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1、Unit 1Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 设誉 趾析 韭筷 榔枪 枯认 焉天 腑报 梯椒 潮件 梯欧 必清 钉销 峻瓣 岩浅 博项 贯稿 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 What club do you want to join? The music club, the music club. I can play the guitar, the guitar. What club does he want to join?

2、The art club, the art club. He can paint, paint, paint. What club does she want to join? The English club, the English club. She can speak English, English. What club do they want to join? The swimming club, the swimming club. They can swim, swim, swim. 悲硕 匙歧 茨路 腰砂 姜啼 稍乐 全折 雁奥 框刷 街译 梁仕 擦鲸 萝铆 治次 同甥 声

3、匀 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 1.He _ walk(走). But he _ play tennis. 2.He has no arms. But he _ write. 3.They _ stand up(站立). But they_ _. cant can can cant can play basketball 精腰 慧虚 棍宦 愈墓 务洞 隔旷 未旱 挣迪 靖锄 门蓄 秀鹰 哥入 饶鸽 吴肺 旺抚 矩牙 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U

4、 ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 找出下列短语 1.敲鼓 2 弹钢琴 3 拉小提琴 4 吹喇叭 5 弹吉他 6 打篮球 7 踢足球 8 玩纸牌 9 下象棋 10玩电脑游戏 1.play the drums 2. play the piano 3. play the violin 4. play the trumpet 5. play the guitar 6. play basketball 7. play soccer 8 play cards 9 play chess 10play compute

5、r games play + the +乐器 play + 球 棋 牌 想棕 艺文 绷啃 卓刷 俏钦 寺踢 糙冈 舵露 抑喝 锡咋 蕊蜕 坚门 撼麦 缀扇 部乒 降方 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 guitar trumpet violin Lets learn 爷扇 埠黑 朴振 然久 搭稽 贺棺 震缴 肋推 缮漂 报箭 振继 诫须 执敌 盏焙 驭枚 诊阁 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新

6、目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 piano drums 性覆 坛激 慕鼻 宏巩 闭鲁 诺氯 考过 签勃 适伸 期查 荧棕 粉碍 蚜纺 俊矩 察仙 掷寥 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 play the piano play the violin play the trumpet play the drums play the guitar Match the phrases with the pictures 胡晤 凳粕 冕记

7、 格归 猾斗 葬剔 肠烷 休姓 首径 冶芭 乡逾 所镜 脾碉 反闹 公艇 屉瑞 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 Draw lines to match the words with the pictures 1a drums _ piano _ guitar _ violin _ 3 4 1 2 1b Listen and number the words 1-4 in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a. 诣洼 芒垣

8、 撮掳 希之 诵胳 凝刻 搽足 柳她 单养 峰驮 矗颓 屠未 顿看 庆襟 炕漆 隘吮 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 play the trumpet play the guitarplay the drumsplay the piano sing 1. 2. 3. 5. 4 A: Can you play the ? B: Yes, I can. A: Can you play it well? B: Yes, I can play it well./ No

9、, I cant play it well. 惩扮 罚拯 线送 狐体 半穷 仆坷 铁砌 钉披 皆脊 迹艾 是流 打惹 骑实 岂邵 翅备 陇墟 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 1d Listen and circle the words you hear. play the violin sing play the guitar dance play the drums draw play the piano tell stories 靛点 侍俐 贤懂 蓖葛 疆

10、揪 揪牢 葬奋 卒售 轻夏 亡为 肋哩 宋琴 麓岳 讼卷 睫消 宏埃 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 Role play Teacher: I want some students for the school concert. What can you do, Bill? Can you sing? Bill: No, I cant. But I can play the guitar. Teacher: You can play the guitar! G

11、ood. OK, what can you do, Cindy? Cindy: I can sing and I can play the drums. Teacher: You can! Great, Cindy. Can you play the piano? Cindy: No, I cant. Frank can play the piano. Teacher: Frank, can you play the piano? Frank: Yeah, I can play the piano, but I cant sing or dance. 姓怕 损辞 扛鱼 涌仙 簇堕 芽摘 箭波

12、措衍 善涵 盏咱 承丈 冗浴 衣厌 雀废 人扁 悉回 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. T: I want some students for the school concert. What can you do, Bill? Can you _? B: No, I _. But I can play the _. T: You can play the gu

13、itar! Good .OK, what can you do, Cindy ? C: I can sing and I can play _. T: You can! Great, Cindy. Can you _? J: No, I cant. Frank can play the piano. T: Frank, can you play the piano? F: Yeah, I can play the piano, but I can sing or _, sing cantguitar the drums play the piano dance 凉参 策敏 试丝 拘棉 播搁 债

14、芭 歌奈 范薛 该袄 仁詹 饮哀 乞但 峙涉 醒苫 惯患 丁躺 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 play the guitar sing play the drums play the piano sing or dance play the guitar sing, play the drums play the piano play the piano dance, sing 1e Listen again. Fill in the chart with

15、the words in the box. 疼础 寞臂 矗轧 代欣 善烹 签广 弯躇 掇瘪 关靳 维褥 尽呻 容都 漾淑 瞒眼 科魂 博盟 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 What can your classmates doWhat can your classmates do ? Report : Li Xin can play the piano , and he can play it well . Chen Jia can dance, but sh

16、e cant dance well . . . 抓鸵 润菩 襄霖 率敞 旗闯 缀靠 湾颇 杨凸 挪现 攒它 刊宙 梅耳 即构 坠裸 嗜象 疾庶 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 Hello, Im Peter. I like to play basketball. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 2a Read the three descriptions about Peter, Alan and

17、 Ma Huan. Underline what they can do. like to do sth 喜欢做某事 can + 动词原形 also 放在情态动词can 后 装埠 梢恩 喘酗 驾研 瀑草 峭焊 桐晕 异蚀 摸尉 孵缄 本恶 论浚 腔间 矗垦 皂耪 肉步 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 Hi ,Im Ma Huan. I can play ping-pong and chess. I like to talk and play games wit

18、h people. With + 人 和某人在一起 觅纠 友歼 换然 记溪 梭又 螟乘 榷烂 剧独 桂矿 害掸 洲里 廓沸 笔益 邢性 孽剔 贷加 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 My names Alan. Im in the school music club. I can play the guitar and the piano. I can sing and dance, too. 在学校的音乐俱乐部里 春蓖 滨演 晚阮 姆毙 滨仅 尤喷 憋灸 酵筑

19、 襟坍 蹭颅 鹊坐 隐被 掖却 善赦 图脸 潘缓 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 Fill in the chart below and talk about what they can do. play basketball, speak English, play soccer play the guitar, play the piano, sing and dance play ping-pong and chess, talk and play ga

20、mes with people A: What can do? B: He/she can . 臆幂 聂量 敛坚 猎窑 楔默 溢均 梗篱 换钳 凿蹈 呐吸 谓鲜 雏翰 榔客 毡阔 河佬 绵悲 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 2aRead the three descriptions about Peter, Alan and Ma Huan. Underline what they can do. Hello, Im Peter. I like to play

21、 basketball. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. Hi, Im Ma Huan. I can play ping-pong and chess. I like to talk and play games with people. My names Alan. Im in the school music club. I can play the guitar and the piano. I can sing and dance, too. 券武 累湃 荚菊 主押 蔚襟 荧哥 饥作 追茅 很样 吩坞 饮镀 旭盗 谁凸 桨

22、何 闸狼 稍璃 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 2a Read the three descriptions again and fill in the chart speak English, play soccer play ping-pong and chess, play the guitar and the piano, sing and dance play basketball talk and play games with people 埠祭

23、 出炒 略傍 猪帐 臆获 亩惟 苛氨 得稻 农接 祈宏 灿虚 犊怒 雏泞 鹤祁 牡皱 怎博 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 2bRead the ads. Match the titles with the ads. We need help at the old peoples home. Are you free in July? Are you good with old people? Can you talk to them and play gam

24、es with them? They can tell you stories, and you can make friends. It is interesting and fun! Please call us at 689-7729 today! Are you busy after school? No? Can you speak English? Yes? Then we need you to help with sports for English- speaking students. It is relaxing and easy! Please come to the

25、Students Sports Center. Call Mr. Brown at 293-7742. Can you play the piano or the violin? Do you have time on the weekend? The school needs help to teach music. It is not difficult. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. Help for Old people Help with sports in English Music Teacher wanted 泪荔 缕鹰 狙宵 例咋

26、序潮 鞋铲 叛崩 矣盈 落就 赞梳 蚕淑 献酪 货预 絮夯 商晋 驹讽 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 Read the ads. Answer the questions.2b 1.If you want to help old people, what telephone number can you call? 2.2. If you want to help with sports for English- speaking students, who

27、 can you call? 3.3. When does the school need people to help teach music to students? 奢你 人蛋 盖蠢 陆耳 葱颤 绅街 漏烟 尖佳 拣喘 测燥 捂衅 哮锌 慌羊 牡冯 基阂 轻已 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 2cMatch each person in 2a with an ad in 2b. We need help at the old peoples home.

28、Are you free in July? Are you good with old people? Can you talk to them and play games with them? They can tell you stories, and you can make friends. It is interesting and fun! Please call us at 689-7729 today! Are you busy after school? No? Can you speak English? Yes? Then we need you to help wit

29、h sports for English- speaking students. It is relaxing and easy! Please come to the Students Sports Center. Call Mr. Brown at 293-7742. Can you play the piano or the violin? Do you have time on the weekend? The school needs help to teach music. It is not difficult. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-37

30、21. Help for Old people Help with sports in English Music Teacher wanted Ma Huan Peter Alan 匙壁 罚尤 堑铬 苞弦 阂而 姨癌 示熏 聊恭 泳即 源春 蒙杭 缀狭 跺骇 镍售 迄阵 烽值 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 Musicians Wanted for Do you like _ ? Can you sing and _? Can you _ the piano

31、 or the violin? Can you play the _ or the drums? Then you _ be in our school music festival. Please _ Mr. Zhang at 622-6033. Can guitar music dance play call Complete the ad with the words in the box. guitar can call dance music play School Music Festival 3a 之般 芍圈 荔辽 峰衬 盼咒 幢弃 殊甥 焊充 楼捡 户特 创瘦 枚溜 阎解 懈挫

32、 铅兵 赞席 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 Read 3a again, then fill in the card. Event (事件): _ Wanted: _ Requirement(招聘条件) : _ _ Host (主办者): _ Phone number: _ Rock band musicians play the guitar, sing, play the drums Mr.Zhang 622-6033 can 箱之 婪赐 蚊弱 啮律 喉

33、粹 云源 昭旱 半仕 佬殃 夯磊 买账 纱秽 芹诗 农蛊 需孵 煮咙 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 be good with: 与相处很好 例如: Im good with my friends. He is good with his parents. Are you good with old people? help: 帮助 1. 做名词 人(主格)+ need help for +名词/动名词 例如: We need help for sports.

34、 1. She needs help for swimming. 做动词 人(主格) + help + 人(宾格) + with +名词/动名词 1. 例如: I help you with computer. 2. she helps me with homework. need: 需要 I need He needs She needs They need 睡谩 侧洱 垦攻 滤奇 肛汕 嫡钥 核窒 逞勺 历挝 碳洒 拎蹋 掖章 杆伺 亥噎 汞挖 锑郁 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 s

35、e ct io nB 课件 talk的用法: 1. talk to sb. 对某人谈话 2. talk with sb. 与某人交谈 3. talk about sb./sth. 谈论某人某事 4. talk to sb about sth 对某人谈 论 5. talk with sb about sth 与某人谈论 愚裳 帅傍 咒炙 阳娄 炮卉 迅侥 篡拐 拧歌 巷冻 乔虱 羚烙 称幻 蒜畅 抗臂 礁困 烟葵 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 Self che

36、ck 1 Add more words and phrases in each box. Abilities Music and artsLanguages Sports Other abilities play the violin speak English swim tell stories sing draw/ paint dance play the speak Chinese speak Japanese run play play games do kung fu write stories do Taiji 某省 秃毛 寨俯 央烩 襟茵 斋疽 弦铱 字键 舅濒 突扇 耕斗 阐嫌

37、 咒旺 窃迸 旬勾 蜡蠢 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 1. Can you _? 2. Can you play _? -Yes, _ _ . -No, I cant. 3. -_ _ _? 4. -_ _ _? -No, _. -_, I can. 5. -_ the boy _ _ _? 6. -_ _ _? -_, _. -Yes, she can. (看图填空) 123456 swim I can chess Can you draw I cant

38、 Can you sing Yes Can play the guitar Yes he can Can_she dance I CAN DO! 叶团 吻证 顾甥 汁骂 涂净 伊宽 垒操 踩唉 翼款 蛊险 吴汰 鸳泪 势篓 巷滦 痒脂 铰组 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 1.I can play chess.(变成一般疑问句) _ you_ chess? 2.She can play the guitar.(变成一般疑问句) _ she_ the guita

39、r? 3.They can play basketball.(变为否定句) They _ _ basketball. 4.He can dance.(否定句) He_ dance. 5.We can speak English.(提问) _ _ you _? 6.I can sing and dace. (改为否定句) I _ sing _ dance. 7. 你可以参加我们学校的音乐节。 You can _ _ our school music festival. 8. 请给Bill打电话1234567. Please _ Bill _1234567. Can play Canplay ca

40、nt play cant What cando cant or bein callat 句型转换 林疮 娃橇 旗陌 晒粤 该辙 著虎 紧准 赁钙 条死 趾闸 鞋凝 冀易 佰渣 量倚 哗序 始怎 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 (三) 翻译下列句子. 1. 你弹吉他弹得好吗? _ 2. 我不会弹钢琴,但是我会跳舞. _ 3.他会下象棋吗?不,他不会 _ 4. 他们想加入什么俱乐部? 英语俱乐部. _ _ 5. 她能帮助孩子们跳舞吗 _ 6. 他会干什么? _ C

41、an you play the guitar well? I cant play the piano,but I can dance. Can he play chess? No he cant. What club do they want to join? They want to join the English club. Can she help kids with dancing? What can he do? 乾伶 钦岿 丽扬 兰踏 捌豁 畏峙 北彬 篓窖 杠坎 噎疤 果叛 芒楚 块押 蔼德 鼎唐 囊铝 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件 20 13 年新 目标 七年 级下 册U ni t1 se ct io nB 课件


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