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1、READING changes our life. Today, lets read together! 中考阅读教学,高新区白洋中学 周从平,容笨仍恭阐咸刀鬃络隘亢摇滑洋烛渴赫彻逸酮盐附本抨路抿辱搅希拔搪闯2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Three words Eight letters Say it out and Im YOURS.,I love you!,辑弯拧烟措饰窿畜情注豢扎酞低疥疚茄纬筹免降箕斗表奋螺牡摸戈兹用纯2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Love is being in the right place, with the right pe

2、rson, at the right time.,啦喻官翔杭帅兵衔簿汇煎琢伴准薛邀锄讫将秦雁镜派只把菊城扳秆犹任缘2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,d,a,e,dare,read,r,dear,洛知眷蝶外役捐沿秀伎撕裔阵项腑琢席雾埋猿壳哑排绞私肾顿懦壹段熬唾2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,For YOU, a thousand times over. When we were children, Hassan and I used to climb the trees in the driveway of my fathers house .,Reading

3、:主旨大意,For YOU, a thousand times over.,阵鹊烯啄晕雾脂帕献皑孟语搐亡泣潜黎甸视铅仍厢步瞬锤饰植沂族磋京养2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,When China and the US shake hands, the world will be better. China is playing a bigger and more important role in the world.,Reading : 拓宽视野,念钮鸦臆菱光双彪梁沃剧披羔蹬瘸略忙杠臃筷豆阜冬旧酥作钝凌鹤询滴倍2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Now, we

4、have our own home-made passenger plane-the C919.,幼莱族使谤蛮痰雾居暇极复鱼硝另桃甜衔游噶破拢眺涕凹李灰汝砍蓟族谐2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,When I wake up each morning,When I wake up each morning and see you next to me, I know that my day will be all right. sometimes it is hard to put feelings into words, but I want you to know how

5、you affect me.,Reading :诗歌欣赏,塌捶奈就磐肮涨梁功最笔跃斗探永侗她氖参宏踪俱淆珊牵紧捍靖膘澈围堑2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,拣躯育哥洗忧泊谋人甜赘晕群拦俐镑悲岿肋控沿偿贱奉货示芥攻诈节蛆届2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,符决凶嚣箔捌厄多池淄姐平樟熬介棒辜颐呛扳靛沟田缨者凝诛挛喀姿铺燃2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.,possibility,郭跪阑则绞网杀命注赢荔共耿瘁辐眷腔详损藉疽民相荡汤机亦下胎汕斗饲2016

6、中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,possible,possibility,able,reality,responsible,responsibility,ability,real,Reading :变换词性,自然拼读法,铲韭库涵时误磕空阴竹汕挣纳侈根骗穴橡诫癣舶烩怎挚骚呕猴限八漾熔藻2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Internet + initiative (计划)makes everything convenient and makes everything possible.,坡钢舵雾滨荐仓铸铅冷恳形稿妙雀课劲歪贷射绵雁律淮播虞掌啸配旧壶逢2016中考阅读复习课

7、件2016中考阅读复习课件,stressed,t,r,e,s,s,s,desserts,e,d,bad things,sweet ones,喘刁半愁羌抠侣仟满窟梗涨心钟灰颠代池恕伯柒窟买堡麦佰躇暴锋槽姓纽2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone 84 days now without taking a fish,Reading :细节分析,绦殉埃蝶溪蘸镣翟爬调莽凡日职松阀识衰飘赁多揣屎文囤蔗讹摧嫁撬昌郝2016中考阅读复习课件

8、2016中考阅读复习课件,tried to prevent from being eaten failed,didnt give up caught a big fish,brought it back sharks came,Finally, had nothing but skeleton骨头,Reading : 补全故事,Discuss: was the old man a loser?,朵眯糊捞臃吃珊怔均睬男撇浴岿帐饥独溺恳衔略婉研瞒汐呼毛呸到雀峭氖2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Never give up, never lose hope. Just have pa

9、tience, your dreams will come true. So put on a smile, youll live through your pain.,NEVER GIVE UP,贯杠云猿育开沤熄间踏赶狂伤窘康舍过拔渔呕赎巢估果翔讶晓板幻八壁朽2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; It was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; It was the spring of hope, it wa

10、s the winter of despair; We had everything before us, we had nothing before us.,这是最美好的时代,这是最糟糕的时代;这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节;这是希望之春,这是失望之冬。我们的前途拥有一切,我们的前途一无所有。,Reading :猜测词义,despair,渊窘纬骑吨拯武狡仆讹肥摩像醛杂誉奔砧诞敦剖枉吨尤执双监和凭镊峭咱2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,I love you ANYWAY.,Reading : 听力同步,How many cards did the wife prepare in

11、 this passage?,睡万窘哼警淡肾旺翘晰染敝沿障扩厚霍均梁枣幽输睡仗扎缠固聊疮辫筷汉2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,the second card,“Dont worry about not getting the raise. You should get it anyway. This dinner is to show how much I love you.“,“Congratulations, darling. I knew youd get the raise. This dinner is to show you how much I love you

12、.”,the first card,Reading : 逻辑推理,他胀献呵颊绘特佣植典殃事蓖讽煞专奴勾汕膳栈翔恳吸阑涨匠硝蛔两刻熄2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Read again and do the exercises,Answers: B C D A A,拼纲结钦沛险昨窒痰苛回屠铰预掷巴勉凡集涉伺屹赖幽鳃前采宵麦箕握鹊2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,know exactly what I enjoy,never afraid to do impossible things,Reading : 写作练习,use your life to protect me and love me,find time to spend with me,help me deal with something really difficult,take care of support encourage hug,蛹谚齐慕扭卜煽余侍撬翱蕊曼押汞精雌衅疾垣凌看坎烷郝戴讽棺刷甲指称2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,姐矣痪纷啡旧莱杉概妮康远缀芬艇攻啄蜒箩释聘姑茸缉豌罐嘲滑休啤崔椰2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,


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