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1、专项训练十七 书面表达 题型 1 1 写人叙事类 (1)(2017广东)常言道“良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒” 。假设你是李雷,你将要参加学 校 “举办的英语演讲比赛,主题是 语言的力量”,请你写一篇英文演讲稿,内容包括: 1你的一次受老师或同学言语激励的经历(事情的经过以及对你的影响);2.呼吁同学们要注 意自身语言对他人的影响。 作文要求: 词数 80个左右,作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 Ladies and gentlemen, How will words influence others? Let me tell you one of my experiences. _ _

2、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2)(2017临沂)“请以 My trip to _” 为题,根据以下要求与提示,写一篇英语短文, 记叙你的一次旅行。 要求:1.请在题目空格处填入你旅行的地点,如:Beijing, Jinan 或 Qingdao 等; 2.词数不 少于 60。 提示:1. Where did you go? 2What did you do there? 3. How did you feel about the trip? My trip toMy trip to_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 题型 2 2 观点看( (做) )法类 (1)(2017绍

3、兴)某英语教育网站正在开展主题为“How can a teenager have a successful life?”的讨论,为此你采访了一些同学(结果见下表)。请用英语写一篇短文参与讨论,并阐 述你的观点。 同学主要观点 你的观点 努力学习 尊重父母 服务社会 计划未来 (至少两条) 1 注意:(1)短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当增加细节; (2) 你的观点至少两条; (3)词数:80100; (4)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:尊重 respect 短文首句:I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can

4、have a successful life._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2) (2017南京)请根据杂志 KIDVOICE 的内容 ,以“Kids and Learning” 为题,用英语写一篇 短 文,发表你的看法。 KIDS HAVE AN OPINION TOO! Hi! Im Sigmund Friend,the editor(编辑 )of a new magazineKIDVOICE. We like hearing from kids. We know youve got things to say. We want to hear from you.We wa

5、nt to hear from you. Here is a topic you might have an opinion about. 注意:1.对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥;2.词数 80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总 词数。 Kids and LearningKids and Learning All kids want to be good at learning. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 题型 3 3 说明类 (1)(2017金华)假如你应邀参加一个国际读书会,并将分享自己读过的一本好书。请根据下 列表格中的要点,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你要分享的书。 Key point

6、s (要点) Words and expressions for reference(参考词汇) What the name is The Old Man and the Sea . 2 Who wrote it Ernest Hemingway, America . What it is about Fisherman, Fight against the fish and nature . Why I like it Meaningful, never give up, Wellknown sentence“: Man is not made for defeat(失败)”, . well

7、known sentence:. Interesting, helpful,. 注意:(1)可选择使用所给的书名及内容,也可另选书籍; (2)短文内容可适当增加; (3)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名; (4)词数:80100; (5)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。 短文首句:The book Id like to share with you is The Old Man and the Sea. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2)(2017西宁) 今年是西宁市创建全国文明城市的攻坚之年,我市中小学正在开展以“提升文 明素养,做文明 礼仪的倡导者”为主题的英语作文比赛。请写 一篇 8

8、0词左右的短文(首句已给出, 不计入总词 数)。要求包括以下要点: 1说话有礼貌;2.不横穿马路;3.不乱扔垃圾;4.不采摘花草;5.不在公共场所大声喧哗 Be Be A A Student With Good MannersStudent With Good Manners Nowadays we are trying our best to make Xining become a civilized city. As students, we must know what we should do and what we shouldnt do. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9、_ 专项训练十七 书面表达 题型 1 1 (1)One possible version: Ladies and gentlemen, How will words influence others?Let me tell you one of my experiences. At the end of Grade 7,I failed in my English exam. I felt sad and cried. At that time,my 3 English teacher said to me smilingly“, Dont cry!Your spoken English is

10、 very good. You are only a bit weak at spelling. I believe you can do better”! Since then,I have been working hard at word spelling and Ive ma de great progress in my English. So encourage others more and try to help t hem out when they are in difficulty. (2)One possible version: My trip to QingdaoM

11、y trip to Qingdao I had a twoday trip to Qingdao with my friends last summer vacation. We had a wonderful time there. We went to Qingdao by bus. When we got there in the afternoon, we couldnt wait to go to the beach near our hotel. The weather was nice. Everything was as beautiful as I imagined. We

12、walked along the beach and enjoyed the soft sand, the gentle wind and the blue sea. In the evening, we had a big seafood dinner. It was really delicious. The next morning, we went to Laoshan Mountain. It is not very high, but there is an old and interesting tale about it. So it receives a lot of vis

13、itors every year. I enjoyed this trip so much that I didnt w ant to go back home. 题型 2 2 (1)One possible version: I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have a successful life. Most students believe its necessary to study hard. After all, study plays a key role in their life. They al

14、so agree they should respect their parents, who look after them every day. Besides, theyre ready to serve the society and in their opinion its really meaningful. Whats more, they think each teenager is supposed to make a good plan for the future. From my point of view, we need to make some good frie

15、nds so that we can learn from each other. Also, we must be active and exercise more to keep healthy because its important to a successful life. (2)One possible version: Kids and LearningKids and Learning All kids want to be good at learning. However, its not easy. In my opinion, those kids who are g

16、ood at learning are able to manage their time very well. They not only work hard at their subjects but also enjoy playing games. Playing also helps them learn better. As to how kids balance learning and playing, the most important thing is to follow the rule work while you work and play while you pl

17、ay. Moreover, kids should learn to work happily and relax totally. Im sure a good balance between learning and playing can make a great contribution to kids growth. 题型 3 3 (1)One possible version: The book Id like to share with you isThe Old Man and the Sea,written by an American writer Ernest Hemin

18、gway. This book tells about a fisherman who is lucky enough to catch a huge fish at sea, but finds it hard to take it home. On the way back, he has to fight against the fish, and the sea as well. What I like most about the book is that the fisherman never gives up when meeting with difficulties. I s

19、till remember the wellknown sentence from the book: Man is not made for defeat. This tells us that nothing seem s terrible as long as we have a strong will and a brave heart. (2)One possible version: Be Be A A Student With Good MannersStudent With Good Manners Nowadays we are trying our best to make

20、 Xining become a civilized city. As students, we must know what we should do and what we shouldnt do. 4 I think we should take an active part in this activity. First, we are supposed to speak politely. We can say “Thank you.” “Excuse me,.?” or “Could you please.”? as often as possible. Then, we shou

21、ld cross the road when the traffic light is green. Third, please dont step on the grass or pick flowers. Do remember no matter where we go, be sure not to throw litter. Whats more, we shouldnt speak loudly in public. It is our duty to do what we can to make our city more beautiful. I believe if everyone makes an effort, Xining will be one of the most beautiful cities in our country. 5


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