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1、浙江省宁波市北仑中学 2018-20192018-2019学年高一英语下学期期中试题 第 I I 卷( (选择题 共 9595分) ) 第一部分:听力测试(共两节,2020 小题;每小题 1.51.5 分,满分 3030 分) 第一节: 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When will the man pick up the woman? A. At 10:30. B. At 10:50. C. At 11:50

2、. 2. What does the man think of the jacket? A. Small. B. Heavy. C. Big. 3. Where is Mary? A. She is in her bedroom. B. She is out somewhere. C. She is in the kitchen. 4. Where is the woman now? A. In a gym. B. In a store. C. In a restaurant. 5. How much will the man pay in total? A.$4. B. $6. C.$8.

3、第二节:听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. What kind of hotel is the man looking for? A. An inexpensive hotel. B. A comfortable hotel. C. A modern hotel. 7. How long will the man stay in the

4、 hotel? A. One night. B. Two nights. C. Three nights. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 8. Where did the man probably work before? A. In a hospital. B. In a language school. C. In a French company. 9. How long will the man work at his new job? - 1 - A. For about one year. B. For about two years. C. For about thre

5、e years. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. Who is the man probably? A. A foreign student. B. Kates boyfriend. C. The womans friend. 11. What is Kate doing now? A. Watching a film. B. Reading a book. C. Making a phone call. 12. Why is the man asking so many questions tonight? A. To know more about the fami

6、ly. B. To improve his spoken English. C. To get close to Kate. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. What did the woman plan to study at first? A. Law. B. Art. C. Business. 14. Why does the woman decide to study medicine now? A. Because doctors are highly paid. B. Because people always respect doctors. C. Bec

7、ause there are not enough doctors in China. 15. What is the man studying? A. Marketing. B. History. C. English. 16. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The two speakers are classmates. B. The man has also changed his mind. C. The woman gives the man some useful advice. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20

8、题。 17. What does Sean do? A. A farmer. B. A student. C. A businessman. 18. What did Sean do recently? - 2 - A. He bought a land. B. He did some research. C. He created a website. 19. How long did it take twenty volunteers to turn a grassy land into a farm? A. Six weekends. B. Two weeks. C. Within a

9、week. 20. What is the text mainly about? A. How to run a farm well. B. A new type of farming. C. Starting a farm in rural areas. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 3535 分) 第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸 上将该 项涂黑。 A A Who doesnt want to live life in style? Life is like a road

10、on which you never get a chance to return, and is not a very long road either. So we should try to live life to the fullest and enjoy every bit of it. Every individual has unique likings and preferences, and all of us try to live the lives that suit us best. The world is like a painting cloth on whi

11、ch different people with different races, different languages, and different cultural backgrounds interact. But among these, the arts provide an easy and natural way for people to connect. People with a knackknack for the arts usually discover it in childhood. But art isnt only for the talented; it

12、can help everyone grow. Those with a strong artistic background are often more energetic, and more successful in all fields of life. Art widens the range of a persons life. Painting is one of the most popular art forms. Those who are interested in taking it up as a career need to go through extensiv

13、e training to get familiar with the various styles. Professional painters often host art exhibitions, with art lovers from all over the world coming to see and buy their creations. Sometimes the paintings are sold at high prices. - 3 - Performing arts are equally popular and admired. Dance, instrume

14、ntal music, drama and so on, require unusual artistic talent as well as a long period of education and training before audiences start to applaud the performances. But anyone with some artistic sense can make art part of his/ her life, and benefit from it. 21. People should make the most of life bec

15、ause_. A. life is difficult but enjoyable time B. life is valuable and ordinary C. life is too short to be wasted D. life is like a road full of tomorrows 22. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 2? A. Different people have different lifestyles. B. Different peoples have different cultures. C. Art can m

16、ake people happier. D. Art can connect people together. 23. The underlined word “knack” in Paragraph 3 possibly means “_”. A. character B. ability C. power D. career B B Almost all of us have thought about, or been asked to think about, our future careers. Our answers may differ greatly. Even now yo

17、ur selections may have changed from when you were in primary school. However, it seems that career options are not only based on personal taste. In a survey carried out by Teens, doctors, lawyers and bankers were some of the most popular careers that people said they hoped to follow and medicine was

18、 the top choice among UK teenagers aged between 13 and 17. Medicine and law are two of the oldest and best known professions. Their fame may come from the fact that doctors and lawyers are some of the most admired members of society, and they make good money. Joining these highly attractive professi

19、ons is often seen as a sign of upward social mobility(社会的流动性). - 4 - It is equally unsurprising that banking is now one of the most common career choices. Youngsters worldwide think of banking and see the money rolling in. It is increasingly becoming one of the most important factors of a successful

20、 career. British young men list the UK business tycoon Alan Sugar, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg as their top role models “for their money”, just as Chinese teenagers see being a banker as a good and fun pathway to “fortune”. However, not every child has the makings

21、 of a doctor, lawyer or banker. There are those who see fulfillment and happiness in other areas, and many teenagers dare to ink more individuality into their career options. A variety of unconventional jobs- coffee shop owner, gourmet, waiter at a fast food restaurant- are among teenagers career ch

22、oices. They can be equally interesting and rewarding jobs. With every choice comes responsibility and challenge, and all career paths require specific education and training. You have to learn to balance optimism and confidence with being realistic about your particular talents and skills. 24. Accor

23、ding to the text, all of the followings are the benefits of being a doctor exceptexcept _. A. high pay B. upward social mobility C. the oldest profession D. respect from others 25. What is greatly considered in teenagers career choices? A. Relationship. B. Fame. C. Finance. D. Communication. 26. Wha

24、t can we learn from the last paragraph? A. Responsibility is the most important thing when you choose a good job. B. You should be realistic according to your particular talents and skills. C. With specific education and training, you can get a job easily. D. You must choose your favorite career acc

25、ording to your particular talents and skills. 27. Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage? - 5 - A. A career in teenagers mind. B. Teenagers dream of being doctors. C. The choice of career needs challenge. D. Choosing a good job is very important. - 6 - C C Researchers disc

26、overed a new snake species in Madagascar and named it “ghost snake” for its pale grey colour and trick. They studied the snakes physical characteristics and genetics (遗 传 学 ), which showed it is a new species. The researchers Sara Ruane and her workmates from the LSU Museum of Natural Science in Mad

27、agascar named it “Madagascarophis lolo”, which means the ghost in Malagasy. The “ghost snake” is part of cat-eyed snakes, which are often found among snakes that are active at night. Many of the cat-eyed snakes are found in developed areas or degraded (退化的) forests; however, the researchers found th

28、e “ghost snake” on the national parks rocks. The researchers were surprised to find the “ghost snakes” next closest relative is a snake called “Madagascarophis fuchsia”, which was discovered at a site about 100 kilometres north of Ankarana several years ago. Both were found in rocky, isolated (孤立的)

29、areas. “I think whats exciting and important about this work is that even though the cat-eyed snakes could be one of the most common groups of snakes in Madagascar, there are still new species we dont know,” Ruane said. Ruane and her workmates discovered the “ghost snake” after hiking for more than

30、17 miles in the rain from their field site to the Ankarana Park. “It was really hard and a lot of work, but the payoff was big,” Ruane said. Snakes are hard to find under good environments. So these researchers did their fieldwork during the rainy season in Madagascar when snakes and their prey (猎物)

31、 were active. After discovering this new species, the researchers returned to the US to do the genetic study. Ruane got DNA from the “ghost snake” and “Madagascarophis fuchsia”She compared it to decide how similar the new species was to others. And Ruane and her workmates mapped the genetic family t

32、ree. All of the researches they did supported this is a new species. 28. What is the part reason that the snake is named the “ghost snake”? A. It has eyes that look like a cats. B. Its always active at night. - 7 - C. Its very good at learning. D. It has a ghost appearance. 29. Why do the researcher

33、s work in the wild during the rainy season? A. Because it is the best season in Madagascar. B. Because few snakes attack people in this season. C. Because snakes and their prey are active in this season. D. Because they can find other animals at the same time. 30. Whats the researchers purpose of do

34、ing the genetic study in the last paragraph? A. To map the genetic family tree of animals. B. To write a scientific report on snakes. C. To find more information about this snakes habit. D. To ensure if the “ghost snake” is a new species. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空自处的最住选项。选项中有两

35、项为多余选项。 Empty nest syndrome(综合症)is a phenomenon in which parents experience feelings of sadness and loss when the last child leaves home. You might find it difficult to suddenly have no children at home who need your care. 31 If you have only one child, you might have a particularly difficult time a

36、djusting to an empty nest. 32 In the past, research suggested that parents dealing with empty nest syndrome experienced a sense of loss that might make them easy to experience depression, alcoholism and identity crisis. 33 When the last child leaves home, parents have a new opportunity to improve th

37、e quality of their marriage and restart interests for which they previously might not have had time. If youre experiencing feelings of loss due to empty nest syndrome, take action. 34 This might be an opportune time to explore or return to hobbies, leisure activities, or career pursuits. Many sugges

38、t preparing for an empty nest while your children are still living with you. 35 They may include family vacations, long talks, and taking time off from work - 8 - to make special memories. Also, make specific plans for the extra money, time, and space that will become available when children are no

39、longer living at home. A. Whats the impact of empty nest syndrome? B. You might also worry about your childrens safety. C. What can parents do to deal with empty nest syndrome? D. Make plans with the family while everyone is still under the same roof. E. Social support can be incredibly helpful duri

40、ng times of stress and loneliness. F. For example, time and energy that you directed toward your child can now be spent on different areas of your life. G. However, recent studies suggest that an empty nest might reduce work and family conflicts, and provide parents with many other benefits. 第三部分:语言

41、运用(共两节,满分 4545分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 个小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 For most people, graduation is an exciting day, but my graduation day was not. I remember that weekend two years ago. Family and friends had flown in from across the country to 36 the ce

42、lebration. But just like everyone else in my class, I had watched the economy 37 from bad to worse in my senior year. Almost all of us graduates had degrees, but very uncertain 38 . I hadnt secured a job, and I knew that the next day, 39 my lease (租约) ended, I would no longer have a place to call ho

43、me. The weeks ahead werent easy. I 40 up everything I couldnt carry and put it into storage. Then, I knew my small university town couldnt offer me any opportunities, so I packed up my car and drove to Southern California to find work. 41 what I thought would take a week 42 into two, and then four,

44、and 100 job applications later, I found myself in the exact same 43 as I was before. You know that feeling when you wake up in 44 ? That feeling became a constant - 9 - in my life. Days felt like weeks, weeks like months, and those many months felt like everlasting 45 . And the most frustrating part

45、 was that no matter how much I tried, I just couldnt seem to make any 46 . So what did I do to keep my good sense? I decided to 47 . Something about putting words on a page made everything seem a little clearer a little brighter. Something about writing gave me 48 . And if you want something 49 enou

46、gh, sometimes a little hope is all you need! I put my thoughts into a childrens book. Beyond the River was the story of an unlikely hero, a little fish, who 50 to give up his dream. And then one day, without any sort of writing degree or contacts in the writing world just a lot of hard work and 51 I

47、 was offered a publishing contract for my first book! After that, things were 52 . I was offered a second book deal. Then, a few months later, I got an interview with the Walt Disney Company and was 53 shortly after. Dont give up. Even if things look 54 now, dont give up. If you work hard, things wi

48、ll always get better. Often our dreams lie in wait just a little further upstream(上游). All we need is the 55 to push beyond the river. 36. A. hold B. attend C. prepare D. enjoy 37. A. come B. improve C. rise D. turn 38. A. choice B. danger C. desire D. future 39. A. when B. where C. while D. until 4

49、0. A. took B. made C. gathered D. gave 41. A. So B. But C. For D. Or 42. A. pushed B. dragged C. separated D. divided 43. A. hobby B. direction C. situation D. habit 44. A. surprise B. delight C. peace D. fear 45. A. pain B. anger C. love D. dream 46. A. mistakes B. decisions C. comment D. progress 47. A. read B. think C. write D. paint - 10 - 48. A. hope B. wisdom C. pleasure D. faith 49. A. hardly B. badly C. easily D. totally 50. A. refused B. managed C. failed D. decided 51. A. congratulation B. education C. determination D.commun


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