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1、四六级讲座,罗婧,写在前面的话,4,6级强人的经验之谈 屡战屡败的原因(裸考、投机) 所以要一鼓作气,复习要点,词汇:不要背 听力:天天听 阅读:天天做 完型:熟考点 翻译:关键词 写作:有模板,词汇,走出词汇的迷局 (词汇书的意义) 记也记不住 记住了但印象不深,碰到更恼火 记住了印象很深,但不会用 今天又从A开始? 从考试真题中累计词汇,词汇,灵活记忆(举一反三),灵活使用 throw cast, fling, heave, hurl, pitch, toss hardly rarely, scarcely, seldom hardly, never, rarely, scarcely,

2、seldom, little, not until, not onlybut also, no sooner than, hardly (scarcely)when 克服前摄抑制和后摄抑制,听力,大学英语课本涵盖了所有听力考查形式 每天听是王道!(whats your name?) 善用dictation,扎实基本功 考试时切忌一心二用,阅读,每天4篇,不想高分都难 时间限制,尤其是快速阅读 快速阅读做题技巧 答案就在文本中!,完形填空,文体主要为描写(述)、议论、说明或论述 考点万变不离其中: 词法(词义、固定搭配等)、句法(省略、虚拟等)、语境(上下文)、常识,完型考点,词义 Miss G

3、reen was _ $100 for driving after drinking. A. fined B. charged C. punished D. posed,句法 Bread and butter _ liked by Westerners. A. is B. are C. were D. be The back garden of our house contains a lawn, _ very cool to sit on in summer. A. which is B. which it is C. where is She put an extra blanket ov

4、er the baby for fear that _. A. he catches cold B. he should catch cold C. he caught cold D. he be catching cold,固定搭配 I cant work _ any interest in this book. A. on B. up C. for D. in Some robbers broke _ his house last night. A. through B. down C. in D. away,常识题 But we run so much that, afterwards,

5、 we had trouble _. A. speaking B. moving C. sleeping D. breathing,写作,写常人之不能写 I think, you think, they think. Dont you think? (believe, regard, consider, count, deem, reckon) In the end / All in all / In a nutshell From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that,写作,质重于量 与其每天一篇,不如每天一遍,直到写出经典 自己的才是真实的、永久的、不朽的,Jump for the sun, at least you will land on the moon.,


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