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1、Science and Technology,1.Topic Preview,Please look at the pictures and answer the following questions.,Picture 1,Picture 2,Picture 3,Picture 4,Picture 5,1.What association do the previous pictures bring to you? Advanced science and technology: Picture 1- information technology Picture 2-Birds Nest o

2、f Beijing Olympic Games Picture 3-Shenzhou 8: Manned Spaceship Picture 4-sharkskin swimsuit Picture 5-the gigantic bridge spanning Hangzhou Bay,Company Logo,2.What changes do you think modern science and technology has brought to our lives? It makes our lives much easier and unexpected: convenient c

3、ommunication and transportation, comfortable household appliances, working environment without the limitation of time and space, and so on. 3.What do you consider the most impressive events in the recent science and technology? The development of Chinese manned space course; the advance of informati

4、on and electronic technology; the application of science and technology in the sports games, etc,Company Logo,4.How much do you know about the element of science and technology in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games? The building of the sports stadiums; the application of science and technology in the openin

5、g and closing ceremonies; sharkskin swimsuit; running shoes, etc 5.What does China need most to become a strong power in science and technology in the world? The training of the talents; capital investment in science and technology; soft environment of the development of science and technology, etc,

6、Company Logo,Science refers to knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on facts that you can prove, for example by experiments while technology refers to scientific knowledge used in practical ways in industry, for example in designing new machines.,Compan

7、y Logo,Specialist Vocabulary in Diverse Areas,Computer Science Environment Electronics and Electrical Engineering Biology Astronomy and Geology Medicine ,1- Computer Science,全球信息网 电子布告栏 网络世界 骇客 千年虫 电子商务 转发邮件 聊天室 网吧,www: World Wide Web BBS: Bulletin Board System cyberspace hacker Millennium bug E-com

8、merce/electronic commerce forward a mail chat room cybersalon / net caf/ net bar,2- Environment,酸雨 沙漠化 滥砍滥伐 处理污物/废物处理 排放化学物质 废气的排出 全球变暖 厄尔尼诺现象 温室效应 臭氧层 绿色和平组织,acid rain desertification deforestation dispose of waste/waste disposal discharge chemicals exhaust emissions global warming El Nino greenhou

9、se effect ozone layer Greenpeace,3- Electronics and Electrical Engineering,移动电话 直播卫星 全球定位系统 远程信息处理 改善能见度 环保汽油/燃油 超导性 个人通讯网络,Cellular phone/mobile phone DBS: Direct Broadcast Satellite GPS: Global Position System Telematics improve visibility environment-friendly gas/petrol/fuel superconductivity per

10、sonal communication network,4- Biology,生物反馈 生物钟 优生学 遗传工程 基因指纹技术 人类基因组计划 共生 克隆(人),biofeedback biological clock eugenics genetic engineering DNA fingerprinting Human Genome Project symbiosis clone,小行星 太空人/宇航员 大爆炸理论 黑洞 地热 脉冲星 类星体 超新星,5- Astronomy and Geology,asteroid astronaut / cosmonaut Big Bang blac

11、k hole geothermal energy pulsar quasar supernova,Technology in sport,Company Logo,Hawk-eye is the most sophisticated officiating tool used in any sport. It was first introduced in 2002. It is accurate and reliable: fans now expect and demand it to be a part of every event. Hawk-eye made its first na

12、me in cricket yet ,it has diversified into tennis ,snooker and coaching.,HAWK-EYE,Hawk-eye is currently developing a system for football. In tennis it is an integral part of the ATP and WTA tours (featuring at us open, Australian open, Wimbledon ) Hawk-eye is the only ball-tracking device to have pa

13、ssed strict ITF testing measures Hawk-eye traces the path of the ball from start to the end where it comes to rest.,Company Logo,Its a boot-iful time for Liu,http:/ star Liu Xiang has been dreaming for years about finding the perfect combination at the Beijing Games - smooth running and explosive ju

14、mps. It is a combination he is desperate to find since he bears the expectations of an entire nation as he tries to defend his 110m Olympic gold.,Company Logo,No wonder he is so picky about his shoes. “Its always a challenge to provide the perfect apparel for elite athletes like Liu Xiang,“ said Arr

15、el Lu, a designer of Lius track shoes. “How to support him better at the Beijing Games has been one of our biggest tasks in recent years.“,Company Logo,Lu has been working with Liu since 2005, the year after the hurdler won a historic gold medal in Athens. As the one who conveys ideas between Liu an

16、d other Nike designers at the companys headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon, Lu knows exactly what Liu loves and hates.,Company Logo,“The ones he likes most are the original spikes he used to win the gold medal at the 2004 Athens Games,“ she said. “So the design of that pair of shoes is the basis for N

17、ikes future designs.“ Those gold-medal shoes were a pair of Zoom Superfly G5s - white spikes with a red strap and black outsole.,Company Logo,Those shoes were also designed for Liu, who signed with Nike when he was the world junior champion and a world bronze medalist. A special task force designed

18、spikes for Liu, a privilege reserved for megastars like Tiger Woods, Roger Federer and Lance Armstrong.,Company Logo,Liu was expected to be good in Athens, but no one expected him to be good enough to equal the then 13-year-old world record of 12.91 sec and win a gold medal. “Compared with other eli

19、te hurdlists in the world, Liu likes a harder outsole because he hits the ground very hard, and a hard outsole gives him good rebound feeling,“ Lu said.,Company Logo,This idea was improved upon while designing new apparel, and it soon proved to be a success. At the 2006 Super Grand Prix in Lausanne,

20、 Liu - wearing Zoom Superfly G5 LXs with a new micro-carbon plate for firmer frontal support - broke the world record at 12.88 sec.,Company Logo,Since then, Liu has stuck with the hard outsole. He wouldnt change it even when Nike tried to persuade him to try a new outsole employing more advanced tec

21、hnology. “Its understandable because the athlete wanted to keep with the things he felt comfortable and familiar with,“ Liu said.,Company Logo,For Lius Beijing shoe, Nike will combine the two designs that led to Lius two defining moments. They will be a pair of spikes, colored bright yellow with a s

22、carlet outsole. They are called the Zoom Aerofly LX.,Company Logo,The design is nearly the same as both of his previous pairs of shoes, with the addition of the new Flywire technology, which helps reduce weight. Each shoe weighs only 214 grams, a little heavier than three eggs.,Company Logo,Nike Run

23、ning Shoes,鞋帮采用了特殊的穿孔设计,足尖处运用了“锁定”系统,弹性的底板上有5个可换位的鞋钉,既合脚又舒服,THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE SWIMSUIT WAR,Germanys Paul Biedermann edges out American Michael Phelps in the mens 200-meter freestyle final on Tuesday at the FINA World Swimming Championships in Rome. The outcome added to a yearlong controversy ov

24、er swimsuits. Francois Xavier Marit / AFP - Getty Images,After Michael Phelps defeat, TODAY hosts talk to sports broadcaster Rowdy Gaines about whether his swimsuit played a part. NBC news,Germanys Paul Biedermann celebrates in his Arena X-Glide bodysuit after setting a world record in the mens 200-

25、meter freestyle. Tony Gentile / Reuters,Swimsuit wars stir waters at Olympic trials,Joel Greenshields adjusts his cap as he participates in the 400m Medley Relay timed trial wearing his new Speedo LZR suit at the Canadian Olympic swimming trials in Montreal in this April 6, 2008.,The revolutionary b

26、odysuit has divided the world of swimming into the haves and the have nots just weeks before the Beijing Olympics, testing relationships between federations, athletes and rival suppliers.,Company Logo,Feedback,“The statistics say it has five percent less drag, and when I put it on I can feel it comp

27、ress my body a lot more. “When I wear it, I feel like an action hero.“ Its always a challenge to provide the perfect apparel for elite athletes like Liu Xiang. “How to support him better at the Beijing Games has been one of our biggest tasks in recent years.“,“I know how important it is, the mental

28、aspect of this sport, when you get up to the blocks how important it is to be confident in what youre wearing,“ Hansen said. “If you feel at any point that you are inferior to somebody else that youre racing against, youve already lost before you start.“,Spin doctor,a person who provides a favourabl

29、e slant to an item of news, potentially unpopular policy, etc, esp. on behalf of a political personality or party 为丑闻辩解的公关人员,Your Opinion?,Based on the reports on Lius racing shoes and Phelps swimming suit, discuss: How do you think the so-called “scientific-doping”? Is it a kind of unfair advantage

30、? Shall we ban it or accept it? State your reasons.,A High-Tech Hunt for Lost Art,Maurizio Seracini,The Battle of Anghiari,安吉亚里战役,是达芬奇为纪念一次关系着佛罗伦萨共和国成立的战役而作的。画有五十九英尺长,十六英尺高,绘制年代在1505年与1506年之间,此画与蒙娜丽莎齐名。,安 吉 里 之 战,美第奇家族,美第奇家族是佛罗伦萨13世纪至17世纪时期在欧洲拥有强大势力的名门望族。没有美第奇家族,意大利文艺复兴肯定不是今天我们所看到的面貌。 意大利文艺复兴的许多作品是美

31、第奇家族的收藏,有不少画像和雕刻,就是为这个家族的成员而作,甚至意大利文艺复兴作品的主要展览处,佛罗伦萨乌菲兹美术馆,也是这个家族的遗产。,Translation practice,在研究由16世纪另一位艺术家留下的有关达芬奇失踪油画的线索后,塞拉西尼博士(Dr. Seracini)带领一支国际性科学家队,采用激光,雷达,紫外光,红外摄像机,对墙面和周边房间展开了地毯式搜索。一旦确定油画可能藏身之地,他们会利用专门设备,对墙壁发射中子束,找出油画。 Dr. Seracini伫立在Palazzo Vecchio市政会议厅内。它气势恢宏,可容纳500余人,是文艺复兴时期的政治中心。当年,达芬奇和米

32、开朗基罗受命为它绘制一幅佛罗伦萨军事胜利的壁画。 他们在寻找 “安吉里之战“, 达芬奇最大的一幅的油画(门幅约为“最后的晚餐”三倍)。虽然由于1506年达芬奇的停笔,这幅画并未最终完成,但他在画面中心所描绘的金戈铁马的战争场景,一直是人体结构和动态素描的范本,备受后人推崇。,4. 同时,它还为米开朗基罗仅参与了壁画初期的草图设计、未参加后期的绘制提供了一种可能的合理解释:达芬奇分配到的工作墙面,采光比较好,米开朗基罗对此有点恼火。 5. “我们非常愿意给Dr. Seracini颁发许可证。”星期四时,市长这样表示。“唯一需要考虑仍然是时机问题谁来做?做什么?我想一两周之后,他能拿到许可。 6.

33、 如果预测准确,那么瓦萨里(Vasari)真为达芬奇做了件好事隐藏并保护油画,宝藏上插了一面神秘的小旗,以待后人探索。,Passage 3,Warm-up: What do you plan to stay young when you get old? physically young psychologically young medical treatment,Forever Young,Questions Whats the significance of Dr. Bakers discovery? How can the Hayflick limit be used to treat

34、 and prevent cancer? What is progeria? How effective is Bakers drug-intervention? Can we engineer people in the way Backer did to his mice? Why and why not?,Translation,Baker至少在小白鼠实验上发现衰老期的体细胞不仅让自身苦不堪言,对其他周围健康状况较好的细胞也会有负面影响。更重要的是,他还证明如果有选择性破坏这样的衰老期细胞,那么这些负面影响就会消失殆尽。 另外他对此种小白鼠基因所做的微调,也是一种杀死产生P16INK4A

35、 分子细胞的方式。这种微调是通过插入的方式实现的:找到带有P16INK4A 基因的附近的DNA, 然后插入第二种基因,由于与前一种基因的相似性,第二种基因会被同样的基因开关所控制。,撇开生化细节不谈,Baker研究结果中最吸引人的一点是它提供一种思考如何延缓衰老的新方法,并且这种新方法与自然套路相辅相成(共同发挥作用),而不是与其背道而驰。 伴随着衰老出现的体内组织的损耗和衰弱将会成为过去,那么年长则会真正变为成熟而非衰老!,News Patterns,Summary lead (5 WHs and 1 H) Events in Descending Order of importance,T

36、he Inverted Pyramid Structure,The inverted pyramid structure simply means placing the most fundamental information in the lead paragraph of the story, and then arranging the remaining details, from most important to least important, While some media writers are critical of the inverted pyramid struc

37、ture, it remains one of the most widely used and time tested structures in mass media writing.,Essential information generally refers to the oft-cited “Five Ws” of journalism: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. A successful lead paragraph communicates, on a basic level, the essential facts of who did

38、what, when, where, and why. The following graphs contain additional details, quotes from sources, statistics, background, or other information. These are added to the article in order of importance, so that the least important items are at the bottom.,origin,The inverted pyramid structure is the pro

39、duct of an old media technologythe telegraph. When news outlets would telegraph information over the wires, it made sense to use the inverted pyramid because the most vital information in the story was transmitted first. The inverted pyramid structure also benefits editors. If an editor needs to cut

40、 an article, they can simply cut from the bottom.,example,Nanjing air crash kills at least 100 NANJINGA Yak-42 airliner carrying 116 passengers and 10 crew members crashed on takeoff from the Nanjing Airport in East China yesterday at 15:06 (Beijing Time). So far, 100 people on board are dead and 26

41、 injured. A full-scale rescue attempt for the injured is still underway. The aircraft of GP 7552 flight failed to lift off and burst into ball of flames about 600 metres from the runway. The plane, operated by China General-Purpose Airline Company in Xian, was used on the route from Nanjing City in

42、Jiangsu Province to Xiamen City in Southeast Chinas Fujian Province. After the accident, . Upon the accident, a fire-brigade working The cause of the tragedy The Nanjing Airport has resumed normal operation.,The Pyramid Style,Beginning Events in Time sequence Ending,The Mixed Form,Summary lead Event

43、s in Time sequence Ending,example,Police hurt in street violence Two policemen were injured and two patrol cars damaged during street violence involving hundreds of drunken youths in Stroud, Cloucs, last night. Trouble started when two plain clothes officers on duty in the Victoria Inn arrested a wo

44、man for spitting in the face of one of them. The two policemen were pelted with stones, glasses and bottles as gangs of youths rampaged through the town centre. They were then set upon by the mob and kicked and punched until rescued by other officers. Six peoplefour men and two womenall aged between 19 and 27, later appeared in court charged with assault, destruction and public offences. They were released on stringent bail conditions, including curfews and bans on using public houses and clubs.,Thank You !,


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