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1、Enquiries and Replies,Negotiation of a contract 1.Enquiries And Replies 2.Sending Proforma Invoice 3.Quotations, Offers And Counter-offers 4.Sales Promotion,Enquiry,If you want to buy this bunch of lily, and this girl is the seller of the flowers, what will you say to her? how much is the bunch of l

2、ily?,Today is Sunday and you want to buy some fresh flowers to decorate your dormitory, so you go to a flower market with your roommate.,Offer,After your enquiry, what will the girl reply to you? “100 yuan!”,Counter-offer,What will you answer to her after hearing the offer of 100 yuan? “how about 20

3、 yuan?”,Acceptance,The seller accept your Counter-offer, and then you pay the flowers. How do you call this step (the last step)?,The whole process before signing a contract What are the four steps before an exporter and an importer signs a contract?,Enquiry Offer Counter-offer Acceptance,回顾:贸易磋商的一般

4、程序,1、询盘 enquiry 是指买方为了购买或卖方为了销售货物而向对方提出有关交易条件的询问。 2、发盘 offer 是买方或卖方向对方提出各项交易条件,并愿意按照这些条件达成交易、订立合同的一种肯定的表示。,3、还盘 counter-offer 又称还价,是受盘人对发盘内容不完全同意而提出修改或变更的表示。还盘既是受盘人对发盘的拒绝,也是受盘人以发盘人的地位所提出的新发盘。 4、接受 acceptance 是买方或卖方同意对方在发盘中提出的各项交易条件,并愿按这些条件与对方达成交易、订立合同的一种肯定的表示。, 学习目的和要求 了解询盘商务信函的写作步骤, 询盘商务信函的词汇和常用句式。

5、, 本章主要内容,1询盘商务信函的写作步骤; 2询盘商务信函的写作原则; 3询盘商务信函的例文分析和词汇; 4询盘商务信函的常用句式。,询盘是指交易的一方欲购买或售出某种商品,向对方询问买卖该种商品的各项交易条件(如商品的品质,规格,价格,装运等)。 询盘实质上是邀请对方发盘(invitation of offers),在商法上属于邀请要约。,询盘,又称为询价,可以分成两种 一种只询问价格,索取商品目录或样品,被称为一般询盘 (General Enquiries); 另一种询盘则包括特定商品的各项交易条件,被称为具体询盘 (Specific Enquiry).,一般询价并不一定立即接触具体交易

6、,一般属摸底性质。 其内容包括: 1买主为了了解情况向卖主索取某种商品的样品、目录和价目表。 2探寻某种商品的品质、数量、价格、交货期等等。 具体询价实际上就是请求对方报盘。 也就是说,买方已准备购买某种商品,或已有现成买主,请卖主就这一商品报价。,What are the contents in a general enquiry?,Catalogues, price lists, samples, reference materials, etc It is often used by an dealer who is doing the first business with its c

7、ustomer. So we also call this enquiry as a first enquiry.,A Specific Enquiry,Price Specifications Discount Quantity Terms of payment Date of shipment,第一节 The Steps of Writing Inquiry Letters 询盘信的写作步骤 第二节 The Principles of Inquiry Letters 询盘信的写作原则 第三节 Text Explanation and Vocabulary 例文分析和词汇1 第四节 Text

8、 Explanation and Vocabulary 例文分析和词汇2,第一节 The Steps of Writing Inquiry Letters 询盘信的写作步骤,询盘信的具体写作结构如下: 1介绍信息来源或提一下上一封信; 2具体的询价; 3表示合作愿望。,1介绍信息来源或提一下上一封信等;(Introductory statement of resources of information or previous letter,etc.),情景搭配用语:Useful expressions (1)We know your company through (2)We are a c

9、ompany dealing in (3)We write to inform you that we are interested in (4)We have pleasure in informing you that we,2具体的询价 (Specific enquiry, e.g. what information or service do you need the reader to supply, etc. This part should be specific, clear),情景搭配用语:Useful expressions (1)If you can quote us a

10、 firm offer for we shall appreciate it (2)We will be pleased to have your offer (3)Your quotation for the following will be highly appreciated.,3表示合作愿望(Wish to cooperate),情景搭配用语:Useful expressions (1)We would like very much to cooperate with you. (2)Should your pricewe intend to place a large order

11、with you. (3)We appreciate your co-operation,第二节 The Principles of Inquiry Letters 询盘信的写作原则,1、具体 PRECISENESS 2、合理 REASONABLENESS 3、客气 COURTESY 4、感谢 APPRECIATION,第三节 Text Explanation and Vocabulary 例文分析和词汇1,Dear Sirs, Re:textiles1 This company is one of the largest textile importers in New York. We s

12、incerely hope to establish business relations with your company so as to promote2 trade between our two countries.(自我介绍及写信目的) We are enclosing an inquiry3 note4 No.303 and looking forward to5 receiving your quotation6 soon, C.I.F7 . New York inclusive of8 our 5% commission9 . While quoting10 , pleas

13、e state11 the earliest shipment12 and quantity available13.(具体询盘) If your quotation is competitive14 , we are ready to conclude substantial15 business with16 you. Your early reply will be very much appreciated17 . (希望早日收到回复) Sincerely,1textiles意思用作“纺织品”时用复数形式。 2Promote,动词,促进,提高。 Promote sales促销。 (1)

14、A 5% discount will help us promote sales. (2)Our aim is to promote the relationship between our two countries. (3)We hope you will do your utmost to promote the sales of this new product. (4)We will do our best to promote business.,3inquiry名词,询价(enquiry), 词组包括make an enquiry for sth; send an enquiry

15、 (sheet)。 (1)The goods you enquire for are out of stock now. (2)The buyer enquired of the seller about the quality of this new product. (3)We shall send you our quotation on receipt your specific enquiry. 4inquiry note询价单。,5look forward to盼望、期待。 look forward to后接名词或动名词,不能 接动词不定式,这里to是介词。人做主 语,通常用于信的

16、结尾,表示希望。类 似的表达还有expect,await, anticipate,appreciate,hope,wish等 (1)We are looking forward to your early reply. (2)We look forward to receiving your good news.,6quotation报价。 买方询价后,卖方需要报价。 报价可使用动词quote,例如quote sb a price, 也可以用名词短语make a quotation, 例如make you a quotation for shirts (1)Your quotation of

17、bicycles is too high to be acceptable. (2)We will be glad to quote you CIF Lagos 7CIF即成本加运费加保险费价。,8Inclusive of = include, 包括。 9Commission 佣金。 10quote 动词,报价,是外贸信函中的常用语, 其主要句型是: (1)to quote sb. a price for sth., 该句型也可变成以下几种说法: (2)to quote sb. a price (3)to quote sb. for sth. (4)to quote a price (1)Pl

18、ease quote us your lowest price for fertilizers. (2)Please quote us your lowest price CIF Lagos. (3)Will you please quote us for the following items?,11state说明,提到。 例:In your quotation,please state the delivery time. 12Shipment 名词,装运。 词组有:make(effect) shipment; 动词 ship。 例:When can you make shipment?

19、(什么时候装运?) 13Available可以得到的、可以用的 available作形容词用,通常放在它所修饰的名词后面。 可以修饰人或事。 (1)There are no such mens shirts available for export. (2)Please ship the goods by the first available steamer. (3)He is not available now. (4)Can you quote us a price for your bicycles available for export?,14Competitive 有竞争力的,

20、即价格低的 Our price is the most competitive. 15Substantial 大量的。 If your price is competitive, we can place a substantial order. 16Conclude business with sb. 也可以说close business with sb. 与某人达成生意,17appreciate感谢。用法如下: (1)sb appreciate sth, (2)sb appreciate it if, (3)sth be appreciated。 如果要是强调的话,不能写成very app

21、reciate, 而要写成appreciate very much。 (1)We appreciate very much your favorable reply. (2)We shall appreciate it if you will send us a brochure and two sample books by air immediately. (3)Your early reply is highly appreciated. 注:Appreciate 后面接事物,thank后面接人。,译文,事由: 本公司是纽约最大的纺织品进口商之一,我们切盼与贵公司建立贸易关系,发展我们两

22、国之间的贸易。 随函附上第303号询价单一份,盼望你方早日给我们报纽约到岸价,包括我方5%的佣金。报价时请说明最早交货期和可供数量。 倘若你方报价具有竞争性的话,我们打算大量成交。如能早日复信,不胜感激。 谨上,第四节 Text Explanation and Vocabulary 课文分析和词汇2,Dear Mr. Linoi, As we plan our fall inventory, we are again in market to buy woolens. We are principally interested in the traditional sweater (mens

23、and womens cardigans and pullovers), and would like to request6a sample. (表明写信目的) Please also send information on any other knitwear that your company produces and a current price list.(具体询问) If you plan to have a representative at the Paris Trade Fair at the end of July, please advise us of your st

24、and number so that we can contact you at that time.(询问进一步的信息) Thank you for your attention. (最后一段表示感谢) Yours sincerely,第一段: As we plan our fall1 inventory2 , we are again in market3 to buy woolens. We are principally4 interested in5 the traditional sweater (mens and womens cardigans and pullovers),a

25、nd would like to request6 a sample7 .,1Fall 秋季,等于autumn。 2Inventory名词,库存。 例:We plan to reduce our inventory.(我们计划减少库存。) 3to be in the market for 想要购买。 意思等于buy ,purchase。 (1) In the market for 正式,尤其用于贸易 (2) Buy是个人或小批量买。 (3) Purchase 大量购买。 这里be in the market to buy 意思同buy。 例:They have informed us that

26、 you are in the market for chemicals.,4Principally 主要地。意思同mainly。 例:We handle principally textiles. 5to be interest in doing sth. (or to do sth.) 有兴趣做某事。 若后跟商品名称,表示某人对某商品有兴趣,意 欲购买某商品, 也可以说成:to be interested in sth. 例: (1)We are interested in buying your Woolen Sweaters. (2)We are interested in Chine

27、se silk handkerchief. (3)We are interested to buy Chinese leather shoes.,6Request动词,要求。 Request sb to do sth. 请求某人做某事。词组有:As requested按照要求。 有时也可以说as you requested, at your request。 例:As requested,we are sending you a brochure and a sample book. Request 还可以当名词,请求。 例:Your request of being our sole age

28、nt is under discussion now. 7Sample样品。 例:We shall send you our samples separately.,Please also send8 information9 on any other knitwear that your company produces and a current price list9.,8Send邮寄。 例:We are sending you our catalog and price list for your information. 9information信息,消息。为不可数名词。 不能说an

29、 information 或informations, 但可以说a piece of information或 all kinds of information。 例:We shall be glad to receive more information on (about) this matter. 10price list价格表。 和quotation 不一样,price list 只列出产品和产品的价格,不包括其他条款。 例:Will you please send us your latest price list?,If you plan to have a representat

30、ive11 at the Paris Trade Fair12 at the end of July, please advise us of13 your stand14 number so that we can contact15 you at that time.,11representative代表。这里指代理。 意思同agent。 12Trade Fair贸易交易会。 例:Guangzhou Trade Fair广交会 13advise sb. of sth. 通知, 意思同inform sb. of sth. 还有类似的词组 Advise that (1)Please advis

31、e us of the earliest shipment date. (2)We advise that a sample book (should) be sent to us.,14stand名词,摊位。 15contact接触,联系。及物动词。 也可以作为名词用,后面接with。 常用结构有: (1) make contact with, (2) hold contact with, (3)be in contact with, (4)get in contact with。 (1)We shall contact you again, as soon as we resume off

32、ering. (2)We are making contact with them.,译文:,尊敬的Linoi先生, 由于我方正在计划我们秋季的库存,我们再一次想购买羊毛。我们主要对传统的毛衣感兴趣(男式和女式开襟羊毛衫和套头衫)并希望得到样品。 还请提供你公司生产的任何其他毛织物的信息以及现在的价格表。 如果你计划参加七月底的巴黎交易会,请告诉我们摊位号码,以便我们到时与你方联系。 谢谢。 您诚挚的,,处理询盘的技巧,1、询盘邮件的分类与甄别 2、如何识别客户询盘的价值 3、对询价的几种解决方式 4、如何回复进口商的询盘,1、询盘邮件的分类与甄别,(1)寻找卖家型 (2)准备入市型 (3)无

33、事生非型 (4)信息收集型 (5)索要样品型 (6)窃取情报型,2、如何识别客户询盘的价值,(1)询盘内容 (2)署名和网址 (3)电话询问关键性问题,3、对询价的几种解决方式,(1)准备报价表 (2)初步了解市场价格的进口商:不同档次产 品的报价 (3)货比三家的进口商:让进口商有选择空间 (4)提供样品、规格等详细资料的进口商: (5)随口询问价钱的进口商:笼统的报价,4、如何回复进口商的询盘,回复函一般应包括: 1、第一部分以感谢开头,并告知对方收到的询盘函的日期和内容。 2、第二部分回答对方提出的问题。 3、最后一部分用以表达希望你所提供的信息对对方有所帮助,并希望很快收到回信。,习题

34、,询盘以及回复,1.请告知有关产品成本保险加运费到纽约的最低 价。 2.上述报价是成本加运费到上海净价,并以我方 最后确认为准。 3.请向我方报2000套茶具,每套100港币香港离 岸价,2012年11月份装运。 4.我方产品由于质量上乘、价格合理,在国际市 场上很受欢迎,十分畅销。,Please tell us the lowest price CIF New York of the relevant products.,The above quotation is on CFR Shanghai basis net, subject to our final confirmation.,O

35、ur products have become very popular on the world market and enjoy fast sale because of the good quality and reasonable price.,Please quote us for 2000 sets of tea cups and saucers at HKD 100/set FOB Hongkong for shipment in November, 2012,发盘,1.上述发盘是实盘,以你方答复在本月底前达到我方为有效。 2.请向我方报彩电的最底价。 3.请注意上述价格是成本、

36、保险加运费到纽约的净价。 4.我方乐于向你方报1000件衬衫,每件150元CIF上海。,The above offer is firm, subject to your reply reaching us before the end of this month.,Please offer us the lowest price of color TV.,We offer you 1000 pcs of shirts at RMB 150/pc CIF Shanghai.,Please note that the above prices are on CIF New York basis n

37、et.,建立业务关系,1.按照你方要求,现另外邮寄我方最新的目录和 价格单供你方参考。 2.如果你们对棉衬衫感兴趣的话,我们将很高兴 与你方建立长期的友好的业务关系。 3.承蒙互联网告知贵公司的名称和地址,现去函 盼与贵公司建立业务关系。,As your request, we are now sending our latest catalogue and pricelist for your reference under separate cover.,If you are interested in cotton shirts, we are glad to establish long friendly business relations with you.,We owe your name and address to internet, we are writing to you and hope to establish business relations with you .,


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