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1、兰州一中 2018201920182019学年度高三年级 5 5 月月考试题 英 语 本卷满分为 120分,考试时间 100分钟。 第一部分 阅读理解(共两小节,满分 4040分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Dark Sky Parks around the WorldDark Sky Parks around the World Warrumbungle National Park Situated in the central west slopes of New South W

2、ales is Australias only dark sky park, Warrumbungle. The park has served as a dark sky park since July 2016. Its crystal-clear night skies and high altitude make it a natural, educational, and astronomical heritage site in the southern half of the earth. Tourists can use Australias largest optical t

3、elescope within the park boundaries to view the auroras, the Milky Way, and faint shooting stars. Sark Sark is a Channel Island near the coast of Normandy under the protection of the UK. It was the Worlds First Dark Sky Island set up in January 2011. Its historical and cultural blend attracts over 4

4、0,000 tourists annually. With no motor vehicles and public lighting on the island, there is an exceptional view of the dark skies. A rich Milky Way is visible in the dark night skies from the shores of the island. Pic du Midi de Bigorre Pic du Midi de Bigorre in France was designated as a dark sky p

5、ark in December 2013 making it the second largest dark sky park in the world. The park covers 3.112 square kilometers spread across the Pyrenees National Park and UNESCOs World Heritage site, Pyrenees-Mont Perdu. The park attracts over one hundred star watchers every year. The Observatory Midi-Pyren

6、ees, which was built in 1870, is one of the worlds highest museums at a height of 2,877 meters above sea level. Ramon Crater/Makhtesh Ramon - 1 - Ramon Crater is a unique 1,100-square-kilometer nature reserve located in the Negev Desert in Israel. In 2017, the Ramon Crater became the first designate

7、d dark sky park in the Middle East. Its location, rough climate, and forbidding landscape that are characteristic of the Negev have largely defeated historical attempts for human settlement, making it a great place to view the night skies. Stargazers usually camp in the desert to have an uninterrupt

8、ed view of the stars, planets, and the Milky Way. 1. Which park serves as a heritage site for astronomy? A. Sark. B. Pic du Midi de Bigorre. C. Warrumbungle National Park. D. Ramon Crater/Makhtesh Ramon. 2. What do we know about Sark from the passage? A. Not a single car runs there. B. It was an isl

9、and belonging to Normandy. C. The Milky Way can only be seen there. D. Visitors like to stay on the island in groups. 3. What makes it difficult for humans to live in Ramon Crater? A. High altitude. B. The large area. C. Geographical conditions. D. Cultural features. B Jon Hoffman was sitting at a r

10、ed light when he saw a man run out of a store carrying a plastic donation jar full of cash. The Plano, Texas, detective, dressed in plain clothes but wearing his badge (徽章) and gun, caught the man and pinned him to the hood of his car. But Hoffman had trouble containing the thief, and they got into

11、a struggle. “The detective has a martial arts background, and he said he thought the suspect must have a martial arts background, too, because he was able to break away so easily,” a Plano police spokesperson said. The detective called out for help as a crowd gathered. Among those watching: Andre Ha

12、rvey and Kirby Sample, two day laborers. Harvey did what has become common these dayshe took out his phone and hit record. “I hate to say it, but I thought that - 2 - this policeman was doing something illegal,” Harvey said. “But when he asked for help, I thought, well, there wont be a shooting if I

13、 get over there in time.” Harvey jumped into actionwhile he was still recording the videoas did Sample. “Harvey caught hold of the suspects arms, while Kirby seized his legs, and they were able to get the suspect to the ground to help Detective Hoffman put the handcuffs (手铐) on,” said the police spo

14、kesperson. The 27-year-old suspect was charged with resisting arrest and other offenses. The charity jar he stole held less than $ 50. “Ive been on the wrong side of the law several times in my life,” Harvey told WFAA. “It feels good to be on the right side and do something positive.” After the arre

15、st, the three men got to know each other over steaks and ribs at a local steak houseHoffmans treat, as a thank-you. But the rescuers say Hoffman deserves credit too. “It could have turned real ugly.” Sample told the media “He handled himself like a real professional.” 4. What made Hoffman call for h

16、elp when arresting the suspect? A. He was not on duty. B. He needed witnesses to support him. C. He wanted to push the thief into the car. D. He couldnt control the suspect. 5. Why did Harvey and Kirby record the scene at the beginning? A. To follow the fashion. B. To keep track of the criminal. C.

17、To record the detectives violence. D. To avoid being involved in the incident. 6. What can be inferred about Harvey? A. He was ready to violate the law. B. He might have had some illegal behaviour. C. He was out of work at that time. D. He had a good martial arts background. 7. What is Harvey and Sa

18、mples attitude towards Hoffman? A. Appreciative. B. Prejudiced. C. Skeptical. D. Cautious. - 3 - C There are many programs for high school students today that help lonely teenagers deal with loneliness. However, loneliness is not only a problem for teens but also an important and rarely acknowledged

19、 one in the elderly. In Britain, Tracey Crouch was appointed to be the first Minister of Loneliness in order to address the problems caused by loneliness. This is the first time such a position has been created. In Britain, there are around 9 million people who say they are lonely frequently. In Ger

20、many, a study conducted by Ruhr University Bochum found that 20 percent of people over the age of 85 felt lonely, and 14 percent of those between age 45 and 65 felt socially lonely. In the United States, more than 25 percent of the population live alone, more than 50 percent are unmarried. Lonelines

21、s is generally associated with heart disease, overweight, and anxiety. Additionally, the stress from loneliness can cause your cells to change on a molecular (分子) level that reduces its abilities to defend your body against diseases. In fact, doctors believe having feelings of loneliness is equivale

22、nt to smoking 15 cigarettes per day in regard to its effect on health! In Britain, the new Minister of Loneliness will help introduce government policies on the problem and fund a charityan organization for helping people in need, to devote their efforts towards aiding loneliness. There are charitie

23、s that link lonely seniors to high school students in order to give them a line of communication whenever they feel lonely! The possibilities for the new Minister of Loneliness are endless. For example, she can provide education services to household businesses so that they can identify lonely custo

24、mers if they see one. Loneliness fits into the category of being a social problem that must be monitored by the entire community in order to help those in need. Therefore, government involvement in medical services and care for seniors and others is vital for happy seniors. 8. How does the author de

25、velop Paragraph 3? A. By listing some statistics. B. By giving examples of lonely - 4 - people C. By pointing out similarities and differences. D. By comparing different cultures in different countries 9. What does the underlined word “equivalent” in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Relevant B. Opposit

26、e C. Similar D. Superior 10. What will the Minister of Loneliness do? A. Do housework for lonely people B. Help fund charities to aid lonely people C. Communicate with anxious school students D. Develop friendships with the elderly 11. What is the main idea of the text? A. UK becomes the capital of

27、loneliness B. Loneliness affects old peoples life worldwide. C. Many teenagers suffer from loneliness D. UKs Minister of Loneliness settles loneliness. D In this Pennsylvania city, Pittsburgh is shrinking but getting wealthier. Since 2000, its population has declined by 95,000 while its income per c

28、apita (人均) has shot up 24 percent. The trend is taking hold in many other cities, like Buffalo in New York, Providence in Rhode Island and New Orleans. Some of these areas have created more high-paying jobs in energy, health care or education. Others have managed to reshape their producing industry

29、for a new economy. Higher-paying jobs have a greater effect because they create demand for additional services. “The story in Pittsburgh is very positive, and other areas are looking at it as an example of the transformation that might be possible,” said Guhan Venkatu, who wrote an economic history

30、of the area called “Rust and Renewal” for the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh have helped bring tech jobs and innovation(革新) to the area by sponsoring tech centers that help graduates start companies without moving to Silicon Valley or S

31、an Francisco. This has helped - 5 - keep Pittsburghs educated young population growing even as the entire population in the city has dropped. Pittsburgh has more STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) jobs than other shrinking cities, about 80, 000 or 7% of all jobs. STEM jobs add producti

32、vity and income growth to the area. Manufacturers of high-tech medical equipment in the Pittsburgh area also have doubled employment in the last 10 years. However, some experts question whether growing income per capita can really make up for a declining population. According to Patrick Adler, a res

33、earcher at the University of Toronto, population loss does matter if it means lower-skilled workers have fled because of a lack of opportunity. Whats more, high-paying jobs in education and health care can disappear if the population declines too greatly. So itd be wise to find ways to increase the

34、population. 12. In what aspect does Pittsburgh set a good example? A. Transforming old energy into new energy. B. Prohibiting the manufacturing. C. Creating more well-paid jobs. D. Sponsoring higher education. 13. How do some academic institutions help with the local economy ? A. By helping to attra

35、ct more talents from home and abroad. B. By providing much technical support to local companies. C. By hosting tech centers to allow local educated graduates to stay. D. By assisting in employing a large number of educated youths. 14. Why is Patrick Adler mentioned in the last paragraph? A. To sugge

36、st increasing high-paying jobs. B. To raise doubts about growing income per capita. C. To tell a reason why lower-skilled workers flee. D. To show the disadvantage of a declining population. 15. What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Why Some Cities Are Losing People but Getting Wealthier - 6

37、 - B. How Fast Job Growth Is Related to Population Growth C. How Less-crowded Cities Plan Their High-tech Economy D. Why Some Cities Are Suffering From a Shrinking Population 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 How to Survive Being Stuck in a Lift Being stuck in a li

38、ft, also known as an elevator, can sometimes be scary, especially if you are a fan of those kinds of movies which have a lot of elevator tragedies. You may think being stuck in an elevator in real life is not like in the movies. 16 Remain calm and do not panic! You may have heard of this a lot of ti

39、mes and it is true that panicking will do you no good. 17 Press each of the floor buttons one by one. Then, try the “doors open” button. If none of the buttons works, the lift is broken, and you need to let someone know about it. See if your phone has any reception or Internet. 18 If you have WiFi c

40、onnection, contact a family member or friend. Dont forget to tell them what the address is of the building and possibly which elevator you are stuck in. If your phone is not available, the following tips can help you. Look through the gap between the doors of the lift. If you can see light between t

41、he doors, the lift has stopped near a floor, and you should be able to shout for help and be released. Do not try to force the doors open yourself. If you cant see light between the doors, the lift has stopped between floors, and no one will be able to let you out if you scream for help. Look for an

42、 emergency telephone. If there is no telephone, press the alarm button repeatedly. 19 20 If you have waited for more than half an hour and nobody has come to get you out, shout and bang the inside walls of the lift. If no one is responding to you, then youll have to accept that you will be in the li

43、ft overnight. If this happens, make yourself as comfortable as possible to save your energy. By morning, the building should be full again. You can try to get some help then. A.It will cause you not to be able to think clearly. - 7 - B. Check the time. C. Eventually, someone should hear you and get

44、help. D. Here are some tips to help you survive. E. However, it is still a vital thing to know how to survive if it ever happens to you. F. Use your watch. G. If you do have reception, call emergency services. 第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 4545分) 第一节(共 20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选

45、出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项。 Im Therese, a business manager living in Berlin, Germany. Last month, I 21 to read over 100 nonfiction books in psyshology, politics, and leadership. It might sound 22 , but I really did. It started with a 23 . A colleague 24 me to read Mallcolm Gladwells The Story of Successin two 2

46、5 . Determined as I was, I just couldnt 26 the deadline. I 27 the first few chapters quickly but found it impossible to finish all in 2 hours. So I 28 the bet, but it gave me an idea: I needed to find a better way to consume nonfiction books. I finally registered the Blinkist app, which is really 29

47、 for me to read quickly. Blinkist is one of the apps that transform books into “bite-sized” 30 . Ive learned that in order to produce proper insights from every book, over 100 literary experts 31 themselves to work. I also love that the app has an audio 32 allowing me to listen to great ideas. So I

48、set a fresh 33 with this cool app to read the key insights from 100 books in one month. How did I do? I read 102 titles exactly. I used to 34 much time on social media. Moreover, my job is exhausting, so by the time I leave work, my brain is pretty useless. 35 , reading a book on the Blinkist app is

49、 like a snack for my 36 . Im happy that Im doing something 37 with my time. Every day, I wake up 38 than the day before. If you want to get wiser too, then I challenge you to try and 39 my 102-title - 8 - record! 40 the Blinkist app and start your reading adventure! 21. A.arranged B. intended C.remembered D.managed 22. A.crazy B.reasonable C.boring D.interesti 23. A.promise B bet C.decision D. joke 24. A.encouraged B.challenged C.allowed D.persuaded 25. A.weeks B.months C.days D.hours 26. A.miss B.grasp C.meet D.catch 27. A.held back B.searched fo


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