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1、湖北省汉川市第二中学 2018-20192018-2019 学年高一英语 5 5 月月考试题 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 3030分) 第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选 项。每段对话仅读一遍. 1. What will the woman do this weekend? A. Go swimming. B. Camp in the mountain. C. Go hiking. 2. Who catches the fish? A. Jason. B. The man.

2、C. The woman. 3. How many people will go to the park? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. 4. What is going to be cleaned? A. The toilets. B. The bedrooms. C. The living room. 5. What will the man buy? A. Nothing. B. A computer. C. A cellphone. 第二节(共 1515 小题;每小题 1.51.5 分,满分 22.522.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给

3、的 A、B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。 6. Whats the mans father? A. A scientist. B. A businessman. C. A travel agent. 7. What does the man probably like most now? A. Science. B. Business. C. Travel. 听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9

4、 两个小题。 8. How soon must the speakers finish lunch? A. In an hour. B. In 45 minutes. C. In half an hour. 9. Why wont the speakers go to Daves? A. It is closed today. B. It is too far away. C. It is usually crowded. 听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。 10. What does the man show to the woman? A. A toy car. B. A

5、 new phone. C. An alarm clock. 11. How is the new product different from others? A. It can ring and talk B. It can roll and jump. C. It can sing and move. 12. Who doesnt need the new product? A. The man. B. The woman. C. The womans nephew. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。 13. Where does the conversation p

6、robably take place? A. In a shop. B. In a travel agency. C. At the seaside. 14. What does the man plan to do? A. Go traveling. B. Book a ticket. C. Buy new sunglasses. 15. What will the man do first? A. Learn to swim. B. Learn to surf. C. Surf the Internet. 1 16. Why is May the best time to visit Ha

7、waii? A. The expenses are the lowest. B. The weather is pleasant. C. The sceneries are the most beautiful. 听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。 17. Why does the speaker give the talk? A. To announce some changes. B. To apologize for an accident. C. To inform passengers of leaving. 18. From which platform will

8、 the train to London leave? A. Platform 3. B. Platform 6. C. Platform 9. 19. When will the train to Bristol leave? A. At 10:15 am. B. At 10:55 am. C. At 12:20 pm. 20. What do we know about Mr. Green? A. He is traveling to London. B. He works in the luggage office. C. He lost his computer at the rail

9、way station. 第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 4040分) 第一节 (共 1515小题;每小题 2 2 分,满分 3030分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A A 、B B 、C C 和 D D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 A A Do you want to help others in Canada or out of the country? Here are some non-profit organizations in Calgary, Canada, through which you can do something for othe

10、rs. Calgary ReadsCalgary Reads Calgary Reads helps struggling readers in Grade One and Two twice a week. Trained adult volunteers carry out one-to-one reading teaching in the childrens school during school hours. Volunteers are trained to use a proven effective lesson framework. Time is spent coachi

11、ng readers while providing a strong role model in each childs life. Address: 105, 12th Ave SE | Calgary, AB | T2G 2H8 Telephone: 1 403 777-8254 Ukrainian Mission Ukrainian Mission CanadaCanada This organization helps children in need in Ukraine, a country in eastern Europe. You can donate money or t

12、hings to help one of the children in need. Address: 3806 44 Ave NE | Calgary, Alberta | T1Y5V8 Telephone: 1 403 451-6991 Calgary Doula AssociationCalgary Doula Association This organization is formed to provide information about services related to birth and child care for the general public and wor

13、ried professionals. Monthly meetings provide a networking opportunity and exchange of information for individuals interested in birth and child care, couples who are to be parents, and health care providers. Address: 124 Crest haven Place SW I Calgary, ABI T3B 5W4 Telephone: 1 403 750-2033 Rainbow S

14、ociety of AlbertaRainbow Society of Alberta Rainbow Society of Alberta helps to fulfill wishes of Alberta children with long-term or life-threatening illnesses. Founded in Winnipeg in 1983, Rainbow Society 2 was the first childrens organization of its kind in Canada. Its Alberta chapter(分部) was crea

15、ted in 1986 by a handful of caring volunteers who saw need to bring such a strong support system to children in Alberta. Address: PO Box 1153, Station M I Calgary, AB Telephone: 1 403 252-3891 2l. What does Calgary Reads mainly aim to do? A. To help all children do better at school. B. To provide ro

16、le models for young children. C. To help little struggling readers read better. D. To encourage children in Canada to read more. 22. To learn more about helping children in need in Ukraine, which number should you call? A. 1 403 451-6991. B. 1 403 777-8254. C. 1 403 750-2033. D. 1 403 252-3891. 23.

17、What do you know about Rainbow Society of Alberta? A. It helps children with long term illnesses worldwide. B. It was founded in Winnipeg in 1983. C. It is the first childrens organization in Canada. D. It was organized by some volunteers in 1986. 24. What do the organizations have in common? A. The

18、y all help poor children. B. None of them aims at making money. C. They all provide services within Canada. D. None of them asks people to donate money. B B In the past year I lost two of the people I loved most. One was my little sister, the other a best friend of 30 years. I miss them. They are st

19、ill in my heart, and there theyll remain. Sadly, when I moved to another city 8 years ago, I didnt get to see them as much as I wanted to. Something always seemed to get in my way - work, my dogs and, yes, the money to fly up for regular visits. I was too late to whisper in their ears what they mean

20、t to me and to thank them for the joy they had given me. And this is something I regret. But instead of blindly blaming myself, Id rather learn from this hardest of lessons. Iveresolvedto put those I love before everything from now on - to make keeping in touch a priority (优先) and to enjoy time with

21、 them while they are here. In fact, I have decided I am going to take something positive from their loss and enjoy everything more. To not put anything off I can do straight away. To enjoy everything I own. Why? Its as John Lennon said, “life is what happens while youre busy making other plans.” Aft

22、er the funerals (葬礼) of my darlings, I watched as their families dealt with what to do with their possessions. It reminded me of sorting out my mothers things after her death and the sadness that brought me. Ive given up trying to “get ahead” in life; now my priority is myself and the people and thi

23、ngs that make me happy. And so, this week I will go to Italy to watch my favorite show - a joyous event that I wont be able to enjoy “some day in the future”. And all those pretty dresses 3 I dont wear because they cost too much to clean will be worn. And I am going to remind those I love that this

24、is the case, not just in writing but face to face and as often as I can. Because leaving anything for later is taking the risk that later may never arrive. 25. How did the author feel when those she loved passed away? A. Fearful B. Hopeless C. Puzzled D. Regretful 26. What lesson did the author lear

25、n from the death of her loved ones? A. Life is too short. B. It is painful to lose those we love. C. We should value the moment with loved ones. D. We should be prepared for something bad in life. 27. What does the underlined word “resolved” probably mean? A. planned B. agreed C. expected D. decided

26、 28. What can we learn about the author from the article? A. She finds it difficult to make a living. B. She doesnt have many good friends. C. She can deal with bad things positively. D. She always cares about her family and friends C C My first week in the United States was a cultural shock. Everyt

27、hing felt new to me, including the style of conversation, the community I lived in and even the type of food people ate. In our community back home, people eat mutton and chicken. Pork and beef are also common among other communities, but eating beef is taken as an illegal act. Unlike Nepal, eating

28、beef is common in the West where most of the people follow religions other than Hinduism. Food is just an example. When people move from one part of the world to another, they should adapt(适应)themselves to the new culture. For example, going to the bars or getting drunk is not acceptable in my commu

29、nity, but it is common in the US after a certain age. I was raised in a traditional Hindu family in Nepal. We have a conservative(保守的, 谨慎的)opinion towards marriage. Arranged marriages(包办婚姻)are common in which families decide whether the two should get married. Free love marriages are not allowed and

30、 are seldom seen. Same-sex marriage is also considered impossible. To me, culture is a matter of habit. The culture is so deep-rooted in peoples minds that most people are against changes. It is always easy for them to do what they have been doing throughout their life. It may be difficult for anyon

31、e to adapt to a new culture. However, with travel being an unavoidable thing for modern people, one always comes across different cultures. In such cases, one should be respectful and adaptive to the culture other people follow. The world is always a better place to live in when we have spaces for p

32、eople of all cultures. 29What does the Nepal law forbid people to eat? APork. BBeef. CChicken. DMutton. 30What can we learn from the passage? 4 A Most westerners believe in Hinduism. B Getting drunk in Nepal is acceptable. CAnyone can enter the bars in the US. DThe writer came across a cultural shoc

33、k. 31Which may be seen most in Nepal? AOpen marriages. BFree love marriages. CSame-sex marriage.DArranged marriages. 32What is the writers attitude to different cultures? ANegative. BRespectful. CConservative. DIndifferent. D D It happens every spring. Flowers suddenly burst out everywhere on the sa

34、me day. But how exactly do plants “know” when to flower? It is a question that has puzzled biologists for years. But according to Science Daily, a US research group may have finally answered it-the secret lies in a protein(蛋白质) called FKF1 which allows plants to sense the differences in day lengths

35、so that they can tell the seasons are changing. They found that the protein can be activated (激活) by sunlight. Plants produce this protein every day in the late afternoon throughout the year. If there is no light at this time, for example, in winter when the sun goes down early, the protein wont be

36、activated. But when spring comes and the days get longer, the protein can be activated by day-light and the plants “know” it is time to flower. Although researchers have only studied how the FKF1 protein works in some experimental plants, they believe it is similar in many other plants, including cr

37、ops like rice and wheat. This could be useful to the agricultural industry. “If we can control the timing of flowering, we might be able to increase crop production by speeding or delaying this.” said Takato Imaizumi, assistant professor at the University of Washington and leader of the study. “Also

38、, if we could control the timing of flowering in horticultural (园艺的) plants, they may be worth more commercially (商业上)” New technology based on this research might also lead to higher production of biofuel (生物燃料) plants. This would be helpful for providing energy. 33. How do plants know when to flow

39、er? A. They receive messages from other plants. B. A certain protein tells them the time to flower. C. They are genetically (基因遗传上) timed to flower. D. Sunlight produces a certain protein in them to help them flower. 34. What can we learn from the article? A. We are getting closer to controlling pla

40、nt flowering times. B. Plants are more sensitive to cold weather and shorter days. C. When there is no sunlight, the FKF1 protein wont be produced. D. Researchers have studied how the FKF1 works in rice and wheat. 35The study mentioned in the article may help us understand how to _. A. increase the

41、number of species of horticultural plants B. increase production in the agricultural industry C. have plants that flower all year round 5 D. produce more chemical energy 第二节(共 5 5 小题;每小题 2 2 分,满分 1010分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。 Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear people s

42、peaking Chinese aloud. 36 After walking into a store, its possible that youll see Huawei-smartphones for sale. This isnt referring to China, but Manchester, UK. 37 Indeed, Chinese products have gone global. 38 But to meet local peoples tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the dishes

43、. “One example is the meat,” said Yin Hang, who is studying at the University of Wollongong in Australia. “We like to eat meat with the bone in, but people here dont. So Chinese restaurants provide big pieces of meat without bones, even for fish.” 39 In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televis

44、ions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers, reported Reuters. More than half of US-owned drones(无人机) are Chinese models, according to China Daily. Theyre not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the country. In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap and unreli

45、able. But things have changed greatly. 40 For example, Huawei, one of Chinas major smartphone makers, overtook Apple in global smartphone sales for the first time in June last year, noted consulting(咨询) firm Counterpoint Research. “They are beautiful and offer some unique features American phones do

46、nt have,” CNN once said about Chinese smartphones. A. Many Chinese brands are also becoming more popular. B. What is the biggest problem with many Chinese brands? C. In fact, you might see similar things in many other cities around the world. D. Turning to the right, you may see a Sichuan-style rest

47、aurant. E. Meanwhile, international brands are still enjoying great success in China. F. “Made in China” has become cool and more people trust Chinese brands. G. Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a long time. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 4545分) 第一节 完型填空 (共 2020小题;每小题 1.51.5 分,满分 3030分) 阅读

48、下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A A、B B、C C 和 D D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A young boy and his father were walking along a forest path. At some point, they came across a(n) 41 tree branch on the ground in front of them. The boy asked his father, “If I try, do you think I could 42 that branch?” His father r

49、eplied, “I am 43 you can, if you use all your 44 .” The boy did all he could either to lift or push the branch, but he was not 45 enough and he couldnt move it. He said with 46 , “You were 47 , dad. I cant move it.” “Try again,” replied his father. 6 Again, the boy tried 48 to push the branch. He did his best but it stood 49 . “Dad, I cant make it,” said the boy. 50 , his father said, “Son, I 51 you to use all your strength. You didnt ask for my 52 .” We havent made full use of all our strength until weve 53 the strength and


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