。 (2)用 otherwise 表示与上文的情况相反,从而引出虚拟语气 解题思路 “ 可以利用 倒推法”,根据后文已知信息推知前文未知信息。 典例展示 He _ his work,otherwise he would not be enjoying himself by the seaside. Ashould have completed Bhas completed Cwould have completed Dcant have completed 答

7、案 B 解析 otherwise 相当于一个虚拟条件,是对真实情况相反的假设,由此我们可以推出: otherwise 前应是真实情况,故空白处应该是陈述语气,故答案为 B。 (3)虚拟条件通过 but“暗示出来。命题模式为: 虚拟情况but真实情况”。 解题思路 “ 针对 虚拟情况but”真实情况 这种命题模式,我们可以双向推理:可以利用 真实推出虚拟,也可以利用虚拟推出真实。 典例展示 Bob would have helped us yesterday,but he_. Awas busy Bis busy 2 Chad been busy Dwill be busy 答案 A 解析 句意

8、为:鲍勃昨天本来想帮助我们的,但是他太忙了。“他太忙了”是一个过去的事实, 故用一般过去时。 3 3混合型 “”“”同时对虚拟语气和陈述语气进行考查。 混合型 常常利用 一词多义 来设计题目。 解题思路 分析单词在句中到底表示什么语气。 典例展示 The graduate insisted that he _(send) to the West to teach the children there and that what he chose _(be) right even though his parents didnt want him to go. 答案 (should) be se

9、nt; was 解析 句意:这位毕业生坚持要求被派到西部教那里的孩子,即使他的父母亲不想他那样做, 他也坚持认为他的选择是正确的。当 insist表示“坚持要求做某事”的时候,后面的宾语从 “句要使用 should动词原形”,should 可以省略;当 insist“表示 坚持认为”,后面的宾语 从句要使用陈述语气。 分析研究典型试题,考生得到的将是解决一类题的方法。 三、常用的 2 2 个解题方法 方法 1 1 句型提示法 虚拟语气可以用在状语从句、名词性从句、定语从句中,在不同的从句中,虚拟语气用不同的 动词形式来体现,如 if非真实条件句(分三种情形),wish后的宾语从句,It is

10、time that. 的定语从句等。所以,掌握了各类从句中虚拟语气的动词形式,就基本上掌握了虚拟语气的用 法。 典例展示 Do you know his address? No, I also wish I _ (know) where he lives. 答案 knew 解析 wish 引导的宾语从句中的谓语要用虚拟语气,与现在事实相反用一般过去时态。句意: 你知道他的地址么?不知道,我也希望自己知道他住哪里。 方法 2 2 特定词汇暗示法 英语中某些短语如 If it were not for/had not been for,but for.,if only.,without 等, 往往

11、要采用虚拟语气,它们对于解答试题有很大的帮助,掌握了这些要点知识,做起题来也就 3 很容易了。 典例展示 Without electricity, human life _ (be) quite different today. 答案 would be 解析 句意:如果没有电,今天人类的生活将相当的不同。此句可换为:If there were no electricity, human life would be quite different today.本句表达与现在事实相反的虚拟语 气。 跟踪训练 考点突破 . .根据句子表达的情景,用括号内动词的适当形式填空 1Maybe if I _

12、(study) science,and not literature then,I would be able to give you more help. 2Where are the children? The dinners going to be completely ruined. I wish they _(be not) always late. 3I _(come) sooner but I didnt know that they were waiting for me. 4We _(arrive) there on time yesterday but for the tr

13、affic jam. 5I _(not go) through that bitter period without your generous help. 6If I _(have) time next week,I would go to the party. 7If I _(be) you,I should go and see the dentist at once. 8 If you had arrived at the station ten minutes earlier , you _(catch) the train. 9If he were you, he _(miss)

14、the concert last night. 10It is requested that Class Two _(give) a performance at the English evening. . .单句改错 1How I wish there are 28 hours a day so that I had more time for fun._ 2Had he worked hard years ago, he would become very rich today._ 3If I were a boy again, I will remember that a good s

15、kater never tries to skate in two directions at once._ 4But the fact that China are also affected by the global economic crisis, we would have fewer workers now._ 4 5It might have been done better if you have been more careful._ 6I actually believe that we would be in Xian now if you hadnt caught dr

16、unk driving last month._ 7 It is high time that we establish an honest and fair system of education._ 8Mr. Li, my English teacher, speaks English as if he is an Englishman._ 9Tibet is so mysteriously described by some people that I think if only I can go there._ 10Id rather he goes to the theatre to

17、morrow._ 能力提升 . .阅读理解 A good modern newspaper is an extraordinary piece of reading.It is remarkable first for what it contains: the range of news from local crime to international politics,from sport to business to fashion to science,and the range of comment and special features(特 写) as well,from ed

18、itorial page to feature articles and interviews to criticism of books,art,theatre and music. A newspaper is even more remarkable for the way one reads it: never completely, never straight through,but always by jumping from here to there,in and out glancing at one piece,reading another article all th

19、e way through,reading just a few paragraphs of the text.A good modern newspaper offers a variety to attract many different readers,but far from one reader is interested in what brings this variety together in.One place is its topicality(时事性),its immediate relation to what is happening in your world

20、and your locality now.But immediacy and the speed of production that goes with it mean also that much of what appears in a newspaper has no more than transient(短暂的) value.For all these reasons,no two people really read the same paper: what each person does is to put together out of the pages of that

21、 days paper,his own selection and sequence , his own newspaper.For all these reasons , reading newspapers efficiently,which means getting what you want from them without missing things you need but without wasting time,demands skill and selfawareness as you modify and apply the techniques of reading

22、. 5 1A modern newspaper is remarkable for all the following EXCEPT its _ Awide coverage Buniform style Cspeed in reporting news Dpopularity 2According to the passage,the reason why no two people really read the same newspaper is that _ Apeople scan for the news they are interested in Bdifferent peop

23、le prefer different newspapers Cpeople are not interested in the same kind of news Dpeople have different views about what a good newspaper is 3It can be concluded from the passage that newspaper readers _ Aapply reading techniques skillfully Bjump from one newspaper to another Cappreciate the varie

24、ty of a newspaper Dusually read a newspaper selectively 4A good newspaper offers “a variety” to readers because _ Ait tries to serve different readers Bit has to cover things that happen in a certain locality Creaders are difficult to please Dreaders like reading different newspapers . .完形填空 Once a

25、boy really had everything he wanted,so he was_1_interested in the rarest(最稀 有的)objects.One day he_2_a mysterious mirror and took it home.When he looked into the mirror,he found that his_3_looked very sad.He tried_4_,but it remained the same. Surprised,the boy went off to buy some sweets.He went home

26、 and looked into the mirror as happily as possible,_5_he still looked sad.He bought all kinds of toys,but he looked forever_6_in that mirror.So the boy put the mirror away in a_7_. “What a(n) _8_ mirror!Ive never seen a mirror that didnt _9_ properly”! That same afternoon he went out to play,but on

27、his _10_ to the park he saw a little girl crying loudly.So he went over to see what was happening.The little girl told him 6 that she had_11_her parents. Together,they_12_in search of them.As the little girl continued crying,the boy_13_his money in buying sweets to cheer her up._14_,after walking fo

28、r a long time,they found her parents,who looked very worried. The boy said goodbye,and walked off towards the park.However,_15_the time,he decided to turn around and head_16_home,as he had no time to_17_.At home,he went to his room and noticed a shining_18_in the corner where he had left the mirror.

29、Seeing this,he went over to the mirror and_19_that the light was coming from his own body,because he was so happy about having helped that little girl. So he understood the mystery of that mirror,the only mirror reflecting faithfully the_20_joy of its owner. 1A.never Bsometimes Conly Dseldom 2A.foun

30、d Bwanted Cguessed Dexpected 3A.head Bnose Cface Dmouth 4A.smiling Bshouting Ccrying Dsmelling 5A.and Bso Cwhen Dbut 6A.sad Bangry Chappy Dworried 7A.corner Bbox Croom Dbag 8A.interesting Bterrible Cwonderful Ddifficult 9A.move Blook Ckeep Dwork 10A.way Bcourse 7 Croad Dline 11A.escaped Bhated Cexci

31、ted Dlost 12A.set off Bset aside Cset down Dset up 13A.took Bcost Cspent Dheld 14A.Finally BActually CNaturally DGenerally 15A.telling Bseeing Cfeeling Dpointing 16A.in Bfor Coff Dat 17A.talk Beat Cplay Dwalk 18A.light Bmirror Ccolour Dstar 19A.touched Binvented Cimproved Drealised 20A.possible Btru

32、e Cstrange Dcommon . .语法填空 When the lady Nadine Kentucky was 85 years old, she was asked what she would do if she 1._ (have) her life to live over again. “I 2._ (make) more mistakes next time without 3._ (worry) too much”, she said, “Id relax. I would limber up. I would take fewer things seriously.

33、I 4._ (take) more rivers. I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans. I would perhaps have more actual troubles, but Id have fewer imaginary ones.” “You see, Im one of those people who live sensibly and sanely hour after hour, day after day. Oh, 5._ I had to do it over again, I 6._ (have) more of th

34、em. 8 In fact, Id try to have nothing else.7._ I had to do it over again, I would travel happier than I have.” “If I 8._ (have) my life to live over, I 9._ (start) barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I 10._ (ride) more horses and I would pic

35、k more daisies(雏菊)” 9 第 9 讲 3 种思路及 2 种方法搞清亦真亦假的虚拟语气 考点突破 . .1.had studied 2.werent 3.would have come 4 would have arrived 5.could/would/might/should not have gone 6.had/should have/were to have 7were 8.could/should/would/might have caught 9wouldnt have missed 10.(should) give . .1.arewere 2.在 become

36、 前加 have 3.willwould 4.在 But 后加 for 5.第二个 havehad 6在 caught 前加 been 7.establishestablished 8iswere 9.cancould 10.goeswent 能力提升 . .1.B “细节理解题。根据第一段 It is remarkable first for what it contains:.” 可知一份现代报纸的分类广泛;由第二段第三句“One place is its topicality,its immediate relation to what is happening in your worl

37、d and your locality now.”可知 “报纸新闻具有快速性;由第二段第二句 .but far from one reader is interested in what brings this variety together in.”可知报纸新闻很受欢迎。故选 B。 2A “推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第二句 .what each person does is to put together out of the pages of that days paper,his own selection and sequence,hisownnewspaper.” 可以判断每个人看

38、的报纸都不相同,因为人们会按照个人兴趣来阅读报纸。 3D “推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句 .which means getting what you want from them without missing things you need but without wasting time, demands skill and selfawareness as you modify and apply the techniques of reading.”可知,每位读者都是有 选择性地读报纸,故选 D。 4A “细节理解题。根据第二段第二句 A good modern newspaper

39、offers a variety to attract many different readers.”可知,由于每个人的兴趣不相同,所以报纸的文章分类 广泛,故选 A。 . .1.C “”根据上文,这个男孩拥有所有想要的东西,因此他 只 对稀有之物感兴趣。 2A “”男孩有一天 发现 一面神奇的镜子。四个选项中,只有 found 合适。 3C “”根据语境可知,他的 脸 看起来很悲伤。 10 4A “他尝试着 笑”,但还是没有奏效。根据上文可知,他的脸看起来很悲伤,故此处表示“试 着微笑”。 5D 此处表示转折。他买了糖,尽力表现出开心的样子,“但”镜子中的自己看起来还是 很悲伤。 6A “

40、他买了各种各样的玩具,但从那面镜子看来,仍然很 悲伤”“,也可从上文 he still looked sad”得知。 7A “由下文 noticed a shining_in the corner where he had left the mirror”可 “知由于他非常生气,于是把镜子放到了 角落”。 8B 小男孩说道:“多么糟糕的镜子!我从来没见过这么不起作用的镜子。”根 据语境可知,小男孩对这面镜子很不满,所以 terrible合适。 9D 见上题解析。didnt work“意为 不起作用,没有用”。 10A on his way to“表示 在他去的路上”。 11D “根据下文可知,

41、小女孩和她的父母 走散了”,故选 lost。escape逃跑;hate讨厌, 仇恨;excite使兴奋。 12A “他们一起 动身”寻找她的父母。set off 意为“动身,出发”。set aside 留 出;set down 记下,写下;set up 建立。 13C 由于小女孩一直在哭,小男孩就买糖让她开心。spend money in doing sth.“表示 花 钱做某事”。 14A “”在走了好长时间后,他们 最终 找到了她的父母,故用 finally。 15B “”“但是, 看着 时间,他决定转身 回家”。see the time“,表示 看着时间”。 16B 见上文解析。head

42、 for home“意为 向家走去”。 17C “”由上文可知,他没有时间 玩耍 了。 18A “由下文 that the light was coming from his own body”可知,他注意到他放镜子的 “角落里有一束 光”。 19D “”他 意识到 那束光来自他自己。touch 接触;invent发明;improve提高;realise 意识到。 20B “”他明白了那面镜子的奥秘,唯一一面能展现他 真正 快乐的镜子。 . .1.had 2.would make 3.worrying 4.would take 5if 6.would have 7.If 8.had 9.would start 10would ride 11


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