PEP小学英语四年级上册《Unit 6 Meet My Family!》精品课件.ppt

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1、Unit 6 Meet My Family!,羽泉小学 刘明,Lets do,Act like a father . Act like a mother . Act like a brother . Act like a sister .,Presentation,mother,father,me,family,mother,father,parents,uncle 叔叔、舅舅,aunt 婶婶、阿姨,baby brother,There are 6 people in my family . How many people are there in your family ?,Make a s

2、urvey,This is my dad .Hes tall and strong .,Can you introduce your family like this .,Exercises Listen and match,baby brother uncle aunt parents,Conclusion,family,parents,uncle,baby brother,aunt,Homework,Introduce your family to your deskmate . Make a family tree for your family .,Thank you soooooo much !,


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