2019英语同步人教必修二刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):3.4 Word版含答案.docx

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1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑Section Learning about Language & Using Language对应学生用书P33基础题单词拼写1H7N9 is a kind of fatal _(病毒) 答案:virus2From the Internet, you can _ (下载) the films you like答案:download3My _ (侄女) is a lovely child with shiny eyes and black hair答案:niece4He likes to listen to _ (电子的) music答案:electronic5

2、The baseball _ (教练) said he would give players a day off if they won答案:coach6She s_, and the waiter brought the bill答案:signalled/signaled7A crisis has a_ in the financial department since last month答案:arisen8They are twins but have quite different c_答案:characters9There are three main t_ of contracts

3、答案:types10The singers first public a_ was at the age of eight答案:appearance选词填空deal with; make up; in a way; make full use of; with the help of; so that; watch over; arise from; after all; as a result of1Accidents often _ carelessness答案:arise from2We must _ the situation before it gets out of hand答案:

4、deal with3Stop pulling him about like that; he is a child _答案:after all4You should _ your spare time to improve your English答案:make full use of5The task is very hard to complete _, but so long as you try your best, you can finish it on time答案:in a way6_ a car accident, he lost his legs答案:As a result

5、 of7You must _ the wasted time by working late tonight答案:make up8_ our teacher, I have made great progress in my English study答案:With the help of9There is an old man _ his sheep答案:watching over10He was _ weak _ he could hardly stand up答案:so; that单句语法填空1I have some orders to deliver to Mr Black _ (pe

6、rson)答案:personally2Problems often arose _ the lack of communication答案:from3The robber was being watched _ by 3 policemen答案:over4Whenever disasters occur in parts of the world, our government always gives _a large amount of money, clothing and food to people in great trouble答案:away5Its wrong of you t

7、o judge a man by his_(appear)答案:appearance6While _ (travel) in Beijing, he met his old classmate答案:traveling/travelling7Her speech yesterday was a _ (sign) that her views have changed答案:signal8They plan to build an _ (electric) library soon答案:electronic9He found it more difficult to read, _ his eyes

8、 were failing答案:for10I dont know _ to deal with these boring problems, that is, I have no idea _ to do with them答案:how; what单句写作1Whats the best way of _ (对付顽皮孩子)?答案:dealing with naughty children2I agree with you _ (从某种程度上说), I also like this type of laptop答案:in a way3He will not come to the party _

9、(除非被邀请)答案:unless invited4Science and technology develops _ (这么快以至于) many of us cant keep up with it答案:so rapidly that5Why are you so anxious? It isnt your problem _ (毕竟)答案:after all能力题完形填空I log onto a computer at the doctors office to say I have arrived and then wait until a voice calls me into the

10、examination room There, a robotic nurse _1_ me onto the scales and then takes my blood pressure Some time later, in steps the _2_, who is also a robot He notes down my _3_ and gives me a prescription (处方) I pay for my _4_ using a credit card and return home without having met another human being Thi

11、s is my nightmarish (噩梦般的) vision of the _5_, which hasnt happened _6_ yetI should say I really do like many aspects of _7_ I am a big fan of air conditioning in summer and heaters in _8_ But I am writing this because I dont want machines to _9_When I call my dentists office and actually get a human

12、 being on the line, I am _10_ And when I see the introduction of yet more selfservice checkout stations at the grocery store, I feel like _11_, “When it comes to cashiers, make mine a(n) _12_, please!”After all, human cashiers sometimes _13_ you a store coupon (优惠券) for items you are _14_ Even more

13、than that, reallife cashiers often take an interest in particularly cute children, which can _15_ young mothers day A cashier may also show compassion for an elderly person _16_ to get that last penny out of her purseMachines can be _17_ and costeffective and they often get the job done just fine _1

14、8_ they lack an element so important to everyday lifeCall it the spirit, the soul or the heart It is _19_ no machine will ever have It is human being that _20_ us to smile at others, which may be what they need at that moment1Atears BdirectsCfollows Dseparates答案:B根据上文中的“I have arrived and then wait

15、until a voice calls me into the examination room”可知,作者进入检查室;结合常识,这里指机器人护士领着(directs)作者到秤上测体重,然后去量血压。tear “撕破”; follow “跟着,跟随”; separate “(使)分开”。2Ateacher BlawyerCdoctor Dengineer答案:C根据下文中的“He notes down my _3_ and gives me a prescription (处方)”和常识可知,开处方的是医生(doctor)。3Asignals BsymbolsCsculptures Dsymp

16、toms答案:D根据常识可知,医生根据病人的症状(symptoms)开处方。signal “信号”; symbol “象征”; sculpture “雕塑”。4Abill BvisitCmedicine Dexamination答案:B作者使用信用卡支付看病的费用,这里用visit表示“就诊”。bill “账单”; medicine “药物”; examination “检查”。5Apast BpresentCfuture Dhistory答案:C根据后面的“which hasnt happened”可知,这里指对未来(future)的构想。6Aat most Bat lastCat leas

17、t Dat intervals答案:C根据语境,这里表示至少现在还没有发生,at least “至少”。at most “至多”;at last “终于,到底”; at intervals “不时”。7Acommerce BagricultureCliterature Dtechnology答案:D根据上下文可知,机器人的运用是技术(technology)方面的事情。commerce “商业”;agriculture “农业”; literature “文学”。8Asleep BautumnCspring Dwinter答案:D冬天冷,应用加热器,故应该选winter,与前面的summer对应

18、。9Atake over Bpass byCcut in Dgo away答案:A根据下文可知,作者不希望在未来机器取代(take over)人类。pass by “经过”; cut in “插嘴,打断”; go away “走开”。10Aannoyed BthrilledCdiscouraged Ddisappointed答案:B结合空格前的“When I call my dentists office and actually get a human being on the line”和上文提到的作者不希望在未来机器取代人类可知,当作者给牙医办公室打电话,接电话的是人时,作者应是非常兴奋

19、的(thrilled)。annoyed “生气的”; discouraged “泄气的”; disappointed “失望的”。11Acrying BlaughingCshouting Dwhispering答案:C根据上文作者不希望在未来机器取代人类和该段中的“when I see the introduction of yet more selfservice checkout stations at the grocery store”可以推知,作者对这种情况是不满意的、不高兴的,故作者很想大叫(shouting),与前一句中表达的心情形成鲜明的对比。whisper “低声地说”。12

20、Amachine BhumanCanimal Dplant答案:B结合上下文可知,作者希望是人(human)为自己服务,另下文中的“human cashiers”也是提示。13Agive BremindCbargain Dpurchase答案:A毕竟,人类收银员有时会给你你要购买的物品的商店优惠券。give表示“给”,后面常加双宾语,符合语境和语法。remind “提醒”; bargain “讨价还价”; purchase “购买”。14Aruining BproducingCadvertising Dbuying答案:D所买物品的优惠券,只有“buying(买)”符合语境。ruin “毁坏”

21、; produce “生产”; advertise “为 做广告”。15Abrighten BdarkenCstrengthen Dwiden答案:A根据上文中的“reallife cashiers often take an interest in particularly cute children”可知,收银员往往对特别可爱的小孩感兴趣,这也许能让小孩的母亲开心一天。brighten表示“使更开心”,符合语境。darken “使变暗”; strengthen “加强”; widen “(使)变宽”。16Aturning BhappeningCdescribing Dstruggling答

22、案:D根据本句中的“show compassion for”可知,收银员可能会同情老年人,因为老年人在把钱包里最后一个一分钱硬币掏出来时很费力,说明老年人的生活不容易,struggle “挣扎,奋斗”符合语境。turn “转向”;happen “发生”;describe “描述”。17Aurgent BefficientCfrequent Dconsistent答案:B根据下文中的“they often get the job done just fine”可知,这里讲的是机器的好处,它们有效率(efficient)并且划算。urgent “紧急的”; frequent “频繁的”; cons

23、istent “一贯的”。18ABut BBecauseCOtherwise DTherefore答案:A空格后表示它们缺少一种对于日常生活来说很重要的元素,与空格前提到的机器的好处是转折关系,故用连词But。19Aeverything BsomethingCanything Dnothing答案:B前一句提到的“the spirit, the soul or the heart”不是机器所拥有的东西(something)。20Aencourages BpersuadesCpunishes Dforces答案:A正是人性鼓励(encourages)我们对别人笑。persuade “说服”; p

24、unish “惩罚”; force “强迫”。七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Things to know when you writean email messageFor most of the twentieth century, people communicated by telephone or by mail This is now changing, and email is becoming the preferred method of communication Its faster than traditional

25、 mail _1_ As email is becoming popular, here are several rules we need to knowBe polite and friendlyStart your message with a greeting If you are writing to a friend, you can begin with Hi, Sandra If you are writing to your teacher, begin your message with Dear Mr Atonso _2_ Many people just type (打

26、字) their names Others say Bye, Cheers, or use abbreviations (缩写) like BFN (bye for now)Look goodWhen someone receives an email message from you, they might not know anything about you They will judge you by your email message, so make yourself look good _3_ Sometimes sentences seem clear when you wr

27、ite them, but dont make sense when you read them back_4_If you start to use your email several times a week, your message box will soon be filled with mail After a few weeks, you can have a list of 60 or 70 messages! It is easy to delete (删除) the messages you dont want anymore If your messages are i

28、mportant, you can save them in folders (文件夹) _5_ It only takes a few minutes to learnAOrganize your emailBIts cheaper than a phone callCThe email must be addressed correctlyDType your message, and then read it againEYou need a closing at the end of your emailFIf you dont know how to do that, just as

29、k a friendGOne of the most commonly used emails are business emails1B由空格前的“people communicated by telephone or by mail” 及“Its faster than traditional mail”可知,作者将电子邮件与传统邮件和打电话作比较:电子邮件要比传统邮件快多了,当然也比打电话便宜,故B项内容符合此处语境。2E由空格后的“Many people like BFN (bye for now)”可知,这里是说在邮件的最后要有一个结尾,故选E项。3D由该段标题“Look good”和空格后的“Sometimes sentences when you read them back”可知,写完电子邮件后要再读一遍,故选D项。4A本段主要论述了及时整理邮件的重要性,故用“Organize your email”作为小标题最恰当,故选A项。5F由该空格前的“you can save them in folders (文件夹)”和该空格后的“It only takes a few minutes to learn”可知,F项内容符合此处语境。试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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