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1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑Unit 15 Learning一、课前基础自查(一)分类记单词省时高效.阅读单词(知其意)1drill n 练习,训练2motto n. 座右铭,格言3receiver n. 接收者4angle n. 角5triangle n. 三角形6atom n. 原子7spit vi. 吐痰,吐口水8spy n. 间谍,特务9kingdom n. 王国10biochemistry n. 生物化学11choir n. 合唱队,合唱团12oxygen n. 氧气,氧13spelling n. 拼写14throat n. 咽喉,喉咙15postage n. 邮费16alter

2、native adj. 非传统的;另类的17arrow n. 箭18pace n. 速度,步速19religion n. 宗教.重点单词(写其形)1adapt vt.(使)适应2conventional_ adj. 传统的,保守的3worthy adj. 值得的 4punishment n. 惩罚,处罚5lack vt. 缺乏,没有6distinguish vt. 区别,辨别7access n. (使用或见到的)机会,权利8bury vt. 埋葬9unwilling adj. 不情愿的10swell v. 被充满;膨胀,肿胀11facility n. (供特定用途的)场所;设备12shadow

3、 n. 阴影,影子13rank_ n. 职衔14pour vt. 灌,倒15blank adj. 空白的16reputation n. 名声,名誉17obey vt. 服从,听从18outstanding adj. 杰出的,优秀的19acquire vt. 获得,得到.拓展单词(通其变)1ignore vt.忽视,不顾ignorance n无知2suspect v怀疑suspicious adj.可疑的suspicion n怀疑,嫌疑3simplify vt.简化simple adj.简单的,易懂的4urge vt.力劝,强烈要求urgent adj.紧急的5instruct vt.教导,指导

4、instruction n教育,指导instructive adj.有益的;有教育意义的6reflect vt.反映;反射 vi.思考reflection n反射;反省;想法7worthwhile adj.值得努力的worthy adj.值得的worth adj.值得的 n价值8defence n保卫,保护defend v防御,保卫9assumption n假定,假设assume vt.假定,假设10inspire v鼓舞;启发inspiration n灵感,鼓舞(激励)人心的人/事inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的11beneficial adj.有用的,有益的benefit v对有益,

5、受惠n.利益12appreciation n欣赏appreciate vt.重视,鉴赏,感激13approve v赞成;认可;满意approval n赞成;认可;满意语境活用1If you want to live a simple life, you need to simplify your mind.(simple)2I carried the small lantern and walked around the river. The light was reflected in the river and the reflection looked so beautiful.(ref

6、lect)3They assumed that there would be a substitute for the earth but the assumption seemed impossible.(assume)4Cycling is highly beneficial to our health. That is to say, we can get much benefit from cycling.(benefit)5I would appreciate it very much if you can give me a hand again. Meanwhile, I wan

7、t to express my appreciation to you for your helping me before.(appreciate)6It is worthwhile to travel to Beijing, because many places of interest are well worth visiting. The Great Wall is particularly worthy of being visited.(worth)7The teacher instructed that all the students should attend the in

8、structive lecture, for the professors instruction would be of great help to our study.(instruct) (二)练中记短语记牢用活写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.lay_off裁员;解雇2aside_from 除之外3set_off 使爆炸;引发;出发,动身4be_accustomed_to 习惯于5approve_of 赞成,赞许6as_a_whole 总的来说7switch_off 关闭8to_a_certain_extent 在某种程度上9tend_to 往往会,倾向于10frankly_sp

9、eaking 坦白地说,老实说11go_up 上涨,上升12to_start_with 首先,第一13put_forward 提出14in_conclusion 最后,总之15go_blank (脑子)一片空白,怎么也想不起来1.Ive been_accustomed_to the life in America. You know, Ive been here for five years.2He wouldnt win the match. To_start_with he lacked experience.3Her father will never_approve_of her ma

10、rriage to Jason.4Frankly_speaking,_I dont think its a good idea.5She can speak five foreign languages aside_from English.6The northern people of China tend_to eat more noodles, while the southern people eat more rice.7We will set_off in the direction of the mountain tomorrow morning.8If you dont cha

11、nge your attitude towards the job, you will be laid_off.9Lily was so nervous that her mind almost went_blank during the College Entrance Examination.10The proposal put_forward by Dobrindt aims to stop people from breaking traffic rules.(三)仿写明句式以用为本教材原句句式解读句式仿写1.Now Im about to graduate from the Scho

12、ol of Continuing Education at Qinghua University with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering by distance learning.如今通过远程教育我就要从清华大学继续教育学院毕业了,并会获得该院计算机工程学的学士学位。be about to do .“正要做”,通常与when连用。(2014福建高考书面表达)我正要放弃,这时我最好的朋友鼓励我继续下去。I_was_about_to_give_up_when my best friend encouraged me to go on.2.In

13、 the past, if someone like me had failed to get into university through the college exam, he would have had no chance of getting a degree.在过去,如果像我这样未能通过大学考试上大学,那么他就没有机会获得学位了。if 引导的虚拟条件句。如果你来得早些,你就能赶上那辆公共汽车了。If you had come earlier, you would_have_caught the bus.3.I decided that it was time I became

14、an Internet user.我觉得该是我成为因特网用户的时候了。It is/was time (that) . did/should do . “是的时候了”。是当地政府采取措施保护环境的时候了。Its_time_that the local government should_take/took_measures to protect the environment.4.So many people think that after you retire, all you can do is switch off your brain and bury everything youve

15、 ever learnt.许多人认为一旦退休,你所能做的事就是把大脑关闭,把你曾经所学的东西埋掉。不带to的动词不定式作表语。As far as Im concerned, all_we_can_do_is_just_wait patiently.在我看来,我们所能做的一切就是耐心等待。5.Sometimes I wish I could phone him and ask for his opinion!有时我真希望能给他打个电话问问他的意见!wish后的从句常用虚拟语气。他真希望Mary在这里分享他的成功。He wishes Mary were here to share his succ

16、ess.二、课堂重点深化1suspect v怀疑;猜疑(通常不用于进行时)nC嫌疑犯,可疑分子自主体验单句语法填空She suspected her husband of taking her money.His behaviour that day made the police suspicious (suspect)The teacher was suspicious of/about the students furtive (偷偷摸摸的) behaviour during the exam.句型转换We suspect that he is ill, for we havent se

17、en him for a long time.We suspect him to be ill,_for we havent seen him for a long time.完成句子I suspect_him_to_be the pickpocket whom the police are looking for.我怀疑他就是那个警方正在寻找的扒手。The police searched_the_suspect but found no weapon on him.警察搜查了嫌疑犯,但在他身上没有发现武器。系统归纳(1)suspect sb./sth. to be n/adj.怀疑/猜疑某人

18、(某物)为suspect sb. of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人(做过)某事(2)suspicious adj. 可疑的,令人怀疑的be suspicious of/about sth. 对某事怀疑重点强化易错处处防The boss suspected him taking the computer away from the company._him_后加of佳句时时写(2015湖北高考书面表达)两年前,我们的老师在班上给我们一道数学难题的答案。尽管答案似乎有点奇怪,但除了我没有人怀疑它。Two_years_ago,_our_teacher_offered_us_an_answer

19、_to_a_difficult_math_problem_in_class._Although_the_answer_seemed_a_little_strange,_nobody_but_I_suspected_it.2instruct vt.指导,教导;指示,命令;告知,通知自主体验单句语法填空Those boys were instructed to_wait (wait) there.Great effort is needed to instruct children in road safety.It is instructive (instruct) to see how oth

20、er countries are dealing with the problem.一句多译经理命令我快速把文档打印出来。My_manager_instructed_me_to_type_the_document_quickly.(instruct sb. to do sth.)My_manager_instructed_me_in_typing_the_document_quickly.(instruct sb. in doing sth.)My_manager_instructed_that_I_(should)_type_the_document_quickly.(instruct th

21、at)系统归纳(1)instruct sb. to do/in doing .命令某人做instruct sb. in sth.教授/传授某人某事instruct that sb. (should) do sth. 命令某人做某事(2)instruction n. C用法说明,操作指南;指示;命令;U指导;讲授(3)instructive adj. 有益的,有教育意义的;指导性的重点强化易错处处防Be sure to follow the instruction printed on the back of the box, or it may do harm to your health.i

22、nstructioninstructions佳句时时写(2014湖南高考书面表达)当我们指示它做某些事时,它会执行我们的命令。When_we_instruct_it_to_do_something,_it_will_carry_out_our_instructions.3distinguish vt.区别,辨别;使具有某种特征自主体验单句语法填空The twins are so alike; its difficult to distinguish one from the other.Honestly speaking, I admire your distinguished (distin

23、guish) achievements.The Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage.Lang Ping has already distinguished herself as a great volleyball coach in the world.句型转换It could make it hard for people to tell the difference between virtual reality and reality.It could make it hard for people

24、to distinguish between virtual reality and reality.As is known to us, he is famous for his knowledge of science.As is known to us, he is distinguished for his knowledge of science.系统归纳(1)distinguish . from . 将与区别开distinguish between . and .(tell the difference between . and .) 区分和distinguish oneself

25、 (as .) (作为)表现突出(2)distinguished adj. 卓越的;著名的;杰出的be distinguished for (be famous for) 因而出名distinguishing adj. 有区别的重点强化易错处处防Hes too young to distinguish right with wrong, and needs your guidance. withfrom佳句时时写(2017全国卷书面表达)因为你是一位杰出的乒乓球选手,如果你能加入我们的团队并分享你的鼓舞人心的经验,我们将深感荣幸。As_youre_a_distinguished_table_t

26、ennis_player,_we_would_feel_deeply_honored_if_you_could_join_our_team_and_share_your_inspiring_experiences.4lack vt.缺乏,没有n.缺乏,不足;短缺的东西自主体验单句语法填空More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities for lack of space.He just graduated from the university last month, so he is lacking in worki

27、ng experience.Visitors are not permitted to enter the park after dark, because of the lack of lighting.They are so rich that they lack for nothing.句型转换They could not finish their work on time because they lack money.They could not finish their work on time for lack of money.Lacking in money,_they co

28、uld not finish their work on time.系统归纳(1)lack sth. 缺乏/少某物(没有被动语态)lack for 需要,需求(常用于否定句)(2)(a) lack of . 缺乏for/through lack of 因缺乏(3)lacking adj. 缺少的,不足的(不置于名词前)be lacking in sth. 缺少某物重点强化易错处处防It is obvious that Tom is lacking of common sense. ofin佳句时时写(2013重庆高考书面表达)由于缺乏人类保护,长江江豚(Yangtze Finless Porp

29、oise)的数量正变得越来越少。For_lack_of_human_protection,_the_number_of_Yangtze_Finless_Porpoise_is_becoming_smaller_and_smaller._名师指津(1)lack既可以作动词也可以作名词。作及物动词时,后面直接跟宾语;作不及物动词时常用介词for;作名词时,后面常用介词of。(2)lacking为形容词,但一般不放在名词前作定语,常与in连用。5access n入口,通路;(使用或见到的)机会,权利自主体验单句语法填空Women have no access to obtaining (obtain

30、) education in old days.The centre is easily accessible (access) to the general public.The old man tells me that the only access to the village is by boat.完成句子/一句多译我被获准进入他们的居住环境。I have been allowed to gain_access_to their living environment.在这个贫困地区实施希望工程之前,孩子们无法接受教育。Before the Project Hope was carri

31、ed out in this poor area, children had_no_access_to_education.在我看来,孩子们应该有上网的机会。In my opinion, kids_should_have_access_to_the_Internet.(access)In my opinion, the_Internet_should_be_accessible_to_kids.(accessible)系统归纳(1)gain/obtain/get/have access to有权进入/使用,拥有的机会have no access to 没有的机会;无法接近give access

32、 to 接见;准许进入(接近)(2)accessible adj. 易到达的,易接近的be accessible to 对而言容易接近的;可靠近的;容易进入的重点强化易错处处防The legal aid system should be accessible for more people. forto佳句时时写(2017江苏高考书面表达)电影导演已经做了一些尝试,更多的观众可以接触到电影。Film_directors_have_made_some_attempts_to_make_films_accessible_to_a_wider_audience.名师指津access前通常不加冠词,且

33、access和accessible短语中的to是介词。6worthwhile adj.值得(做)的(可作表语、定语或补语)自主体验单句语法填空This article is well worth reading (read), but it is not worthy to_be_translated (translate)Sometimes I doubt whether its worthwhile to_study/studying (study) abroad for some Chinese students.一句多译他在会议上提出的建议值得考虑。His suggestion put

34、 forward at the conference is_worth_considering.(worth)His suggestion put forward at the conference is_worthy_of_being_considered.(worthy)His suggestion put forward at the conference is_worthy_to_be_considered.(worthy)It_is_worthwhile_to_consider/considering his suggestion put forward at the confere

35、nce.(worthwhile)系统归纳(1)worthwhile常用的结构:Its worthwhile做某事是值得的(2)worth常用的结构:be worth(3)worthy常用的结构:be worthy值得做重点强化易错处处防The film The Flowers of War is well worth seen.seenseeing佳句时时写(2014浙江高考书面表达)读文学书是值得的,因为它们能帮助我们对社会和生活了解更多。Its_worthwhile_reading/to_read_literary_books_because_they_can_help_us_to_kno

36、w_more_about_the_society_and_life.名师指津worth一般只作表语,可用程度词well修饰,be worth doing主动形式表示被动意义;而worthy和worthwhile既可作表语又可作定语。7approve vi.赞成;认可;同意vt.批准 自主体验单句语法填空The majority of the senior citizens dont approve of the proposal of celebrating Western festivals in China.The president has already given his appro

37、val (approve) to the plan.I approve of your trying (try) to make some money, but please dont neglect your studies.完成句子/一句多译他在学校表现不错,希望以此来得到父母的赞许。By doing well at school he hoped to win/earn_his_parents_approval.他不同意我今年离开学校。He_doesnt_approve_of_me_leaving_school_this_year.(approve of sb. doing sth.)H

38、e_doesnt_give_approval_to_my_leaving_school_this_year.(give approval to .)I_dont_meet_with_his_approval_to_leave_school_this_year.(meet with sb.s approval)系统归纳(1)approve of赞成,赞许approve of sb. doing sth. 同意某人做某事approve of (ones) doing . 赞同/支持(某人)做approve (doing) sth. 批准(做)某事(2)approval n. 同意;批准meet w

39、ith sb.s approval 得到某人的批准win/earn sb.s approval 取得某人的同意/赞成give approval to . 批准重点强化易错处处防Youd better cut your hair short. Our school doesnt approve students wearing long hair.approve_后加of佳句时时写(2015重庆高考书面表达)你的意见如何?你赞同我的观点吗?期待你的答复。What_about_your_opinion?Do_you_approve_of_my_opinion?_Looking_forward_to

40、_your_reply.名师指津要表达“赞成某人做某事”,不可直译成approve sb. to do sth.或在其后跟that从句,可用approve of ones doing sth.。8urge vt.力劝;催促;强烈要求n.强烈的欲望,冲动 自主体验单句语法填空I urged him to_write (write) a novel about the life we lived together in the country.Its urged that every effort (should)_be_made (make) to bring down house prices

41、.The people in the earthquakestricken area are in urgent (urge) need of food, medicine and shelters.Father urged that I (should)_apologize (apologize) to my English teacher for my bad behavior.Mr.Turner had an urge to_open (open) a shop of his own.Urged on by the crowd, the Italian team scored two m

42、ore goals.一句多译随着期末考试的来临,老师敦促我们努力学习。Our teacher urges_us_to_study_hard with the final exam drawing near.(urge sb. to do sth.)Our teacher urges_us_into_studying_hard with the final exam drawing near.(urge sb. into doing sth.)Our teacher urges_that_we_(should)_study_hard with the final exam drawing nea

43、r.(urge that)系统归纳(1)urge sb.to do/into doing sth. 强烈要求某人做某事urge sth.on/upon sb. 向某人强调某事urge that sb.(should) do sth. 极力主张某人做某事It is urged that .(should) do sth.坚决要求(2)have an urge to do sth. 有做某事的强烈欲望(3)urgent adj. 紧急的,紧迫的重点强化易错处处防They all urged that he apologized to her for what he had said.apologi

44、zedapologize佳句时时写(2013天津高考书面表达)因此,我主张组织一些活动,希望他们通过互相帮助来学习更多的知识,交更多的朋友。Thus,_I_urge_to_organize_some_activities,_hoping_that_they_will_learn_more_knowledge_and_make_more_friends_by_helping_each_other.名师指津urge后跟that从句时或在句型It is urged that .中,that从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气,即“should动词原形”,should可以省略。9assume vt.假定,假设;认为 自主体验单句语法填空It is generally assumed that stress is caused by to


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