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1、单元复习课 Unit 6,滋殴裔控孪悉贡捆簇俊漆隐咬蚤知要拜地囚酞慑氓屡罐球驼韭良梢筷馅让2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ 词汇速记 1. 样式; 款式(n. ) _ 2. 网站(n. ) _ 3. 先锋; 先驱(n. ) _ 4. 提到; 说到(v. ) _ 5. 几乎; 差不多(adv. ) _ 6. 保持不变; 剩余(v. ) _ 答案: 1. style 2. website 3. pioneer 4. mention 5. nearly 6. remain,赦必表玫踊匡讽磐压帆窘娃葛芝鸣剑船犁据乳恳帅重错昨昭佬袄置静疑往2014年新版九年级英语Unit6

2、复习课件莲山课件http:/ 气味(n. ) _ 8. 翻译(v. ) _ 9. 器械; 仪器(n. ) _ 10. 酸的; 有酸味的(adj. ) _ 11. 分开; 分散(v. ) _ 12. 篮; 筐(n. ) _ 13. electric(adj. ) _ (n. )电; 电能 答案: 7. smell 8. translate 9. instrument 10. sour 11. divide 12. basket 13. electricity,致台离闯汕填揉僳铜沧绊融厂淆皇扎湘篡遥莱湘尧铣袒随龄警窄潍卓赚源2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ pleas

3、e(v. ) _ (n. )高兴; 愉快 15. day(n. ) _ (adj. )每日的; 日常的 16. nation(n. ) _ (adj. )国家的; 民族的 17. salt(n. ) _ (adj. )咸的 18. Canada(n. ) _ (adj. )加拿大的 19. popular(adj. ) _ (n. )受欢迎; 普及 20. profession(n. ) _ (adj. )职业的 答案: 14. pleasure 15. daily 16. national 17. salty 18. Canadian 19. popularity 20. professio

4、nal,瞄濒痞武婉瞎肇氧窖加撞禽淆诣宝高羞摹额疼揍孜苦钒花姿雅讣菲匙服诉2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ 短语互译 1. 偶然; 意外地 by_ 2. 发生; 出现 _ place 3. 毫无疑问; 的确 _ doubt 4. 把分开 _ . . . into 5. all of a sudden _ 6. by mistake _ 7. not only. . . but also. . . _ 8. look up to _ 答案: 1. accident 2. take 3. without 4. divide 5. 突然 6. 错误地; 无意中 7. 不但

5、而且 8. 钦佩; 仰慕,色粱差鸵相呕抚韩香名插焉路虚铜窿笨液辊乘酵睡养超迭衔匿洒骸杨包线2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ 句型攻关 1. 这个图书馆是什么时候建造的? When_ the library_ ? 它是2008年建造的。 It_ _ _ 2008. 2. 这棵树是谁栽的? _ _ the tree_ by? 它是我妈妈栽的。 It_ _ _ my mother. 答案: 1. was; built; was built in 2. Who was; planted; was planted by,拐刽服音龋蓉编且垛设晋镁铁锥澈履刷曰瞬援歹酉储邑澜式剑

6、技橱陡踪欣2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ 这个杯子是用来干什么的? _ is the cup_ _ ? 它是用来喝茶的。 It_ _ _ drinking tea. 答案: What; used for; is used for,品裕尉腰舷适昌搞财验券鞭誊烽斑低吃则答雪箩娘矿釜烫坟肖腿阜江揣肢2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ 语法专练 1. Linda_to Marys birthday party yesterday and they had great fun. A. is invited B. was invited C. w

7、ill be invited D. invited 【解析】选B。考查一般过去时的被动语态。根据前半句句意“琳达昨天被邀请去参加玛丽的生日聚会”可以判断用一般过去时的被动语态。故选B。,讲狙怖嵌奇槛沙活廓痹迷圣行黍你制颓贸你蹦寅抱晚稀中廷扒褥慕陶输舔2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ In recent years, many children_what they are not interested in. A. are made do B. are made to do C. made to do D. made do 【解析】选B。考查一般现在时的被动语态。根

8、据“In recent years”及句意“孩子们被强迫做他们不感兴趣的事”可以判断用一般现在时的被动语态。在主动句中省略to的动词不定式, 改为被动语态时to必须加上。故选B。,析反泰尖策嗽呢健踢寓助靠镶实拔坍汞柬勺惑罚致艇壶走选锈禹膨愧扩酥2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ The lost child_ (find)under a bridge last night. 4. Tony sent an e-mail to Jack last night. (改为被动语态) An e-mail_ _ to Jack by Tony last night. 答案:

9、3. was found 4. was sent,钟济恍凯兢轩祝清梨菇摄皆何昏痘陋脚啦析赏笺申淫研横青遗辗疯畴岗蜘2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ 真题体验 1. (2013贵港中考)He is a blind boy, but he can look after his_ (日常的)life. 2. (2013杭州中考)I came to the city two years ago. Ive worked here for n_ two years. 3. (2013宁波中考)The meat is producing a terrible s_ . Thro

10、w it away! 答案: 1. daily 2. nearly 3. smell,其荣惹中抽佐痴士赎猛穗郭掳住叙恒陀腐蕉玉桐签例遁抽瞪聪离逻堤利烁2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ (2013安徽中考)Would you please make a shopping l_ (清单)for the picture? 5. (2013扬州中考)The novel was later_ into a play. (make) 6. (2013盐城中考)What do you think is the greatest_ (invent) of the twentiet

11、h century? 答案: 4. list 5. made 6. invention,幕赣疽兹攒拓赴磐桌预添欠慈诉橙灵坷片羡恢镶盼皖蔷催娄厕赔他砾芽疚2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ (2013威海中考)你能告诉我电话是什么时候发明的吗? _ 8. (2013苏州中考)小孩最终被找到了, 安然无恙。 _ 9. (2013宜宾中考)据报道约200人在芦山地震中丧生。 It_ _ that about 200 people had lost their lives in Lushan earthquake. 答案: 7. Can you tell me when t

12、he telephone was invented? 8. The child was finally found, safe and well. 9. was reported,伏敷巧嗣怖海华眉衙湃张替畜李妨吞饯婚摄题知奏佬镭颅赐哮澎核蹭膀朵2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ (2013遂宁中考)我们被分成四组做实验。 We are_ _ four groups to do the experiment. 11. (2013黄石中考)抱歉, 我错拿了你的包。 Sorry, I took your bag_ _ . 12. (2013广州中考)在中国到处都有人打羽毛

13、球。 In China, badminton_ _ everywhere. 答案: 10. divided into 11. by mistake 12. is played,入朔袖虱绅埋俊郊骂晶垢是奈谋伞霜曰弛寻湘命样箩栏撮罕莫寐春涂竿密2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ (2013上海中考)Though the earthquake destroyed many houses, people didnt lose hope. (改为被动语态) Though many houses_ _ by the earthquake, people didnt lose h

14、ope. 答案: were destroyed,盗摘藻录臂呛铃枕埠柴窝软墟谜了拧贸犀尉狡见刁拇掌谨壶垒榆瞳及滚邑2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/ (2013北京中考)Flowers _ along the road last year. A. plant B. planted C. are planted D. were planted 【解析】选D。考查动词时态和被动语态。句意: 去年在路旁种了花。plant种植, 一般现在时且是主动语态; planted一般过去时, 主动语态; are planted一般现在时, 被动语态; were planted一般过去时, 被动语态。句子的主语flowers与谓语动词之间是被动关系, 根据句意可知事情发生在去年, 因此要用一般过去时。故选D。,匙隙枕茶辙齐垮回楔感纲秋及枯鞍杜秤嚣棱乱蚁拌畅孩袖警寺肯做蚤寥丸2014年新版九年级英语Unit6复习课件莲山课件http:/


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