Revision of Module 6主讲冯青松.ppt

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《Revision of Module 6主讲冯青松.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Revision of Module 6主讲冯青松.ppt(43页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、1,Revision of Module 6,主讲:冯青松 江苏句容市第三中学 审稿:王明霞 镇江市教育局教研室,2,Contents,Revision of Unit 3 Revision of Unit 4,3,Revision of Unit 3,4,1.difference n. 区别,差异,【常见考点】 tell the difference between A and B 辨别A和B =tell A from B / distinguish A from B make a difference 有区别,有影响,起作用 【实战演练】 -Why do you look so angry

2、? -He insists on my presence here, but I can see it makes no _ my being here. A. difference B. different C. reason D. cause,Words,A,5,2. adjust (v.) 适应,校正,调节,【常见考点】 adjust oneself to . 使某人适应 adapt oneself to 【实战演练】 : The brakes of my bikes need _. A. adjust B. adjusted C. adjusting D. to adjust,C,to

3、 be adjusted,Words,6,3. custom (n.) 风俗,传统, 惠顾,光顾,【常见搭配】 follow /keep up a custom 遵从习俗 manners and customs 风俗习惯 【注意】“customs” :海关 “customer”: 顾客,客户 【比较网站】custom 与 habit habit 指个人的“习惯”,通常用于表示做事,思考问题或为 举止的不自觉的方式,方法。 custom指某一社团或社会的人在某些待定场合下总是要做 事。 : So many countries , so many _. : Has your father give

4、n up the _ of smoking?,customs,habit,Words,7,4. account (n.) 叙述,描写,报道,账目,原因 (v.) 说明,解释,【常见搭配】 account for 解释, 说明;占(比例) take into account = take account of 考虑到 take into consideration; considering; regarding on account of 因为;由于 on no account 决不 =on no condition; in no case; under no circumstances by

5、no means; at no time (注: 用在句首要引起部分倒装) on this/that account 考虑到这种、那种情况,On no account should we betray our homeland,Words,8,【实战演练】,Had you _ every cent you spent, you wouldnt have been punished. A. accounted B. accounted for C. counted D. counted on : _ no account _ look down upon the poor. : I couldn

6、t agree more. A. On ; we should B. By; we should C. Under; should we D. On; should we His careless driving _ this terrible accident. A. is due to B. took account of C. accounted for D. responsible for,B,D,C,9,5. concern (n.) 关心之事,担心 (v.) 涉及,关心,,【常见搭配】 concern oneself in/with 忙于某事,关心某事 as far as one

7、is concerned 在某人看来 be concerned about/for 对担忧 【词性转换】 : concerned 有关的(置于名词后);担忧的 : concerning 关于 :Concerning his proposal, there were pros and cons.,赞成与反对,Words,10,【实战演练】,The report he made _ the market did bother his boss. A. concerning B. concerned C. concern D. concern with They are familiar with

8、this kind of business, so theres no need to be _about the outcome. A. enthusiastic B. optimistic C. concerned D. worry,A,C,熟悉,11,6. peace (n.) 和平;和睦;安宁,【常见搭配】 keep the peace 维持和平 in peace 平和地,安心地 make peace with 与讲和 break/disturb the peace 扰乱治安 【派生词】 peaceful 安祥的;宁静的 【实战演练】 : It is our hope that two

9、 countries will live _ for ever. A. in a peace B. in peace C. peaceful D. in peacefully,B,Words,12,7. power (n.) 能力;权力;能量,【常见搭配】 in power 在掌权 come to power 上台执政,掌权 be in ones power在某人的控制之下 be beyond ones power to do sth 某人无权/能力做 have power over 控制,支配 take /seize power上台,当权,执政 【典型例句】 : locals believe

10、 the plant has the power to cure all kinds of diseases. 当地人相信那种植物可医治多种疾病.,Words,13,【比较网站】energy; power; strength; force,(1) energy : 主要是指人的精力、活力和物理学中的能量、能源。 (2) power : 主要是指政权、权力,还可指做某事的能力,也可指物理学的动力、功率。 (3) strength : 强调一个人具有的力量、力气。 (4) force : 主要是指为克服力使事物运动而实际发出或施加的力量,即物理学中的力; 也可指兵力、势力、武力。 : He is

11、so full of _ that he cant keep still. :He did everything in his _ to help us. : The police had to use _ to open the door.,energy,power,force,14,8. approval (n.) 赞成,同意,【常见搭配】 meet with ones approval 得到某人的批准 win/earn ones approval 取得某人的同意 with approval of 经的批准 【派生词】 approve (v) 赞成,同意(vi); 批准,认可.(vt) a

12、pprove of=be in favor of/be for/subscribe to 同意 【实战演练】 Im afraid your parents wont _ of your going there A. approve B. favor C. subscribe D. support,A,Words,15,1. take up 占据(时间,空间); 开始从事;拿起; 继续,【常用搭配】 take down 拆卸, 记下 take for 以为, 误认为 take in 吸收, 接纳,欺骗 take on 呈现,承担,雇佣 take to 喜欢, 沉湎于,开始 take for gr

13、anted 想当然 take as 把当作 take ones time 别着急,有时间 take trouble to do 不辞劳苦去做某事,Phrases,16,【实战演练】,Ill take _ the story where I finished yesterday. A. up B. down C .to D. for These boxes of yours are taking _ too much space. A. for B. up C. off D. down Are you going to _ the challenge of lasting a whole wee

14、k without arguing? A. take in B. take up C. take over D. take off His career really _ after he followed Toms advice. A. took off B. took to C. took in D. took away Children are easily _ for lack of experience. A. taken down B. taken in C. taken up D. taken over,A,B,B,A,B,17,2. give out 用完; 分发,释放; (发

15、动机)停止运转,【常用搭配】 give off 散发出(气味,光线等) give back 送还,恢复 give way to 给让路 give away 赠送,泄露,出卖 give in (to sb) 向投降,让步 give up 放弃 : Finally the spy was forced to give himself up. 最后那个间谍被迫自首了. : Dont give up trying, children. 孩子们不要放弃努力.,Phrases,18,【实战演练】,-So generous is Bill Gates that he has _ all his posses

16、sions to the Charity. -He is such a great man! A. given off B. given away C. given up D. given in He accidentally _ the truth that he cheated in the English exam last week. A. given off B. given in C. given way D. given away,B,D,19,3. hold up 延迟,阻碍;搀扶,支撑;举起,抬起;(试图)抢劫,【常用搭配】 hold back 阻止,扣住,隐瞒 hold o

17、ut 维持,守住,伸出 hold down 保持住; 压低; hold on to 坚持,抓住 hold on 请稍等 hold to 坚持(原则,方向),紧握 catch/get hold of 抓住,得到,Phrases,20,【实战演练】,He was so angry that he couldnt _ from telling them what he thought. A. hold off B. hold on C. hold back D. hold up Luckily, Lucy has recovered and now she can walk without _ an

18、ything. A. holding on B. holding on to C. holding up D. holding back,C,B,21,4. belong to 属于, 是的成员,【拓展联想】 : a sense of belonging 归属感 【用法指南】 : belong to 中to的是介词,后需跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语;另外它不能用于被动语态和进行时。 【实战演练】 -The English exam is not difficult, is it? -_, even Tom _ the top students failed in it. A. Yes, belo

19、ngs B. No, belonged C. Yes, belonging D. No, belonging,Phrases,C,22,5. get + adj. / pp(过去分词) 的用法,get + pp :表示主语处于某种状态或情况, 或表被动。 get dressed/changed 穿衣服/换衣服 get married 结婚 get burnt 烧伤,晒黑 get drunk 喝醉 get started 开始 get mugged 遭劫 get + adj. 表示达到某种状态或情况。 get well/hungry/worried/fat/fit/cold, etc. 变得(身

20、体)好/饥饿/不安/胖/健康/冷,Phrases,23,【实战演练】,Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you wont have time to _ before the party. A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change -Do you know how much a baby sitter _ for an hour? -Well, it depends. A. pays B. gets paid C. being paid D. paid,A,B,24,Revision of Un

21、it 4,25,1. refer (v.) 提到, 涉及;提及;参考,【常用搭配】 refer to 谈及,提到; 指的是; 查阅;参考 in/with reference to 关于 without reference to 不考虑, 置与不顾 have some/no reference to 与有关/无关 【注意事项】 : refer to 短语中的to为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,不要把to 误认为不定式符号而后面跟动词原形。 : What I have to say refers to all of you. 我要说的这一切和你们大家都有关。,Words,26,【实战演练】,

22、Although the teacher did not mention any names, everybody knew who he was_. A. referring to B. turning to C. attending to D. referring The questions _ at yesterdays meeting remained to be discussed. A. referred B. referred to C. referring to D. talked,A,B,27,2. lack (nv.) 缺乏,【常见搭配】 be lacking in 缺少

23、lack for 缺少(多用于否定句) for lack of 因缺少 【实战演练】 : _ in funds, we had to give up this plan. A. lacked B. lack for C. for lack of D. lacking,D,Words,28,3. remind (vt.) 提醒,使想起,【拓展联想】 动词+ sb +of 结构 remind sb of 提醒某人/使某人想起 inform sb of 通知某人 accuse sb of 指责,控告某人 rob sb of 抢某人的 warn sb of 提醒某人要当心/注意 cure sb of

24、治愈某人的疾病 cheat sb of sth骗取某人某物,Words,29,【实战演练】,History is about forgiving not forgetting, if someone forgets history we should _ them. A. repeat B. remember C. remind D. record Hearing that song always _ me _ the time in Beijing last year. A. warn, of B. reminds ,of C. inform, of D. reminding, of,C,B

25、,30,4. face (n.) 面孔,表面; (v.) 面对,【常见搭配】 face the music 承担批评, 接受惩罚 lose face 丢脸 be faced with 面对 face-to-face 面对面的 : You have been caught cheating-now you must face the music. : _ such a difficult problem, he didnt know what to do. (face),Facing,Words,31,5. means (n.)方式,方法; 手段(单复数同形),【常见搭配】 by all mea

26、ns 务必,无论如何;当然可以 by no means 决不 by means of 通过的手段,方法 = in this/that way=with this/that method : Only by this _ can we get the bird flu under control. A. way B. means C. mean D. method,B,Words,32,6. Occupation (n.) 职业,占有; 业余活动;侵占 occupy (vt) 占有,侵占,【常见搭配】 under occupation 被占领 be occupied in doing 忙于做某事

27、 be occupied with sth occupy oneself in doing/with sth 【派生词】 occupational (adj.) 职业的 【学以致用】 : Mary is _ a translation of a French novel. A. engaged on B. busy in C. absorbed to D. occupied with,Words,D,33,7. expense (n.) 花费,代价,【常见搭配】 at the expense of 以为代价 at ones expense 花某人的钱;对某人不利 spare no expens

28、e 不惜代价 【派生词】adj. expensive 昂贵的,费用大的 【学以致用】 One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living expenses. (生活费),Words,钱够用,34,8. honor (vt) 使感到荣耀, 给荣誉 (n.) 荣誉,尊敬,荣耀的事(C.),【常见搭配】 honor sb for 因给予某人荣誉;尊敬某人 be honored to do sth 做某事深感荣幸 in honor of 为纪念; 出于对敬意 Its an honor to do 荣幸

29、的做某事 【学以致用】 This is just our champion, _ the party is held. A. in honor of him B. in favor of him C. in whose honor D. in his honor,Words,C,35,1. set out 提出;制定出;出发; 着手;开始做,【常见搭配】 set out to do/ set about doing 开始做某事 set aside 放在一边,省出; 省出,留出;暂不考虑 set back 受挫折; 倒退 set free 释放 set forward 促进,推动 set off

30、 出发,动身;引爆 set fire to 纵火 set a time 确定时间,Phrases,36,【即境活用】,-Busy as they are, parents should _ at least two hours every week to spend with their children. A. set aside B. set off C. set away D. set out -She _ doing her homework straight after supper. A. set about B. set away C. set aside D. set off,

31、A,A,37,2. think back to 回想,【拓展联想】 think of 考虑;想起,记起;想到 think out 想出, 周密考虑 think over 仔细考虑 think twice 三思 think highly/well of 高度评价 think ofas 把看作 Our English teacher loves us very much and he _ . A. thinks well of B. is thought well C. is well thought of D. is good thought of,C,Phrases,38,3. On beha

32、lf of 代表;为了某人的利益,【用法举例】 : The broker expressed thanks to the fans for their support on behalf of the star. 经纪人代表明星向歌星们对他们的支持表示感谢. : My husband cant be here today, so Im going to speak on behalf of him. 我丈夫今天不能来,所以我要代表他讲话. : She gave a piano recital on behalf of a charity. 她为某慈善机构举行一场钢琴独奏会.,Phrases,3

33、9,4. break down 出毛病;失败;瓦解;中断;(化学)分解,【常见搭配】 break off 暂停,休息;折断;断绝 break away from 逃走,与脱离关系 break in 强行进入;打岔 break into 闯入; 实然起来 break out 发生,爆发 break through 突破;(太阳等)自云间显现 break up 拆散,破坏关系,驱散,垮掉 break with 绝交;舍弃(传统,旧观念),Phrases,40,【实战演练】,Shall we _ our discussion and have some tea or coffee, please?

34、A. break down B. break off C. break into D. break out If your bike _ on the way to the village, can you repair it by yourself? A. breaks down B. breaks off C. breaks in D. breaks up,B,A,41,5. If only 但愿,要是就好了,【用法讲解】 1. if only 表示一种不能实现或难以实现的愿望,后面的谓语动词用虚拟语气. 对过去虚拟: 谓语动词用 had done 对现在虚拟: 谓语动词用 did/wer

35、e 对将来虚拟: 谓语动词用 would/should do 【比较网站】if only 与 only if (1)if only 多用于虚拟语气, only if 用于陈述语气. (2)only if 置于句首时,其后主句要用倒装语序.,Phrases,42,【实战演练】,(1) -Ive decided to spend the summer holidays traveling in Australia. -Oh! _ ! A. If only I could go with you B. What a good news it is C. How happy I was to hear that D. What exciting to hear the news (2)_ both sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace established in this region. A. If only B. Only if C. Unless D. As long as,A,B,主谓倒装,43,Thank you!,


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