2019英语同步人教必修四刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):4.4 Word版含答案.docx

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1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑Section Learning about Language & Using Language基础题单词拼写1Do write to your mother to _ (减轻) her of her worry.答案:ease2The foreigner has rich _ (面部的) expressions.答案:facial3The amount of _ (虚假的) information on the Internet becomes more of a problem every day.答案:false4The _ (功能) of the hea

2、rt is to pump blood through the body. 答案:function5He told us his bitter experiences _ (真实地)答案:truly6He gave a _ (哈欠) and then fell asleep.答案:yawn7Did he see a ghost or was it only a _ (主观的) impression?答案:subjective8Their power does not come from _ (等级) or title but from intellect and perseverance.答案

3、:rank9When the dog attacked me, I _ (保护) myself with a stick.答案:defended10Jim came up and gave me a big _ (拥抱) as soon as he saw me.答案:hug选词填空1If you cant answer this simple question, youll _.答案:lose face2It is good manners to _ the old.答案:be respectful to3I once looked down upon her, so she _ me.答案

4、:turned her back to4I dont think this happened by accident, _, I think he did it on purpose.答案:on the contrary5Fuel cells can be used _ almost any other source of electricity.答案:in place of6We should persuade the kids to _ violent computer games.答案:keep away from7I am a little upset. Give me a cup o

5、f tea to put me _.答案:at ease8They visited some factories, hospitals _ the school.答案:as well as9Ralph paced _ outside the room, looking worried.答案:up and down10The facts proved that we _ him, so we all apologized to him.答案:were wrong about单句语法填空1Smile is the most universal _ (face) expression in the

6、world.答案:facial2The girl hugged her mother around the neck, _ (give) a kiss on her face.答案:giving3While _ (pick) flowers, the child was stung by a wasp (黄蜂)答案:picking4Work hard, dear! With your work done, you will feel much _ ease.答案:at5We are quite _ (respect) to our parents and our teachers alike.

7、答案:respectful6In most _ (case), food poisoning happens in summer.答案:cases7With the sun _ (shine) bright(ly), we should go for a swim.答案:shining8If you turn a deaf ear _ my warnings, youll be in trouble.答案:to9There is nothing left insideno words, no _ (angry), no tears.答案:anger10_ (lack) enough money

8、, they had to give up the plan.答案:Lacking单句改错1. With the Spring Festival approaches, Id like to invite you to come to China and experience our culture._答案:approachesapproaching2In the general, the number of people who drive after drinking is becoming smaller and smaller._答案:去掉第一个the3The nurse does a

9、ll she can to make the patients feel with ease._答案:withat4Not knew what to do, he turned to his parents for help._答案:knewknowing5Faced so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time._答案:Faced后加with或FacedFacing能力题完形填空Last August, I flew to Colombia to continue my education at the University

10、of Missouri. At first I thought I was brave to deal with any _1_ in a foreign country. _2_ during my first semester here, I always felt so _3_. Being silent was my _4_ to interact (互动) with Americans. Although I wanted to make _5_, I didnt know how to approach them. I was afraid that they wouldnt un

11、derstand my English and I _6_ to be careful not to make anyone angry. Therefore, I always _7_ others to talk to me.In fact, I found that a lot of American students are _8_ me. They also dont know how to interact with international students, so they choose not to be _9_. Obviously, two passive person

12、s _10_ have a chance to communicate with each other. And thats why people from the same country like to _11_ themselves from others. They feel more _12_ with their own people and they are used to their own ways of behaving. _13_, they build barriers (障碍) for themselves. However, I _14_ to approach A

13、mericans gradually. Since I had the _15_ to come to this country, I told myself, there was no reason for me to be _16_ of approaching and communicating with Americans. When I showed kindness to them, most of them _17_ my kindness. I found Americans are actually fun and _18_. Now I am glad that Ive m

14、ade some good American friends here. I try hard to _19_ my attitudes and my world has become brighter. Being an openminded and brave person makes my life more joyful. I was _20_, but I found my way.1A.fight Bchallenge Cdecision Dmistake答案:B由下文初入美国的“我”不知如何与美国人互动可知,起初“我”认为自己可以勇敢地处理在异国他乡遇到的各种挑战(challen

15、ge)。2A.For BSo CBut DOr答案:C起初“我”信心十足与下文表述第一学期之后“我”的境遇之间形成对比,构成转折关系,故选but。3A.anxious Bhappy Clonely Dlazy答案:C由下文的“Being silent”可知,在第一学期里,“我”感到孤独(lonely)。4A.duty Bway Ctask Dadvice答案:B因为“我”不知该如何接近美国人,所以沉默就成了“我”与他们互动的方式(way)。5A.plans Bachievements Cjokes Dfriends答案:D与美国人接近,是为了跟他们交朋友(friends)。第18空后的“Ive

16、 made some good American friends here”也是提示。6A.forgot Brefused Cremembered Dwanted答案:D由于胆怯,“我”想(wanted)处处小心不惹怒任何人。7A.sent for Bwaited for Ccalled on Ddepended on答案:B正因为“我”的胆怯和不知该如何与美国人相处,于是“我”总是等待(waited for)别人跟“我”说话。这与下段提到的“two passive persons”相呼应。8A.like Bagainst Cbeside Dbehind答案:A由下文的“They also d

17、ont know how to interact with international students”可知,“我”发现美国学生也像(like)“我”一样,不知道该如何跟国际留学生相处。9A.active Bpolite Cfriendly Dkind答案:A由下一句中的passive可知,美国学生也不主动(active)。10A.always Busually Cnever Dsometimes答案:C由该句中的关键信息“obviously”“passive”可知,此处指没有(never)机会相互交流。11A.protect Bfree Cseparate Dsave答案:C两个被动的人自

18、然没有机会相互交流。这也是为什么来自同一国家的人喜欢使他们与其他人脱离(separate)的原因。12A.special Bcomfortable Csuccessful Dbusy答案:B由下文的“they are used to their own ways of behaving”可知,有着相同行为方式的人在一起更舒服自在(comfortable)。13A.At first BAt present CBy the way DIn the end答案:D正如上文所述,最终(In the end),他们自己给自己设置了障碍。14A.feared Bhelped Cpretended Dsta

19、rted答案:D从“我”现在有一些美国朋友可知,“我”逐渐开始(started)接近美国人。15A.time Bmoney Ccourage Dpower答案:C从上文的“I was brave to .”可知,最初来到美国时,“我”是有勇气(courage)的。16A.afraid Bproud Cglad Dfond答案:A由第6空前的“I was afraid that .”可确定此处选A。17A.hated Bwasted Cspread Drepaid答案:D由“我开始接近美国人”和“现在我有一些美国朋友”可知,“我”向美国人示好,他们也向“我”示好。repay有“偿还;回报”之意。

20、18A.hardworking Beasygoing Cselfcentered Dbrokenhearted答案:B由fun一词对美国人性格的描述可知,“我”发现美国人很随和(easygoing),容易相处。19A.hold Btake Cexplain Dchange答案:D从最初“我”用沉默的方式与美国人互动或等待他们来跟“我”交流到后来自己主动去接近他们可知,“我”努力去改变(change)自己的处事态度。20A.lost Bhurt Cborn Dlate答案:A与“I found my way”对比的是“迷路(lost)”。此处作者用迷路一词形容他初入美国不会与人交流、倍感孤独的状

21、态。七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Build a Students SelfconfidenceEducating students means more than giving them academic knowledge. Simply knowing a correct response doesnt give a student the confidence to raise his hand to answer a question. Students perform best in constructive

22、learning environments._1_Provide leadership opportunities for students. Cultivate (培养) important characteristics, including responsibility and independence by assigning students to take different classroom roles. Suitable jobs include hall monitors, audiovisual assistants and classroom helpers. _2_S

23、et achievable goals for each student. _3_ Talk with them about your expectations and their individual progress. Reward students for meeting challenges, while persuading struggling students back on track.Give constructive feedback to help reduce weaknesses and strengthen strengths. Teach students tha

24、t selfconfidence isnt built from praise. Remain honest with each student to encourage them to speak out their problems, instead of avoiding or denying their existence. Make corrections without damaging your students confidence.Encourage students to set high standards for themselves. _4_ Reinforce (强

25、化) this message with examples and literature._5_ Realize that conquering difficult tasks builds mental toughness and cultivates persistence. Relay this message to your students by asking each one to write a goal that focuses on improving a weak area. Help your students develop relevant attack plans.

26、APush students to improve their weaknesses.BSelfconfidence games can help students of all ages.CTell your students that they are able to achieve great achievements.DThey are useless in helping students succeed in the future.EYou can reduce their doubts with various activities that build confidence.F

27、Mastering some duties can help build confidence and erase the fear of trying new experiences.GRealize that overcoming selfdoubt to achieve objectives can help build students confidence.1E下文列举了一系列老师可以采取的培养学生自信心的措施,故此处选E项“老师们可以采用各种各样的活动培养学生的自信心,减少他们对自己的怀疑”,用来引出下文。2F本段论述了给学生提供展示领导才能的机会,如让学生担任不同的课堂角色或者安

28、排不同的任务以培养其责任感,故此处选F项“掌握一些职责有助于培养学生的自信心,消除学生对尝试新体验的恐惧”。3G根据本段的主题句“Set achievable goals for each student.(为每一个学生设立可实现的目标)”可知,此处选G项“认识到克服自我怀疑以实现目标有助于增强学生的自信心”。且G项中的“achieve objectives”与上一句中的“achievable goals”相呼应。4C设空处与上一句中的high standards “高标准”相呼应,故选C项,告诉学生他们可以取得重大的成就。5A本段主要论述了通过改善自身的弱点可以培养意志力,故选A项“鼓励学生改善自身弱点”。试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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