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1、,Autoliv Production System,Training Module Safety & Ergonomics 安全和人机工程,客户,公司,员工,社会,APS House,平准化 & 能力 连续流 拉动系统 节拍时间 多频次交付 生产线概念 柔性化能力 一物流,员工参与,安全/人机工程 柔性 & 自我激励 遵守标准化 持续改进 过程&结果 不要评判,不要指责,质量保证 质量方法 6 Sigma,质量第一,及时生产,盈利能力 竞争能力 满意度,团队合作 5S 标准化 消除浪费 TPM,“Working Safe” at Autoliv “安全工作”在Autoliv,Being Sa

2、fe生命安全,Why safety?为什么安全? Unsafe acts and/or conditions are waste or muda不安全的行为和/或条件是浪费。 Cost time and money花费时间和金钱 Distract from value-added work 分散增值工作 Hurt morale损害士气 Its the ethical thing to do它是遵守的道德规范 Prevents life impacting injuries 预防生命遇到伤害。 Shows we value people显示我们重视 人的价值。 To be safe we nee

3、d to know 为了安全我们需要知道: The hazards of our jobs我们工作的风险。 How to protect ourselves怎样保护我们自己。 How our actions affect each others safety 我们的行为怎样影响每一个其他人的安全。,Hazards,Physical身体方面 Pinch or crush points夹或粉碎点 Moving equipment that could snag clothing, hair, fingernails, etc. 会毁坏衣服、头发,指甲的运转设备。 Falling or flying

4、 objects 坠落或飞行的物体 Slips, trips, and falls 滑倒,绊倒,和跌倒 Collisions/crashes冲撞/碰撞 Electrical电气方面 Shock or electrocution电击或电死 Ergonomic人机工程 Repetitive motion/strains 重复的动作/疲劳 Unsafe postures, forces, and/or frequency 不安全的姿势,用力,和/或频率。,Chemical化学方面 Spills溢出 Exposure (burns, irritations, etc.) 爆炸(灼伤,刺激) Fire/

5、Explosion火灾/爆炸 Health健康 Diseases疾病 Drugs/alcohol毒品/酒精 Environmental环境 Heat/cold热/冷 Confined spaces 狭窄的空间 Weather天气 Natural and man made disasters自然和人造灾难 Workplace Violence工场暴力,Protecting Ourselves and Others 保护自己和其他人,Be careful when working around equipment 当绕着设备工作时注意 Make sure machine guards are in

6、 place and functioning 确信设备防护装置存在并起作用 Lock-out and tag-out equipment that is being worked on锁住工作中的电气设备并挂上警示标签 Wear appropriate protective clothing, especially eye protection 穿合适的防护服,特别眼睛防护。 Keep things from being caught in moving equipment (hair, loose clothing, jewelry, etc.) 照管好可能被运转中的设备卷入的东西(头发,宽

7、松的衣物,珠宝等等) Keep your work area clean and uncluttered 保持工作场所的干净和整洁。 Maintain easy access to eyewashes, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, exits, etc.维护容易获取的洗眼水,灭火器,报警器,安全门等等。 Remove tripping and slipping hazards消除绊倒和滑倒的风险 Keep items in appropriate storage containers/areas 保持物品在适当的存储容器/区域内,Protecting Ou

8、rselves and Others continued ,Be careful when objects can fall on you当物体有可能砸到你时小心 Make sure items arent stacked too high - chance of falling 确保它们没有堆得过高-跌落的可能 Make sure racks are secure and strong enough 确保料架是安全和足够坚固的。 Make sure items cant be pushed through racks to fall out of the other side确保物品不可能被

9、推过料架跌落在另一边。 Be careful if others are working above you stay away if possible and/or wear head protection 如果其他人工作在你停留的上方,如果可能/或带头盔。 Be careful around moving vehicles注意周围移动的车子 Only trained and authorized personnel operate moving vehicles like forklifts, tugs, trucks, etc.仅能由培训过和授权的人操作移动的车子象铲车,拖车,卡车等等

10、Stay out of the paths of moving vehicles停留在车行道之外 Make sure vehicle operators know you are there 确保车子驾驶员知道你的位置。 Follow all safety procedures and traffic signals 遵循所有安全程序和交通信号,Protecting Ourselves and Others continued ,Be careful around electricity小心周围的电源 Plug in only one device per outlet 每个电源插座仅插入一台

11、设备。 Dont use items with wires that are frayed or defective不要用有磨损或缺陷的电线。 Only trained and authorized personnel work or do repairs on anything electrical 仅仅由受过培训和授权的人员操作或维修电气部分。 Keep electrical devices away from water 保持电气设备不沾水 Keep wires out of paths where they could be tripped over保持电线不在人可能被绊倒的区域。 L

12、ock out and tag-out electrical devices being worked on锁住工作中的电气设备并挂上警示标签。 If someone is being electrocuted, immediately turn off or remove the power source (dont touch them) 如果有人触电,立即关闭或移开电源(不要接触),Protecting Ourselves and Others continued ,Practice good ergonomics好的人机工程实践 Work in comfortable postures

13、 (minimal twisting, bending, slouching) 舒适的工作姿势(最小限度的扭曲,弯曲,懒散) Minimize the force with which you do things (pushing, pinching, gripping, pulling, etc.) 最小化操作时所用的力(推,捏,夹,拉) Minimize/change the frequency/repetition of how you do things 最小化/改变操作的频率和重复 Drop/shake arms, move head, change sitting position

14、, move hands to different positions, move legs, shift weight, etc.放下/摇动手臂,移动头部,改变坐的位置,移动手到不同的位置,移动腿,举重物,等等。 Do warm up exercises before doing repetitive work 做重复性工作前做一下热身运动 Wear shoes that are comfortable with good arch support 穿舒适的鞋子 Know early warning signs of repetitive motion injuries and make a

15、djustments early 知道反复移动伤害的早期警示现象和进行早期的调整。 Tingling or numbness of fingers or hands, especially at night 手指或手的刺痛或麻木,特别在夜晚 Pain thats different than sore muscles不同于肌肉疼痛的痛苦。,Protecting Ourselves and Others continued ,Adjust the work area to fit you 把工作区域调整到适合你的需求。 Adjust tables/equipment to comfortable

16、 heights 调整桌子/设备到舒适的高度。 Have appropriate lighting有合适的亮度 Adjust racks and conveyance systems to minimize bending, lifting, and reaching 调整料架和运输系统到最小化的弯曲,举起,和取物。 Practice safe lifting techniques练习安全提升技术。 Get help lifting heavy objects举起重物寻求帮助。 Keep the weight close to your body 保持重量尽量靠近你的身体 Lift with

17、your legs (squatting down) rather than bending with your back用你的腿抬物(蹲下来)胜于弯曲你的腰。 Turn with your feet, not your back用你的腿转动,而不是腰 If you need to lean over, support your body weight by leaning on something如果你要弯下身,依靠某样物体支撑你的身体重量。,Protecting Ourselves and Others continued ,Take care when working with chem

18、icals当和化学品接触时要小心 Know the hazards associated with the chemicals you work with 知道你接触的关联的化学品的风险。 Know what protective equipment is required (e.g., eye protection, face shields, special gloves, etc.)知道什么保护措施是必须的(例如,眼睛保护,面罩,特殊的手套,等等) Make sure containers have appropriate labels确保容器有适当的标签 Contain spills

19、so they dont spread, if safe to do so 容纳溢出量,这样它们不会扩散,如果安全就这么做。 Let trained and authorized personnel clean up spills 让受训过有资格的人员清除溢出物。 Know the first-aid procedures for exposure to hazardous chemicals 知道危险化学品的急救流程。 Know the location of eye washes and showers and how to use them 知道洗眼和淋浴的位置和如何使用。,Protec

20、ting Ourselves and Others continued ,Prevent fires/explosions预防火灾和爆炸 Know the fire hazards in your area知道你工作区域失火的危险。 Strictly follow handling procedures for flammable/explosive materials 严格遵循易燃/易爆材料的处理流程。 Store flammable and explosive materials in appropriate containers and storage units 以合适的储存量和容器储

21、存易燃/易爆材料。 Keep the work area clean and dont block fire sprinklers 保持工作区域的干净和不要阻碍灭火装置。 Know how to safely use a fire extinguisher 知道怎样安全地使用灭火器。 Fight a fire only if its small and you have a safe exit route 仅仅当小火灾时参与灭火,你有一个安全逃生路线。 PASS = Pull the locking pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the t

22、rigger, Sweep from side to side 方法=拉开锁销,对准火源,压下扳机,从一边喷扫到另一边。 Pull the fire alarm when there is a fire当有火灾时拉响火灾报警。,Protecting Ourselves and Others continued ,Know how to evacuate safely知道怎样安全地疏散 Know where fire alarms are located and pull them if there is a fire or other urgent need to evacuate the b

23、uilding知道火灾警报器的所在位置,并在如果有火灾和其他紧急情况需要疏散出建筑物时拉响警报。 Always look for the nearest exit and how to get there 始终寻找最近的出口,并想办法到达那里。 Know where to gather after evacuating知道疏散后的集中点。 Know how to protect yourself from disease 知道如何预防疾病。 Wash your hands before handling food, after using the rest room, etc. 拿食物前,上洗

24、手间后洗手,等等 Assume everyone carries blood born diseases and protect yourself accordingly假定每个人携带天生的血液疾病,因而必须保护你自己。 Only trained personnel clean up blood or body fluids (or the person) 仅由受训的人员清洁血迹或体液 Only trained personnel handle bio-hazardous materials like needles, bloody rags, etc.仅由受训人员处理医用危险材料象针,带血的

25、布。,Protecting Ourselves and Others continued ,Know the effects of drugs and alcohol 知道毒品和酒精的危害 Know the drugs you are taking and how it may affect your work - let your supervisor know if you have concerns知道你获得的毒品和它可能如何影响你的工作,如果你有担心的话让你的主管知道。 Never report to work under the influence of drugs or alcoh

26、ol 决不在毒品和酒精的影响下报告工作。 Know your work environment and protect yourself accordingly知道你的工作环境并因而保护你自己。 Never enter a confined space (small area with limited access like a man hole) without proper training, authorization, and someone there with you从未在没有适当培训、授权的情况下进入一个被限制的空间(限制进入的小区域) Wear appropriate clot

27、hing to fit the environment 穿合适的衣服适应环境。 If working in extreme heat or cold, know the symptoms of heat exhaustion and hypothermia and what to do如果工作在一个极度热或冷的环境,知道轻度中暑和体温过低的征兆和怎样去避免。,Protecting Ourselves and Others continued ,Know the natural disasters that may affect you in your area and how to respo

28、nd 知道可能会影响你所在区域的自然灾难和如何反应。 How will you know whether or not to come into work? 你将怎样知道是否或不能进行工作? How will you know if your family is okay if at work? 如在工作中你将怎样知道你的家庭是否安然无恙? Have a 72 hour kit on hand to survive until help can arrive 手头有一个72小时的工具包用来依靠生存直到帮助的到来. Be aware of potential workplace violence

29、 and take preventative action 意识到潜在的工场暴力并采取预防措施 Strive to work well with coworkers and resolve issues early, before they blow up努力和同伴工作好并在问题爆发前解决. Report behaviors that may indicate potential violence 报告潜在暴力倾向的行为 Violent threats (direct, conditional - “If you do this Ill . . .”, or veiled threats th

30、at leave you guessing what they might do) 暴力的恐吓(直接的,带条件的-”如果这样做我将”, 或者隐性的恐吓留给你猜想他们可能做些什么. Extreme or bizarre behavior偏激或奇怪的行为.,Safety is a Value, Not a Program 安全是一种价值,不是一个程序,We do our work the safest way possible 我们遵循可能的最安全的方法. We watch out for others and their safety 我们密切关注其他人和他们的安全 We do this because we care . . . 我们这样做因为我们关心 About ourselves 我们自己 About those who care about us 那些关心我们的人 About those we work with 那些和我们工作的人 About the business 业务,


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