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1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑课时跟踪练(十一)Warming Up & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1The governor said all applications must be submitted (递交) by Monday.2(2017江苏高考)This educational method was first observed in 2012 by Sonia Kleindorfer, and her colleagues(同事)3A good dictionary will assist (帮助) you in un

2、derstanding English.4After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire (获得) confidence.5Teenagers should concentrate (集中) on their studies though there are a lot of attractions around them.6I believe the house was deliberately (故意地) set fire to.7The incomes of skilled workers wen

3、t up. Meanwhile (同时), unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.8I am rather sceptical (怀疑) about the full marks that he got in the recent English test, because he never studies.9The teacher demanded (要求) an explanation for his absence from class.10The newspaper keeps us informed (告知) of what has ha

4、ppened during the day.单句改错1They were delighted to the news that their team had won.toat/by/with2In the rush hour, hiring a taxi for you to do what you are eagerly to do may be a better choice in our city.eagerlyeager3(2017全国卷)Besides, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. inform

5、ationsinformation4Leave your key with your neighbor in case of you lock yourself out one day.去掉of5The monitor came in and demanded all the students present there must finish the task in two hours.去掉_must_或_mustshould6Not only the citizens but also the expert were against the plan.werewas7You may dep

6、end on that Tom will help you with your English.on后加it8The people wanted to accuse him stealing their purses. him后加of.补全句子1I am_delighted_to_receive_an_email from you. As for the party on July 1st, I shall be pleased to attend.我很高兴收到你的电子邮件。关于7月1日的聚会,我将很乐意参加。2It is important to read regularly if you

7、are_eager_to_improve_your_English.如果你渴望提高英语,经常性的阅读是很重要的。3Your future depends_on_many_things,_but mostly on you.你的未来取决于很多东西,但是主要在于你。4(2014全国卷满分作文)In_that_case,_I shall direct many good movies for the audience. 那种情况下,我将为观众导演很多好电影。5Concentrate_on_your_study,_and you will make greater progress. 集中精力学习,你

8、就能够取得更大的进步。6The manager promised that they would try to meet/satisfy_their_customers_demands.经理许诺他们会尽力满足顾客的需求。7(2015浙江高考书面表达) By doing so, I can not_only share_good ideas with_others_but_(also)_learn_to_express_myself_clearly.通过这样做,我不仅能够和别人分享我的好的观点,还能够学会清晰地表达自己。8(2014天津高考书面表达) Only_by_understanding_

9、and_learning from each_other can we spend those days together happily.只有通过相互理解彼此学习我们才能一起开心地度过那些美好的日子。.课文语法填空It is Zhou Yangs first day at the office of a popular English newspaper. He is excited and eager to go out 1.on a story on his own, but he cant because he isnt 2.experienced (experience) enoug

10、h. His new boss, Hu Xin, is sharing with him 3.how to be a good reporter.To be a good reporter, one needs to be curious, which 4.enables (able) one to ask many different questions and acquire all the information he needs to know. Besides, its important for a reporter to have a “nose” 5.for a story,

11、6.knowing (know) if someone is telling the truth. And while interviewing people, a reporter has to listen to the answers carefully because he has to listen to the 7.detailed (detail) facts and prepare the next question 8.depending (depend) on what people say. If possible, a reporter can 9.record (re

12、corder) the interview in case he 10.is_accused (accuse) of printing lies.串点成篇微表达今天早上,老师通知(inform)汤姆去他的办公室,责备(accuse)他在最近的这次考试中作弊;并要求(demand)汤姆集中精力(concentrate)学习,依靠(depend on)自己来获得(acquire)丰富的知识。汤姆说再也不会(in no case)在考试中作弊了。This_morning,_the_teacher_informed_Tom_to_go_to_his_office,_where_he_accused_T

13、om_of_cheating_in_the_latest_exam._He_demanded_that_Tom_should_concentrate_his_attention_on_learning_and_depend_on_himself_to_acquire_rich_knowledge._Tom_said_that_in_no_case_would_he_cheat_in_the_exam.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空I often remember those good old days when life was relatively simpler, and peo

14、ple were much more humane (有人情味的) and _1_. Recently, to my surprise, I got the _2_ to experience that same _3_ that I thought had disappeared from the world.I was out shopping the other day with my husband, two daughters and one granddaughter. It was very hot, and we were all obviously _4_ and hungr

15、y. We entered a restaurant, looking for some _5_ and comfort.To our _6_, all the tables were occupied (占用) and no one seemed in a hurry to get up. We waited, tired, hungry and _7_. After quite some time, one table was vacated (腾出), but that could _8_ only two of us. My daughter made me sit along wit

16、h her father, _9_ she and my other daughter stood alongside.My granddaughter sat on my lap as we _10_ us, waiting for another table to be vacated soon. At the next table, two young girls were sitting at a table for four and _11_ their meal. We decided to _12_ to their table, once they _13_ their lun

17、ch.Since the girls had just got their order, I knew it would be a _14_ wait. As we were deciding on what to order, one of the girls got up and _15_ their table to us. She said they would move to our table so that my family could sit _16_.We were very _17_ of their kind gesture. We thanked them warml

18、y and moved to their table. The girls quickly _18_ their plates and glasses and went to sit at our table.That day, I thought to myself there still were some kind, _19_ and helpful youngsters in this fast moving noncaring world; and my _20_ in humanity was brought back once again.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。在餐馆里一对

19、小姑娘的举动又重新唤起了作者对人性的思考与信心。1A.more confidentBmore responsibleCgentler Dwiser解析:选C由上文中的“life . simpler”和“humane”可知,那时候生活相对简单,人们更有人情味,“更和善(gentler)”。2A.way BopportunityCtime Dpleasure解析:选B由文中的描述可知,“我”有“机会(opportunity)”体验到“我”以为已经从世界上消失了的“温暖(warmth)”。3A.warmth BattitudeCtrouble Dsituation解析:选A参见上题解析。4A.ang

20、ry BhappyCwet Dexhausted解析:选D由下文中的“looking for some _5_ and comfort”可知,我们又“累(exhausted)”又饿。5A.tables BfoodCdrinks Dinformation解析:选B由上文中的“hungry”和“a restaurant”可知,我们走进一家餐馆,想吃点“东西(food)”,顺便休息一下。6A.amazement BregretCdisappointment Ddelight解析:选C由下文中的“all the tables were occupied (占用) and no one seemed i

21、n a hurry to get up”可知,这让我们很“失望(disappointment)”。7A.impatient BworriedCdissatisfied Dterrified解析:选A由文中的描述可知,我们等着,又累又饿,有点“不耐烦(impatient)”了。8A.hold BseatCsave Dinclude解析:选B这张桌子只能“坐(seat)”两个人。9A.while BthoughCsince Dbefore解析:选A“我”女儿让“我”和她父亲坐下,“而(while)”她们站在一旁。10A.walked around Bpaid forClooked around D

22、depended on解析:选C由下文中的“waiting for another table to be vacated soon”可知,我们“环顾四周(looked around)”,等待着有另一张桌子空出来。11A.making BcookingCpreparing Denjoying解析:选D旁边的桌上,两个年轻的女孩坐在一张四人桌上,“吃着(enjoying)”午餐。12A.turn BmoveCcome Dstick解析:选B由下文中的“moved to their table”可知,我们决定等她们“吃完(finished)”午餐,就“移到(move)”她们那一桌。13A.star

23、ted BsharedCleft Dfinished解析:选D参见上题解析。14A.boring BnervousClong Dquiet解析:选C由上文中的“the girls had just got their order”可知,这将会是“漫长的(long)”等待。15A.showed BreturnedClent Doffered解析:选D由下文的描述可知,一个女孩起身把她们的桌子“让(offered)”给我们。16A.comfortably BeasilyCback Dtogether解析:选D她们会搬到我们这一桌,这样我们一家人就可以坐在“一起(together)”了。17A.ap

24、preciative BproudCfond Dafraid解析:选A由下文中的“We thanked them warmly”可知,我们非常“感激(appreciative)”她们的善意。18A.cleared away Bgave upCput away Dpicked up解析:选D这两个女孩赶紧“拿起(picked up)”自己的盘子和杯子,坐到了我们那一桌。19A.careful BcommonCpolite Dsmart解析:选C由文中的描述可知,作者认为还是有些善良的、“有礼貌的(polite)”、乐于助人的年轻人。20A.hope BfaithClove Deffort解析:选

25、B“我”对人性又重拾“信心(faith)”。.短文改错When I was young, I joined an organization which called the Guide. The Guide is for girls between 10 and 14. We got together once a week to do thing like having competitions, playing games and going camping. I really enjoyed being in the Guide. I used to going camping with

26、 the Guide quite a lot. I remembered I went camping one weekend. My birthday was on the same weekend but I was going to be 13 that weekend. They had a really good weekend and cooked differently dishes and played games. On my birthday, when was on Sunday, everybody sang Happy Birthday for me and they gave a cake for me. I really had a great fun that day.答案:第一句:called前加is第三句:thingthings第五句:goinggo第六句:rememberedremember第七句:butand第八句:TheyWe; differentlydifferent第九句:whenwhich; 第二个forto第十句:去掉a试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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