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1、Oral Presentation,Kevin Cai GLIT,Giving oral presentation,Presentation is the practice of showing and explaining the content of a topic to an audience or learner Presentations is way of communicating ideas and information to a group. It carries the speakers personality and allows immediate interacti

2、on between all the participants.,Good or Bad Presentation,The followings will be subconsciously considered by audience,Your voice - how you say it is as important as what you say The Body - Your body communicates different impressions to the audience. People not only listen to you, they also watch y

3、ou. Eye contact Facial Expressions: Smiling Gestures,Active Listening - Good speakers not only inform their audience, they also listen to them. Nerves - Do not fight nerves, welcome them! Questions - Questions do not mean you did not explain the topic good enough, but that their interest is deeper t

4、han the average audience. Habits - We all have a few habits, and some are more annoying than others.,You will watch two short video clip now. After you have watched the two clip, please discuss the following questions: Which speaker gives the more effective presentation? Why is this? What do you thi

5、nk about how to plan your presentations?,Video A,Video B,Preparing the Presentation,To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail ! To prepare the presentation, ask yourself the following: What is the purpose of the presentation? Who will be attending? What does the audience already know about the subjec

6、t? What is the audiences attitude towards me (e.g. hostile, friendly)?,Prepare the structure of the talk carefully and logically, You can make a list of following two things as your starting point, they are: the objectives of the talk? the main points you want to make? Write out the draft for presen

7、tation, and review it. If You will find things that are irrelevant - delete them. If there are things you cannot easily express, possibly because of doubt about your understanding, it is better to leave them unsaid.,Organising presentation,Four main sections of an oral presentation: The introduction

8、 The body The conclusion The question and answer session,Introduction,This is an important point because the introduction gives the audience their first impression of you.,An introduction containing:,The topic of your whole presentation? Some background information to show why the topic is important

9、? A sentence describing the aim or purpose of your presentation? An outline of the main points you will talk about?,How to prepare a good introduction,A good presentation starts out with introductions and an icebreaker such as a story, interesting statement or fact, joke, quotation, or an activity t

10、o get the group warmed up. The introduction needs an objective, that is, the purpose or goal of the presentation. (This not only tells you what you will talk about, but it also informs the audience of the purpose of the presentation).,Notices:,Realize the importance of introduction. Dont make the in

11、troduction too brief, it covers 10 to15 percent of your speech. Select the ways to capture the audience attention. Indicate the topic, outline your speech, announce your purpose. Dont start with your speech with apologies Pay attention to your body language.,You show the audience that your English i

12、s good and that you are a well-organised person by using the following expressions: “Good morning / afternoon / evening, ladies and gentlemen.“ “Welcome to my presentation.“ “The topic of my presentation is.“ “The aim of my presentation today is“ “The main points I will be talking about are, firstly

13、,.“ “Finally, Ill be happy to answer your questions at the end.“,An example introduction in presentation,“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to my presentation. The topic of my presentation is how to get a high grade in English presentations. The aim of my presentation today is to inform yo

14、u of the phrases you can use in a presentation. The main points I will be talking about are, firstly, what to say in the introduction, secondly, what to say in the main points, and finally, what to say in the conclusion. Finally, Ill be happy to answer your questions at the end.,The body of your pre

15、sentation,The content and organisation of the body of your presentation will largely depend on its topic and purpose. There are the most common organisational patterns: Problem-solution Chronological Cause-effect Positive-negative Finding-discussion,Key expressions,Announcing the beginning of the sp

16、eech e.g. To begin with, Id like to talk about I think it would be start out by doing sthings? As I see, there are two majoy problems. Now, Id like to focus on two major problems. Im going to analyse two problems.,Shifting to the next main point e.g. The first problem Id like to focus on is The seco

17、nd problem is Well. Lets move on to the next point. We will now come to the second problem. Next. I would like to turn to brings me to my second point.,The conclusion,The conclusion to a presentation often has four “move”. They are: 1. Signal that the presentation is about to end e.g. “That brings m

18、e to end of my presentation” “Well, I think that covers all the main points” “That concludes my presentation”,2. Summary of the key points e.g. “To sum up, then” “Let me go over the key points” “Id now like to summarise my main points”,3. Recommendations or pointers to the future e.g. The way forwar

19、d is to I now want to put forward some recommendations Id now like to conclude by making one or two suggestion about,4. Invitation for questions e.g. Do you have any questions? Id now like to open it up for discussion. Are there any questions? If you have any question, Id be delighted to answer them

20、.,An example conclusion in presentation,“Id now like to conclude by summing up and making recommendations. The purpose of this presentation was to inform you of the phrases you can use to get high marks in presentations. The main points I talked about were: firstly, what to say in the introduction,

21、secondly, what to say in the main points, and finally, what to say in the conclusion. Therefore I recommend that you learn these phrases and use them in your presentations. Id now like to invite any questions you may have.“,Using visual aids,Visual aids such as charts, graphs and videos can enhance

22、your message. Keep it simple though - a complex set of hardware can result in confusion for speaker and audience.,Edit your slides as carefully as your talk,Slides should contain the minimum information necessary. Use a reasonable size font and a typeface which will enlarge well. Use colour on your

23、slides but avoid orange and yellow which do not show up very well when projected.,Finally ., Enjoy yourself. The audience will be on your side and want to hear what you have to say!,Presentation Listening:,Planning a presentation Things to consider: (1) Purpose (2) Audience (3) Setting Organising a

24、presentation Start with the body. Remember to supply transitions In your introduction, gain the attention and interest of your audience. Identify the topic and purpose of your presentation. Give relevant background material and provide an overview of your presentation.,Make your conclusion brief, cl

25、ear and memorable Pay attention to the language you use. Prepare a detailed outline of the presentation and then prepare note cards with key words Delivering a presentation Make sure that you use visual aids effectively Non-verbal communication should create the impression that you are confident and professional.,Prepare for the question-and-answer session by anticipating questions and preparing possible answers. Principles of presentation Purpose People Preparation Planning Personality Performance,


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