初中人教版新目标英语九年级精品课件Unit11 Section B2.ppt

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1、Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,Unit 11,Section B Period Two,Objectives,To learn to understand and use indirect questions To read, write and speak asking for information politely,Review,Words and expressions,Read the words and expressions loudly.,slide water slide clown staff organ

2、ized dress up market,n. 滑道;滑槽;滑动装置 水滑道 n. 小丑;丑角 adj. 职员;工作人员;全体职员 adj. 有组织的;安排有序的 穿上盛装;装扮 n. 市场;集市广场,watertown,clowns,dress up,dress up as clowns,Eat,have fun and learn in Watertown!,Clown City Cafe,Uncle Bobs,organized games, clowns,Science Museum,rock bands,dance lessons,Farmers Market,Sports Muse

3、um,History Museum,Read the article and fill in the chart.,3a,3b,Complete this guide to Sunville. Use the information from activities 2a.,SUNVILLE has something for everyone. If youre looking for museums, _,There is a computer museum in Sunville. There are lots of good restaurants in Sunville. Green

4、Land has delicious salads. There are very clean public restrooms at the corner of Market and Main streets.,4,Role play. One student is an information booth worker, and the other students are tourists. The tourists ask questions about your city.,Language points, and eat at Uncle Bobs. 【经典习题】选词填空: - A

5、re you going to _ ( Mrs Cool / Mrs Cools / the Mrs Cools) with us this Sunday afternoon, Fred? - Yes, of course. 【要点点拨】at Uncle Bobs意为“在鲍勃叔叔的餐馆”,相当于at Uncle Bobs restaurant。“在某人家里”可用“介词at +某人的名词所有格”形式。如:at the doctors 在诊所,Mrs Cools,They have organized games and the staff dress up as clowns. 【经典习题】完成

6、句子: (1) 孩子们正在自己的房间里装扮。 The children are _ _ in their room. (2) 我女儿经常装扮成美羊羊取乐。 My daughter often _ _ _ Pretty Sheep to have fun.,dressing up,dresses up as,【要点点拨】dress up意为“穿上盛装、打扮、装扮”;常与as连用,表示“打扮成”。 【拓展延伸】 dress作动词时,可表示“给某人穿衣”,常用于下列结构:dress sb. 给别人穿衣服;dress oneself 自己穿上衣服。 还常用于be dressed in结构,表示“某人穿

7、戴着什么服饰或某人的穿戴风格”。如: They were dressed in festival clothes. 他们穿着节日的盛装。,Tips for teacher,Let the word fly 板块是帮助学生学 习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。 通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见词 的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解。,She led me into the drawing-room. 她带我进入客厅。 引导;领(路),Let the word fly,lead,试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词lead的用法。,2. The military band led the parade. 军乐队走在

8、游行队伍的前面。 走在(队伍等)的最前头 3. What led him to resign his office? 什么事导致他辞职的? 诱使;致使 4. They will let the young man lead the fight. 他们将让这位年轻人领导这一仗。 领导;指挥;率领,5. He leads his class in English. 他的英语成绩全班第一。 (在比赛等中)领先 6. We lead a very quiet life. 我们过着非常安静的生活。 过(活); 使过(某种生活) 以上句子中,lead是及物动词。,You lead and well fol

9、low. 你领路,我们跟着。 2. That door leads into the garden. 那扇门通向花园。 3. He has a desire to lead. 他有领袖欲。 4. Which horse is leading? 哪匹马现在领先? 以上句子中lead作不及物动词。,此外lead还可以作名词。试着翻译下列句子。 All the children followed his lead. 所有的孩子都学习他的榜样。 指导,榜样 2. Our team was in the lead at half time. 我们队在前半场领先。 领先地位,活学活用,从上面给出的例句中我

10、们可以看到lead这个词的含义非常丰富。请根据以上例句,选择两到三个lead的不同含义进行造句。,Review,课时重点回顾,have fun, a great place, take a vacation, visit the worlds largest water slides, eat at Uncle Bobs, a different rock band, play at Uncle Bobs, organize games, dress up as clown, love good food, delicious and cheap, take the dance lessons

11、 on the beach, spend many happy hours walking through,从方框内选择正确的短语,并用其正确 形式填空。 It takes her quite a long time _ every morning. 2. The family planned _ to the seaside this summer.,have fun look for dress up take a vacation take dance lessons,to dress up,to take a vacation,3. The kids are _ playing in

12、the park now. 4. - My grandparents are _ in a dance club. - I cant believe it! They are over eighty! 5. After two hours, she found her lost cat she _.,having fun,was looking for,taking dancing lessons,have fun look for dress up take a vacation take dance lessons,Preview,To preview the new words and expressions What do people do when they meet for the first time? To find some table manners in different countries,Write a guide to your city or town.,Thank you.,


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