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1、豫园商城企业介绍(2012版),Company introduction(2012),目 录 CONTENT,豫园商城业绩 Yuyuan Tourist Mart Results,豫园商城愿景 Yuyuan Tourist Mart Vision,豫园商城核心竞争力 Yuyuan Tourist Mart Competencies,豫园商城,源于150多年前清同治年间的老城隍庙市场,是海派商市的“风水宝地”,是上海古城的发源地,其前身豫园商场系中国第一家上市的商业股份有限公司(600655),有“中华商业第一股”之美誉。,【豫园商城概览】Yuyuan Tourist Mart Overview

2、,Yuyuan Tourist Mart (hereinafter referred to as Yuyuan) is the cradle of Shanghai Old Town, it also used to be the first listed company in China of its industry.,【豫园商城概览】Yuyuan Tourist Mart Overview,1992年,上海豫园旅游商城股份有限公司正式挂牌成立,开创了跨部门、跨地区、跨所有制商业企业改制的先河。2002年,民营高科技企业复星集团成为豫园商城第一大股东,为其注入了更多的活力、动力与搏击资本市

3、场的能力。,Yuyuan Tourist Mart went listed in 1992. In 2002, FOSUN, a private hi-tech group became the largest shareholder of Yuyuan.,【豫园商城概览】Yuyuan Tourist Mart Overview,豫园商城已发展成为涵盖黄金珠宝、餐饮、商旅文地产、中医药、旅游零售等商业经营为主业以及商业投资、战略投资相结合的中国著名商业类上市公司,旗下拥有3个中国驰名商标、15个上海市著名商标以及众多中华老字号和百年老店等为核心的品牌资源,跻身中国500最具价值品牌第83位。,

4、Todays Yuyuan is a famous Chinese commercial listed company whose business scopes cover gold jewelry, catering, business travel culture property, medical, travel retail services as well as business and strategic investment. Its core competitiveness include 3 “Famous Brand of China,” 15 “Famous Brand

5、 of Shanghai,” “Time-honored Brand” and “Time-honored Business.” Among the 500 most valuable brand names in China, Yuyuan ranked 83rd.,单位:万元,【豫园商城业绩】Yuyuan Tourist Mart Results,【豫园商城业绩】Yuyuan Tourist Mart Results,2011年,豫园商城营运品质持续提升、品牌影响持续扩大、行业地位持续提高、经济效益持续增长,实现营业收入166亿元人民币,列商业类上市公司第 9位;净利润8.5亿元人民币,列

6、商业类上市公司第4位;市值近120亿元人民币(按2011年底股价),列商业类上市公司第7位。,In 2011, Yuyuans operational performance, brand influence, industrial prestige and financial returns continue to improve. Yuyuan achieve operating income of 16.6 billion yuan, ranking 9th among commercial listed companies. Yuyuans net profit was 850 mil

7、lion yuan, ranking 4th among commercial listed companies. Yuyuans market value is 12 billion yuan (according to stock price of year end 2011), ranking 7 th among commercial listed companies.,【豫园商城核心竞争力】Yuyuan Tourist Mart Competencies,豫园商城的核心竞争力:是在于依托人文旅游区的商旅文主题型商圈、多元化发展互为补充的主业集群以及主业投资和战略投资,再辅以悠久的品牌

8、历史和丰富的文化底蕴,上述五项的结合构成了豫园商城最重要的价值链即满足消费者“吃、住、行、游、购、娱”六大需求的一站式服务和产品的集成商。,The core competences of Yuyuan: The business travel culture area based on a cultural tourist attraction, diversified business development including core business investment and strategic investment, time-honored brand name and ric

9、h cultural heritage, these are the most important value chain of Yuyuan. Yuyuan is a one-stop service and product complex that meets peoples needs of “catering, hospitality, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment.”,地处上海中心商业区的豫园商圈,目前已成为全国商旅文地产联动发展的经典案例和最佳示范区,成为融旅游观光、休闲购物与文化体验于一体的“上海城市名片”,

10、年均客流量3700万人次。2010世博年,豫园商圈客流超过5500万人次。,Yuyuan business circle, located in Shanghai city center, is a typical case and model of integration of business, travel and culture in China. It is a name card for Shanghai of travel, shopping and cultural experience. Yuyuan has an annual flow of visitors of 37

11、million. In 2010, the year of Shanghai Expo, 55 million visitors came to Yuyuan.,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 商旅文联动能力 Business, Travel and Culture Integration Capacity,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 商旅文联动能力 Business, Travel and Culture Integration Capacity,豫园商圈现有商业经营面积近10万平方米,经营业绩连续十四年名列全国大型零售商业企业(单店)销售额第一位。改革开放以来,豫园商城抓住公司重组和改制的历史机遇

12、,充分运用园庙市为一体的战略资源,致力于打造“精致豫园”,造就了上海最中国的地方。 同时,公司又致力于商旅文资源的有机结合,在传承与创新中逐步形成了豫园中国日(节)的概念,使豫园商圈成为“上海市商旅文结合最佳示范区”以及“全国文明旅游景区”。,Yuyuan business circle has a floor area of 100 thousand square meters. Its business performance topped its peers in China for 14 consecutive years. Yuyuan is the “Best Practice f

13、or Business, Travel and Culture Integration of Shanghai.”,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 商旅文联动能力 Business, Travel and Culture Integration Capacity,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 商旅文联动能力 Business, Travel and Culture Integration Capacity,历史的积淀与延承赋予豫园商城众多优秀的品牌资源,目前公司拥有1个中国名牌、3个中国驰名商标、15个上海著名商标及13个中华老字号品牌,且这些品牌均在各自行业领域内处于领先地位。,Yuyuan has

14、3 “Famous Brand of China,” 15 “Famous Brand of Shanghai,” 15“Time-honored Brand” and 13“Time-honored Business.” All the brands hold leading positions in their respective fields.,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 品牌运营能力 Brand Operation Capacity,“老庙黄金”和“亚一金店”两大驰名品牌共同构筑成豫园商城黄金珠宝产业。自2011年起,豫园商城黄金珠宝业从区域性整合国内自主品牌、收购大型珠宝零售企业和吸

15、引国外珠宝品牌投资开拓中国市场等三个方向入手,正积极与境内外优秀企业进行沟通商洽。,The LaoMiao Jewelry and First Aisa Jewelry are both “Famous Brand” and contributed to the gold jewelry sector of Yuyuan.,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 品牌运营能力 Brand Operation Capacity,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 品牌运营能力 Brand Operation Capacity,老城隍庙餐饮业有上海本帮菜源头的上海老饭店、接待国宾名流最多的绿波廊酒楼、集全国地方名小吃之大

16、成的老城隍庙小吃广场、享誉海内外的南翔馒头店等。老城隍庙餐饮业重点关注于拥有品牌和网络渠道优势,具有连锁管理经验和管理团队的餐饮公司,以实现优势互补,共谋发展。,Yuyuans catering sector, also known as Old City God Temple Catering include Shanghai Classical Restaurant, the birthplace of Shanghai cuisine, Lvbolang Restaurant, famous for hosting overseas guests, Old Temple Snack Sq

17、uare, covering all famous snacks and dishes in China and the Nanxiang Steamed Bun Restaurant , widely known at home and abroad.,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 品牌运营能力 Brand Operation Capacity,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 品牌运营能力 Brand Operation Capacity,豫园商城中医药业的 “中国驰名商标”童涵春堂,创建于1783年,现已成为工商合一、中西合一,集产、供、销为一体的沪上知名中医药企业,系全国中医药商业百强企业。,Yu

18、yuans medical sector include Tonghanchun Hall Pharmaceutical, a “Famous Brand of China,” the business started as early as 1783, it now combines production and commerce, traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. Tonghanchun Hall is a famous enterprise in Shanghai that integrates production,

19、supply chain management and sales. It ranked among Chinas top 100.,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 网络渠道能力 Sales Network and Channel Capacity,By year end 2011, Yuyuan has almost 1600 outlets. Among them 1446 are in the gold jewelry sector, they include brand franchise stores, retain chain stores, authorized dealers and

20、 other forms. There are 66outlets of Yuyuans catering sector, among them 16 are overseas. In the medical sector, there are 58 outlets including chain stores, authorized brand counters.,截止2011年底,豫园商城外拓网点近1600家。其中2011年底黄金珠宝业在全国布网总量已达1446家,包含直营连锁店、品牌加盟店、特约经销点等多种经营模式;餐饮业拥有国内门店50余家,海外门店16家;中医药业拥有上海市区连锁药店

21、、品牌专卖柜58家。,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 网络渠道能力 Sales Network and Channel Capacity,香港店,印尼巴厘岛店,韩国首尔店,日本东京店,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 投资运作能力 Investment Management Capacity,Since 2003, Yuyuan invested a total 2.2 billion yuan in projects including Zhaojin Mining, Wuhan Zhongbei, Bank of Shanghai, Christine, Zhejiang International T

22、ourist Group and Jiangxi Wuyuan Tourist Shareholding Co., Ltd. By year end 2011, these projects generated 1.1 billion yuan return, and the ROI reached around 50%.,自2003年起,公司总共投资招金矿业、武汉中北、上海银行、克莉丝汀、浙江国旅、婺源股份等项目22亿元,截至2011年底,投资项目贡献收益11亿元,投资回报率达50%左右。,将公司打造成为商业经营、商业投资与战略投资 相结合的商业企业集团,已有商业面积的提升与调整,力求经济效

23、益与品牌效益的最大化 开发新基地,完成商圈新布局,形成消费群体和经济效益的新增量,商圈的提升与扩张战略,【豫园商城愿景】Yuyuan Tourist Mart Vision,五年发展愿景:,十年发展愿景:,将公司建设成净利润过百亿的中国一流商业集团,主业的强化与拓展战略,黄金珠宝业 餐饮业 医药业 商旅文地产业 旅游商业地产管理型的拓展,投资的多元化战略,品牌的优化战略,积极推进主业投资 推进旅游、消费品、商业连锁类战略性投资 兼顾上述行业具备上市潜质的PE类投资 寻求财务性投资机会,持续优化多品牌架构模式 强化母品牌塑造 打造重点业务品牌 形成多品牌资源的整合与协同管理体系,公司五年发展战略

24、目标,以商圈发展为基础,提升综合运营能力,扩大运营物业的面积,提高运营盈利的水平; 以产业发展为主导,加大资源配置的力度,打造行业龙头企业; 以积极投资为抓手,加快主导产业的收购兼并,加快战略项目的投资重组,强化公司的市场竞争能力和综合发展能力。 以人才战略为核心,优化激励机制和考核机制,积极引进人才和培养人才,打造优秀经营团队、营销团队、技术团队和支持监督团队。,做精商圈 做大主业 做强投资 做优品牌 做深文化,Our Goal: Making Yuyuan Business Circle “No.1 Tourism Brand in Shanghai,” and bringing it f

25、urther to “First-class Chinese Tourism Brand”.,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做精商圈 Yuyuan Business Circle Upgrading and Expansion,目标:将豫园商圈倾力打造成为“上海第一旅游品牌”,并在此基础上进军“中国一流旅游品牌”行列。,资源整合和发展目标: (1)融汇旅游观光、休闲购物与文化体验于一体的中国一流旅游品牌; (2)积聚全球艺术家创意、设计和思想,展现全球艺术家作品和产品的文化高地; (3)契合传统与时尚,凸显“橱窗效应”,汇集众多品牌,形成商业氛围独特的品牌秀场和消费之都; (4)最终成为全球商旅文

26、最佳结合区和地标,使豫园商城成为撒向全球的一张上海城市名片。,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做大主业 Yuyuan Core Business Enhancement and Extension,In the future 5 to 10 years, Yuyuan will concentrate on enhancing gold jewelry, catering, business, travel, culture property and medical sector, so as to become leaders or leading enterprises of these ind

27、ustries. Meanwhile, Yuyuan will give active support to its subsidiaries in tourist retailing, e-commerce and other market segmentations so as to help them establish their industrial positions.,未来五至十年,公司将集中精力、重点发展黄金珠宝业、餐饮业、商旅文地产业和中医药业,加快速度让相关企业成为行业的龙头企业或者规模企业。与此同时,公司还将积极支持旅游零售商业各企业以及电子商务等企业在细分领域中谋求各自

28、的行业地位。,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做大主业 Yuyuan Core Business Enhancement and Extension,豫园黄金珠宝业 Gold jewelry Business,“老庙黄金”将通过实施名品战略,力争位列中国黄金珠宝行业前两位;“亚一金店”将通过实施名店战略,力争成为位列中国珠宝市场综合规模前十的“中国婚庆珠宝首饰第一品牌”。,Through“famous product strategy,” the LaoMiao Jewelry under Yuyuan strives to become one of the top 2 jewelry compa

29、nies in China. Through “famous chain store strategy,” the First Aisa Jewelry under Yuyuan strives to be among the top 10 in China in terms of comprehensive strength and the “No.1 Brand for Wedding Jewelries in China.”,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做大主业 Yuyuan Core Business Enhancement and Extension,豫园黄金珠宝业 Gold jewe

30、lry Business,通过五年的快速发展,豫园黄金珠宝业网点数力争突破2900家,综合实力位列中国黄金珠宝零售业的第一位。,After 5 years of development, there will be over 2900 outlets for Yuyuans gold jewelry business, making Yuyuan the top gold jewelry retailer in China.,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做大主业 Yuyuan Core Business Enhancement and Extension,豫园餐饮业 Catering Busin

31、ess,豫园餐饮业重点锁定绿波廊、上海老饭店、南翔馒头店、老城隍庙小吃广场四大品牌,通过五年战略的实施,把公司打造成为集餐饮业、宾馆业、食品加工业为一体的餐饮经营与投资并举的产业集团。,The focus of the development of Yuyuans catering business will be Lvbolang Restaurant, Shanghai Classical Reataurant, Nanxiang Steamed Bun Restaurant and Old Temple Snack Square. After 5 years of development

32、, Yuyuan will became an industrial group integrating catering, hospitality and food processing and combining restaurant operation and investment.,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做大主业 Yuyuan Core Business Enhancement and Extension,豫园餐饮业 Catering Business,通过五年的发展,豫园餐饮业销售规模力争位列上海餐饮行业前三,网点数突破百家(含海外门店)。,After 5 years of de

33、velopment, Yuyuans catering sector aims to rank among Shanghais top 3, with over 100 outlets (including overseas ones).,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做大主业 Yuyuan Core Business Enhancement and Extension,豫园商旅文地产业重点在全国大中型旅游城市寻找合适的地产开发机会,创新性拓展豫园商旅文地产模式。通过五年的战略实施,力争将豫园房产公司打造成著名的专业开发经营商旅文地产的优秀品牌,并成为房地产开发一级资质企业。,The focus

34、of business, travel and culture property would be searching for good property development opportunities in large and medium sized tourism cities in China and innovatively creating new models for Yuyuans business, travel and culture property development. After 5 years of development, Yuyuan will beco

35、me an outstanding brand of business, travel and culture property development and a Level A property development company.,豫园商旅文地产业 Business, Travel and Culture Property Business,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做大主业 Yuyuan Core Business Enhancement and Extension,通过五年的发展,豫园商旅文地产业力争持有商业物业面积达40余万平方米。,After 5 years of devel

36、opment, Yuyuan will strive to hold over 400 square meters of commercial property floor area.,豫园商旅文地产业 Business, Travel and Culture Property Business,上海豫园沈阳北中街项目,北京御茗苑项目,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做大主业 Yuyuan Core Business Enhancement and Extension,豫园中医药业 Medical Business,豫园中医药业将加快产品开发、品牌发展以及连锁经营业态转型发展;加强与国内外优秀中医药

37、企业的战略合作,有效嫁接市场资源,做大、做强百年老字号企业。,The medical sector will engage in accelerated product and brand development and transformation of its chain store operational models. Yuyuan will strengthen strategic collaborations with domestic and overseas medical companies, so as to further levy market resources an

38、d enhance the time-honored brand name.,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做大主业 Yuyuan Core Business Enhancement and Extension,通过五年战略的实施,将“童涵春堂”打造成为具有综合竞争力的中医药业领先企业和特色中医药品牌企业,力争成为“中国第一中药精制饮片”品牌。,After 5 years of development, Tonghanchun Hall will become a comprehensive traditional Chinese medicine company with leading pos

39、ition in the industry and distinctive features. Tonghanchun Hall will strive to become Chinas No.1 Brand of Refined Medicine Decoction Pieces.,豫园中医药业 Medical Business,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做大主业 Yuyuan Core Business Enhancement and Extension,豫园中医药业 Medical Business,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做大主业 Yuyuan Core Business Enhan

40、cement and Extension,豫园旅游零售业 Travel Retailing Business,豫园旅游零售业主要包括旅游食品、旅游礼品、工艺品、百货、文化传播等公司,将依托现有资源的提升发展、品牌外拓发展以及外延式扩张发展等模式,在细分市场中谋求单项冠军,力争成为各细分行业中的领先企业。,Yuyuans travel retailing businesses cover food, gifts, handicrafts, general merchandise and cultural communication. With upgrading of current resou

41、rces, extension of brand influences and expansion of businesses, the travel retailing sector will seek chances to become No.1 or leading companies in their respective market segmentations.,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做大主业 Yuyuan Core Business Enhancement and Extension,豫园旅游零售业 Travel Retailing Business,【豫园商城核心竞争力】,

42、 做强投资 Yuyuan Investment Enhancement,在公司未来五年发展过程中,主业投资和战略投资将提供最大助推力。 一要加大对公司主业的投资力度,对主业规模化扩张提供更多的支撑; In the development of next 5 years, investment in core businesses and strategic investments will be the main driving force. Strengthen investment in core business, so as to provide maximum support to

43、the scaling up of core businesses; 二要加大对旅游、消费品、商业连锁等产业进行战略性投资和财务性投资力度,运用已有产品和网络资源去寻找上述行业的投资机会; Enhance strategic investment and financial investment in tourism, consumer product and commercial chain store industry, finding investment opportunities with current products and network resources;,【豫园商城核心

44、竞争力】, 做强投资 Yuyuan Investment Enhancement,在公司未来五年发展过程中,主业投资和战略投资将提供最大助推力。 三要主动对接资本市场,寻找合适的投资机会。 Actively connecting to the capital market and finding good investment opportunities.,【豫园商城核心竞争力】, 做优品牌 Yuyuan Brand Optimization,在公司的五年发展过程中,现有的老字号品牌和驰名、著名商标将通过优化提升,为主业外拓提供重要的品牌支持。同时,培育和引进新品牌、新业态,也将为繁荣豫园商圈

45、、吸引目标消费群提供新的动力。,In the development of next 5 years, the currently owned time-honored businesses, brands and famous brands will upgrade and provide support to the expansion of Yuyuans core businesses. Meanwhile, cultivating new brands and business models will provide new driving force to the prosperity of Yuyuan business circle, helping it to attract more target customers.,


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