人教版新目标英语七年级上册《Unit 1 My name′s Gina. Section B》课件.ppt

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《人教版新目标英语七年级上册《Unit 1 My name′s Gina. Section B》课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版新目标英语七年级上册《Unit 1 My name′s Gina. Section B》课件.ppt(28页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,Unit1 Section B,Cao Zhuang Middle School,Yuan Qingmiao,Whats your name?,My names Mary Green.,Whats his name?,Whats her name?,His names Alan Green.,Her names Gina Miller.,His name is Chen Long.,Chen is his last name. family name.,Long is his first name.,Her name is Cindy Green.,Green is her last nam

2、e. family name.,Cindy is her first name.,whats = what is,my names = my name is,its = it is,Im = I am,缩略形式,完全形式,0 zero,1 one,2 two,3 three,4 four,5 five,6 six,7 seven,8 eight,9 nine,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,seven,four,two,one,zero,zero,five,four,one,seven,three,six,two,eight,nine,

3、请用英语说出下列电话号码,5632945,7945862,027-6461585,7791649,2288649,Whats your phone number? Its ,63691707,13958923830,82322958,119938485,1a,Listen and repeat.,0 zero 2 two 4 four 6 six 8 eight 1 one 3 three 5 five 7 seven 9 nine,1b,Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.,_ _ _- _ _ _ _,2 7

4、8 6 9 2 6,2a,Listen and match the names and telephone numbers.,Tom _ a. 929-31_ _ Linda _ b. 398-61_ _ Bob _ c. 278-79_ _ Mary_ d. 555-80_ _,2b,Listen again and complete the phone numbers.,c,d,b,a,6,0,4,9,2,8,4,2,Whats her telephone number?,Its 82725533.,Whats your phone number?,My phone number is 88315422.,Thank you! Goodbye!,


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