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1、海生藻类时代 蕨类时代:远在三亿年前,多为高大乔木群。后灭绝,现多为草本。 裸子植物出现在三亿年前,随地史气候多次重大变化而演替变更,繁衍至今,现存的银杏,油松,铁杉,银杉,金钱松,水杉,水松等都是第三纪的孑遗植物。 被子植物最早出现在一亿年前即中生代侏罗纪,到现在仍是最优势的植物类群,也就是说在一亿年前有真正的花,典型的花。 Land plants have existed for about 425 million years. Early seed bearing plants, like the ginkgo, and conifers (such as pines and firs)

2、, did not produce flowers.辽西地区的“世界最早的花”辽宁古果,古果科 there is only hard evidence of such flowers existing about 130 million years ago,被子植物门Angiosperm,The flowering plants or angiosperms are the most widespread group of land plants . The flowers of flowering plants are the most remarkable feature distingu

3、ishing them from other seed plants. Closed carpel enclosing the ovules (carpel or carpels and accessory parts may become the fruit) 弗吉尼亚木兰 (Magnolia virginiana, 一种开芳香白花的木兰).,被子植物门,特点: 1 被子植物具有典型的花,胚珠包藏于由心皮密封而成的子房中,而不裸露,即包被起来。 2 叶片都宽大,网状脉或平行脉,被子植物门也称阔叶树。分两类:一类是阔叶树分布在热带亚热带,另一类落叶阔叶树,分布温带。 3 被子植物胚中子叶(co

4、tyledon)1或2,根据子叶数目不同分两个纲:单子叶植物纲(monocotyledon)和双子叶植物纲地(dicotyledon)。,分类,The number of species of flowering plants is estimated to be in the range of 250,000 to 400,000. The diversity of flowering plants is not evenly distributed. Nearly all species belong to the dicot (75%), monocot (23%) and magnol

5、iid (2%) clades. 全世界的被子植物种类有25万种;中国约产2.5万种;其中木本植物8000余种,被子植物分双子叶植物纲和单子叶植物纲。这本书采用恩格勒系统。,双子叶植物纲,Dicotyledons, or “dicots“, is a name for a group of Folwering plants whose seed typically has two embryonic leaves or cotyledons. Flower: The flower parts in dicots are multiples of four or five Stem: The s

6、tem vascular bundles in dicots are in a ring Roots: Taproot system Leaves: In dicots , the major leaf veins are reticulated,双子叶植物纲,多为直根系,网状叶脉,花的各部4-5基数,胚常具2枚子叶,双子叶植物的种类约占被子植物的3/4,其中约有一半的种类是木本植物。 根据花瓣的联合与否,将双子叶植物纲分为离瓣花亚纲和合瓣花亚纲 离瓣花亚纲 离瓣花亚纲又称古生花被亚纲,是较原始的被子植物。花无被、单被或复被。而以花瓣分离为主要特征。,杨柳科Salicaceae,The Sal

7、icaceae contained three genera (Salix, Populus and Chosenia) They are all woody (shrubs or trees) Most species of the family are dioecious. Catkins and capsular fruit Seeds emerging from capsules of the Salicaceae are comose (多毛的)-cottonwood,杨柳科,(1)叶乔木或灌木。(2)单叶互生。 (3)花单性异株,成柔荑花序无花被,单生于苞腋,雄蕊2多数,子房上位;

8、(4)蒴果24裂,种子细小,基部有白色丝状长毛。 共3属,540种,产于温带、亚热带;中国3属,226种,遍及全国,本科植物很容易种间杂交,故分类较为困难。 钻天柳属1种,分布东北,雌花直或斜伸,雄花下垂。,杨属Populus,Populus species are medium-sized to large or very large deciduous trees.The bark on young trees is smooth, white to greenish or dark grey, often with conspicuous lenticels (皮孔); on old i

9、t remains smooth in some species, but becomes rough and deeply fissured(深裂) in others. The shoots are stout alternate leaves with a long petiole (叶柄) . Leaf size is very variable even on a single tree, typically with small leaves on side shoots, and very large leaves on strong-growing lead shoots. T

10、he leaves often turn bright gold to yellow before they fall during autumn. The flowers are mostly dioecious (rarely monoecious) and appear in early spring before the leaves. They are borne in long, drooping, sessile or pedunculate (有花梗) catkins Populus is a genus of between 2535 species of flowering

11、 plants in the family Salicaceae, native to most of the Northern Hemisphere,杨属Populus,形态特征 落叶乔木,枝叶粗壮,髓心五角状,顶芽发达。稀有顶芽(胡杨派),芽鳞多数。 树形:峭立 新疆杨(圆柱形) 剑杆杨,钻天杨 卵形 加杨、青杨、 毛白杨、北京杨、 圆形 河北杨 、银白杨、山杨 树皮 青灰色光滑 有青杨、毛白杨、银白杨、新疆杨、北京杨等 单叶互生,有托叶, 叶形较宽,叶柄长。 叶形 三角形 钻天杨、加杨 圆形、卵形 山杨、河北杨、银白杨、新疆杨 花单性 雌雄异株(个别同株)柔荑花序下垂 、风媒花粉、苞片多

12、具不规则缺刻、花具有杯状花盘 蒴果,园林中一般不种雌株,主要考虑种子上白毛到处飞、污染。 杨属分五派(五族、五组),白杨派sect.leuce,幼枝、东芽叶下面被白毛,叶柄通常上边扁平,下边圆形,叶卵圆形、宽扁形。 毛白杨 Poupulus tomentosa、 叶无裂片,锯齿钝,幼叶白绒毛,老叶背面渐脱落。 应用:毛白杨树干灰白、端直、树行高大广阔,很具雄伟气概。深绿色的叶片在微风中吹拂时能发出欢乐的响声给人一豪爽之感。在园林绿地中很适宜做行道树及庭阴树。在广场,干道两侧规则列植,则气势严整壮观。天安门前有毛白杨,很庄严;西安主要三大行道树之一(毛白杨、悬铃木、国槐),工厂绿化。,毛白杨,银

13、白杨 P. alba 古老种,杂交时常做母本,原始材料。 叶片具裂片,3-5裂,老叶背面仍有白毛,树皮灰白,基部粗糙,树冠宽阔,毛干不直。 应用:叶子正反两种颜色,在微风中有特殊的闪烁效果。在园林中可做庭荫树、行道树,孤枝或片枝。圆明园有一片银白杨效果特别好。,新疆杨 P. alba cv. pyramidalis 树冠窄,塔行,树枝弯,树皮灰绿、光滑, 叶柄稍扁,优美的风景树、行道树 “四旁”绿化树种。,青杨派Sect. Tracamachacae,叶背面苍白色,叶柄圆柱形,叶卵形,基部圆形或楔形. 青杨 Populus cathyana 小枝园桶形,幼叶有棱,叶卵形,芽有粘胶. 应用:青杨

14、展叶最早,新叶嫩绿光亮,给人以春光早临的感觉.树干高,皮青,可做行道树,庭荫树等.,青杨,黑杨派Sect. Aigeirvs,叶呈三角状卵形,叶柄扁平, 叶基部截形. 加杨 Populus Canadensis 树冠宽大,树皮灰褐色,粗糙、纵裂,叶大,叶缘具睫毛,叶基有时具1-2腺体。 应用:秋色叶黄,作行道树,庭荫树,工矿区绿化,“四旁”绿化。,帚状黑杨,胡杨派Sect. Turanga,叶行多变,叶两面灰兰色,花盘脱落,枝条无顶芽,一枝多种叶形,树干弯曲。 胡杨 P. divetsifolia 新疆栽培 盐碱地区,风沙地区多种。,大叶杨派Sect.,叶大,叶基部心形,叶柄上部扁平,下部圆形

15、,花盘边缘深裂。 大叶杨,椅杨很少见, 园林中无应用。 Populus lasiocarpa 大叶杨,分布 杨属多数分布华北,华山地区乡土树种。 响叶杨,小叶杨,加杨可分布到长江,滇杨分布 到永贵高原,1100-3200m 生态习性 杨属 阳性树种,喜光喜冷凉,怕高温多雨。青杨稍 耐阴些,银白杨可耐-40。C低温,对水肥非常灵 敏,土壤条件很好,生长很快,一般不耐水湿,不 耐盐碱,但加杨耐水湿、暂时积水。胡杨在沙漠中 可生长,耐盐碱。 杨属对城市环境抗性较强,杨属都为快长树,寿命 短,毛白杨寿命为杨属中最长的,可达200年以 上。青杨发芽早。,繁殖 很多种都是无性繁殖,扦插法、留根法。 园林应

16、用 杨属是总状分枝,树形高大、挺直、适应性 强,适合城市环境,常做行道树,但有时与 电线有矛盾,长春用得多,电线地下埋没, 生长快,也常做“四旁”绿化。,柳属 Salix,Willows, sallows and osiers form the genus Salix, around 400 species of deciduous trees and shrubs, found primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Most species are known as

17、 willow, but some narrow-leaved shrub species are called osier, and some broader-leaved species are called sallow, Some willows(particularly arctic and alpine species), are low-growing or creeping shrubs (Salix herbacea) rarely exceeds 6 cm in height Willows are very cross-fertile and numerous hybri

18、ds occur, both naturally and in cultivation.,Willows are dioecious with male and female flowers appearing as catkins on different plants; the catkins are produced early in the spring, often before the leaves, or as the new leaves open roots readily grow from aerial parts of the plant. The leaves are

19、 typically elongated but may also be round to oval, frequently with a serrated margin. The flowers are without either calyx(花萼) or corolla(花冠) The fruit is a small, one-celled, two-valved, cylindrical beaked capsule containing numerous tiny (0.1 mm) seeds. The seeds are furnished with long, silky, w

20、hite hairs, which allow the fruit to be widely dispersed by the wind.,柳属 Salix,形态特征 落叶乔木、灌木; 小枝细,髓近圆形,无顶芽,芽鳞1枚 叶互生,叶狭长,叶柄短。 花序直立,虫媒花,苞片全缘,花盘 无杯状花盘,有腺体。 蒴果,2瓣裂;种子细小,基部围有白 色长毛。,分布,世界约500种,主产北半球温带寒温带;中国约产200种,遍及全国各地,一些种是城市绿化主要树种。 园林常见种为旱柳,垂柳。 旱柳分布东北,华北,西北及长江流域,北方平原地区最常见的乡土树种之一;垂柳分布长江流域及其以南。,旱柳 Salix ma

21、tsutlana,大枝直立或斜展,小枝下垂,黄绿色,叶长5-10cm,叶柄短,2-4mm;子房背腹面各具1腺体。苞片卵形,有毛。旱柳的栽培变种: 馒头柳cv. Umbraculifera 分枝密,端梢整齐,形成半圆形树冠,状如馒头,天安门东侧,革命历史博物馆前种,观赏价值比原种高。四月份柳絮到处飞扬。 绦柳cv. Pendula 枝条细长下垂,华北园林习见栽培,常被误认为是垂柳。小枝黄色,叶无毛,叶柄5-8mm。 龙须柳cv. Tortuosa 枝条扭曲向上,各地常栽培观赏,生长势较弱,树体小,易衰老,寿命短。,垂柳,馒头柳,银芽柳,垂柳 Salix babylonnnica,枝条细长下垂,黄

22、褐色,叶长8-16cm,叶柄 0.5-1.5cm。子房只有一边,有一个腺体,苞 片披针形,无毛。,柳树姿态优美潇洒,迎风探水,临池种 之,以桃为侣,形成桃红柳绿的效果, 苏堤春晓 柳,颐和园的知春亭-柳,柳春天发芽早,早报春光,若种豆科,黄檀就达不到早春的效果,黄檀有不知春的雅号。 精密仪器厂不种植柳;柳絮飞扬,飘扬时间又长,幼儿园一般也不种。 白杨潇潇示惆怅伤感,这是过去,现在表示对白杨的赞美,感觉完全不同 杨柳翼翼士思慕,依依不舍,分别时常有赠柳枝,意为留下 房前不栽桑,房后不植柳。,钻天柳,山毛榉科(壳斗科)Fagaceae,The family Fagaceae, or beech f

23、amily, comprises about 900 species of both evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs, which are characterized by alternate simple leaves with pinnate venation, unisexual flowers in the form of catkins, and fruit in the form of cup-like (cupule)(壳斗) nuts. Fagaceous leaves are often lobed and both peti

24、oles(叶柄) and stipules(托叶) are generally present. Fruits lack endosperm(胚乳) and lie in a scaly or spiny husk壳 that may or may not enclose the entire nut, which may consist of one to three seeds. The best-known group of this family is the oaks, genus Quercus, the fruit of which is a non-valved nut (us

25、ually containing one seed) called an acorn(橡树果). The husk of the acorn in most oaks only forms a cup in which the nut sits.,山毛榉科(壳斗科)Fagaceae,这个科的树木都是构成森林的主要树种像栎林松栎混交林,大量提供木材的树种。这个科的树种分布在南方的为常绿树种,北方的种为落叶的。木耳栎类上长。栓皮栎的树皮可做绝缘、隔音、隔热,瓶塞等原料,很有经济价值。,形态特征 (1)乔木稀灌木,落叶或常 (2)单叶互生,侧脉羽状; (3)花单性同株,雄花柔荑花序,雌花1-3朵生于

26、总苞中; (4)总苞在果熟时木质化,并形成盘状、杯状或球状之“壳斗”,外有刺或鳞片,每壳斗中有1-3坚果。,栗属Castanea,落叶乔木,雄花序为直 立,或斜伸的柔荑花 序,总苞球状,密被分 枝长刺,内含13坚 果。1种,分布北温 带,中国3种。果实富 含淀粉和糖类。可食 用。,板栗 Castanea mollissima,总苞较大68cm,叶柄长1.22.0cm,叶背灰白色柔毛,雌花常生于雄花基部。 果为有名的干果,以果树栽培,叶大,姿态好,可作庭荫树,中国特色树种,园林结合生产的良好树种。 适应性强,生产稳定,华北地区的群众把板栗叫作“铁杆压稼。,栎属Quercus,The genus

27、is native to the northern hemisphere, and includes deciduous and evergreen species extending from cold latitudes to tropical Asia and the Americas. Oaks have alternate leaves, with a lobed margin in many species; some have serrated leaves or entire leaves with a smooth margin. The flowers are catkin

28、s, produced in spring. The fruit is a nut called an acorn, borne in a cup-like structure known as a cupule; each acorn contains one seed (rarely two or three) and takes 6-18 months to mature, depending on species. The “live oaks“ (oaks with evergreen leaves) are not a distinct group, instead with th

29、eir members scattered among the sections below.,栎属Quercus,落叶,稀常绿。叶缘有锯齿或波状,雄花序为下垂的柔荑花序,总苞杯状或盘状,总苞的鳞分离,不结合成环状。 该属秋色叶金黄,红槲,欧洲观红叶树种,褐色。 共约350种,产北半球温带及亚热带。中国约90种,栓皮栎Quercus variabilis,落叶乔木,小枝无毛,树皮有厚木栓层,叶背灰白色毛,叶缘刺状锯齿侧脉延伸而成的。总苞鳞片粗刺状,果翌年成熟。 应用:秋色叶橙褐色,季相明显,在园林中孤植,丛植或与其他树混交成林,还可作为防火林。,榆科Ulmaceae 落叶乔木或灌木,小枝细弱,

30、无顶芽。单叶 互生。常二列状,托叶早落。花小,单被 花,雄蕊48与萼片同数且对生,雌蕊由2心 皮合成,子房上位,柱头2裂,翅果,坚果或 核果。 16属230种,产于北半球温带。中国产8属50 余种。,(一)榆属Ulmus,形态特征 (1)落叶乔木,罕灌木,枝条细弱柔软,冬芽不紧贴小枝。 (2)单叶互生,通常排列二列,叶边缘常具重锯齿,羽状叶脉七对以上,叶脉到达边缘处分叉,叶基部歪斜。(3)花两性,簇生或短总状花序。(4)翅果,果核周围有翅,顶端凹缺残存,2柱头。 约45种,广布北半球。中国25种,南北均产,适应性强,多产于石灰岩山地。,榆树Ulmus pumila 花早春开,翅果较小12cm,

31、无毛。 榔榆U.parvifolia 秋季开花,叶小厚2.5cm,树皮剥落,常作盆 景材料,也可作行卫树,庭荫树。 大果榆U.macrocarpa 小枝具木栓翅24,早春开花,翅果大22.5cm。,习性:榆树,大果榆分布北方,耐旱,耐寒,萌孽力强,耐修剪。榆树在寒冷地带灌木状可作绿篱;榔榆,长江流域以南,山西,陕西,河南也有分布,喜温暖气候,也能耐寒,深根系,萌发力强。,(二)榉树属Zelkova,形态特征 落叶乔木,枝条细弱,冬芽也不紧贴小枝。 单叶互生,同榆属。区别:叶边缘整齐单锯 齿似桃形,叶侧脉直伸顶端。花单性同株, 雄花簇生当年生枝条下部,雌花单生或23簇生新 枝上部。坚果。坚果上宿

32、存歪斜的柱头。 6种,中国4种。,光叶榉Zelkvoa serrata 树皮光滑,小枝紫褐色,叶整齐,侧脉814对,秋叶变色,黄,古铜,红。在石灰岩各地生长良好,稍耐荫,耐水湿,可在园林中应用,(三)朴树属Celtis,形态特征 落叶乔,灌木,枝细弱,冬芽紧贴小枝;单 叶互生,基部三主脉,叶基歪斜,边缘中部 以上具锯齿;花杂性(单性,两性同株); 核果,球形,单生或簇生叶掖。 7080种,中国21种,南北各地,黑弹树(小叶朴)Celtis bungeana 叶两面无毛,叶先端渐长尖,果黑色,果柄为叶柄2倍或更长。 朴树C. tetrandra ssp.sinensis 叶背沿脉及脉腋疏生毛。叶

33、先端急尖。果橘红色11.3cm可食,果柄与叶柄等长。 珊瑚朴C.julianae 树体高大,枝小,叶背密被黄褐色绒毛,叶大614cm,花红色,果黄色。江南广泛应用。可做行卫树,庭荫树。,(四) 青檀属Pteroceltis 1种,中国特产种。 青檀Pteroceltis tatarinowii 落叶乔木,干皮暗黑色,薄片状剥落,单叶互生,基部全缘,三主脉,侧脉不直达齿端,先端长尖或渐尖。花单性同株。小坚果有木质翅,果柄长。 主产黄河,长江流域,喜石灰性土壤,树皮作为宣纸原料,庭荫树。,简单区别本科各属 羽状脉 翅果榆属 坚果榉树 三出脉 核果朴属 坚果或翅果青檀属,胡桃科 Juglandcea

34、e,Members of the walnut family have large aromatic leaves, that are usually alternate, but opposite in Alfaroa, Oreomunnia. The leaves are pinnately compound,. The trees are wind-pollinated, the flowers usually arranged in catkins, and the fruit is a true botanical nut.,胡桃科 Juglandceae,落叶乔木,很少长绿或灌木;

35、(2)羽状复 叶、互生、无托叶;(3)雄花柔荑花序,雌 花由两个心皮组成,花单性同株(4)核果或 坚果,种子无胚乳。 8属约50种,主产北温带。中国有7属25种。,胡桃属Juglans,They are deciduous trees, 10 - 40 meters tall , with pinnate leaves 200 - 900 millimetres long , with 5 - 25 leaflets; the shoots have chambered pith. 落叶乔木 ,小枝条髓心片状,鳞芽; 奇数羽状复叶互生,有香气;肉质核果大 形、果核具不规则皱沟。,胡桃(核桃)J

36、uglans regia,小枝无毛,小叶5-枚全缘或近全缘,原产中国新疆、阿富汗、伊朗一带。船为汉朝张骞从伊朗带入内地。现各地广泛栽培,西北、华北最多。,野核桃 J.Cathyana,小枝有毛,小叶15-19枚,叶有锯齿,雄花 20-30,雌花5-10。,Wingnut 枫杨属 Pterocarya,They are deciduous trees, 10-40m tall, with pinnate leaves 20-45cm long, with 11-25 leaflets; the shoots have chambered pith, a character shared with

37、 the walnuts(Juglans). The flowers are monoecious, in catkins. The seed catkins when mature (about 6 months after pollination) are pendulous(下垂), 15-45 cm long, with 20-80 seeds strung along them. The seeds are a small nut 5-10 mm across, with two wings, one each side. In some of the species, the wi

38、ngs are short (5-10 mm) and broad (5-10 mm), in others longer (10-25 mm) and narrower (2-5 mm).,枫杨属 Pterocarya,落叶乔木,枝髓片状,冬芽有柄,裸露或 具数脱落鳞片; 奇数羽状复叶,小叶有锯齿; 雄花序生于去年侧枝,雌花序生于新枝顶 端; 果序下垂,坚果有两小苞片发育而成的 翅。 共约9种,中国7种,园林常见枫杨。,枫杨 Pterocarya stenoptera 枝髓片状,羽状复叶叶轴有翼,小叶23,缘有细锯齿,果序下垂,长20-30cm,坚果球形。 枫杨适应性强,病虫害耐湿性强,水边

39、绿化的好材料,也可做行道树,但落叶期长,不好扫地,所以公路绿化较好,公园工厂绿化,hickory山核桃属 Carya,The hickories are large, deciduous trees which tend to form upright, cylindrical crowns when grown in the open. All species have pronounced taproots which securely anchor the trees, if soil conditions allow deep root development Hickories ha

40、ve alternate, exstipulate(无托叶的), odd pinnately compound leaves which are aromatic when crushed. Leaflets are lanceolate to obovate with serrate edges (except in the Asian Carya sinensis (section Rhamphocarya) which has entire leaflet margins). Fruit matures and falls in the autumn. The outer husk de

41、hisces(裂 开) along sutures(缝合处) (more or less, depending on species and genotype) and either releases the hard shelled nut or falls still encasing the nut. Fruit production tends to be cyclic, with heavy crops produced in alternate years, with less pronounced cycles of longer duration in pecan(美洲山核桃),山核桃属 Carya,形态 (1)落叶乔木,枝髓充实;(2)雄花 序为3出柔荑花序;(3)核果外果皮木质,4 瓣裂。 薄壳山核桃(长山核桃、美国山核桃)Carya illinoensis 鳞芽,小叶11-17,有毛叶脉不对称果长圆形,较 大,核壳较薄,原产美国及墨西哥,现在我国栽培 很广。 习性 喜温暖,潮湿,耐水湿、干旱,姿态优美。 应用 园林中常作行道树庭荫树,片植水边种植也很好。,前边三科都为柔荑花序,但很易区别。 胡桃科 叶为奇数羽状复叶 核果 坚果具翅 杨柳科 单叶互生 蒴果 壳斗科 单叶互生 坚果壳斗状,


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