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1、,Chapter4,Chapter 4 This chapter is about the famous book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by Mark Twain,Chapter4,Reading-四部分,Listening and Speaking,Writing-(write a story about a person),Language-二部分(who, that, which) adjective clauses,More practice,skimming,overviewing,reading,practisin

2、g,Teaching Plan,(4 periods),( 1 period),(2 periods),(1 period),(2 periods),Which of these things did people have in America at that time,Mark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1835-1910) American writer, journalist and humorist,Have you heard of this book?,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is

3、 about a boy who is always in trouble. Growing up along the Mississippi River in the 1800s, Tom and his best friend Huck play hooky, pull pranks, and even run away to become pirates. Tom Sawyer is one of the best stories ever about friendship.,Who wrote this book?,beg,dip,vocabulary,a dip pen,beggar

4、,depressed: encourage: gain: ignored:,very unhappy; gloomy,persuade; lead someone to do sth. in a friendly way,get; have,did not look at or talk to someone,I waved to Mary this morning but she just ignored me,and did not wave back at me.,make fun of: laugh at someone in a nasty way; tease He thought

5、 his friends would make fun of his new hair style.,properly:in the right way;well;appropriately Wash those dishes properly,and make sure that they are completely clean.,and so on and things continued in the same way; etc. First, Grade 7 walk out of the school hall, then Grade 8, then Grade 9, and so

6、 on.,section:part of sth A section of each chapter includes a task.,while:a short period of time Please take a seat.The doctor will see you in a while.,Answer questions,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.,Mark Twain.,This story comes from a book. What is the name of the book?,What is the name of the autho

7、r?,Thirty yards long and three yards high.,One.,Polly.,How long and high was the fence?,How many apples did Tom get that day?,What was the name of his aunt?,Answer questions,Answer questions,How many boys did the passage?,Did Tom like this job?,What did Tom get from Miller?,Did Ben give tom all of t

8、he apple ?,Four,No.,Twelve marbles ,and so on,Yes.,Tom Sawyer feels sad, because he has to paint the fence. And can you guess if he painted the fence at last?,What was Ben going to do at first? What did he do at last?,Why did Ben prefer to help Tom paint the fence?,Answer questions,How did Tom Sawye

9、r and Ben Rogers feeling change?,felt sad,painted carefully,with worry on his face but joy in his heart,stood before the fence thought of the games he planned for the boys would make fun of him,went on painting ignored Ben enjoyed himself,gave Ben his brush sat down under the tree started to eat Ben

10、s apple,happy (would go swimming),more and more interested,want to paint the fence,came along, singing happily and carrying an apple looked at Tom, thought about was watching,begged gave Tom his apple,Finish C1 C2 D1 and D2,Dealing with expressions,1. Every boy in town was happy, except Tom Sawyer.

11、except表示“除了”; Everyone is here except Tom. 除了Tom每个人都来了。 而besides表示“除了还有”; Besides Tom, Peter also didnt come. 除了Tom没来,Peter也没来 Except for表示“除了”它是整体与局部的区别Your competition is wonderful except for some spelling mistakes. except for强调的是整体和局部的差别。,Besides: 除了以外,(还有)= in addition(to) Besides your letter, I

12、 got 5 more from others. 除了你的,我还收到其他人发的五封信。 Except:除了以外,(没有) I will play basketball with anybody except you. 除了你以外,我跟谁打球都行。(要打篮球,除了你以外,我再没人需要排除的了。) Except for:除了以外,跟except的区别在于except for后面跟的词与前面提到的不是同一类别或不是同一范畴。 The street is clear except for some cars parking alongside. except for + 名词 完全可以用except

13、that + 从句来 代替,如:The street is clear except that there are some cars parking alongside.,拓展,pick up a. 拾起 The boy picked up the hat for the old man. 男孩替老人拾起了帽子。 b. 收拾 You should pick up the tools after work. 工作结束后应该把工具收拾好。 c. 学到;获得 He was picking up the skills quickly. 他正在很快地掌握技术。,2 .He picked up his

14、brush and went back to work.,go on doing 继续做同一件事= continue;keep doing sth After resting for a few minutes, he went on doing his homework. go on to do sth 放下手头的事去做另外一件事 After he finished his homework, he went on to learn English. go on with+(名或代词)= go on doing After a short break he went on with his

15、story= After a short break he went on telling his story,3.Tom went on painting.,4.Soon the boys who were free would come along and make fun of him. 很快,有空的孩子会过来,而且会取笑他。,make fun of =laugh at , make jokes about( 嘲笑;拿开玩笑) Dont make fun of that poor boy,拓展,play a trick on sb (开玩笑),5.Soon the boys who we

16、re free would come along and make fun of him.很快,有空的孩子会过来,而且会取笑他。 m,Come along,1.When the right opportunity comes along, she will take it.(出现;到达) 2.How is your English study coming along ?(进展;进步) 3.He came along with us.(跟随;跟着来) 4.Come along, we are late already.(赶快;加把劲),拓展 come into , come from, com

17、e across , come back, come to the end, come out , come up with , come true, come on ,come back to life , come up, come to life,a. end up doing sth表示“最后在干什么”。 The money ended up enriching the 15 local criminal organizations. 这笔钱最后肥了当地的15个犯罪集团。 b. end up后面跟名词, 意思是“最后到达什么状态,情况, 地方等”。 需要注意的是跟名词时后面要接一个介词

18、,用什么介词要根据后面的名词而定。,4. All day , boys came to make fun, but they ended up staying to paint.,Most of the trash that Americans generate ends up in landfills. 美国人产生的垃圾最后都送到垃圾填埋场。 The romance ends up in the fifth place. 这部爱情故事片最后获得第五名。 If you keep pressing this button, you will end up with a blank screen.

19、 如果你一直按这个键,最后就会出现一个空白屏幕。,拓展,step up, kick up, drink up, give up, turn up, show up, set up, look up, jump up ,SHUT UP, eat up,stay up, get up ,wake up ,stand up ,make up, break up, HANDS UP! wind up, use up, hang up (the phone), grow up, light up pick up,offer sb. sth. 提供给某人某东西 He offered me a new ba

20、g. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 He offered to help me.,5. Miller offered him twelve marbles, and so on.,拓展,supply sb with sth=provide supply sth for sb=provide afford (常与can,could,be able to连用)买得起;有足够的.(去做.)+to-v,Sometimes(有时) Some time(一段时间,若干时间) Sometime(用来指不确定的时间,意为某时) Some times(几次),Sometimes I help

21、 my mother in the house. I met him once, but that was some time ago. He will be back sometime next week.,Half of (的一半) Half of the children have been to the Great Wall,Half of it was damaged. Half of us have read the book. Half of the apple is bad.,one and a half +(复数名词) half an hour,拓展,Other useful

22、 expressions,1.brush with a long handle 2.have a rest 3.think of / think about 4.enjoy oneself = play happily =have a good time 5.a bit more 6.get more and more interested 7.after a while 8.want to be done it properly 9.three coats of paint 10.by late afternoon 11.all sorts of,12.encourageto do,13.a

23、 book called,14. stood within his hands,15. feel depressed 16. long andhigh 17.plan for 18.just then 19. watch Toms every move 20. do some painting 21 for a chance to paint 22. let me try 23 get a chance.,sentence,1.He looked at the fence that his aunt had told him to paint and felt very depressed,t

24、hat 在本句中引导限制性定语丛句,修饰 the fence, 意为“的 ” ,通常放在被修饰的名词后面。,Did you see the letter that came today?,that 也可以修饰“人”名词。 He is the person that I trust completely,拓展,(1)如果先行词是all, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, none等不定代词,关系代词一般只用that,不用which,Thats all (that) I could do at that time.,(2) 如果先行

25、词被形容次最高级以及first, last ,any, only,few,much,no,some,very等词修饰时,关系代词一般只用that.,sentence,2. Ben Rogers came along the road, singing happily and carrying an apple. 该句中的singing happily and carrying an apple.是V-ing短语用伴随于、状语,表示一个同事发生的次要的动作,这时常用一个逗号把他和句子的主要部分分开。,Wang Daming sits on the side of the river cookin

26、g a meal, with a large bird on his head.,Test,笔试部分(100分) I.词汇(10分) A) 选择并抄写单词。 21. He _ (added; dipped) into the glass and had a taste. 22. Tom made every _ (move; action) with difficulty because of his injury on his leg. 23. There are several trees in our _ (yard; subway). 24. Its so rude of you to

27、 laugh _ (to; at) the disabled. 25. There is a _(mark; joy) under the sentence to show he is not clear.,B) 根据句意用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 26. The _ houses look more colorful. (paint) 27. The little girl acted _ and made her mother very pleased. (proper) 28. You shouldnt make _ of others like that. (funny) 29.

28、 The little boy is really _ and his parents have to pay more attention to him. (worry),30. There are some _ in the street asking for money. (beg),II.单项选择(15分) ( )31. He built a wooden house at the foot of the hill for those people to _. A. come along B. come up C. have a walk D. have a rest ( )32. M

29、any students study very hard, such as Tom, Lucy, John _. A. and so on B. as well C. in the same time D. after all ( )33. He often offers _ others. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped ( )34. The girl was _ when she received a present from her uncle. A. depressed B. pleased C. interesting D. Worri

30、ed ( )35 While I was reading a storybook, my mum _ all the cleaning. A. finished B. finishes C. would finish D. has finished ( )36. The students stopped _ the text and went on _ the exercises in their textbooks. A. reading; doing B. to read; to do C. reading; to do D. to read; doing,( )37. Let me he

31、lp you paint the fence. _. I can make it myself. A. No, thanks B. No problem C. Im afraid not D. Never mind ( )38. His suggestion was _ by everyone so he had to think about another one. A. praised B. ignored C. denied D. accepted ( )39. Winter is coming. The weather is becoming _. A. warmer and warm

32、er B. more and more C. better and better D. colder and colder ( )40. They came to the village _ I once lived. A. that B. in which C. which D. in that,( )41. Ben asked _. A. if Tom will let him do some painting B. would Tom let him do some painting C. will Tom let him do some painting D. if Tom would

33、 let him do some painting ( )42. What a clever boy! He did the calculation _ again. A. wrong B. right C. properly D. deeply ( )43. Dont stay up _. Its bad for your health. A. all day B. after all C. all night D. at all ( )44. He has _ for almost sixty years. A. got married B. been married C. been marrying D. got marrying,Have you ever tried to avoid doing some housework by tricking someone into doing the work for you?,Do you like Tom Sawyer? Why or why not? Have you ever read any story written by Mark Twain? Introduce it.,


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