2019英语同步人教必修二刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):1.1 Word版含答案.docx

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1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑Unit 1Cultural relicsSection Prereading (Warming Up & Reading)对应学生用书P1基础题单词拼写1Therere many _ (奇异的) birds in the area答案:fancy2The _ (艺术家) of the cartoon tries to let us keep in mind that we must keep on going and never give up答案:artist3A _ (群;组) of ten men were sent out to search for

2、the missing child答案:troop4Last week, I bought an ancient Chinese _ (花瓶), the price of which was very reasonable答案:vase5As the saying goes, virtue is a _ (珠宝) of great price答案:jewel6In a way online shopping changed peoples life s_答案:style7I particularly like the w_ boxes and chairs答案:wooden8As for hi

3、s f_ wife, she has nothing more to do with him答案:former9He was interested in detective and m_ stories答案:mystery10Add more h_ if you have a sweet tooth答案:honey单句语法填空1Why is it that he _ (rare) mentions his childhood?答案:rarely2Theres some doubt _ they can survive the terrible accident答案:whether/if3The

4、 trip was expensive but it was worth _答案:it4The patient is going to have his temperature _ (take)答案:taken5As far as I know, this film is designed _ children答案:for6They are still fighting for _ (survive)答案:survival7It was _ (amaze) that he was removed _ the company for being late答案:amazing; from8He w

5、as very upset that the valuable watch _ (belong) to him was missing答案:belonging9The two countries are _ war instead of at peace答案:at10The players _ (select) from the whole school are expected to bring us honor in this summer game答案:selected能力题阅读理解More than 10 million Chinese cultural relics have bee

6、n lost overseas, most of which were stolen and illegally shipped out of China during the times of war before 1949 About 167 million pieces are housed in more than 200 museums in 47 countries, which accounts for 10 percent of all lost Chinese cultural relics, and the rest are in the hands of private

7、collectorsMost of these treasures are owned by museums or private collectors in the United States, Europe, Japan and Southeast Asian countries There are more than 23,000 pieces in the British Museum, most of which were stolen or bought for pennies more than 100 years agoThe major method to recover t

8、hese national treasures was to buy them back In some cases, private collectors donated the relics to the government Also the government can turn to official channels (渠道) to demand the return of relics In 2003, a priceless bronze pigs head dating from the Qing Dynasty was returned to its home in Bei

9、jing after it was removed by the AngloFrench Allied Army over 140 years ago Macao entrepreneur (企业家) Stanley Ho donated 6 million yuan to buy it back from a US art collector and then donated it to the Poly Art Museum in BeijingAlthough buyingback is the most feasible way to recover the lost treasure

10、s, limited funding is always a big headache In recent years, the Chinese government has improved efforts to recover the precious cultural relics lost overseas It has started a national project on the recovery of the treasures and has set up a database (数据库) collecting relevant information It has sig

11、ned several international agreements with many countries on this matter, and is also looking for international cooperation to recover the relics by working closely with several international organizations1What is the passage mainly about?AHow to recover cultural relicsBThe efforts to recover Chinese

12、 cultural relicsCStanley Ho donated a bronze pigs head to BeijingDChinese cultural relics were stolen by the AngloFrench Allied Army答案:B主旨大意题。本文用大量篇幅讲述了中国人民及政府为收回流失海外的文物所做的努力,可见B项概括了文章的主旨。2Most of lost Chinese cultural relics _Ahave been recovered by the Chinese governmentBwere bought for little mon

13、ey by foreignersCare owned by private collectorsDare housed in foreign museums答案:C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,中国丢失的大部分文物都在私人收藏家的手中。故选C。3Which of the following statements about the bronze pigs head is NOT true?AIt was made in the Qing DynastyBIt is now in the Poly Art Museum in BeijingCIt was donated by the Fr

14、ench government to ChinaDIt was removed by the AngloFrench Allied Army over 140 years ago答案:C细节理解题。根据文章第四段可知,猪首是澳门企业家从美国收藏家手中买回来再捐赠给北京保利艺术博物馆的,而不是法国政府赠送的,所以C项错误。4The underlined word “feasible” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “_” Apossible BdifficultCpopular Dcareful答案:A词义猜测题。根据文章第三段可知,收回文物的主要办法是将它

15、们买回来,由此可推断买文物是较为可行的方法。故选A。温馨提示:阅读理解中标注的W部分为重点单词,标注的P部分为重点短语,旨在通过此栏目的练习,帮助学生夯实基础,做到厚积薄发。1illegally adv 违法地,不合法地2donate v 捐赠,捐献3relevant adj 相关的1account for 占据(多少比例);用来解释2date from 始于;追溯到完形填空China is one of the countries with the oldest continuing history in the world But Chinas opening up to the West

16、 over the last few centuries has been accompanied (伴随) by the _1_ of many of its ancient _2_ One example is a vase without a(n) _3_A farmer in Hunan Province found the vase in the 1920s, _4_ the farmer didnt have enough _5_ to know what it was The most _6_ person in this village was the director of

17、the village school, but at the same time an antique (古董) _7_ also heard about it and came to his house The dealer said that he would give the farmer 400 silver coins for it But the farmer wanted to get someone to look at it first and then _8_ his son with the lid to the school directors house to che

18、ck if it was a(n) _9_ treasure When the school director _10_ it he said that it was a national treasure, so valuable and _11_ He wanted to buy it for 800 silver coinsThe kid got very _12_ and ran back home, _13_ all the way The dealer heard the kid shouting and then took the vase and _14_ The two pa

19、rts of the vase have been _15_ ever since The body part of the vase was carried _16_ out of China As far as I can remember, in the 1920s the Rockefeller Group bought it _17_ more than 200,000 silver coins The lid _18_ in China, but a warlord (军阀) took it away from the _19_ Later, someone gave it to

20、the government But the vase went on auction (拍卖) in 1999 or 2000 and sold for 925 million dollars, the highest _20_ received at auction for Chinese bronze ware overseas But we dont know who has it now1Arecovery BdisplayCtrade Ddisappearance答案:D根据下文的故事可知,这里指随着中国在过去几个世纪对西方的开放,很多古代的珍品流失了(disappearance)

21、。2Askills BtreasuresCgoods Dtools答案:B根据下文提到的那个花瓶的价值可知,这里指流失的都是一些珍品(treasure)。3Alid BhandCowner Ddecoration答案:A根据下文内容可知,这个花瓶流失的时候没有盖子(lid)。4Aor BandCbut Dthough答案:C根据空处前后分句的逻辑关系可知,此处表示转折,故选C项。5Aeducation BmoneyCcourage Dpower答案:A根据语境可知,这个农民没受过太多的教育(education),不知道这个花瓶是什么。6Adevoted BdeterminedCconcerne

22、d Dlearned答案:D结合语境可知,此处指在这个村子里最有学问的(learned)人是村里学校的校长。7Adealer BexaminerCgovernor Dworker答案:A结合下文中的“The dealer said that he would give the farmer 400 silver coins for it”可知,一个古董商(dealer)也听说了花瓶并来到这个农民的家里。8Agot BsentCbrought Dmade答案:B根据空格前的“But the farmer wanted to get someone to look at it first”可知,这

23、个农民想让人先看看这个花瓶,所以派(sent)儿子带着盖子去校长家了。9Acheap BexpensiveCvaluable Duseful答案:C根据语境可知,这个农民派儿子去校长家的目的就是核实这个花瓶是否是一件珍品。10Aweighed BheldCused Dsaw答案:D根据语境可知,这里指当校长看到(saw)这个盖子时,就认为这是一件国宝。11Arare BuselessCbeautiful Dstrange答案:A结合上文中的“he said that it was a national treasure”可知,这个花瓶是国宝,非常有价值和罕见(rare)。12Apuzzled

24、BexcitedCamazed Dfrightened答案:B根据上文中的“He wanted to buy it for 800 silver coins”可知,校长出价800银币,比商人多400银币,因此这个孩子非常兴奋(excited)。13Asinging BjumpingCshouting Dcrying答案:C结合下文中的“heard the kid shouting”可知,这个孩子回家的时候,一路大声叫嚷着(shouting)。14Amoved BreturnedCsuffered Descaped答案:D联系上下文可知,这个商人听到了孩子的叫嚷声,就带着瓶身逃走了(escape

25、d)。15Aseparated BdestroyedCdivided Dhidden答案:A由于盖子在农民的儿子手中,商人“偷走”了瓶身,因此花瓶的两个部分被分开(separated)了。16Afrequently BsecretlyCentirely Dexactly答案:B由于是国宝,且根据上文中的“then took the vase and _14_”和下文中的“in the 1920s the Rockefeller Group bought it”可知,这个瓶身被偷偷地(secretly)运到了国外。17Ain BofCfor Dat答案:C结合空格后的“more than 200

26、,000 silver coins”可知,洛克菲勒集团花了200,000银币购买了瓶身。buy sth for “花了买了某物”,为固定用法,故选C。18Astayed BsettledClived Dkept答案:A虽然瓶身被偷运出国了,但是瓶盖留在了(stayed)国内。19Abuyer BproducerCfarmer Ddirector答案:C上文提到是一个农民发现了花瓶,因此军阀是从这个农民(farmer)手中拿走了瓶盖。20Ahonor BrewardCfame Dprice答案:D根据上文中的“sold for 925 million dollars”可知,这是中国青铜器在海外拍

27、卖的最高价格。短文改错Mrs Wang, who is our new teacher, so concerned about us that we are all fond of her But there was a time that I was tired of English Sometime I even did a lot of things not concerning study in class As a result, I went through several failure Later she happened to discover it and talk to

28、me face to face In order to make me like English, she never got tired of tell me how to learn English well She encouraged us to keep a diary in English, trying to set down what I saw and heard Thanks to my English teacher, I have made a great progress and am getting along well in my English study It

29、 is the first time that I had not been afraid of English any more答案:Mrs Wang, who is our new teacher, so concerned about us that we are all fond of her But there was a time I was tired of English I even did a lot of things not concerning study in class As a result, I went through several Later she h

30、appened to discover it and to me face to face In order to make me like English, she never got tired of me how to learn English well She encouraged to keep a diary in English, trying to set down what I saw and heard Thanks to my English teacher, I have made great progress and am getting along well my

31、 English study It is the first time that I not been afraid of English any more难项分析:第一处:so前加iswho is our new teacher为定语从句,修饰Mrs Wang。分析句子结构可知,该主句缺少谓语动词;be concerned about为固定搭配,意为“关心;担心”,主语Mrs Wang是第三人称单数,故在so前加is。第二处:thatwhen分析句子结构可知,该句为含有限制性定语从句的复合句,引导词在从句中作状语,且先行词是time,表时间,故that改为关系副词when。第八处:删除aprogress为不可数名词,故删除不定冠词a。试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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