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1、Food&Beverage service 餐馆英语,Ann,CONTENTS 目录,一、Key words 关键词语 二、Basic Sentences 基本句型 三、Conversations 情景对话,Key words 关键词语,restaurant 餐厅 bowl 碗 banquet hall 宴会厅 chopsticks 筷子 western food 西餐 dish 碟子 Chinese food 中餐 Tray 托盘 Bill 帐单 Finger bowl 洗手盆 Steak 牛排 Spoon 勺、匙,Soup 汤 Teacup 茶杯 Main course 主菜 Winecu

2、p 酒杯 Soft drink 软饮料 Coffee cup 咖啡杯 Dessert 餐末点心、甜食 Glass 玻璃杯 Wine 酒、葡萄酒 Tea pot 茶壶 Buffet 自助餐、冷餐 Table knife 餐刀 Sugar 糖,Fruit knife 水果刀 Cigarette 香烟 (table)fork 餐叉 sandwich 三明治 napkin 餐巾 typical local dish 风味菜 toothpick 牙签 taste 味道 cruet 调味瓶 salty 咸的 sideboard 餐具柜 fresh 鲜的,milk 牛奶 sour 酸的 fruit juic

3、e 果子汁 sweet 甜的 beer 啤酒 bitter 苦的 beef 牛肉 tart 涩的 button 羊肉 fried 油煎的 pork 猪肉,crisp 松脆的 salad 色拉 smoked 烟熏的 bread 面包 health food 保健食品 rice 米饭 ice-cream 冰淇淋 pudding 布丁,Basic Sentences 基本句型,Sit down , please. Here is the menu. May I take your order?/Are you ready to order, sir? 请坐,给您菜单,先生,您要点菜吗? What w

4、ould you like to have, coffee or tea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶? Would you like to have some wine with your dinner? 您用餐时要喝点酒吗? service hours are:6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. for lunch,5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for dimmer. 餐厅供应时间是:早餐是6点到10点,午餐是11点半到2点,晚餐是5点半到9点半。,Here is the bill. Please sing it. 这是您的帐单。请签字。 Will this table

5、be all right? 这个座位好吗? Would you like to start with a glass of beer? 先喝一杯啤酒好吗? What vefetable would you like with your fish? 吃鱼时您想配点什么蔬菜呢? How do you like Chinese food? 您喜欢中国菜吗? What do you think of our service? 您对我们的服务有什么意见?,How would you like your steak cooked? Raer, Medium, or well done? 牛排怎么做?三分熟

6、,半熟还是熟透? In your hotel we dont accept tips. Its our pleasure to serve our guests well. Thank you all the same. 我们饭店是不收小费的。我们为客人服务好感到高兴,还是要谢谢您。 Well give you a 10%(ten percent) discount after 8 p.m. oclock. 晚上8点以后,我们给您九折优惠。 Well offer tour guides complimentary breakfasts. 我们给陪同提供免费早餐。 Id like to rese

7、rve a table for four for this evening at 8. 我想预定一张今晚8点四人的餐位。,Im afraid youll have to pay for the damage. 您必须赔偿。 I cant guarantee anything, but Ill try my best. 我不能保证,但我会尽力而为。 Have you made a reservation? / Do you have a reservation? 您预定过了吗? How many people are there in your party? / For how many peo

8、ple? 你们一共有几位? Id like to reserve a table by the window. 我想定一个靠窗的餐位。,How about a table in the corner of the restaurant? 餐厅角落的餐位好吗? We are open until 12:00 p.m., but our last order for dinner is at 11:00 p.m. 我们一直营业到晚上12点,但晚餐点菜的截止时间是11点。 Im sorry, sir, the restaurant is full now/today. 对不起,先生,现在/今天我们餐

9、厅预定已满。 Please sit at the same table for each meal. 请你们每顿饭坐在同一个餐位上。 Since you are group guests, weve arranged a set menu for you. If you want to have extra food, you should also pay extra for it . 因为你们是团队客人,我们已经替你们安排了套菜。假如你们想另外加菜的话。你们得另付费用。,Im sorry, were filled up right now, but do you mind waiting

10、for a while? 对不起,这会儿都挤满了,可是您能不能等一会儿? We will have you seated as soon as possible. 一有空,我们马上给您安排座位。 Would you like smoking area or no-smoking area? 您喜欢吸烟区还是非吸烟区? Im sorry, sir. The table has been reserved. These is a sign on it. 对不起,先生。这张桌已经有人预定了,上面有个标签。 Your dining coupons only include soft drinks. I

11、m afraid you have to pay extra for it. 您的餐券只包括软饮料,我想如果您要这个的话得额外付费。,What would you like to follow? 您下一道点什么呢?(这也是请客点菜的套话) What kind of food (drink , juice, dessert)would you like? 请问您要哪种食品/饮料/果汁/甜品? Everything is a la carte. 所有的东西都是可以零点的(自己点的)。 Thats all for your dishes. If you want anything eles, jus

12、t call me. Plesase enjoy yourself. 您的菜上齐了。如果您还要什么,请叫我。祝您就餐愉快。 The dish is very hot. Please be careful, sir. 先生,这道菜很烫,吃时请当心。,This food is best eaten while hot. Please enjoy your meal. 这道菜最好趁热吃。请慢用。 The buffet is over there. You can choose what you like. 自助餐在那边,您可以任意选择。 Our buffet serves rich Chinese

13、and Western food and also various kinds of salads, cakes and fruit. 自助餐厅事物丰富,有中式食品、西式食品,还是各式色拉、糕点和水果。,Conversations 情景对话,A. Giving information Guest: Is that the Chinese Restaurant? Waiter: Speaking. May I help you? G: What kind of food do you serve? W: We serve a great variety of popular Chinese di

14、shes in set course and a la carte. G: I see. That sounds fine. Until what time are you open? W: We are open until 10 p.m. but our last order for dinner is at 9:00 p.m G: Fine. Are necessary?,G: Fine. Are necessary? W: we would advice you to make a reservation as the restaurant is often full. G: Well

15、 do that then. Id like for table for six, please, for this eveing. W: Thank you, sir. At table for six at 8 oclock tonight, Would you please tell me your name ,please? G: Yes, its Aston. W: Are you a hotel guest, Mr. Aston. G: Yes, Im in room 4012. W: Mr. Aston in room 4012, we look forward to servi

16、ng you. G: See you at eight oclock then. W: Thank you, sir. Goodbye.,A. 提供信息,客 人:你们是中餐厅吗? 服务员:是的。我能为你服务吗? 客:请问你们供应什么菜肴? 员:我们供应各种各样的中国名菜,有套菜也有点菜。 客:我知道了。听起来不错,你们营业到什么时候? 客:我们一直营业至晚上10点,但晚餐点菜的截止时间是9点。 员:好的,座位要不要预定啊? 客:因为我们餐厅常常客满,所以我们建议你还是预定的好。 员:那么预定吧。我想预定6个人的桌位,今天晚上要。 客:8点钟。 员:好的。今天8点预定一张6个人的桌位。请问您的姓

17、名? 客:我叫阿斯顿。 员:阿斯顿先生,您是住店客人吗? 客:是的,我住在4012房间。 员:4012房间的阿斯顿先生,我们期待着您的光临。 客:那么8点钟见。 员:谢谢您,先生,再见。,B. Recommending particular dishes,W: Excuse me, sir. Are you ready to order? G: Yes, Ill tale the Clod Duck Web, Three Delicious- Ingredient Soup and Sichuan Chicken Cubelets. W: Yes, sir, Do you wish to ta

18、ke anything else? G: Is there any particular dish you would recommend ? W: The crisp fish is wonderful tonight, The fish is very fresh .We also have several good sea-food dishes, if you like seafood . G: I dont care much for sea-food, I Think Ill try the crisp fish. W: Would you like anything to dri

19、nk? G: Yes, a bottle of beer. By the way, dont go easy on chili and garlic. I was told Sichuan food is very hot. W: Yes, sir. Ill bring the dishes straight away.,B推荐特色菜,服务员:先生,请问您现在点菜吗? 客 人:是的。我要拌鸭掌、三鲜汤和宫保鸡丁。 员:好的,先生。还要别的吗? 客:有什么特别值得推荐的菜吗? 员:今晚的脆皮鱼特别好,鱼都是新鲜的。我们还有几种上好的海味,如果您喜欢海鲜的话。 客:我不大喜欢海味,就尝尝脆皮鱼吧。

20、 员:您要喝点什么? 客:是的,一瓶啤酒。顺便提一下,别放太多辣椒和大蒜,我听说川菜很辣。 员:好的,菜马上就送来。,C. Introuducing how to use the chopsticks,W: Your fried prawns with people salt, sir. G: Thanks very much. Could you tell me how to use the chopsticks? W: Certainly, sir. But shall I bring you a spoon or a fork? G: No. Id like to learn to us

21、e the chopsticks. W: All right, sir. Please hold them like this. Please separate the chopsticks. Rast them between the thumb and the forefinger. Place the thumb on the right chopsticks on the little finger and the right finger and the forefinger. Only the chopsticks on the right should move. G: I se

22、e. Its not very difficult. W: Thanks very much. Bye the way, what is this thing under the chopsticks? G: Wonderfull. Thank you for your help. W: My pleasure.,C介绍怎样使用筷子,服务员:您的椒盐炸明虾,先生。 客 人:多谢。你能告诉我怎么使用筷子吗? 员:当然可以,先生。不过我去给你拿一把勺子或叉子来好吗? 客:不用了,我想学学怎样用筷子。 员:好的,先生。请这样拿筷子。先把筷子分开,把它们夹在拇指和食指中间。把拇指放在右边的筷子从下往上

23、的三分之一处。把左边的筷子放在小指与无名指上。用中指和食指使用筷子。注意只能移动右边的那只筷子。 客:我知道了。不太难学。 员:是的,很容易学。 客:非常感谢。顺便问一问,筷子底下的东西是什么? 员:这是筷托。用了筷托,筷子的头部就不会碰到桌子。 客:太妙了。谢谢您的帮助。 员:很高兴为您服务。,D. Signing the bill,G: Waiter, bill, please. W: Certainly, sir. Just a moment, please. Here is your bill, sir. The total is 686 Yuan. G: Well, whats th

24、is for? W: This charge is for one Gordon Dry, sir. G: But I didnt order Gordon Dry. W: Im sorry, sir. Just a moment, please. Ill check it for you, sir. G: You should have been more careful. W: Yes, sir. Please do accept my apology, Would you like to sign you bill now? G: All right. W: Whats your roo

25、m number? G: 4012. W: Think you, sir. I hope you enjoyed your dinner.,D签单,客 人:服务员,请结帐。 服务员:好的,先生,请稍等。这是您的帐单,先生。总共686元人民币。 客:哦,这是什么费用? 员:这是一杯哥顿杜松子酒的费用,先生。 客:可是我没有要过哥顿杜松子酒。 员:对不起,先生。请稍等。我去核对一下,先生。 客:好吧,我不在乎等。 员:太对不起,先生。帐单上出了一点错,我已经改过来了。总共应该是582元人民币,请您核对一下好吗,先生? 客:您本来就应该仔细一点的。 员:是的,先生。请接受我的道歉。现在请签一下帐单好

26、吗? 客:行啊! 员:请问您的房号? 客:4012。 员:先生,谢谢您。希望您对晚餐满意。,E. Ordering a breakfast,W: Room service. Can I help you? G: Yes, can I have my breakfast brought into my room? W: Certainly, sir. Would you give me your name and your room number, please? G: Yes, my name is Brown and my room number is 4018. W: At what ti

27、me would you like it, Mr.Brown. G: Now, please. W: A continental breakfast? G: Yes. W: With coffee or tea? G:Coffee, please. W: Orange juice or apple juice. G: Apple juice. W: For how many people? G: Two. How long will it take? W: Itll be up immediately, Mr. Brown. G: Thats fine. Thank you. W: Youre

28、 welcome.,E早餐预定,服务员:送餐服务。有什么事要我们办吗? 客 人:是的,请给我房间送早餐来,好吗? 员:当然可以,先生。请问您的姓名和房号? 客:我叫布朗,房号4102。 员:请问您要在什么时间用早餐,布朗先生? 客:现在就要。 员:要大陆式早餐吗? 客:是的。 员:您要咖啡还是茶? 客:咖啡吧。 员:要橙汁还是苹果汁? 客:苹果汁。 员:请问有几人用餐? 客:2个人。早餐要等多少时候送来? 员:我马上就送来,布朗先生。 客:那很好,谢谢您。 员:不用谢。,F. Wine Orders,W: Mr. Brown, would you like some wine for your

29、 meal? We have a good selection of classfid Bordeaux wines and Californian Wine. B: OK. Thats a good idea. W: Here is the wine list, Mr. Brown. Please take your time. (After a few minutes the waiter comes back to the table.) W: Excuse me, Mr. Brown. May I take your wine order, now? B: There are so m

30、any wines here. We really dont know which one to take. W: What about a bottle of Chateau Haut Lafite? It is very good. Many guests give high comments on it. B: Fine, a bottle of this wine.,W: (Presenting the bottle to the guests) Mr. And Mrs. Bellow, this is the bottle of chateau Haut Lafite 1946. B

31、: Aha, it looks quite all right. W: When would you like the wine to be served, with the main dish or with the first course? B: Open in now, please. W: (The waiter opens the bottle and pours a bit of wine into the guests glass). Mr. Brown, would you please taste the wine? G: Excellent! Thank you for

32、your recommendation. W: Im glad you like it. Enjoy your meal.,F点酒水,服务员:布朗先生,您用餐时要喝点什么酒吗?我们有多种幼稚的波尔多酒和加利福尼亚酒。 客 人:这注意不错! 员:这是酒水单,布朗先生,现在可以为您点酒吗? 客:酒的品种真多啊。我们都不知道选哪一种了。 员:来一瓶夏多奥拉菲特怎么样?这种酒非常不错,很多客人对它赞赏准备至。 客:好啊,来一瓶吧。 员:(为客人送上酒)布朗先生,这是夏多奥拉菲特酒,产于1964年。 客:啊,它看起来非常不错。 员:您需要什么时候打开它,是在主菜还是早头道菜后? 客:现在打开吧。 员:(服务员打开后,在客人酒杯中略倒一点酒)布朗先生,请您品尝一下好吗? 客:好极了,谢谢你的推荐。 员:我很高兴您喜欢这酒。祝您用餐愉快。,Thank you !,


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