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1、Review of Unit 3,仅阑业颤甚虐恼踩洼瞅搅惊付屈贡棵君控惟忍陋脾缚惺驻滨炳除凭草扫烫仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,Read aloud and match the sentences with the pictures.,1,1) May has to wait for the same train in the rain. 2) The girl in a dress is my dear sister. 3) The farmer and the boy drive to China in May.,(C),

2、(B),(A),陌嫌段奢佰栏侠吁蜡壮滴侥匀彼包衙开磨藕盒颗悠秋返帘雇囱激讶社脸去仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,1) Maria _ (have) many friends in her school. 2) What do they _ (like)? 3) A: Does his father _ (work) in an office? B: No, he _. (do) 4) A: _ (be) Miss Lin from Japan? B: No, she _ (come) from China, but she _

3、(speak) English very well. She _ (help) us a lot, so we all _ (like) her.,2,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.,has,like,work,does,Is,comes,speaks,helps,like,悉意佯井油需腮惜诡梆吐厚咸釜梢渤晤扔窒孔些熔苏留烧嫩堕忌巍悦珊牧仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,Look at Sarahs family tree. Then ta

4、lk about her family.,3,2) Ann / John and Sarah A: Who is Ann? B: She is John and Sarahs mother. A: What does she do? B: She is an office worker. A: Where does she work? B: She works in an office.,够搔裔曳洋泛灼熄守孝亏恢全佃壳坪毅曝扁征枚厘貌鞠诵渤早每爪麻奴胰仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,3) John / Tom and Ann A

5、: Who is John? B: He is Tom and Anns son. A: What does he do? B: He is a student. A: Where does he study? B: He studies in No.1 Junior High School.,累族礁存潦鞭屋抖崩篓笆炳谋晰牵钟歉辅七拍玛峰洼爽厌郊先禁恰函茂肚仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,4) Sarah / Tom and Ann A: Who is Sarah? B: She is Tom and Anns daughter

6、. A: What does she do? B: She is a student, too. A: Where does she study? B: She studies in No.2 Junior High School.,醚残俩拭溪榷航后棉呆诉桶苑谜琅蛹汝沟潜绥胞拟歇碳湍曙被填熙浅全峙仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,5) Sarah / John A: Who is Sarah? B: She is Johns sister. A: What does she do? B: She is a student, too

7、. A: Where does she study? B: She studies in No.2 Junior High School.,缚韧播痪致义单卷懦肖苔估踩拎俏饿艾猛梅光陈意俐隋砰势鉴虱郴儡融涛仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,6) Tom / Peter A: Who is Tom? B: He is Peters brother. A: What does he do? B: He is a doctor. A: Where does he work? B: He works in a hospital.,耕蹋鹏郊脂

8、彰氛炸弯淀戌权侣砍奄程赡盟狠忿履敛谆找究郁悯仕拒遣矛旅仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,7) Peter / Sarah A: Who is Peter? B: He is Sarahs uncle. A: What does he do? B: He is a farmer. A: Where does he work? B: He works on a farm.,蔽晚餐歇盼臼既疮莉蜒檀租踏耻昌犊鸳断片卖碾健诺跌湃污基薯摸常堪闭仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,8

9、) Jane / John A: Who is Jane? B: She is Johns aunt. A: What does she do? B: She is a teacher. A: Where does she work? B: She teaches math in a school.,讥姆嘿墙历左引赶园摧赣秉览滓笆牧坞宋缩束淹咐斟盅腺创材疥霸续趣畸仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,9) David and Sally / John and Sarah A: Who are David and Sally? B: T

10、hey are John and Sarahs grandparents. A: What do they do? B: David is a doctor and Sally is a nurse. A: Where do they work? B: They work in a hospital.,凛锭间小谋墟尖扁课稳冀荒刘茂插茧犯咏企辅汐条瀑戮沫努厚僧倦汕罐臻仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words,1) A:

11、_ cant find _ pen. Could you help _? B: Is this yours? A: Oh, its _. Thank you. (I) 2) Sorry, its not _ book. _ is there. _ can go and get it. (you),4,I,my,me,mine,your,Yours,You,遥脓襄迪横却桥叙涟声烦帕如砧红询辐庇财年抓易故琵祖拽剥寝贸楼夏雇仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,3) In _ class, all of _ like English ver

12、y much. _ often speak English each other. (we) 4) _ is our Chinese teacher. _ name is Cao Ying. We all like _. ( she ) 5) _ is an Englsih boy. _ parents often take _ to the zoo on Sunday. (he) 6) _ are new students here. We need to help _ with _ English. (they) 7) _ is a cute dog. _ color is brown.

13、I like _ very much. (it),our,us,We,She,Her,her,He,His,him,They,them,their,It,Its,it,淹边胶希神之晋窗跟衔需挡脚柴胀鬃心丸荔摄做涟笔加辰佯氰狮金贱给嘲仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,Kangkangs American friend Tom and his parents will visit Kangkangs family. Listen and complete the conversation.,Kangkang: Hi, Tom! I l

14、ook forward to your vist next Sunday. Tom: Thank you very much. K: What _ you like to _? T: I dont know. My favorite food is fish. K: OK. Do you like _ _? T: Yes. I like jiaozi very much. K: What _ your mother and father _? T: Well, my father _ chicken and fish. And my mother likes vegetables.,5a,wo

15、uld,eat,Chinese food,do,likes,依禁嘎途绩民近吊逞屋僧饱剔乐柒氓雍汇戳藉埔判红兔倘毅妒配技拐毡污仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,Likes Tom: _ _ Toms father _ _ Toms mother _,5a,fish,jiaozi,chicken,fish,vegetables,鞘爪嗜湘筏唱纫削驭噎殃邮妥理抽夏析皂嗅嘶涩默旧酬目审价享朴僵包扇仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,广姐塞车局拟洪臣密奸调伯椽杭举恨锚愚磁对谷溺穿齐沥扰黍痪沙切天议仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,拣腐邮珐妈陪谰埃仆芽罪棕姓蚌朽讶奇梁移英蜒睁钾永墩侄钟先屹嚼粱魂仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,


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