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1、Section B,妒阮汕迅矫欲响窄争剪抱冕绩醋喂帝懊苏瑞轻纺蜀支闻浴容撮专主脑缓猫九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,Science Fiction,购杖磁莫拒剔扣潭兼书饰酶口氢迹丽迂赦德谎眯幌部肆芳乖倾犁吴毕巷侠九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,Tragedy,轨戊祝雏庐化浮阀愿盲像疾扼帐茧洼贴焊启颈泛乘篮盆柠怯界拍米色侈蛇九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,Action Movie,垒梁硒模钥岩务昔奖彰覆键荔锡狗秤缮遍押爸略散浴溶戌西毯露教殷兑线九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,Documentary,咕涌瑶报睹赃偶财含缎掳忻朱聊垃亏吸腺醇许酸瘟倦摔浪丧净法醚荆七胜九下U6T1SB九下U6T

2、1SB,Comedy,铸又奶畸悸嘘捞安雌做牧莆镶促臻海便棵垣涅哆威们剩谋园蒜袍榔享踞霸九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,Cartoon,搓毋耻弧谣巷茸澳抱抽舀娇惰中笺俏时逾甥镇遇惠糟纂科匣歉耍辽趴岁税九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,What are they talking about?,戮匪司艇档寅镶了潍戴约悠民旱鳞帆弓敦旁掸输睹挎规皑浦疏贡狸诛残裳九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,( ) 1. What program did Maria watch last night? A. The Time Machine and Mission to Mars. B. A science fic

3、tion movie. C. A program about science fiction movies. ( ) 2. Who are interested in the science fiction movies? A. Kangkang. B. Maria. C. Both of them.,1b. Listen to 1a and choose the correct answers.,录音P29-1a,C,C,辫踢娘盏证撼笛版妊噶槽撂誉剁蔷隘齿桔白赴读芹磨滨蔚赣患虑脊弦时赊九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,1a Look, listen and say. 视频 P29-1a,蔼滴

4、菲庭鸡枫邦诛展琢澄谊拂艰厢命贴惹哉搪冒狗崇课基乔饭朴沽脊雏冠九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,1. Kangkang looks very tired today. ( ) 2. There were three movies mentioned in the conversation. ( ) 3. Maria saw all of the movies mentioned in the conversation. ( ) 4. Kangkang saw E.T. last night. ( ) 5. Jane, Maria and Kangkang will go to the cinem

5、a tomorrow. ( ),1c. Read 1a and mark T (True) or F ( False).,F,T,F,F,T,贫专冈耘泡峪很松蓬吗穿咸咖纷禾阂在梭尉烘背以寇回黍秃闷耐裂坍纠胆九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,The Time Machine,柯拜猪实其婿狗虫县耘威币创粮拳锯碴叮奢绅感涕琴钩聋娟梨侥轿喷壳热九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,E.T.,浆咽拨疮支范桓昭址休县豪岭睡呆蚂蛹撂坞得掖崖偏敞泞檄躯设研盎菌抱九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,Mission to Mars,n. 使命,天职,悄浸形伟此现西峡僳泉忱根蛇裙橡磅惰伪汐害痕碍锭左锑擎靳止镀蒋蚁抗九下U

6、6T1SB九下U6T1SB,留俐囤咆菊盐绩沃梳奴汗贫舷芭为烽硅嘶漱潍叠娟聪炸砷貌趾妆疾高前泻九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,晶乖课脏陨坠雨唇气锡叁悬蜗治溪狞丢坤蛊水异貉讳挥蝉催里誓汉硝娜禹九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,浴畴卡帛黑错图衰溉栗嘴评沥淆汝人账然尚洱漾狸田甥擎酞包效凌搅绩磐九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,key points,be based on 以为基础 eg. The book is based on a love story. 2. put on 上映;穿上 eg. The movie will be put on next week. It s cold. Pleas

7、e put on your coat.,总雍似棱荷菠陵融宽矿骋龙梢羊俄碎励夕置翰肌炎躁赊靛治诉客锅砂普攀九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,2b. Read 2a and fill in the blanks. 1. If you want to see The Time Machine and E.T. on the same day, you should go on . 2. In the movie, The Time Machine, the scientist and inventor decides to prove that . 3. If you are interested

8、in aliens, you can watch .,Aug. 26th to 29th,time travel is possible,E. T.,图尚滓盛诺僻笋别硬躺页崇趴眩瞳辱闷衍董首躇仗蠢厦屿好雪窃阁诌哇簧九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,2c. Read 2a again and mark T (True) or F (False). 1. The three movies are not all about aliens. ( ) 2. In the movie, The Time Machine, people can travel to the future. ( ) 3. E

9、. T. refers to Elliot. ( ) 4. In the movie, Mission to Mars, a mysterious storm kills all the crew members. ( ),T,T,F,F,庆羌扒碎怒诀痕纱盘跌腋耘屑阑二宜市壹拖较次砚瓦蛔硅岛寐橇哟缅啄扔九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,Summary,1. in a tired voice 以疲惫的声音说 2. in surprise 惊奇地 3. be based on 以为基础 4. with the help of 在的帮助下 5. put on 上演,上映 6. You look a

10、little tired. 你看起来有点累。,货虹瘟楼窜忻赖僧帮财易旨找烙佰你咏鲤烙洋花厄诺者评彤镜抒整卸狰毕九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,Write down the key words of the conversation to introduce their favorite movies. Search for more information about some famous movies.,传锚须吞鞍畴扩武晴粥用巨摄允藤彰编蜕惋谊呛挡大拣釜刹致如物陋壹推九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,稿五娇足圆驰贡盆困观骤苦昌缩剧越佩峙抵皿呆魂积淖汇天铂撂涧事嫂刊九下U6T1SB九下U6T1SB,


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