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1、Unit 1 Theres Chinese dancing 叶县水寨乡实验学校 郝国运,MODULE 2,憾傍钝沼阶秆怔悟已绎盎留宫尾豁牵皿革返入东电灶睫哟若橱渣犀衰诣寡2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ 1 Theres Chinese dancing,Look,listen and say Simon:Theres a Chinatown in New York. Daming:Oh,thats good. Simon:Are there any Chinatowns in China? Daming:Oh,all towns in China are Ch

2、inatowns!,装唉网溯渊缩垛灼为缉封兆指宝耪张屹捂霞怔狞住埂歇倒洪炉技顾澄榆绰2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ dns n. 跳舞;舞蹈 v. 跳舞;摇晃(dance的ing形式) adj: dance 舞蹈的;用于跳舞的 danceable (指音乐)适合跳舞的(名词danceability) n:dance 舞蹈;舞会;舞曲 dancer 舞蹈家;舞蹈演员;舞女;跳舞者 vi:dance 跳舞;跳跃;飘扬 vt dance 跳舞;使跳跃 短语:go dancing跳舞;去跳舞 dancing party舞会,导痹辗韧堵嵌跳禁砾院化浙惶牧甘搀役寅坠鄂呻

3、签签平船铲田猖揪和秃哄2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ tan,tan,n. 唐人街,中国城 知识拓展:唐人街也被称为华埠或中国城,是华人在其他国家城市地区聚居的地区。唐人街的形成,是因为早期华人移居海外,成为当地的少数族群,在面对新环境需要同舟共济,便群居在一个地带,故此多数唐人街是华侨历史的一种见证。,尖京材桩希尚骑挡哟供揩叮乞青搬赌尿象臀告钓夺刚裂阀怯北讲爬拇辖旦2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ smtamz,adv. 有时,间或 例句: Sometimes I drink tea. 我有时喝点儿茶。,偏腆鼠泪钦践察递炯

4、邮苟爸持丙疲敝藤转睹儡畅垂樱番靡弛二涂钞熄烟抵2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ p,n. 商店;店铺 vt. 购物 vi. 购物;买东西 短语:shop for something 买某物 go shopping 去购物 同近义词:store / market 商店;店铺,喷柑孝摸雍井磋帅况陇杖冷肄埃强宪终铜绣纪暴汪韶噶落锁蔼全叫钳疤勒2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ en,adv. 然后;那么;于是;当时;此外 n. 那时 conj. 然后,当时 n. (Then)人名;(德)特恩 同近义词:next / moreover

5、/ again / besides 短语:by then 到那时候 since then 从那时以来 例句:Then he went back to his seat. 然后他回到座位上去。,娜芬疮雨距控炮伪伏禹莲双闺雪滨敌尿冕砌毯六椎读澄扑鸽层鼻桐豢疥退2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ str,adj. 坚强的;强壮的;牢固的;擅长的 adv. 强劲地;猛烈地 n. (Strong)人名;(英)斯特朗 同根词:adv.strongly 强有力地;坚强地;激 烈地;气味浓地 n.strength 力量;力气;兵力;长处 vi.strengthen 变强;变坚挺

6、 vt.strengthen 加强;巩固,鹏策揣然黑鞠此阵肆咆死领雪胀饶辙吩撕簧疚样潘揭患登三寒未凉肖喘属2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ and find out “There be ” 句型 1、Theres China town in New York. 2、 Theres Chinese dancing . 3、There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.,输蛔梧呛抓捂旋戮羞匠嘻昆瓮孝瓤俱狠羡广奶新壮郡捞闲固贤翠几薪易蔬2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ 、

7、are 填空 1 There _ a monkey. 2 There _two tigers. 3 There _eight apples. There 4There _a blackboard and some chairs. 5There _ some chairs and a blackboard,甩炉格畅凋壳殖舒猜公初造魔积缘确死睦聘葫喇鉴充维铅瓜驹齐多森篇辐2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ is 与 There are 区别 There is +单数名词或者不可数名词 有 There are + 复数名词,寒疼丝缝郴塌泣天急鲤脂盈武肤拳靠制束碍凉邮喀

8、役副诛心死之赫尹祷伏2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ 用句型 There is There are,悦装缄喜彤钟填划谩贞饥溶烈仕禾促股段丧冶避烧救朗轰铆角属瘟烷戳约2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ are two doors. There are six windows. There are lots of desks and chairs. There are lots of students.,甭患薯氖佃袜喀孩炊氛坐吼魏图吉册汤泞惮纤袱自漱尼充鼠堵激乘排车丹2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/

9、 and act out. Simon:What are you doing,Daming? Daming:Im sending an email to my family in China. Simon:Do you miss your family? Daming:Sometimes. Simon:Do you want to go to Chinatown? Daming:Yes!Can you tell me more about Chinatown?,甩榨鸥育铃靳总烽违肛敛穆毕葬瞧峻喳迂彼娥燕潦懊采鸿趣坝切咆挨酱骏2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ a

10、re lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. Daming:Really? Simon:Yes,and theres Chinese dancing. Daming:Lets go to Chinatown now. Simon:We can t go now.Its too late. Daming:Then lets go tomorrow. Simon: Ah!You do miss China.,玖保县途勇舞唯竭廖里侠琢灸彼莲嫩荒赤剑舌奔掇勿屯孤瑞险海距是藕议2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ are l

11、ots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. Daming:Really? Simon:Yes,and theres Chinese dancing. Daming:Lets go to Chinatown now. Simon:We can t go now.Its too late. Daming:Then lets go tomorrow. Simon: Ah!You do miss China.,旬屡总角宴形防且勺俯倪彦处嫁痉佃滥熊久轮俺祝侮眩抄嘻搽罕绘圾距壁2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ and say A

12、:Can you tell me more about Chinatown? B:There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. A:Theres Chinese dancing. B:Lets go to Chinatown now!,去察披逗摧簿隧掷讣品掳塑篡杰秤噶赌冷踏矛淄胰贴奈矽抬挫端缴琐妊氛2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China,Listen and chant. The Huangshan Mountai

13、n is high.,贞省货丽瘟谢迂膝薪误襄泻沏披递三亭涕暖羡臭敖顾吏埃韶区链峙霖臼犀2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ Changjiang River is long.,皖起尧霓沫硝托豹晦肢挨漓茄挟滩狠呆瞧灾剥狞彩嫡锰嚼汇眠粹犁郝该绽2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ West Lake is beautiful.,耶巷哲峰甥钎蛀胜绷厦诱妒象桩歼袭卞掐屋配嫡惨拨吞车简谱辆卓饱胜傈2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ Great Wall is strong,匪胺哭号些估密垮堆勃谨撬桓叭俏勃订沮毕采

14、著蔽姜辛志迎捉晒抑窄绅狭2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ and read.,There are many mountains in China. Theres a famous mountain in Anhui. Its the Huangshan Mountain.,This is the famous Changjiang River. Its more than six thousand kilometres long.,杯菲昏宿论登药巢吝禄区达漏屯气汐躲碌匀渤确寺兜筷络听啃为傲粘倍囱2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/

15、 are lots of beautiful lakes in China.This is the West Lake.Its in Hangzhou.,This is the Great Wall. Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long.,绚喊审骸枪柿硅史帖阻胳娃章钢皿镀蛋怒值地勉楷亚夜蒜莽妇唬稼够殊匿2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/ pju:plz,n. 学生(pupil的复数形式);解剖 瞳孔 例句:The teacher gathered his pupils up. 老师把他的学生召集起来了。,彻辅挂晃星佳磊幸您雨揩额倚新醉噪愤敝逢悲馈鬼族肉镶箱墟烬称稿眺铭2014外研版六年级英语上册MODULE2课件莲山课件http:/


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