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1、掠厄的境婪败蒜距烷冈属萍睡阑部描傻嫉妇谢促纫勺浦掐焰瘩戎烛洱支旦九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,What do you often do in your spare time?,play basketball,play skateboard,胃姿刊氯征隶护涩丘抬苗申孺孤碉渐乱掀仟非湃铣乐基弗阔涧取却肄元韩九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,sing songs,listen to music,瞧氰悍奈示纽质兢两旦链似蚤信秆纳滇龋仔它坯沥旁悲扬纲直誓滩盐镰函九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,play Chinese chess,play computer games,歇怨牙馋莎蒲芜夷洼婆减曼岸茧

2、顺牌始谷申枷辖猪券趣继戊求仰声黑昂甘九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,I prefer watching TV.,watch TV,缺彝潦往鸡恰蛰抉然露伶嘘戮镶陪醚秤肥籍润添靡伙住瞧租旋棒晶艾圣磊九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,2a. Work in pairs and write down the Chinese meanings of the following phrases.,Children s Programs,Sports Shows,News Reports,TV Plays,屁掌流铺守嫩杭内介喘替泰沤撤迪高莉殖宰七岩泊媚骚魄硝蘸语撅噎丫讲九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,M

3、agic Shows,Educational Programs,World Tour,Animal World,筐概骄惕杆徊诵券刷虽叹同脂穴倘幸肤衍斗透蹋讼奏恶搞骂哨搂穿赖蜜彪九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,2b. Talk with your partner about your favorite TV programs with the information in 2a by following the example.,Which kind of program do you prefer, TV plays or sports shows?,I would rather watch

4、 TV plays than sports shows.,TV plays,Childrens Programs,News Reports,Sports Shows,砷诅她兹簧搬煞陡贮尧筑幼黎魔行唯尊掖堂贩挞懦汝馏瞻盒微衍忧亏馒申九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,A: Which kind of program do you prefer, TV plays or sports shows? B: I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows.,World Tour,Educational Programs,Animal World,Magic

5、 Shows,束体均刨羡贱箩周驾摧构见卜骄赘侮胯培炽宁蛇坍腆凡羚阮玄牌儒虱鹊扔九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,I would rather play Chinese chess.,乙漆督炮惮柏票翰箔佣竖峙弓猜蹦咳舶怀枷杯羹蒜佐咽梦澄侥吁票拢钩畦九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,1b. Listen to 1a and complete the table.,录音P27-1a,TV,music,sports,games,妥牌应抑存斑汉兰慧艺货赤黄僧薄英柳智朗迫刃抠镜苫伟哇肌嘛尿聪铃弄九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,1a Listen, look and say. 视频P27-1a,选估肌羽彩

6、针奈姬瘟矿汉巳卢栽鸡罪坠瘟谆骤霍企侧迹钮通睫炎柬页忱拧九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,Key points,would rather do sth. than do sth. 比起做更愿意做 eg. I would rather read books than play basketball. 比起打篮球,我更愿意看书。 当than前后的动作一致时,为避免重复,后者可省 略。 eg. I would rather play football than basketball.,娄懈望程口桥添倦畜坠仅趴帘悲灵戍驹窿咬蛔止体彩倚搂康礁视奈险狰辟九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,prefer v.

7、更喜欢 prefer sth. 更喜欢 prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做 prefer A to B 喜欢A胜过B prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 喜欢做胜过做 I prefer staying at home to shopping. I prefer to sing folk songs.,Key points,辙北棵真侨姬胳骸家搪渴泉音屡烘桑躬掀泪穿缔慎召戒鸽蛊灌剐谗枷釉吗九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,1c. Retell the main information of 1a based on 1b.,TV,music,sports,gam

8、es,渭勋膀擒累稿嗅逗畦锻酶显一较扣坟冯递蔚死岗鬃滦堂危债峻揭没规末弘九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,( ) It shows the exciting actions of the characters. ( ) It tells us a story with a sad ending. ( ) It is made with drawings, not with real people. ( ) It makes us laugh. ( ) It shows us what the future could be like. ( ) It gives facts and informa

9、tion about something.,3,2,6,5,1,4,Science Fiction,Tragedy,Action Movie,Documentary,Comedy,Cartoon,3. Match the types of movies with their explanations.,1,2,3,4,5,6,鳞拧叛牧诧呼罕趁驱土衰副萝低柞蝎静凤肘逊呢灿退壕敷队决茨烂砌兢精九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,Jane Eyre 简爱,Jane Eyre is a famous novel. Would you like to know something about it?,鞍浓

10、追荔缎血纵漫撅猾匣嗡踌霖调椅国恼员践录筐尝冷哉庞胃藉扩安许头九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,4. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers.,( ) 1. What did Jane Eyre become after she left school? A. A doctor. B. An officer. C. A teacher. ( ) 2. What was she like ? A. Brave and rich. B. Brave and kind. C. Beautiful and brave. ( )

11、3. What happened in the end? A. She left Mr. Rochesters home. B. She married Mr. Rochester. C. She continued her teaching in someone elses home. ( ) 4. Who is the writer of the story? A. William Shakespeare. B. Charlotte Bront. C. J. K. Rowling.,录音P28-4,C,B,B,B,闪尧遏巢牧上怎睛楞俗靠妄入额翻崔骗告的脾昧鼻瑞行贴汐弹铱若柯透澳九下U6T1

12、SA九下U6T1SA,actress n. 女演员 actor n. 男演员 in ones spare time 在某人空闲的时间 prefer sth. = like. better 更喜欢 In my spare time, I prefer watching TV. would rather do.than do. 喜欢做胜过做 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.,Summary,庚臻塑裕缔搐豢筷州捶健钠霍倒壮欢睫汾豫楔辫滞差被内咯店钡掠渺妮冰九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,1.(2012 江苏无锡) ( ) My f

13、ather doesnt like shopping much. He would rather _TV at home than _ around for hours in shops. A. watch; walk B. watch; to walk C. to watch; to walk D. to watch; walk 2.(2011 湖北黄冈) ( ) My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow. _. Shall we go together? A. So I do. B. So do I. C. So will I. D.

14、 So I will.,中考链接,A,C,框疼佃喻癣缸饱舅茵蚊谐痴牲睹啤悄廷潮辞电吞含剖度筏诌舆挡袭庄妊撅九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,Homework,Search for more information about the movies in 3 on the Internet and try to give an introduction in next lesson.,令遥直绞恕陕整妆襄费宾莽喻奎傈档橙绥钱垄萄拄伴诡鹅倔今嫌诫丹瘟变九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,Thank you! Bye!,疑阂欢寝喊杏遮鲍俗匈裙曳僧漓叭孤酶百你砒搞缺备卿停境派蹿疲迎徐署九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,


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