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1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑课时跟踪练(五)Warming Up & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1(2017江苏高考)This complete but brief historical collection (收藏品)is certain to entertain readers young and old. 2Your explanation has clarified (阐明) this difficult sentence.3You must pass the examination to get credits (学分)

2、for the course.4Many stores have a delivery service for the convenience (便利) of customers.5(2016北京高考)What is lacking today is the conflict (冲突)between adolescents desire for autonomy and their understanding of an unsafe world. 6The rising number of car crimes is a(n) nationwide (全国范围的) problem.7This

3、 is a good chance to go abroad, so she is unwilling (不愿意的) to give it up.8I think this was perhaps the most enjoyable (令人愉快的) occasion we have ever had at the White House.9Difficult though the task was, they managed to accomplish (完成) it in time.10The company is starting a new advertising campaign t

4、o attract (吸引) new customers to its stores.单句改错1How can you believe him? He is a man whose actions do not consist in his promises. inwith2He is so popular among us that we made him the monitor of our class last week. 去掉the3He broke away his family and has gone to live in Australia. away后加from4It is

5、greatly in your credit that you have overcome such difficulties. into5We found that these results conflicted in earlier findings. inwith6We found the story so interested that we were all lost in it. interestedinteresting7Will you be convenient to chat with me on the Internet tonight? youit8Ice cream

6、 is attraction to the children. is后加an.补全句子1(2017江苏高考书面表达)Therefore, the film industry should make greater efforts to_attract_more_viewers. 因此,电影产业应该做出更大的努力来吸引更多的观众。2(2014福建高考书面表达)Success_consists_in the ability to continue efforts through failures.成功在于经历失败而继续努力的能力。3It_is_a_pity_that he was too nerv

7、ous when interviewed.真遗憾!他面试的时候太紧张了。4(2014安徽高考书面表达)If_it_is_convenient_for_you,_you should do more outdoor exercise, which can contribute to you keeping up a good state of mind.如果你方便的话,应该多进行户外运动,它有助于你保持良好的心态。5It was Marys own fault if_she_felt_left_out_at_the_party;_she made no effort to be friendly

8、 to people.如果玛丽在派对上感到受到冷落,那也是她自己的错误;她对别人一点也不友好。6You have no choice but to_break_away_from_the_group.除了脱离那个小组,你别无选择。7(2014安徽高考满分作文)Whats more, you must take good care of the things that can keep_your_heart_warm.另外,一定要保存好这些东西,它们能够让你的心保持温暖。8How many groups are the students in your class divided_into?你们

9、班的学生被分成几个小组?.课文语法填空Great Britain consists 1.of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In the 13th century, Wales 2.was_linked (link) to England. In 1603, they were joined to Scotland. They were united 3.in peace instead of by war. However, just as they were going to get Irela

10、nd 4.connected (connect) to form United Kingdom, the southern part of Ireland broke away, 5.so only Northern Ireland joined with England.England is 6.the_largest (large) of the four countries and for 7.convenience (convenient) it was divided into three zones: the South of England, the Midlands and t

11、he North. Most of the population 8.are_settled (settle) in the South, but most of the industrial cities are located in the Midlands and the North.London is the capital city with the great 9.historical (history) treasures. It has the oldest port 10.built (build) by the Romans in the 1st century AD, t

12、he oldest building begun by the AngloSaxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066.串点成篇微表达上周我们去参观了大英博物馆,它吸引(attract)了世界各地的游客。为了方便起见(for convenience),我们将想要见识的地方列了一张清单,以便于不会漏掉(leave out)任何重要的东西。我们发现博物馆由九个展厅构成(consist of),每个展厅分成(divide into)若干个部分,展览不同的历史珍品(histori

13、cal collections)。通过这次参观我们学到了很多。Last_week_we_visited_the_British_Museum,_which_attracts_tourists_from_all_over_the_world._For_convenience,_we_made_a_list_of_the_things_we_wanted_to_see_so_that_we_couldnt_leave_out_anything_important._We_found_the_museum_consisting_of_nine_showrooms,_each_of_which_is_

14、divided_into_several_parts_to_display_different_historical_collections._We_have_learned_a_lot_from_it.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空Germany is a highly developed country. Many people think its people lead a luxurious (奢侈的) life.One day, my friend and I _1_ a restaurant. We noticed that a young couple were hav

15、ing their meal. There were _2_ two dishes and two cans of beer on their table. I wondered if such a(n) _3_ meal could be fine and whether the girl would leave that _4_ man.As we were _5_, my friend ordered more food for us. When we left, there was still about one third of the food we had ordered on

16、the table.When we were leaving, the young man spoke to us in English. We _6_that he was unhappy about us _7_ so much food. “We paid for our food. It is none of your _8_,” my friend told him. The young man was so angry that he _9_ took his phone out and made a call to someone.After a while, an office

17、r from the Social Security Organization (社会保障组织) arrived. Upon knowing what had happened, he gave us a 50 fine(罚款), which _10_ us.The officer told us in a _11_ voice,“ _12_ is yours but resources (资源) belong to society. There are many _13_ people in the world who are _14_ hunger (饥饿)We have no _15_

18、to waste resources.”Their attitude to eating put both of us to _16_. We need to correct our wrong _17_ . We are from a country which is not very rich. To save face, we often think we should order more than we can eat, which _18_ our friends our generosity (慷慨). We should realize that resources dont

19、belong to a(n) _19_ person but they belong to everyone. We cant _20_ to waste them.语篇解读:作者和朋友在一家德国的餐厅就餐时点了很多食物,造成浪费,这引起了餐厅里一个年轻人的反对,结果作者和他的朋友被罚款,理由是:钱是他们的,但是资源是属于整个社会的,我们任何人都不能浪费资源。1A.enteredBopenedCleft Dcalled解析:选A根据后文内容可知此刻作者和他的朋友走进了饭店。2A.still BevenCalready Donly解析:选D根据后面所讲的他们的桌子上只有两个菜和两罐啤酒可知,那对

20、情侣只点了很少的菜。3A.cheap BsimpleCexpensive Dcommon解析:选B他们点的菜很少,所以是简单的饭菜。4A.gentle BstupidCmean Dfriendly解析:选C因为他们点的菜很少,所以作者觉得那位男士很吝啬。5A.full BhungryChonest Dfree解析:选B根据下文所讲的作者的朋友点了很多菜可知他们饿了。6A.disagreed BignoredCunderstood Ddoubted解析:选C根据朋友的回答可知,作者和他的朋友都明白这个人对他们的浪费行为不满。7A.ordering BeatingCserving Dwasting

21、解析:选D参见上题解析。8A.business BpowerCaction Dconcern解析:选A从下文这个年轻人很生气以及他立刻拿出电话来给某人打电话可知,这里作者的朋友说的是“不关你的事”。9A.slowly BcalmlyCexactly Dimmediately解析:选D参见上题解析。10A.surprised BupsetCworried Dsatisfied解析:选A让作者和他朋友吃惊的是那个社会保障组织的工作人员居然罚了他们50欧元。11A.relaxing BseriousCgrateful Dboring解析:选B根据下文那个工作人员所说的话可知,他是用一种严肃的口吻讲的

22、。12A.Money BDecisionCRight DFreedom解析:选A根据前文内容可推知那个工作人员告诉作者和他的朋友:“钱是你们的,但是资源是属于社会的。”13A.old ByoungCrich Dpoor解析:选D那个工作人员继续讲到世界上有很多穷人正在遭受饥饿的折磨,所以人们没有理由浪费资源。14A.thinking about Bsuffering fromCbringing in Dgetting along with解析:选B参见上题解析。15A.use BreasonCneed Dway解析:选B参见第13题解析。16A.interest BtroubleCshame

23、Djoy解析:选C从下文作者的反思可知,德国人对待饮食的态度让他们感到羞愧。17A.purpose BmethodCeducation Dopinion解析:选D根据下文作者做出的反思可知:需要纠正的是错误的观念。18A.returns BshowsClends Dpasses解析:选B作者讲到他所在的国家的人往往为了面子,总是点很多食物,这能显示出他们的慷慨。19A.single BwealthyCimportant Dspecial解析:选A资源不是属于我们哪一个人的,而是属于我们所有人的,我们浪费不起。20A.expect BmanageCafford Dbegin解析:选C参见上题解析

24、。.短文改错Im glad that I have made great progresses in my English before I became a senior high school student. When I started senior English, I found it much more difficult than which I learned in junior school and I almost lost the heart. Later, I realized the importance of English, but I got up early

25、 every morning, recited English words, listening to English tapes and did lots of exercises. I also asked his English teacher and classmates for better ways learn English. Now, my English has improved great. And Im getting more and more interesting in learning it.答案:第一句:progressesprogress; beforesince第二句:whichwhat; 去掉the第三句:butso; listeninglistened第四句:hismy; ways后加to第五句:greatgreatly第六句:interestinginterested试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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