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1、第二部分 教材细盘点 必修二 Unit 5 Music,目 录,常考单词,pretend(三年1考); attach (三年2考); form,冷点词汇,常考短语,rely on; break up (三年1 考); above all(三年2考),to be honest; earn; perform; familiar; addition; confident,常考句式,not . without .(三年1考),(一)基础单词(根据提示写单词) 1I put the letter in an envelope, a stamp and mailed it. 2The baby is no

2、t really crying. She is only . 32012 saw the Chinese writer Mao Yan win the Nobel Prize for literature and (获得)an international reputation.,attached,pretending,earn,4Walking is a good (形式) of exercise for both the young and the old. 5In spite of many (邀请信), he would always decline to visit Oxford.(2

3、012山东阅读B) 6James has (痛苦的), challenging, but also humorous and happy travels.(2012江西阅读B),form,invitations,painful,(二)重点单词 .根据提示写出下列单词的适当形式 7 vt. & vi.表演;履行;执行 _ n表演;演奏 n表演者 8 vi.依赖;依靠 adj.可靠的;可信赖的 9 adj.幽默的;诙谐的 n幽默 10 adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的 vt.吸 引;引起 n吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物,perform,attractive,attract,performance,rel

4、y,performer,humor,reliable,humorous,attraction,11 adj. 自信的;确信的 n自信; 信任 12 adj. 简短的;简要的 n摘要;大纲 adv. 简要地;短暂地 13 n奉献;致力于 vt.投入;热爱 adj.献身的;忠诚的 14 adj.敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的 _ n感觉;感官,brief,confident,brief,devotion,briefly,devoted,sense,confidence,devote,sensitive,.语境填词 15The doctor the operation quite well and th

5、e director was very satisfied with his and praised him as a real of difficult operations.(perform) 16I am fully of his success, for his hardworking and convince me.(confident) 17He has a sense of , and his story is _ too.(humor) 18After a pause, he began to end up the meeting with few words.(brief),

6、performed,confidence,performer,confident,performance,humorous,humor,brief,briefly,(三)帮你记单词 “音乐”单词随我记 1 adj. 古典的 2 n. 创作者 3 vt.&vi. 作(曲) 4 n. (乐队等的)指挥 5 vt. 指挥 6 n. 专辑 7 n. 曲调 8 adj. 现场的,conduct,tune,classical,composer,compose,album,live,conductor,(一)写出下列短语的汉语意思 1dream of _ 2break up _ 3above all _ 4

7、to be honest _ 5rely on _ 6or so _ 7in addition (to) _ 8sort out _,梦见;梦想;设想,打碎;分裂;解体,依赖;依靠,最重要;首先,说实在地;实话说,大约,另外;也,分类,(二)选用以上短语填空(其中有两项是多余的) 1 , I dont think we have a chance of winning. 2When she was young, she being a doctor. 3 these arrangements,extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.,To

8、 be honest,dreamed of,In addition to,4Not having been here for a long time, I have to _ my friends to help me find a job. 5It was not until then that I realized their marriage was because they had little in common. 6It took quite a while to our luggage from others.,rely on,sort out,breaking up,1.The

9、ir personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as if they were close friends. 仿写 他看上去马上就会放声大哭。 He looked burst into tears.,as if he was about to,2Each week on TV, the Monkees would play and sing songs written by other musicians. 仿写 由他所写的这部名著已经被改编成电影。 The famous n

10、ovel, , has been adapted into a film. 3Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed. 仿写 你不和我们一起去爬山的话我们就不去了。 We you joining us in climbing the mountain.,written by him,wont go without,教材原句 Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan? 你唱

11、卡拉OK时是否假装自己就是宋祖英或刘欢一样的著名歌星?,More often, it would be better if we dont pretend to feel strong when we feel weak or pretend that we are brave when were scared.(2011广东阅读A) 在我们感到脆弱时不要假装坚强,在我们感到害怕时不要假装勇敢,事情往往会变得更好些。 She pretended that she didnt know me/pretended not to know me when we met in the street.

12、我在街上见到她时,她假装不认识我。,层级训练 .基础题 用所给动词的适当形式填空 He pretended to (fall) over. She pretended to (do) her homework when her mother came in. He pretended to (be) there three days ago.,fall,have been,be doing,.能力题 句型转换 They pretended to be tourists. . He pretended that he had understood what I meant. .,They pre

13、tended that they were tourists,He pretended to have understood what I meant,(1)attach .to . 把固定(附在上) attach importance/significance/value to sth. 认为有重要性(或意义、价值等) attach to 与有联系/关联 (2)attached adj. 依恋;附属于 be attached to 附属于;依恋,Attach a recent photograph to your application form. 申请表上请贴一张近照。 教材原句 To b

14、e honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. 说实在的,许多人把名和利看得很重。 What happened would depend on how strongly the things were attached to the Earth.(2010安徽阅读B) 物体附着在地球上的强度决定了事情的发生倾向。,层级训练 .基础题 完成句子 我们大家都非常重视校车安全。 All of us the safety of school buses. 我依恋故乡的一草一木。 I every

15、 tree and bush in my hometown. 此次意外事故与他无关。 No blame him for the accident.,attach great importance to,am attached to,attaches to,.能力题 句式升级 _ (把练习变成被动语态),Great importance is attached to the safety of school buses.,.三年高考单选题 (2010江西高考)Parents _ much importance to education. They will do their best to gi

16、ve their children that priceless gift. Aattach Bpay Clink Dapply 解析:考查动词辨析。句意:父母亲都非常重视教育。他们会尽自己最大的努力给予孩子们无价的馈赠。attach much importance to“非常重视”,为习语搭配。pay“付出”,短语为pay attention to“重视,注意”;link . to . “把与联系起来”;apply to“适应”。 答案:A,But just how do people form a band? 但是人们是怎样组成一个乐队的呢?,(1)form the habit of .

17、养成的习惯 form into 组成,编成 (2)in the form of 以的形式 take the form of 采取的形式;表现为的形式 fill in/out the form 填表格 be in/out of form 处于良好的/不好的状态,Slowly the scattered pieces of information formed into a clear picture. 零散的信息慢慢地形成了一幅清晰的图画。 Her services were recognized in the form of a Militarys Medal by the French go

18、vernment.(2011陕西阅读B) 法国政府授予她军事勋章对她提供的服务给予肯定。,层级训练 .基础题 介、副词填空 Smith is form and is unlikely to run in the 100 meters race tomorrow. If shes form, she can win the match easily. Before you become a member of the club, please fill the form.,out,in,of,in/out,.能力题 英汉互译 The habits you form will increase y

19、our chances of success.(2012江苏任务型阅读改编) _ 这位老人已养成了每天早晨早起的习惯。 _ _,你形成的习惯将会增加你成功的机会。,The old man has formed the habit of getting up early every morning.,Though Yeats generally relied on very traditional forms, he brought modern sensibility to them. (2011重庆阅读D) 尽管在一般情况下叶芝依靠非常传统的形式,但是他也把现代的(感伤)情调融入到他的诗歌里

20、。,教材原句 As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to rely on other musicians to help them. 由于一些演员唱得不够好,他们只好依靠别的乐手来帮助他们。 You can rely on it that it will rain this weekend. 你放心好了,本周末一定会下雨。,层级训练 .基础题 完成句子 老实说,他并不是可以信赖的人。 To be honest, he is not a man . 不要指望去国外度假,我们可能负担不起。 Dont for our

21、 holiday;we may not be able to afford it.,who can be relied on,rely on going abroad,.能力题 一句多译 你可以相信我会帮助你。 1 _ 2 _ 3 _,You can rely on it that I can help you.,You can rely on my helping you.,You can rely on me to help you.,教材原句 The band broke up about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mid1980s.

22、乐队在1970年左右解散了,但令人高兴的是,他们在80年代中期又重组起来了。,My car broke down, and I was stuck by the highway for an hour before someone stopped to help.(2012福建阅读C) 我的车抛锚了,我在高速公路上等了一个小时才有人停下来帮忙。 And as so often in China when someone comes up with a good idea, many others rush in and price wars break out.(2010全国卷阅读C) 就像在

23、中国经常发生的情况一样,当有人提出一个好主意,很多人就会掺和进来,于是价格战就爆发了。,层级训练 .基础题 写出下列句中break up的含义 The space shuttle Challenger broke up in the air. _ The company has been broken up into several independent companies to improve productivity. _ The meeting didnt break up until deep at night. _ Did you know that Kate broke up w

24、ith her boyfriend? _,解体,分手,分解,结束,:能力题 根据英汉提示完成小片段 从看守者手中逃脱后,囚犯绝望地闯入了一间屋子。警察克服了很多困难,最终将其逮捕。 the guards, the prisoner desperately a room. The police _ much hardship and arrested him at last.,broke through,Having breaking away from,broke into,:三年高考单选题 (2012陕西高考)He had to pause from time to time to wipe

25、 the sweat from his forehead, because the airconditioning system _. Abroke in Bbroke up Cbroke out Dbroke down 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:他必须不时地停下来擦额头上的汗,因为空调坏了。break in“打断”; break up“结束;(使)分解”;break out “(战争、打斗等不愉快事件)突然发生;爆发”; break down“损坏; 发生故障”。 答案:D,教材原句 Above all, just have fun! 最重要的是一定要开心。 Above all, the

26、 real poet is a master of words.(2010全国卷阅读E) 最为重要的是,真正的诗人是语言的巨人。,After all, women had grown so used to shirts which buttoned from the left and would have to develop new habits and skills to switch.(2010重庆阅读C) 毕竟,妇女们已习惯于在左边扣纽扣,并且为了改变扣纽扣的习惯需要培养新的习惯和技能。 关键一点 above all重在强调所列举内容在所有事物中的位置最为重要。first of all

27、, first及firstly侧重于强调列举事物的顺序,用于举例时表示“首先,第一”。,层级训练 .基础题 选词填空: above all, first of all What a student should do, , is to do well in his studies. , let me tell you the news.,above all,First of all,.能力题 根据英汉提示完成小片段 你根本不该责备那个小男孩,他毕竟还是个孩子。更为重要的是,他总共出了两处错误。 You should not have scolded the boy ; he is a chil

28、d . , he made only two mistakes .,at all,after all,Above all,in all,.三年高考单选题 (2011安徽高考)To be great, you must be smart, confident, and, _, honest. Atherefore Babove all Chowever Dafter all 解析:考查副词辨析。句意:想要优秀,你必须聪明、 自信,更重要的是诚实。above all 表示“首先,最重要的是”。A项表示“因此”; C项表示“然而”;D项表示“毕 竟”,都不符合语意。 答案:B,not . witho

29、ut .意为“没有就不能”。这是一种双重否定句式,表示肯定意义。 Modern technology is what we cant live without.(2011浙江阅读A) 现代技术是我们生活中不能缺少的东西。,(1)常见的双重否定结构还有: no (not) . no (not) . 没有没有 no (never) . without . 没有不;除不 nothing . not/no/否定意义的前缀 没有不 Use your head and you will find nothing is impossible in the world. 动脑筋你就会发现世上无难事。,(2)常

30、见的用否定形式表示肯定意义的结构有: cannot . too . 越越;无论怎 样也不为过 cannot wait to do sth. 急于做某事 cannot help doing sth. 禁不住/忍不住做某事 When we watched the clown performing, we could not help laughing. 看小丑表演时,我们情不自禁地大笑起来。,层级训练 .基础题 完成句子 听到这个消息,他禁不住笑了起来。 At the news, he . 由于就要下雨,他急着离开。 Because it was going to rain, he .,could

31、nt help laughing,could not wait to leave,:能力题 英汉互译 The two can never watch Feng Gongs performance without laughing. _ 他所说的并非没有道理。 _,这两个人看冯巩的表演没有不笑的时候。,What he has said is not without reason.,.三年高考单选题 (2011陕西高考)I _ through that bitter period without your generous help. Acouldnt have gone Bdidnt go Cw

32、ouldnt go Dhadnt gone 解析:考查虚拟语气。句意:假如当时没有您慷慨相助,我就不会度过那段艰难的时期。英语中, without, with, or, otherwise 等可构成含蓄虚拟语气,相当于条件状语从句“If it hadnt been your generous help”,表示与过去事实相反,此时句中的谓语动词应用should/could/would have过去分词。据此可知A项当选。 答案:A,1to be honest说实在地;实话说 honestly(speaking) 说实在地;实话说 be honest in doing sth. 在做某事方面诚实

33、He is very honest in doing business. 他做生意很诚实。 2earn vt.赚;挣得;获得 Jobs earned his living by selling computers when he was 19 years old. 乔布斯19岁时便以卖电脑为生。,3perform vt.&vi.表演;履行;执行 perform an operation/experiment 做手术/实验 perform ones promise/duty 履行诺言/责任 performance n. 表演;演奏 put on a performance/performance

34、s 表演 Did they put on a good performance? 他们演得好吗?,4familiar adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的 be/get familiar with熟悉;与熟悉起来 Actually, we are not very familiar with recycling. 实际上,我们对循环利用并不熟悉。 5addition n加;增加;加法 in addition (to)另外;也 In addition to these, extra police will be on duty until midnight. 除了这些之外,另增的警察会值班到深夜。,6

35、confident adj.自信的;确信的 be confident about sth. 对有信心 be confident of doing sth. 对(做)有把握 They are confident of saying that the economic situation is improving. 他们满怀信心地说,经济形势在好转。,1(2013青岛质检)The company always _ great importance to the quality of their products. Thats why there is always a steady increas

36、e in sales year by year. Amakes Battaches Cplays Dputs 解析:考查动词辨析及固定用法。句意:公司总是很重视产品质量,因此每年销售量都有稳定增长。attach importance to .是固定词组,意为“重视;认为很重要。”所以应选B。 答案:B,2(2013宁波高三质检)Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request _ a question. Ain search of Bin the form of Cin need of Din the direction of 解析:考查介词

37、短语辨析。句意:如果你以问题的形式提出要求听起来有礼貌的多。in the form of“以形式”; in search of“寻找”;in need of“需要”;in the direction of“朝方向”。 答案:B,3(2013江西师大附中高三质检)As far as Im concerned, he never breaks his word; you can rely on _ that hell come to meet you on time. Ahim Bit Cyourself Done 解析:考查it作形式宾语。句意:在我看来,他从不食言;你放心,他会按时来见你的。分

38、析句子结构可知要用it作形式宾语,后面that引导的从句为真正的宾语。 答案:B,4(2013广西桂林十八中模拟)Jess was sad and her friends helped her _ the first awful weeks after her husband Bill died. Abreak up Bbreak down Cget through Dget rid of 解析:考查动词短语的含义。句意:杰斯的丈夫比尔死后,她很难过,她的朋友帮她度过了那糟糕的前几周。break up“打碎;分裂;解体”;break down“分解;身体垮掉”;get through“完成;度

39、过”;get rid of“摆脱”。 答案:C,5(2013福建师大附中高三质检)I am sorry I didnt finish the task. Never mind._, you have tried your best. AAbove all BIn all CAt all DAfter all 解析:考查短语意义。答句句意:不要紧,毕竟,你已经尽了最大努力。after all“毕竟;终究”,与句意相符。 答案:D,6(2013衡水模拟)I could not have finished the work in time _ your help. Awith Bbecause of

40、 Cas a result of Dwithout 解析:句意:如果没有你的帮助,我是不可能及时完成工作的。not . without .为双重否定,表达的是肯定的意思。 答案:D,7(2013合肥七校大联考)He pretended _ when his father stepped into his room. Ato study Bstudying Cto be studying Dto have studied 解析:pretend接不定式的进行时,意为“假装正在干 某事”。 答案:C,.根据提示翻译句子 1他依靠(rely on)信心和毅力三十年如一日地练习唱歌。 _ _ 2最重要的

41、(above all)是他的歌深受群众的喜爱。 _ 3他十分看重(attach importance to)人们给与他的帮助。 _ _,He relies on his confidence and persistence to practise singing for 30 years.,Above all, his songs are popular with people.,He attaches great importance to the help people have offered.,4没有(without)这些帮助,他就不可能(cant)取得这么大的 进步。 _ 5他曾许诺

42、他和歌迷的联系永远不分开(break up)。 _ _,He cant make so much progress without the help.,He has promised that the relation between him and his devoted fans will never break up.,.加入适当过渡词,联句成篇 参考范文: _ _,He relies on his confidence and persistence to practise singing for 30 years, and above all, his songs are popular with people. He attaches great importance to the help


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