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1、2018-2019学年下学期高一期中考试卷英 语 注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。用2B铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型B后的方框涂黑。2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。3.非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每

2、小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A My mother died in August 2005. Eight months later, I began to come out of the fog of sadness and depression to find a new purpose for my life. Like many of my generation, I had lived only for myselftraveling, acquiring possessions, rising to

3、 a position of importance and seeking financial rewards. I was “charitable” and “volunteered” for various causes, but really didnt give of myself. In the spring after my moms death, I found myself waking in the middle of the night with one thought. I felt forced to offer myself as a living kidney do

4、nor. My husband Rob had received the gift of life through a kidney transplant(移植) from a dead donor in 1999, so I was familiar with the enormous need for donors and knew several people who were waiting for a lifesaving transplant. I decided to offer myself to be matched with the most compatible(互不排斥

5、的) person on the waiting list at my local transplant center. I was paired with 71-year-old Dee from New Jersey who had survived for six years on peritoneal dialysis(腹腔透析). At her 70th birthday, her family threw a big party as they did not expect her to live much longer. Dee has become my very good f

6、riend. Almost two years after the transplant, I was privileged to celebrate her 50th wedding anniversary with her husband, their five children and their extended family. In donating my kidney, I extended myself in a way far beyond what I ever believed was possible. I did so in honor of my mother who

7、 sacrificed so much for me and my sisters, and in memory of my husbands donor who extended her 1ife through him. I encourage all who enjoy the gift of good health to share with others, either as a living donor or by appointing organ donation upon death. By extending yourself through organ donation,

8、you will live on through others in an extraordinary way and give comfort to your loved ones. 21. What does the underlined phrase “give of” mean? A. Relieve.B. DevoteC. AppreciateD. Forgive 22. What can we infer from Paragraph 4? A. Dee was the authors old friend. B. The author attended Dees birthday

9、 party. C. Dee treated the author as a family member. D. The authors donation made Dee live six years longer. 23. What would be the best title for this text? A. An old lady benefited from organ donation B. The memory of my beloved mother C. The deep meaning of love D. Extend yourselfB With the devel

10、opment of our society, cell phones have become a common part in our lives. Have you ever run into a careless cell phone user on the street? Maybe they were busy talking, texting or checking updates on We Chat without looking at what was going on around them. As the number of this new “species” of hu

11、man has kept rising, they have been given a new namephubbers(低头族). Recently, a cartoon created by students from China Central Academy of Fine Arts put this group of people under the spotlight. In the short film, phubbers with various social identities(身份) bury themselves in their phones. A doctor pl

12、ays with his cell phone while letting his patient die, a pretty woman takes a selfie(自拍) in front of a car accident site, and a father loses his child without knowing about it while using his mobile phone. A chain of similar events finally leads to the destruction of the world. Although the ending o

13、f the film sounds unrealistic, the damage phubbing can bring is real. Your health is the first to bear the effect and result of it. “Always bending your head to check your cell phone could damage your neck,” Guangming Daily quoted doctors words. “The neck is like a rope that breaks after long-term s

14、tretching.” Also, staring at cell phones for a long time will damage your eyesight gradually, according to the report. But thats not all. Being a phubber could also damage your social skills and drive you away from your friends and family. When getting together with family or friends, many people pr

15、efer to play their cell phones while others are chatting happily with each other and this creates a strange atmosphere, Qilu Evening News reported. It can also cost your life. There have been lots of reports on phubbers who fell to their death, suffered accidents, and were robbed of their cell phone

16、s in broad daylight. 24. Why does the author give the example of a cartoon in Paragraph 2? A. To suggest phubbers will destroy the world. B. To call for people to go walking without phones. C. To tell people of the bad effects of phubbing. D. To advise students to create more cartoons like this. 25.

17、 According to the passage, what risks may a phubber have? Destructing the world. Affecting his social skills. Damaging his neck and eyesight. Getting separated from his friends and family. A. B. C. D. 26. Whats the authors attitude towards phubbing? A. Supportive.B. Confident.C. Disapproving.D. Opti

18、mistic. 27. What will be talked about in the following paragraph? A. Ways to avoid the risks of phubbing.B. Bad effects of pudding. C. Daily life of phubbers.D. Methods of phubbing.C Australia is a developed country and the future of its solar industry is looking bright after a record 3.5m panels(嵌板

19、) were installed on rooftops last year, giving the equal output of a medium-sized coal-fired power station. The record 1,057 MW of capacity(生产能力) in small-scale systems installed across the country broke the previous record set in 2012, figures from the Clean Energy Regulator showed on Tuesday. Aust

20、ralias solar power prosperity could almost double capacity in a year. The data also revealed that the average system size has also doubled since then from three to six kilowatts as average prices continued to fall. A fully installed 5KW system costs an average of $5,930 in Australia, according to th

21、e energy broker Solarchoice. net. au. Its records show that the price has roughly halved in many capital cities since 2012. The regulators executive general manager, Mark Williamson, said there was increasing interest in renewals as a way to take control of electricity bills. But more importantly, h

22、e said it was also good news for reducing carbon emissions. “We are seeing a wide cross-section of Australians-households, community centers, schools, and small businesses-receiving rewards under the small-scale renewable energy scheme,” Williamson said. “Our data shows consumers are embracing renew

23、able energy to take control of their electricity bills.” In 2017, there was a 41% increase in installing renewable energy capacity across all states and territories compared to 2016. Queensland led the way with installed capacity at 295MW, with the Australian Capital Territory taking top place for t

24、he biggest annual increase by 57%. “The data collected by the Clean Energy Regulator in 2017 reflects the industry is going from strength to strength. It looks like 2018 will be another big year for the solar industry.” The total of installed capacity for last year is expected to rise to 1,070MW whe

25、n all the data is collected. A large coal-fired power station such as Loyd Yang A in Victorias Latrobe Valley has a capacity of 2,200MW. 28. What do we know about the Australias solar industry from the first paragraph? A. Its still risky.B. Its promising. C. Its unpredictable.D. Its within expectati

26、on. 29. Whats the reason for the Australias solar industrys development? A. The entire decrease of the carbon emissions. B. The autonomous control of the electricity bills. C. The doubt about the capacity of coal-fired power station. D. The continuous fall of the average price of installing a solar

27、energy system. 30. What does the underlined phrase “from strength to strength” in Paragraph 5 suggest? A. Australias solar industry is being accepted. B. Australias solar industry is developing rapidly. C. Australias solar industry is more practical than before. D. Australias solar industry is more

28、advanced than other countries. 31. What is the biggest feature of the renewable energy according to Mark Williamson? A. Reducing pollution.B. Providing enough energy. C. Lowering electricity bills.D. Simplifying installed equipment.D Wolves are important animals in the traditions and stories of most

29、 Native American tribes. To Native Americans, wolves often represent bravery. The animals also are signs of strength, loyalty, and success at hunting. Other culturessuch as the ancient Celtic and Nordic peoplesalso placed high value on wolves. However, from the wolves in horror films to the wolves i

30、n childrens stories, wolves get a bum rap(不公正的惩罚) in both literature and English expressions. To begin with, there is the term lone wolf. The lone wolf isnt a bad person. But they like to do things on their own. However, the term can mean something less than desirable. Lone wolf makes you think the

31、person doesnt want to be around people because he or she dislikes them. Now, lets move on to the home. Parents might criticize their children for wolfing down their food. In other words, the child eats very quickly and without care. And if someone says a child was raised by wolves, that child has ba

32、d manners and is behaving like a wild animal. A wolf at the door means someone to whom you owe money is waiting just outside your door. By the way, there are two popular wolf-related expressions that come from Aesop, the ancient Greek storyteller. The first is a wolf in sheeps clothing. A wolf in sh

33、eeps clothing describes someone who acts and looks nice on the outside but is bad on the inside. Aesops other wolf fable also involves a shepherd, but not a hardworking one. He is known as the boy who cried wolf. People who cry wolf are not trusted. People are so familiar with this story, you simply

34、 have to say cry wolf for them to know what you mean. 32. According to the passage, which group of people may think wolves are bad animals? A. The ancient Nordic people.B. The ancient Celtic people. C. Native Americans.D. The English people. 33. Which of the following can describe a person who often

35、 acts alone? A. A wild wolf.B. A lone wolf. C. A wolf at the door. D. A wolf in sheeps clothing. 34. What may you probably mean by saying someone cries wolf? A. The person is selfish. B. The person is a liar. C. The person is stubborn. D. The person is a troublemaker. 35. What is the passage mainly

36、about? A. Stories about wolves.B. The research on wolves. C. Expressions about wolves.D. The cultural differences about wolves.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。How to prepare for exams? Here are some tips you can read with your child. The first step in preparing for exa

37、minations is to set a fixed time each day to study and a schedule to say when to start the revision and for which subject. The plan should include how many chapters to revise and how many worksheets(活页练习题) to work on. 36 Parents who do not know the examination schedule can search “exam timetable” to

38、 see the official examination schedule. 37 The second thing is to decide on the place to study. Some need total silence in a library before they can concentrate while others like to have some background music like in the cafeteria. 38 So there is no need to tell your child to change the study place

39、if he is producing the desired results. 39 For lessons, pupils must participate in lessons and discussions actively. For exercise, work on the simple ones in the textbook. For theory, pupils can use the mind map method to summarize the facts. At last, be smart. Focus on chapters that are the core of

40、 the subject or difficult chapters. 40 A. Next the most effective way to revise is to use an active approach. B. Making good preparations counts. C. The mind map can help you a lot in your revision work. D. Your child has to be self-disciplined (自律的) to follow the plan. E. It is not necessary to rea

41、d from the first to the last page. F. The best time to start revision is one or two months before the examination. G. Both are alright as long as your child is comfortable with it.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I recentl

42、y started a new job, in a small office, where four of us 41 a fridge. In that fridge is a Brita water filter pitcher(过滤水壶). One of my 42 complained(抱怨) the water tasted “ 43 ”. It went on for a few days, and she was 44 that I could drink the water without any trouble. I started to 45 my taste buds(味

43、蕾), but the water really 46 fine. Finally, she 47 the problem was actually her 48 . She simply forgot to 49 it, which after a while started to 50 the water inside it. She cleaned her cup, and drank the water with no problem. I cant help but look at this, and think about the 51 we live in. Too often

44、we 52 blame other people, other things, anything else 53 ourselves. “Its your fault”. “Youre intolerant(偏执)”. “Youre to 54 ”. “Youre the problem.” The world isnt 55 , I know, but I think we should take a step back sometimes and ask 56 some tough questions. Can I be better? Is my 57 really pure? Can

45、I help improve this 58 with kindness? I want to tell you this: please clean your cup. Because when you do, the 59 will taste much better. I 60 you this. 41. A. shareB. makeC. inventD. find 42. A. classmates B. friends C. teachers D. coworkers 43. A. good B. dirty C. sweet D. fine 44. A. pleased B. u

46、pset C. surprised D. sad 45. A. believe B. concern C. judge D. doubt 46. A. looked B. felt C. tasted D. smelt 47. A. found out B. worked out C. turned out D. carried out 48. A. cup B. fridge C. buds D. pitcher 49. A. dry B. hide C. place D. clean 50. A. drink B. use C. affect D. purify 51. A. house B. office C. world D. environment 52. A. slowly B. quickly C. finally D. gradually 53. A. and B. but C. or D. besides 54. A. finish B. begin C. believe D. blame 55. A. perfect B. big C. good D. bad 56. A. coworkersB. parentsC. roommatesD. ourselves 57. A. cup B. heart C. hand D. office


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