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1、部 门: QC小组:施工技术小组 发表人: 日 期:2012年10月21日,QC小组薄壁空心墩墩滑模施工外观质量及垂直度控制,2019/7/7,0,工程概况,2019/7/7,1,液压滑升模板简介,液压滑升模板是一种具有自升设备,能随砼的浇筑自行向上滑升的模板装置,由模板系统、操作系统和液压滑升系统组成,利用液压千斤顶沿支承杆(支承杆埋于砼中)向上爬升,带动整个滑模装置边浇筑边上升的一种连续成型的快速施工方法。滑模施工不用支架,不需周期拆装,用材省,劳力消耗少,施工进度快,结构整体性好,安全可靠,适用于现场浇筑高耸的钢砼结构,但模板一次性投资较大。,2019/7/7,2,3,(一)小组概况,(

2、三)确定目标值,主要内容,(二)现状调查,(五)确定主要原因,(四)主要原因分析,(六)制定对策,(八)巩固措施,(七)效果检查,(九)遗留问题及今后打算,2019/7/7,小组概况,2019/7/7,4,2.人员结构及文化技术素质结构、组内分工,2019/7/7,5,6,2019/7/7,选题理由,1)薄壁空心墩混凝土外观质量控制 薄壁空心墩液压滑模施工具有较强的连续性,施工进度快,施工时对混凝土外观影响较大。通过施工观测外观质量欠佳,需要采取措施改进砼外观质量。 2)薄壁空心墩混凝土施工平整度及垂直度控制 薄壁空心墩液压滑模施工具有一定的专一性,液压滑模施工的重点是施工方案的选择、人员的组

3、织培训及模具的配备。水平及垂直度的控制及纠偏是滑模工程中的一个难点,也是一个质量重点监控项目,由于存在工艺粗疏、管理随意,形成平整度及垂直度超差的的质量问题。,2012年8月以前本工程质量状况 小组通过查证2012年8月以前施工薄壁墩,调查数据如下: 本工程已施工的两个薄壁空心墩合格率表 调查显示已施工薄壁空心墩的平整度及垂直度平均合格率为81%,低于项目要求的95%。且外观较差。,选定课题 提高混凝土外观质量,纠正平整度及垂直度偏差。,2019/7/7,7,二、现状调查,2012年07月10日10月20日,QC小组成员对现场施工的第24、26、27、28号薄壁空心墩滑模的外观、平整度及垂直度

4、进行观测统计,外观为目测,平整度为2米水平尺检查,垂直度检查观测方法为用精密全站仪观测模板四角顶点,水准仪配合定标高。结果如下表。因此得出结论是先施工的27、28号各项指标明显差于改正后的24、26号,为达到要求,需要按QC小组加强公关,持续改进。,目标值 要做好过程控制,保证滑模过程薄壁空心墩平整度、垂直度不超出允许范围,即垂直度合格率由活动前的81%提高到95%,混凝土外观大幅改善。见下图:,设定目标,小组活动目标柱状图,合格率,95% 90% 81% 80% 60% 40% 10% 0 QC活动前 活动后目标值,100%,2019/7/7,8,9,2019/7/7,目标论证,本项目部人员

5、质量意识较 强,技术素质较好,学习积 极性较高 。,本项目部人员团结务实, 具有不达目的不罢休的敬 业精神,工作热情高。,根据施工组织、工艺及现场施工人员的 经验,要达到预期目标是可以实现的。,10,2019/7/7,原因分析,通过现状调查及现场观测,小组于2012年10月7日召开小组会议,群策群力,对平整度、垂直度不合格的点位展开充分讨论,找出了影响合格率的问题,并绘制了因果分析树图。,砼外观差 平整度及 垂 直度超差,人员,材料,机具,方法,责任心及质量意识差,施工技能不高,,技术培训少,未进行交底,模板变形老化,支撑杆数量不够。,用于观测的全站仪需要精准校正,混凝土振捣方法不对,单一的振

6、捣一侧,环境,操作台上人员物体等荷载分布不均匀,混凝土浇筑方法不规范,单一的进行一侧浇筑,油压千斤顶质量不合格,高程数据,垂直度测量数据失真,单一侧受到混凝土荷载和外在振捣力影响,平台倾斜,平台倾斜,模板不平整,每侧爬升不一致,导致操作平台倾斜,每侧爬升不一致,导致操作平台倾斜,分析树图,要因确认 通过分析树图,小组成员对各个影响因素进行了讨论,确认要因。 要因确认一:人员 验证方法:1.查验现场交底记录及培训记录;2.现场随机抽取操作工人,进行专业知识提问。 验证结果:1.交底记录及培训记录齐全;2.操作工人掌握专业操作理论知识并具有责任心。 结论:非要因 要因确认二:材料 验证方法:查验圆

7、钢质量合格证及复试报告。 验证结果:有圆钢质量合格证且均合格。 结论:非要因 要因确认三:机具 验证方法: 1.查验油压千斤顶质量合格证; 2.查验全站仪、水准仪校验合格证。仪器是否 满足检查要求,增加精准仪器进行检查。 3.目测模板平整度,很差。 验证结果: 1.有油压千斤顶质量合格证且合格; 2.有合格的仪器校验 合格证已过期。 3.需要更换新模板。 结论:是要因,施工人员现场教育培训,2019/7/7,11,12,要因确认,2019/7/7,要因确认四:方法 验证方法: 1.现场查验操作工人对混凝土浇筑、振捣的合格性和规范性; 2.桁架滑模控制点检查,是否满足施工要求;抽查模板中线检查

8、方法及频率。 验证结果: 1.对三个班次的混凝土振捣进行查验,混凝土振捣均匀、规范; 对三个班次的混凝土浇筑方法进行查验,发现有两个班次的工人 混凝土浇筑的方法不规范,单一的对某一部位和区域浇筑而忽略了 其他部位,导致垂直度超差; 2.控制点过少,检查频率过低,方法单一。 结论:是要因 要因确认五:环境 验证方法:现场查验操作平台荷载分布情况。 验证结果: 1.对三个班次的操作平台荷载分布情况进行查验,上部分布振动 棒4台、电焊机2台,液压控制台1台及钢筋等主要设备和材料,且 明显分布于一侧。 2.操作工人共11人分布在同一侧进行混凝土浇筑。很明显,操作台 一侧由于荷载比另一侧大,导致该侧倾斜

9、,浇筑完毕的混凝土筒壁 垂直度超差。 结论:是要因,增加激光对中器检查,平整度检查,13,制定对策,2019/7/7,针对上述要因,通过小组分析讨论,制定如下对策:,14,2019/7/7,实施一:细化施工方案并制定专项方案 在原有滑模施工方案(2012.07.1编制)的基础上进行细化,编制补充专项施工方案,保证薄壁空心墩施工标准规范。,M/s XINJIANG BEIXIN, Road & Bridge Construction Co. Ltd., House No. 16, Street 25th, F-6/2, Islamabad. Kind Attn.: Mr. Wang Mingji

10、ang, Project Manager. Contract No. HW-RHB-FB-2012-3 dated April 8, 2012. Reference Letter: 3366/037/ZM/A-01/0335 dated Sept. 19, 2012. Subject: DISLOCATION OF TOP OF PIERS AT GRIDS 27 AND 28 Sir, The slipforming method of construction is different than conventional formwork system, as the continuous

11、 movement of formwork does not allow use of tie bolts as used in conventional formwork. Higher slump and flowing concrete will allow less vibration in form. The tolerances allowed in slipforming form of construction are also different than conventional formwork construction. The dislocation of top o

12、f Pier # 27 & 28 happened due to the following reasons: 1.The centerline of Pier 28 got disturbed at 1st Diaphragm due to changed made in the slip formwork to accommodate it to allow slipforming beyond 1st Diaphragm. We requested for reestablishing the centerline after the dislocation was not reduci

13、ng, but were not able to get the centre line reconfirmed. Thus, the dislocation remained even though we tried to bring it back by moving one side of forms more than the other. In Pier # 27 the centre was reconfirmed before start of slipform after 1st Diaphragm, giving us more control on alignment of

14、 slipform. 2.As requested in our Concreting method and Method Statement for slipform submitted earlier, we required concrete slump greater than 150 mm and flowing concrete for placing the forms. On many occasions we had place concrete that was stiff and slump was below 150 mm, which was also flowed

15、in chutes with great difficulty. The result of placing concert of this nature was that, it stiffened quickly in forms i.e. reaching initial setting well before it leaves below the forms. The concrete not being plastic in forms does not allow adjustment in wall dimension as we desire and the differen

16、ce will remain or increase. Another problem that we faced in Pier #27 was due to concrete not being plastic in forms on one side of Pier while other side remained plastic it stiffened and grabbed the recovery tubes attached to Jacks. This caused the level difference in slipform thus causing the plum

17、bs to go out of centre axis. 3.As mentioned in point 2 above, the delay in concrete of being received on site after ordering it caused the top layer to stiffen instead of remaining plastic for new layer to be placed over it. This caused adjustment of forms difficult as the concrete in forms was not

18、in plastic stage.,对策实施,The rectification for the above mentioned reasons we are making following changes. 1.In Pier # 26, we have taken the outer coordinates as well as centre line of Pier on Pile cap. These centre line on all four side will be transferred to Pier wall and will be shifted on Pier wa

19、ll as slipform rises. The centre on the forms will be rechecked with these centre lines at 6 hourly intervals, if there are any variation (which is possible due the moving nature of slipforms and tolerances allowed as Per ACI 117) they will be corrected accordingly. The centre line being shifted upw

20、ard along the Pier wall will also be rechecked using laser instrument with the original mark on the bottom. Also, as in earlier Piers the Main Contractor will continue to check the co-ordinates of the pier each day. 2.As mentioned above the stoppage at Diaphragms caused the messing up of centre line

21、 due to changes made in slipforms from diaphragm to diaphragm (removal of yokes and changes in forms). We have decided to slipform the pier from pile cap to pier top in one go and cast diaphragms after dismantling of slipform. This will also speed up pier construction as casting of diaphragm holds u

22、p slipforms for eight days, which increases the time of Pier construction by slipform. 3.When the order is placed for concrete for placing in slipforms, we have estimated that by the time concrete arrives we will have space in forms for its placing and the concrete being placed will be able to bond

23、with previous layer with limited vibration. If concrete has less slump or is stiff, excessive vibration will be carried out, which will affect concrete finish and dimension adjustment made difficult. So, Slump more than 150 mm and flowing concrete is required for placing in slipform. Thus, time supp

24、ly of concrete is also requested to allow us to keep the top concrete layers in plastic state and allow adjustments of forms with ease. The taking of centre line along the sides of Pier in Pier 26 will allow us to control the dimension of Pier with tolerances for slipforming (as per ACI 117). Also,

25、the other point of concrete being plastic in forms and slump of 150 mm at placing time in forms, with less vibration, will help in finish as well forms adjustment in slipform. Thanking you for your co-operation. For Construction Equipment Services (Pvt.) Limited (NASEER A. KHAN) Chief Executive,2019




29、法编制汇入薄壁空心墩滑模施工方案,后续各墩的施工遵循并跟进持续改进。 2、通过跟踪调查,在实践中此工艺运用成术后,形成文字编入滑模施工工法中,可指导后续工程。 3、培养一批有经验的熟练工人,储备一批技术人才,保证后续工程施工质量。,活动体会,通过本次小组活动,我小组成员的QC活动组织和管理能力得到了很大的提高。我们认为通过不断探索新的施工技术和管理方法,能够不断提高工程质量和管理质量。,2019/7/7,24,遗留问题及今后打算,2019/7/7,随着施工领域的蓬勃发展,施工设备和施工工艺将会不断更新,新工艺的学习教育培训有待加强。 经过QC小组成员的努力,解决了本项目薄壁空心墩施工中的一些技术问题,达到了课题预定目标。但本次活动是在施工过程中摸索实践的方式下解决所面临的问题,具有一定的风险也影响了施工进度、质量,增加了施工成本,对于如何在施工前期就做好技术准备,进一步简化工序,加快施工速度,节约成本等方面,应继续立题作深入研究。 我们QC小组成员今后工作打算是跟踪盖梁施工,50米预应力T梁施工工艺,为公司海外工作提供最前沿施工工艺资料。,25,26,2019/7/7,


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