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1、第五章 种子的萌发 Germination,Definition and Significance Conditions for germination Process of germination,种子萌发实质 mean of germination,从生物学角度讲,萌发是胚从半隐蔽生命状态(suspended state)的苏醒, 胚性植物开始正常生命活动的表现 life activity resume. 种子中封闭的染色体组被打开 open of closed chromosome; 中止的代谢活动重新开始 Resume of metabolism; 生命活动由暂停向活动转化 shift

2、ing of metabolism from suspended to active mode;,Significance of germination 种子萌发的意义,生命的复苏; life resuming 代谢模式转变; metabolism shifting 生长发育开始; growth and development beginning,萌发的定义 Definition,植物学上 botanically: 胚恢复生长,胚根突破种皮 Embryo resume growth, radical protrude seed coat; 农业应用方面 Agronomically: 植物生长发

3、育开始 beginning of growth and development; 完整植物体(根和茎叶系统)的初步建立 an entire plant (shoot system and root system) established 萌发和出苗 germination vs. emergency,Germination and emergency,第一节 种子萌发的必要条件 Basic condition for germination,种子萌发的内部条件 enternal condition,活的种子; alive, viable; 解除休眠的种子 non-dormant; 名词解释 t

4、erms 生命力 Viability: 表明生命迹象的能力 the sign of life; 萌发力 germinability: 表明萌发的能力 the ability to produce seedling;,种子萌发的外部条件 external conditions,充足的水分 adequate water: 生态用水 ecological requirement; 生理用水 physiological requirement; 合适的温度suitable temperature condition: 生命的温度范围 a range for living organism; 适当的氧气

5、 enough oxygen: 代谢所必须 necessary for metabolism; (光照 light) : 生态刺激、调节性因子 ecological and regulating factor;,种子萌发对水分的需求 Water requirement for germination,种子萌发时的吸水量 Water absorption for germination 在各种植物中有所不同 Varied in different species 最低吸水量(豆科100%, 禾本科50%,油料作物更少) minimum water requirement 影响种子吸水的因素 fa

6、ctors affecting water absorption; 种子的化学组成 seed chemical composition; 种子的种皮限制 seed coat structure 外界环境(可供给的水分、温度) external conditions,种子萌发对温度的要求 temperature requirement,种子萌发的温度三基点: 最低 lowest; 最适 suitable; 最高 highest; 变温 Alternative tem.:生态刺激、调节因子 stimulating;,种子萌发时的其它外界因子 other factors,氧气oxygen:需求量小,

7、但必需 necessary, but small amount; 随代谢进程需求量增加 increasing with germination proceeded; 光照 light:非必需因子 not a must; 往往起打破休眠的作用 often necessary for dormancy breaking;,种子萌发对光的反应 light reaction,需光种子 light required; 好光种子 light preference; 避光种子 dark required; 光不敏感种子 insensitive to light;,第二节 种子的萌发过程 germinatio

8、n process,1, 种子萌发时的吸水 water absorption for germination,种子吸水的三阶段 吸胀:物理吸水 imbibition- quick absorption of water, a physical process; 萌动 mobilization:物理吸水达到饱和,内部代谢活动启动 slowdown of water absorption, beginning of metabolic activities 发芽 germination:胚根突破种皮 water absorption for physiological process, radic

9、al protrude seed coat;,种子萌发时的吸水曲线Imbibition curve,2,种子萌发时的生理生化 biochemical reactions and physiological process,结构修复 membrane repairing: 膜、线粒体、其它membrane, mitochondria and other organelle ; 功能恢复 function resume: 呼吸代谢 respiration; 物质分解 substance decomposition; 物质合成 substance synthesis;,生物膜 Bio-membran

10、e,种子吸水时生物膜的修复过程 membrane repairing,种子吸水后膜的修复 membrane repairing,膜的脂质双分子结构 bi-layer structure; 失水时膜的变性 denaturation at dehydration; 复水时膜结构的恢复 reconstruction at re-hydration; 功能性分子的重新定位 re-allocation of functional molecules;,种子萌发时细胞器(线粒体)的修复 organelle (mitochondria) repairing,外膜修复 membrane repairing;

11、内脊发育 ridge development; 其它细胞器也有类似反应 other organelles;,萌发时核酸和蛋白质的活化 activation of nucleic acids and proteins,宿存核酸和功能蛋白的活化Activation of preserved nucleic acids and proteins; 核酸和蛋白的新合成 Synthesis of new nucleic acids and proteins;,种子萌发时激素的变化 phyta-hormone changes,宿存激素的活化 activation of preserved PGR; 激素的

12、新合成 newly synthesized PGR; (大麦糊粉层降解时的GA和IAA) 各类激素的消长 changes of different hormone: 抑制类激素活性下降 promoting hormones; 促进类激素活性提高 inhabiting hormones;,种子萌发时的呼吸 respiration,种子萌发时呼吸的三个阶段 three phases of respiration; 种子萌发时的呼吸底物及途径 substances and pathways for respiration; 蔗糖及小分子寡糖RQ=1; 糖酵解 RQ = 3 三羧酸循环 RQ=1,Im

13、bibition curve and biochemical and physiological means,3 种子萌发时的物质动员 material mobilization,种子各部位的物质变化,总的干物质量下降 total weight decreased; 胚乳(子叶)的干重降低 endosperm (cotyledon) weight decreased; 胚轴干重增加 embryo axis weight increased; 其它部分(盾片)干重基本维持不变 other parts remain unchanged;,萌发时物质转化的特点,物质形式转化 substance ch

14、anges,大分子量物质下降 big molecules 不溶性物质下降 insoluble substances; 小分子量的可溶性物质上升 small molecules and soluble substances; 贮藏类物质减少 storage substances; 生理活性物质增加 physiological active substances;,萌发时物质转化的特点 features of material mobilization,物质从贮藏部位转移到生长部位Materials mobilized from storage organ to growth points; 大分

15、子量的不溶性物质(如不溶蛋白质和脂肪)转变为小分子量的可溶性物质;large (insoluble) molecules to small (soluble) molecules; 贮藏类物质(如不溶蛋白质和脂肪), 向生理活性物质转化 storage to physiological active.,主要贮藏物质的生化转化 biochemical changes,1, 淀粉的转化: long chained starch to glucose/fructose 水解,磷酸化 dehydration and phosphorylation 2, 脂肪的转化 fat to triglycerid

16、e 长链脂肪酸分解 decomposition of long-chained fatty acids 3, 蛋白质的转化(肽和氨基酸) protein decomposition into amino acid and peptide,大麦种子萌发时的物质动员图示,胚合成GA,并释放到糊粉层,糊粉层产生酶,并作用于底物,水解产物供胚生长,胚中产生IAA,分化开始,大麦种子萌发时的物质动员 material mobilization for barley seed,1,胚合成GA: GA synthesized in embryo; 2, GA 释放到糊粉层 released to aleur

17、one layer; 3,糊粉层产生淀粉酶和蛋白酶 enzymes induced in aleurone layer; 4,作用于胚乳和盾片中的底物 enzyme acting on substances in endosperm; 5,水解产物运抵胚 dehydrate transported to embryo; 6,反馈刺激产生IAA IAA was produced by feedback induction; 7, IAA 作用于维管束 IAA acting on vascular tissue;,第五节 种子萌发时的形态建成morphogenesis,细胞分裂和细胞伸长,细胞分裂 division; 细胞伸长 elongation/enlargement;,种子萌发时的形态建成 morphogenesis;,子叶留土发芽 epigeal; 子叶出土发芽 hypogeal;,子叶留土发芽,子叶出土发芽,


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