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1、,1010060124,程超,Dark Tourism,黑色旅游,目录,1,What is dark tourism,2,3,4,5,The history of dark tourism,Important tourist attractions,View of the people,Development status,Dark Tourism,黑色旅游,What is dark tourism,Dark tourism refers to the people to disaster, death, suffering, terror and tragedy to travel a ph

2、enomenon. By means of a disaster event places to visit, make the tourist access to education, satisfy the curiosity of the purpose of tourist experience activities. Black travel is in recent years abroad, especially in North America tourism academia hot research field, is a controversial field.,黑色旅游

3、,The main classification,黑色旅游,The history of dark tourism,In 1947 the government of Poland will be built here since Auschwitz Concentration Camp Museum, Poland has become the ten big famous tourist attractions, known as the “ Black Travel“ model base. In 1996 Scotland University Marcom Flele and Joh

4、n Lai Nong put forward first “ black tourism “ concept. In 2000, they collaborated on“ Black Travel: death and disaster appeal“ one book, thereafter“ black tourism“ in foreign countries, especially in Europe and the United States region tourism academia, have been extensively studied, as Europe and

5、the United States region tourism academia hot research field. In addition to the two of them, there are many scholars abroad such as“ death tourism“,“ black spots“,“ violent heritage“ and“ not harmonious heritage“ and other similar concepts.,黑色旅游,奥斯维辛集中营,奥斯维辛集中营是纳粹德国在 第二次世界大战 期间修建的多座集中营中最大的一座。由于有上百万

6、人在这里被德国法西斯杀害,它又被称为“死亡工厂”。该集中营距波兰首都 华沙 多公里,是波兰南部奥斯威辛市附近多座集中营的总称。该集中营是纳粹德国党卫军全国领袖(Reichsfuehrer SS)海因里希.希姆莱年月27日下令建造的。,黑色旅游,南京大屠杀纪念馆,侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆是中国南京市人民政府为铭记1937年12月13日日军攻占南京后制造的南京大屠杀事件而筹建。位于中国南京城西江东门茶亭东街原日军大屠杀遗址之一的万人坑。1985年8月15日落成开放,黑色旅游,9.11美国世贸中心遗址参观游览,黑色旅游,韩国崇礼门,崇礼门是在1447年修建的,从1961年到1963年经过了大

7、规模的拆卸及维修过程。1962年12月,崇礼门被韩国政府指定为“国宝1号”。 蔡某(现年70岁)于2006年4月因在昌景宫文政殿放火造成400万韩元的损失。,黑色旅游,柏林墙(德国),黑色旅游,塔利班炸毁阿富汗千年历史的巴米扬大佛,黑色旅游,浙江横店推出“灾难游”,高科技手段的应用,使游客在一种特殊的场合中获得感受或亲身体验。浙江横店推出“灾难游”,六千游客体验另类快感。,黑色旅游,巴西贫民窟 高犯罪率地区亲历体验,黑色旅游,看融化的冰山,全球暖化问题被炒热后,越来越多人抢着要到南极或是北极去看融化的冰山。,黑色旅游,View of the people,Opposition,黑色旅游,Con

8、tribute to satisfy peoples curiosity,Dark tourism can satisfy the special emotional needs,Contribute to the personal moral accomplishment,黑色旅游,小结,Dark tourism because of its sensitivity and specificity, is a controversial tour mode, but it can meet the needs of contemporary people to war, earthquake

9、, flood and other terrorist attacks, black events curiosity, exploration, education and commemoration of demand, comply with the requirements of the times for the construction of a harmonious society. Development of black travel, not only can bring economic benefits to local, more education, commemorative, let tourists know more about life, understanding of life and cherish life.,


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