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1、专项训练十五 补全对话 Passage 1Passage 1(2017安徽) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。 Li LeiLi Lei:Hey, Bruce.Im going home this weekend. BruceBruce:(1)_ Li LeiLi Lei:To celebrate the MidAutumn Festival. BruceBruce:(2)_ Li LeiLi Lei:It is an important time for family. BruceBruce:(3)_ Li LeiLi Lei:Well hav

2、e dinner together, watch the moon and eat mooncakes. BruceBruce:Mooncakes? Are they delicious? Li LeiLi Lei:Yes.(4)_We can celebrate it together. BruceBruce:(5)_Thank you! Li LeiLi Lei:You are welcome. AWell done! BFor what? CThats great. DWhat kind of festival is it? EI have never tasted them. FHow

3、 will you celebrate it? GWould you like to go with me? Passage 2Passage 2(2017 昆明) 根据对话内容,在空白处写出恰当的句子,使对话意思连贯完整。 A A:Sarah, you dont look well. (6)_? B B:I have a headac he and my head feels very hot. A A:Maybe(7)_ B B:Oh, maybe.(8)_? A A:You should take your temperature, lie down and rest. B B:That

4、 sounds like a good idea. A A : If you still have a fever tomorrow, youd better go to a doctor.(9)_ B B:I hope so.(10)_, Kelly. A A:You are welcome. Passage 3Passage 3(2017鄂州) 根据对话内容,在空白处写出恰当的句子,使对话意思连贯完整。 (Its Friday afternoon. After school, Sun Mei meets Hu Fang on the way home.) Sun MeiSun Mei:He

5、llo, Hu Fang! Hu FangHu Fang:Hello, Sun Mei! SunSun MeiMei:Tomorrow is Saturday and the weather is fine. I want to climb the Ge Hill.(11)_ HuHu FangFang:Sure, Id love to. Oh, I hear theres a strawberry garden ne ar it. We can do some picking in the garden after climbing. SunSun MeiMei:(12)_ I like e

6、ating fresh strawberries. We can also take beautiful photos there. Hu FangHu Fang:Gr eat! (13)_ SunSun MeiMei:Lets meet at 8 oclock in the morning at the gate of Yanglan Primary School. Hu FangHu Fang:Its a deal! See you tomorrow. Sun MeiSun Mei:See you. 1 专项训练十五 补全对话 Passage 1Passage 1: 1 15 5: BDF

7、GCBDFGC Passage 2Passage 2: 6.Whats 6.Whats t t hehe matter/ the matter/ the problem/ problem/ thth e e troutrou bleble 7 7you have you have a a fever/ fever/ coldcold 8 8What should What should I I dodo 9 9I I hope you will be hope you will be OKOK 1010Thanks/ Thank youThanks/ Thank you P P assage 3assage 3: 11.Woul11.Woul d d you like toyou like to go go (therethere)with with me?me? 1212GoodGood idea!idea! 1313WhenWhen andand wherewhere shallshall wewe meetmeet?/When/When andand wherewhere areare wewe goinggoing toto meet?meet? 2


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