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1、content,Inventory Control,Receiving & Cost Control,Receiving Procedures收货程序,Receiving Clerk should not accept any goods without duly approved purchase order/contract, purchase requisition, daily market list, weekly grocery list, weekly beverage list, etc. 收货人员不得接收未经批准的采购申请单/合同,每日市场采购单。,In case of fo

2、od items, especially meat and imported goods, the checking of quality is particularly important and should not be left to the Receiving Clerk only. The Executive Chef and chefs should make periodic checks in the receiving bay to ensure that the suppliers are sending products of the correct quality.

3、They should always be called to inspect any delivery of directly imported products. 如果是食品,特别是肉类和进口食品,其品质独特,不能单独让收货人员检查,行政总厨和厨师也须定期检查以确保供应商提供的产品质量符合要求,通常称为直接验收进口产品,有效的PR/ML单,送至收货部收货,货品的核对,检查货品的质量,货品退还供应商,通知采购部已退货,货品验收不合格,货品验收合格,填写完整的收货记录,完成收货汇总表,递交,数量及品名 与PR/ML核对,使用部门确认签字,返供应商及申请部门,将收货记录及部份到货的PR复印件一并

4、递交成本部,Receiving Procedures收货程序,Flow Chart,Pre-Opening Receipt Asset 开业前收到资产,All FF&E items are to be received first by the Receiving Department and in the presence of the users department authorized personnel. 酒店开业用品项目由收货部接收并有使用部门指定人员到场验收.,Check items to be received against Purchase Order or summary

5、 list of asset hand-over and against contracts where relevant 根据采购订单或资产交接表或相关合同检查收货,Ensure that description, quantity and specifications tally with items to be received 确保品种、数量和规格,Reject any items not to your expectations and inform your department or division head concerned and record discrepancies

6、 on “punch out list“ and copy Purchasing if FF&E items and Accountant if owners items 拒绝接收不合格物品并通知部门或相关部门经理,在“不合格清单”上记录,复印给采购部,Receiving & Cost Control,Cost Control 成本控制,检查仓库每日发货记录(不包含食品库) Verification Daily Issuance From Store( Excluding Food Store),审核厨部及酒吧调拨单,输入系统 Verification Kitchen/Bar Transfer

7、s & Post in System,在系统里建立新采购物品存货编码 Update the New Item in System,对新物品分类,加入量度单位和包装大小,市场调查 Market Survey,菜品配料及成本计算 Recipe Submission & Potential Cost Calculation,Receiving & Cost Control,Cost Control 成本控制,更新仓库标准库存量(不包含食品库) Update Store Par Stork (Excluding Food Store),OE盘点与OE损耗报告 OE Inventory Check an

8、d OE Loss & Damage Report,OE期初+期间采购-盘点余额破损+丢失,菜谱定价审核及录入 Verify Accuracy of Menu Prices and input,月底盘点 Month end Stocktaking,Inventory Control,物品分类存放,同一项物品应将先入库物品放在外面,后入库物品里面,方便“先进先出”。,仓库采购单要经过成本部审核,在不断货的前提下最大限度的减少采购量,降低库存。,按“先进先出”原则发货,发放酒水和香烟时应贴上酒店LOGO及部门名称的标贴,发放酒水时,尽量要求员工拿回标贴齐全的空酒瓶,空酒瓶应由仓库和成本部员工一起销

9、毁。,禁止借货,保证库存的准确性,按照仓库管理规定存放货品 Storing Items,打印发货申请单给使用部门发货 Issue with Outlet Issue Request,Store Issue Flow Chart,请参见政策与程序08-03发货程序 Please refer P&P Storeroom Requisition,Inventory Control,紧急发货程序 Emergency Storeroom Issue Procedure,确定库存物品标准库存量,以此为根据下采购单 Confirm Par Stock and Order Request,制作使用缓慢和停滞使

10、用物品报表 Slow Moving&Non-Moving Item Report,每周更新3个月内即将过期物品清单报表 Item Approaching Expiry in 3 Months,不定期盘存,做到帐实相符 Physical Inventory Check ,Compare with system,成本部通知各部门及时使用这些物品,避免过期造成损失;如果不使用的物品申请报损。,Par Stock应该根据酒店淡旺季定期更新,销售不佳的物品应该从仓库去除。,Inventory Control,仓库存货控制 Store Inventory Control,Consignment Manag

11、ement,Receiving Record (Just only for Qty) 收货记录(只记录数量),Do not deliver to user dept. without Receiving Record 没有做收货记录的物品不能直接发到使用部门,Costing must print the sales record of consignment after month end stocktaking 成本部在收银系统中打印相对应的销售报表与盘点表核对,User dept. must make an inventory of consignment by the month end with Costing 在月末使用部门应配合成本部进行盘点,A/P will prepare consignment payment according sales record and stocktaking list 应付款根据打印出的月销售报表与盘点表支付货款,Grand metro park,常州环球恐龙城维景国际大酒店有限公司,计财部P&P,SOP学习,


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